"Is it still possible to move?" Although I can't see the energy display, I also understand some magic technology after all. Katyusha's impossible power armor is infinite power, and the best energy substance that the Russians can find now is the processed liquefied magic crystal. Lucky them sprayed so many times just now, the energy consumed by them is absolutely terrifying. So, even if I can't see the energy display, I know that Katyusha's energy is about to bottom out.

"Need to continue?" Ling turned his head and asked me.

"Of course."

Ling turned his head and looked towards the lucky them, then waved his hand again. Xiao San quickly evacuated, Crystal followed suit and pounced on it, and then continued Long Yan spraying. Although I only have four giant dragon familiars, because Xiao San has three heads, he can play six dragon fire jets in one round. Even if Katyusha's protective cover is of super energy-saving type, I can be sure that it should reach its limit after having withstood the dragon flame six times in a row.

Sure enough, after the crystal dragon flame sprayed, Katyusha's protective cover was still there, but that layer of protective cover was flashing, obviously the energy was about to bottom out. .

"Master, there is no stock!" Plague and Lucky they returned and said to me.

I nodded and said: "You take a rest and let Mila get on."


Although Mila doesn't spray dragon inflammation, Her ruin ray is actually bigger than Long Yan's formidable power. Fortunately, as soon as they disappeared, Mira immediately appeared on top of my head, followed by a destructive ray that accurately hit Katyusha who had just crawled out of the lava pool.

As soon as she climbed out of the big pit that was burned into lava by the dragon flame, Katyusha was bombarded out again before she had time to observe the situation. Her huge body rolled in the air and flew out more than 20 meters before being stopped by a big tree, and then she was seen rolling along the trunk and falling to the ground, and the protective shield on her body was also there. The moment she landed, it was completely extinguished.

Katyusha suddenly heard a "beep" after landing, and the picture in her helmet instantly cut from green to red, and at the same time, there was an extra beep in her sight. Rapidly decreasing numbers. When this number first appeared, it showed ten thousand, and then it began to count down like a stopwatch, and the time value dropped from ten thousand to nine thousand eight in a daze.

"Damn it!" As a special experimenter of this experimental power armor, Katyusha certainly understands the various performances and operations of this thing. Her field of vision was switched to red, which means that the body condition is abnormal, and the countdown that pops up suddenly indicates that the main energy of the power armor has been exhausted, and the backup energy is now being used.

Although the performance of Banshee House’s mid-power armor looks good, it’s not as simple as in reality, and many things can’t be done as easily as in reality, so this set of power armor looks very good. Niu, in fact, has many flaws. One of the biggest shortcomings is that the power consumption is too large. If you do not activate the energy-intensive equipment such as protective shields, magic cannons, and jet thrusters, just close combat, the energy carried by this power armor can support about an hour of combat. Generally speaking, this time is not too short. However, this hour is pure melee consumption. Even if you don't need to use magic cannons in close combat, you can't help but turn on the protective cover of defensive power and the thruster for acceleration, right? So, in fact, this power armor is simply impossible to fight continuously for an hour, and if it is frequently attacked, the consumption rate of the protective cover may even use up all energy within a few minutes.

Because they knew that this thing consumes too much energy, the engineers at Banshee’s house, MM, installed a backup energy tank for this thing, but the backup energy is after all auxiliary, and the main energy It is incomparable. When the power armor is switched to the standby energy mode, a countdown of 10,000 will appear in its field of vision. If the movable armor remains completely still at this time, the value of 10,000 will probably go down in two seconds. Reduction, which means that the value of 10,000 points can be maintained for 20,000 seconds. Of course, that is the energy consumption at rest. Once the mobile armor moves, the energy consumption speed will rise linearly. However, in order to prevent the power armor from being suddenly paralyzed due to the exhaustion of energy, in this backup energy mode, the protective cover and the magic cannon are unusable, and only its own power and jet thrusters can be used. Simply speaking, standby energy is designed to escape, not for combat.

After seeing the countdown, Katyusha really jumped up from the ground, and immediately looked towards the crowd of Russian players rushing past when the propeller behind her suddenly ignited.

I was a little puzzled by Katyusha's sudden escape, but soon I understood why she had to run, because after she rushed into the crowd, she immediately rushed to the side of a still sealed box. After that, she suddenly opened a card slot behind her, and only heard a sound, two metal cans that were sixty centimeters long and slightly thicker than a thermos suddenly popped out of her back. After the two things were ejected, the MMs next to him immediately pulled out two identical cans from the box next to them and stuffed them back from the opening, and after the two new cans were stuffed in, The protective shield on Katyusha immediately lit up, but because there was no attack, the protective shield just flashed and went out.

"It turns out that this thing uses a battery." After seeing the other party changing the two jars, he immediately got up lively dragon and animated tiger. Ling, who had experienced real life, immediately understood the thing. The role of.

"It is a good design to be able to replace the battery, but the battery life is too short. If you are attacked by a concentrated attack, you can't hold it for 3 minutes, and it is shorter than the Japanese Superman!" I watched Said.

Ling turned his head and asked me: "Would you like to grab a can and come and study it?"

I shook the head and said: "No need. If you use a pressure cylinder, it will only be possible. It’s the liquefied magic crystal steam. Banshee’s house is probably the strongest energy source that can be found. This mobile armor consumes fast energy, probably because the power conversion device of Banshee’s house is too worn, so low-level things we No. Tell everyone to let go and attack, I only need the transmitter on its arm, the miniature shield generator and the shock absorption system. It doesn’t matter if other things are broken."

" Understand."

Since there is no need to keep hands, my familiars no longer have to attack carefully. Mira directly raised her head and took a deep breath to gather energy, and then suddenly bowed her head as Katyusha changed the energy and rushed out of the crowd. A red beam of light as thick as a train tunnel instantly covered Katyusha. The protective cover lights up immediately, but the energy progress bar drops one third in an instant.

As soon as the enhanced version of Destroy Ray on Mira’s side was over, the tank and the tank copied by Eminis using a real mirror image appeared on my left and right, followed by two identical tanks at the same time. The transmitter instantly rises and starts charging. Katyusha over there was just blown away by Mira’s destruction beam to a distance of more than a hundred meters, and just now she got up, didn't expect two light beams to hit her again indiscriminately. Although the launch speed of the tank is not comparable to Mira, the formidable power is definitely above Mira’s destruction rays.

Katyusha, who was bombarded by two identical tanks, was bombarded for several hundred meters before she stood up completely, and she didn’t know how many big trees she broke along the way. , And finally hit the ground with a bang.

When Ling and I rushed to the place where Katyusha landed, she had completely stopped activities. The protective shield that had always protected her is now completely unresponsive, and the power armor on her body has obviously been penetrated in several places, the most serious of which is the part where the left arm is connected to the body. The movement mechanism in this place may be more Weak, the explosion just now seemed to have completely torn off this place, and looking at the bending direction, it is estimated that the arm of the driver inside must have also been broken.

"It seems to have stopped working." Ling said, looking at the motionless Katyusha.

I nodded and waved forward, the king and the second immediately walked over, one person stepped on each other’s arms, followed by Jingjing and Lingling, respectively, pressing her legs, and finally I just walked over and started to dismantle her armor by myself.

I don’t know if it’s because of the design to prevent falling apart in battle. This thing seems to be difficult to disassemble. I researched on her body for a long time and couldn’t find the opening position. If this is a pure machine like a mobile angel, I wouldn't mind moving it away, but the problem is that there is still someone here. I didn't get any notice of the death of the other party just now, which means that the driver was still alive, but was in a coma. If I move her back, and she wakes up suddenly, don't I trouble myself? So even if it is violently used, it must be dismantled.

"Turn her over." I jumped off the power armor and said to the king and them.

The king immediately let go, and then turned Katyusha over and turned face down. Although I don't know how to take this thing apart, I just saw them changing the power tank to this thing, so I plan to unplug the thing first. As long as there is no power, this thing is just a pile of scrap iron.

Find the opening of the previous power plug-in, use Eternal to cut off the connection mechanism, and then pry open the upper armor plate to see the power tank hidden inside. I reached out and grabbed a power tank and tried to pull it out a few times, but I couldn't move it at all. After carefully observing the structure inside, I cut off a few connecting rods with eternity, and then pulled it out. I immediately pulled the thing out.

After removing the two big cans in the same way, I just started directly from this position, cut out several things that looked like a whole structure with eternity, and then cut the opening on the back of the motorized armor. Expanded, but when I was about to use this method to completely disassemble it, the mobile armor suddenly moved.

"Oops. That woman woke up!"

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