I said that Katyusha's power was useless to me, but it was not a joke. Although I rarely use it before, one thing will not change because I don't use it, that is, I actually know Primal Chaos Fist. Not the kind of Primal Chaos Fist that great grandfather keeps fit, but the real Primal Chaos Fist.

Primal Chaos Fist, in fact, the biggest specialty is using the weak to defeat the strong, using soft to defeat the strong. I have been useless before, mainly because this thing is basically useless for my usual battles. My attribute points and level determine that my power and other attributes are much higher than the average player. It's like a burly man fighting with a kindergarten kid. Even if the kid hits a punch with all his strength, it is soft to the big guy. In this case, you still let the big guy play with Primal Chaos Fist. The children’s punches are four or two in total. You ask the big man to use a thousand kilograms of power. This is not Tai Chi. This is because you are making trouble for yourself. If you accidentally use too much force, you will flash your waist.

So, even though I know Primal Chaos Fist, it's totally useless at ordinary times. Unless you encounter some super cow high level NPCs, or top players like Gunslinger, I don't need Primal Chaos Fist to deal with ordinary people, nor is it appropriate to use Primal Chaos Fist. But it's different now. Katyusha's power armor gave her incomparable power. Although I don't know how much the output of this armor is, one thing is certain-her power is definitely much greater than mine.

To deal with this kind of opponent who is stronger than me, Tai Chi couldn't be more suitable. Of course, I am not going to use Primal Chaos Fist to smash her. Anyway, they are still covered with steel plates and smashed them with their fists. I'm not that stupid yet. I just want to use the theory of Tai Chi to fight her power, not to fight her destructive power with my fist. Anyway, the ultimate Profound Truth of Primal Chaos Fist is to use no effort. Primal Chaos Fist without moves is the strongest Primal Chaos Fist. It is not Primal Chaos Fist, but Tai Chi exercises, which can only be regarded as gymnastics for physical exercise. .

Although what I said is very scary, but if you don't try Katyusha, you will definitely not admit defeat. She strode over again, and then suddenly slashed down with a sword, followed by another slash. No matter how I dodge, she had to receive a sword to get out of the way. However, I did not give in. Instead, I took the initiative to take a step forward and rest in front of her, putting my back on her chest, and then supporting the wrist of the hand she was splitting with one hand, and then the palm of my hand was hooked. She violently pulled her wrist diagonally downward along with her strength. With only one sound, the sword she had slashed violently hit the body of the swept sword, and the two swords slammed violently. There was a loud bang, and even the hand I was holding her wrist felt numb.

Katyusha can be selected as the experimenter of this experimental power armor, and her own fighting skills are one of the very best in Banshee House. I found out that I actually stayed in front of her, and she didn’t care about the sword in her hand. She raised her leg directly and it was a knee bump, but I reacted faster than her. Before she raised her leg, it was a small jump and then both feet. At a point on her raised knee joint, the whole person jumped up with strength, and at the same time turned over in the air and grabbed the sides of her helmet with both hands, and then the real person stood upside down and flew over her head and fell behind her.

Katyusha realized that when I turned over her head, I realized it was not good, but I moved too fast, she didn't have time to react. After I turned over her head, my body tilted her back with the force of falling and swinging, and then when my feet fell on the ground, I continued to exert force on my waist and slam forward with my hands, directly pulling the unbalanced person forward. Katyusha threw it over my head. To be honest, if I really made me stand on the ground and throw it like this, I really might not throw her away. After all, Katyusha plus that set of power armor already weighs a ton, and besides, she is not a sculpture. If I use throwing her, she will definitely fight against me. After the two forces are offset, I will definitely not be able to throw her. . However, just now, with the help of the falling inertia, I directly borrowed the power of the lifting of Katyusha's leg before hitting me, plus my own jumping power and the three-stage acceleration of my own gravity, and finally added With my waist strength, after so many strengths merged, Katyusha easily threw Katyusha over my head.

Because I threw Katyusha out by the power of turning, this inertia was also passed on to her after I threw Katyusha out. I saw that Katyusha was still more than one meter above the ground, turning a somersault and flew out five or six meters away, and then fell into a big font and fell to the ground with a chirp.

Until Katyusha landed, she didn't recover from the shock just now. After putting on the power armor, Katyusha already thought that her power was unmatched, but I just threw her out. This is no longer something that can be done solely by strength. Her power armor is a ton heavier anyway, throwing her whole body together with the armor, is that much more strength?

Katyusha, who was stupidly thrown off, was still on the ground in a daze. I had already jumped up and held up the sword of Eternal Plan and ended up with her. But... the unexpected thing is that the protective cover that hadn't been activated before did not know why it suddenly activated again. I originally planned to fall on her, and then observe her head with a sword, and I fell her. But this step did not step on her body but stepped on the protective cover. You must know that the protective cover is made of energy. Although it can block objects, it has no friction. The protective cover on Katyusha's body is round like an egg. You can imagine the result of a person falling from a height and stepping on a giant glass ball coated with lubricating oil, and I am just like that person now.

As soon as the sole of my foot touched the protective cover, I realized that there was no friction, but at this time it was too late to react. My two legs slid directly to the sides, and the whole person sat on the protective cover, and then my body tilted forward, following the smooth protective cover and slipped directly to the ground.

Katyusha was still in a daze, but suddenly she found that I fell directly beside her in a very embarrassed posture. This girl can be considered quick to respond. I was struggling to get up, but who knew she suddenly turned over and grabbed my ankle, then sat up abruptly, grabbed my foot, and lifted me up to the ground. Smashed.

"Fuck me!" When I was thrown up, I knew that my foot was caught. Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, I could only cross my arms in front of me, and then bang. The sound was slammed on the ground. Fortunately, although it is Cursed Land, the place where I landed was only black soil and no stones, so there was no serious damage except for the shaking. But will Katyusha give up?

What does it mean to be reasonable and unforgiving? Katyusha is almost the same now. She grabbed my ankle and she immediately realized that as long as I controlled my movements, my skills would not be able to be used. So this girl didn't plan to let go at all this time. She just smashed me to the ground, and immediately lifted me up and slammed into the ground on the other side. As a result, I was just like the fish in the pot, fried on the front and fried again on the back.

I didn’t have an arm to support the ground behind my back, but I had wings to cushion it, but I was smashed miserably, and Katyusha had already stood up at this time, and she suddenly grabbed me and used her force again to push me sideways. He lifted up and smashed against a big tree on the side. I hurriedly protected my head and face, followed by a loud click, and the tree broke at the sound, and I also felt that my arm was about to break. The defense of the Divine Dragon armor is good, but it can't stand it! I'm not the demolition hammer used on the crane to demolish the house. How can I let people throw it back and forth like this?

"Hey, you crazy woman, give your hand quickly, and I can play for real without letting go." I yelled threateningly.

"haha, if you have the ability, you can play it for real." Katyusha is now triumphant and can't remember my terrifying point at all.

"Well, since you said that....Ling, help!"

Boom. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and Katyusha's protective shield flashed automatically, but although the protective shield blocked the attack, the impact still wanted Katyusha to throw it out, and I fell out of her hand because of the sudden explosion. . Before I landed here, a bunch of white spider webs accurately stuck to me, and then pulled back violently, directly dragging me back from Katyusha, and then two big hands accurately caught me. Up me.

"It's okay, master?"

"It's okay!" As I said, I jumped directly out of the king's arms, and the sickle quickly got me his spider silk.

The Katyusha over there was blasted far away by the explosion just now, but because the formidable power of the explosion was blocked by the protective cover, she herself was not injured. However, just as she got up, a huge black shadow descended from the sky with a violent wind, and the nearby trees broke and fell all around because of the oppression force of the black shadow, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

As soon as luck landed and opened her mouth, a dragon flame instantly covered Katyusha, and the protective shield on Katyusha lighted up instantly to block the dragon fire again, but this time she was lucky. Instead of using a more violent spray method, he took a full breath and sprayed it continuously for nearly 30 seconds. After the lucky spray of dragon flame, Katyusha had not had time to get up, and the plague fell to the ground again. Take a mouthful of Long Yan. After the plague was sprayed, Xiao San appeared immediately. The advantage of the three heads was that they could alternately ventilate when spraying dragon inflammation. In the end, Xiao San sprayed two points in one breath before completely extinguishing, and the ground passed three dragons. The baptism has almost turned into a lava pool.

After the three dragons attacked, although the protective shield was still unbroken, Katyusha was already in cold sweat. Although we can't see it, Katyusha can see it herself. The green line in her helmet representing the remaining energy dropped straight down in the dragon flame at a speed visible to naked eye, and now only one-tenth of the total amount remained. As long as this energy is used up, not only will the protective shield fail, but all the functions of this whole set of power armor will cease. When the time comes, let alone fighting, she may not even be able to stand up. After all, this ton of multiple loads was supported by the power system, and she couldn't move this armor at all with her own strength.

"This damn energy limit! 3 minutes Superman has a fart!" Katyusha complained depressed.

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