Even though Zhen Hong understood that these things are indifferent between us and the enemy at the moment she was attacked, even if she understood it, it would not help her resistance. Those monsters are different from people. They attack very fast, and they will retreat immediately when they find something is wrong. Just as Zhenhong punched and killed a monster, the remaining monsters immediately began to scatter around her and proceed regularly. Siege, this kind of siege is completely a combined attack formation, no matter which direction the monster is attacked by True Red, the monster in that direction will inevitably retreat, and the monsters in other directions will immediately rush to attack her.

After being surrounded by monsters, Zhenhong used several big moves in a row. Although a few monsters were driven off, it was really an utterly inadequate measure relative to the number of monsters, which was useless at all. Seeing the monsters around him gather more and more, the real red finally maddened.

"Damn it, get out of the way." Zhen Hong suddenly jumped up and hit the ground with a punch, and then saw a red shock wave spreading out with her as the center, and all the surrounding her The monsters were all blasted off in an instant, and some of the weaker ones even vomited blood to death on the spot.

"Damn, this skill is also very awesome, right?" Seeing that Zhenhong suddenly dropped a large piece of monster around him, the surrounding Japanese players were dumbfounded. But they reacted quickly, because they couldn't make it if they didn't react. After killing the monsters, Zhenhong probably hadn't vented his anger, and didn't go to the trouble of Yingyu Divine Young. Instead, he rushed into the crowd of ordinary players and started to kill.

Given the number of Japanese players, of course, Real Red can't kill alone, but there is no doubt that she can cause huge losses to the Japanese player army. Looking at the real red like tiger entering a flock of sheep, the surrounding Japanese players can only try to stay away from the area where she is in order to reduce their losses. As for the one she targets, no matter if she resists or doesn't resist, it is dead anyway.

Zhenhong gave up the attack on Yingyu Divine Young, but in the sky Kristina did not give up. She flew directly to the top of Yingyu Divine Young's head, then folded her hands in front of her and slowly pulled it apart. As her hands slowly separated, an electric ball began to gather and grow in her palm. Finally, when the electric ball grew to a full diameter of more than one meter, Kristina finally pushed it forward. Of one push.

As if to feel the formidable power of this electric ball, the monsters who were besieging the Yingyu gods suddenly all flew away. Ying Yu Shen Chou found that the monsters had left suddenly, and immediately fixed his gaze on the electric ball that was falling rapidly above his head. In fact, she had noticed Kristina a long time ago, but she was surrounded by monsters and she couldn't spare her to fight back, but now that the monsters have run away, it just happened to be able to fight back.

Sakura Yushenyo who suddenly raised her head to stare at the electric ball suddenly had rays of light flashing around her body, and in an instant she disappeared in place, and the light ball fell on by a few millimeters. Where she just stood. With only a sound, tens of thousands of dense arcs suddenly rose on the surface of the electric ball, covering all objects within a radius of two hundred meters, and then I saw that there was a dense thunderstorm in this area, with thick arcs of water snakes. In this space, all things, whether it is a monster who has not had time to run far or a hapless Japanese player covered in it, and even the bare objects and the floor of the ground, are shattered into this arc. The dust was scattered in the air. When the arc erupted for a few seconds, only a giant bunker with a radius of up to two hundred meters was left on the scene.

"Hi..." Seeing the result of that blow, the nearby Japanese players finally realized the difference between the first-class expert and them. The ability of ordinary players like them still stays in the battle with people, and these first-class experts have entered the point where they can influence the rules of nature in a small area.

Here Kristina’s thunder and lightning attack just broke out, and there, the Sakura Rain god youngster suddenly appeared behind Kristina without warning, but the Sakura Rain god youngster hadn’t When it was time to launch an attack, Kristina suddenly turned around, and at the same time, with one hand, a whip made of electric current suddenly drew towards the young Ying Yu. Just listening to the crisp bang, the electric whip seemed to be drawn onto a protective cover in midair. The entire surface of the protective cover was flashing arcs randomly, but the Yingyu god young inside the protective cover was nothing.

One hit was invalid, Kristina immediately flapped her wings and retreated violently, but the Yingyu Divine Young had no intention of chasing it. I saw that she suddenly pointed the weapon that looked like a long spear and a staff in the air forward, and a white light beam instantly shot out. Kristina waved with one hand, and the elemental shield that appeared suddenly blocked in front of a beam of light, followed by an explosion, and the elemental shield and the beam disappeared into the air at the same time.

Come without being indecent, Kristina, who blocked the attack, immediately pinched her hands together to form a peculiar handprint, followed by pointing forward, more than 300 of them are only half a meter in diameter. A small magical array flashing green light suddenly appeared in front of her, and then I saw that the magical arrays flashed at the same time, and then some of the magical arrays began to spray out short green beams, and some of the magical arrays began to spray. The beam, the remaining magic array also began to flicker and followed the beam. From a distance, the scene looked like more than three hundred laser guns were attacking the Ying Yu Divine Young.

However, Yingyu Shenchun is not the one who is passively beaten. At the same time that the magic array appeared, the young cherry rain gods also moved, and when the first magic array began to spray beams, a floating protective shield composed of thirty-six regular hexagonal crystal barriers suddenly appeared on the scene. In front of the Ying Yu Shen Yu, I saw that the crystal barriers with an area of ​​no more than one square meter on each side began to move in front of Ying Yu Shen Yu at lightning speed, and they blocked every light with extremely precise movement. On the way of the bullet, everyone only saw the explosion in front of the Yingyu Divine Young Child, but there was no flashing technique to pass through the protective barrier.

Discovering that the attack was ineffective, Kristina suddenly waved her hand, and the more than three hundred demon arrays in front of her suddenly moved. These magic arrays no longer stopped together to attack, but quickly flew up to form a huge loose ball that surrounded the young cherry rain gods, and then the magic arrays began to saturate indiscriminately and indiscriminately. Attacking, dense beams almost flew from all directions of Yingyu Divine Young, and densely terrifying. However, everyone was shocked again soon. I saw that as Kristina's attack demon array changed, the defensive crystal barrier of Yingyu Divine Young also began to change. The thirty-six crystal barriers automatically flew around the Yingyu Shenhatsu. Although their area was not large enough to completely surround the Yingyu Shenhatsu, with their high-speed movement, those seemingly dense and irregular attacks It was all blocked again. There were dense terrorist explosions all around Yingyu Divine Young, but she herself had nothing to do.

"Damn, these two women are abnormal!" A Japanese player couldn't help but said: "Christina is simply an interstellar fort, but our angel lady is a space fort. No one can do anything!"

"No, Miss Angel is going to make a killer move." A sharp-eyed player suddenly shouted.

Sure enough, in the sky, in the protected area where the Sakura Rain god young was passively beaten, suddenly shot a red light beam straight into the sky and exploded a magical array moving at high speed. Immediately after more light beams began to fly around randomly from the gaps in the crystal barrier, but every time it shots, it would smash a magic array into pieces.

Kristina is not the kind of person who cannot afford to lose. Realizing that this kind of flexible attack is ineffective, she did not wait for the Yingyu Divine Young to smash all of her demon array, but suddenly Beckoning, all the demon arrays suddenly changed their laws of movement and left the Yingyu god youngsters and gathered in front of Kristina, and then a huge Great Demon array with a diameter of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared in front of Kristina, and Previously, the little demon arrays were like inlaid gems and adsorbed to some key positions on the Great Demon array. As for the positions where the demon arrays should be shattered, some newly appeared little demon arrays were added.

Seeing that huge array of monsters, Masaga Matsumoto and I, who were hiding in the giant mosquito post to watch the live broadcast, were crying out in surprise together. In fact, Ling chasing Matsumoto Masaka with my pet was just a reason for him to leave the battlefield. After reaching the no man's land, they detoured back to the giant mosquito outpost parked near the battlefield.

This battle is so important that the Giant Mosquito Outpost Impossible was not there for intelligence support. With the giant mosquito outpost's full battlefield monitoring capabilities and its perfect self-stealth ability, coupled with his mobility, it makes no sense not to use him as a mobile headquarters. After the fraud, I went here to watch the live battlefield, and Masaga Matsumoto quickly rushed over to watch the excitement.

"Is Christina crazy? Dare to use this trick?" Masaka Matsumoto was also shocked when he saw the magic array that was gradually taking shape. He had seen this magic. Before this guy was receiving secret training in our guild. He saw Christina playing this magic in the experimental field. I remember that the formidable power of this magic seemed to blast a mountain from the middle. After two halves, this formidable power is really scary.

Compared to Matsumoto's nervousness, I am much calmer. "Don't be nervous. This magic is graded. Have you seen those little magic arrays inlaid on the Great Demon array? Are their colors green?"

"Is there a difference in this color?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

"Of course there is a difference." I explained: "The magic array of Kristina is adjusted by Level 7 formidable power. This Level 7 corresponds to red, orange, yellow, green, azure. , blue, purple seven colors, green means that the magic array is not fully charged, just ordinary formidable power. The last time you saw Christina just learned this magic and was experimenting with formidable power, so I used purple Maximum output."

"But this magic top-level formidable power is so big, even if the green is only the middle level, then the formidable power is incredible?"

"Don't worry, Chris Dina is still very measured."

Ling stood aside and said: "Actually, I think Christina is going to lose his sense this time!"

"Why?" As soon as my question was issued, I suddenly saw that the small magic array inlaid in the center of the huge magic array displayed on the main screen was changing color. The color of those little magic arrays changed from green to azure very quickly, then turned blue, and finally started to turn purple, but I probably realized that this is a bit too much, so the purple little magic array stabilized after a second Blue was returned again.

"Damn, Christina, is this girl crazy? Blue formidable power? What does she want to do?"

Ling explained calmly: "It's not what you promised The final reward?"

When I heard Ling’s words, I instantly remembered it as if I had said to Kristina and the others before the battle started. The battle between the six of them is based on freedom We do not set the final winner, whoever plays well will have a special prize in the end. Now I want to come to Kristina to use this level of magic, probably for the final reward. But she didn’t change the formidable power to purple. Otherwise, with her spell’s formidable power, it is estimated that she would be able to blast all the way from where she stood to the Transmission Gate installed by Masaka Matsumoto outside the city. The Transmission Gate was blasted off, that's a big trouble. You know the Transmission Gate, but we did the task with great difficulty. The money we invested for that thing was definitely based on billions of basic units. If it was bombed by Christina like this, I promise she will. Received my super gift-Pili Invincible astronomical dunning bill.

Feeling the rising magical array energy on the opposite side, the Yingyu Divine Young was also taken aback. Although they said that they could attack at will, they all knew that they could not use power beyond the rules. After all, this time they came out to make friendly guest appearances. The protagonist of this battle is Japanese players. If they are all let go of their hands and feet, let alone Japanese players, Fulcrum City will soon become a ruin, so they have deliberately suppressed them before. Own attack formidable power. But now Kristina unexpectedly starts an attack at this level, this behavior is simply ridiculous. However, in the spirit of justifiable defense, after Kristina resorted to tricks, Ying Yu Shen Hina also decided to breach the contract.

"Damn, these girls don't seem to be able to clean up. I'll give them political lessons when I look back!" Seeing the crystal barriers suddenly gathered in front of the Yingyu God youngsters, even I ran away. NS.

Although the strength of Yingyu Divine Young is not as good as Kristina, but at their level, the ranking in strength is actually more dependent on their comprehensive score, and it is only the strongest skill. In fact, the formidable power of the top 20 people in the battle strength list will not differ too much in their formidable power. The only difference is that you can use a few big moves and your battle awareness.

Sakura Rain’s crystal barriers suddenly formed a long barrier channel in front of her. Except for the first barrier, the barriers in the distance began to grow larger. Moreover, each barrier was twice as large as the previous one, and the final barrier was even the same size as the magic array on the opposite side of Kristina. After the barriers were all in place, a small white ball of light suddenly appeared on the back of the pile of crystal barriers.

As soon as the light orb of the Yingyu Divine Young was completed, the opposite Kristina suddenly stared, and the little magic array on the huge magic array suddenly started to high in its own position. -speed rotation got up, followed by a series of blue arcs began to crawl around on the entire magic array, the entire huge magic array was like a high-voltage power grid with crackle crackles, and at the same time the entire magic array was gradually Brighten.

Corresponding to Kristina, the small ball of light of Yingyu Divine Young also started to spin at the same time, and the high-speed spinning ball of light even drove the surrounding airflow to rotate together.

I don't know if it will suddenly yell: "All lie down, those two women are going to make a big move!" All the people who heard the sound fell to the ground almost at the same time. Even if they don’t know the formidable power of these two skills, at least they can guess that the formidable power is definitely not low by looking at the momentum, and the biggest formidable power attack on the battlefield is not the formidable power of a high level skill, but two high level. The formidable power that erupts after the skill collision. Except for the collision of skills with obliteration attributes similar to the black hole space, which will disappear silently, the formidable power erupted by the collision of any two high level skills will be terrifying.

Seeing so many people lying down, even those who are far away from hearing the shouts are looking for a place to fall on the ground and waiting for the attack to pass. Anyway, who is standing and who is a fool, pure The work of courting death.

In the eyes of everyone's worries and expectations, the skills of the two finally reached a critical state, and the Ying Yu Shen Hina, who started after meeting, also completed the preparations first. A white light beam suddenly shot out from the light ball in her hand. The light beam penetrated the First Layer crystal barrier, and then suddenly doubled and passed through the First Layer crystal barrier. Then it hit the Second Layer barrier and expanded again. Doubled and continued to penetrate, and when it reached the front barrier, the light beam had turned into a terrifying light channel, and its diameter was already as large as the opposite magic array.

As soon as the white beam shot from the last barrier, the magic array on the opposite Kristina finally reached the critical point. A thick blue white beam was surrounded by a densely packed electric grid. It shot out like a heavy laser cannon and instantly collided with the white beam on the opposite side in the air.

When the nearby players saw the two light beams collided together, they invariably started the battlefield recording and tucked their heads tightly between their arms and desperately hugged the back of their heads. At this time, you still stare at the explosion point, unless you want to be a blind, the most sensible way is to start the battlefield recording, and then go back and watch it slowly.

The players' decisions are based on experience, and the facts have also proved how correct their decisions are. When the two light beams collided together, a dazzling little sun burst out. The monsters still flying in the city were all burned to ashes in the air. Many houses were instantly lit on the ground. His corpse and blood were steamed dry in an instant, and some of the exposed body parts of people who hadn't been hidden were instantly charred. At least tens of thousands of people died on the battlefield and ten times the number of disabled people.

After the eruption of the little sun was completed, the terrifying shock wave instantly blasted the severely brittle buildings in the city into powder. Following the shock wave, it continued to spread, but the Foundation Establishment was built a little farther away. In fact, the quality was quite good, and it withstood the impact, but the windows and other things were completely ruined.

After the shock wave erupted, the little sun radiated countless horrible tiny rays to both sides, and wherever these rays illuminate like a cannonball, a big explosion will happen instantly. However, probably because the two sides are the directions from which the magic of Kristina and Sakurayu are emitted, so the rays did not spread in the direction of both of them, but flew to the areas on both sides of them, but they were instead. The area where it is located forms a sector-shaped Safety Sector.

Such indiscriminate chaos continued for nearly ten seconds before the beams on both sides began to accumulate and weaken, and finally disappeared into the air together, but the entire city battlefield was completely broken by them. Looks like it. At the intersection of the two light beams, a huge pit with a diameter of more than a hundred meters appeared. The bottom of the pit was completely covered by lava, and it was still red. With this pit as the center, four fan-shaped areas are radiated to the surroundings, of which the two symmetrical areas are the areas of Kristina and Yingyu Shenyou Station. The personnel and the Foundation Establishment in these two areas are basically just It was hit by a small amount of light radiation and blast winds, and the damage was relatively minor. This Reverend was still alive, and the building just looked a little messy. However, the other two fan-shaped areas on either side of the two of them are completely different. These two areas showed that they were almost in ruins. All the buildings were left with piles of ruined walls. The people on both sides were also killed and injured, and almost no survivors existed. The most outrageous thing is that the two high mountains that originally sandwiched the pivot city were blasted out of two gaps, almost splitting the mountains.

Seeing the smoking ruins around, Kristina and Ying Yu Shen Hina were also surprised. Among them, Ying Yu Shen Chou was better. After all, she was forced to fight, but Kristina was different. She actively activates her skills, and she actually uses such terrifying formidable power. Originally, we planned to leave the Fulcrum City to Matsumoto Masaka as the capital for his future fortune. Now it seems that even if the city can be kept from being destroyed by the system, it is estimated that there will be nothing left. Anyway, Masaga Matsumoto's renovation of this city will not be much easier than rebuilding it.

"Oops, it's over!" Looking at the devastated Kristina around, she knew she was in trouble, although she didn't know if I would continue to give rewards, anyway, she knew that a meal was affirmative. Can't run away.

"On behalf of the Supreme God..." Just when Kristina was afraid of her troubles, the young Sakura Rain suddenly rushed to Kristina like an angel, and then held it high. The strange weapon pointed at Kristina and shouted: "I now declare that you have been purified." After saying that, the young Sakura Rain rushed down, and pierced Kristina's heart with a shot. Crucified to the ground. Taking advantage of the time when she hit Kristina’s key to sticking the two together, Sakura Rain God squatted to Kristina’s ear and whispered to say with a smile: "haha, elder sister, you get into trouble, the president’s prize is still me. Come and get it." Before Kristina got angry, she immediately pulled back and moved the distance between them.

The helpless and frustrated Kristina finally closed her eyes willingly, but the Yingyu Divine Young bird didn't take long. As soon as she retreated from Kristina, she was knocked out by a lightning-like silhouette. After smashing into the interior of a building with a bang, Yingyu Shenchun crawled out again with difficulty, but when she saw the real red standing opposite, she realized that she was not saved.

The reason why the ultimate skill is called the ultimate skill, in addition to the large formidable power, is also one of its important characteristics. The big move just now is finished. Actually, Yingyu Shenn and Kristina are already an arrow at the end of its flight. As for the real red... In fact, the real red is not consumed very much, after all, she didn’t participate in the battle very much. , But she looks much more miserable than Yingyu Shencu. As for the reason, it can only be said that she was relatively unlucky. She happened to stand in the two most severely damaged sectors among the four sectors, and the result became the tragic situation she is now.

Although the True Martial suits on True Red are still there, they are covered with pits and scratches. In some places, there are even large-scale cracks. The most serious is her left. The arm guard was about to fall off the whole thing, and it was dangling on the shoulder with only a metal wire. The formidable power of the big move that Kristina and Yingyu Shenyou just fought against can be seen in the beggar outfit that is known for its defensive True Martial suit. But in reverse thinking, being able to come back alive from that kind of place also shows the powerful attributes of the True Martial suit.

"It’s not bad for you to persist until now, but since I didn’t die, it’s impossible to beat me in your current state. So, do you plan to solve it yourself or I will do it?"< /p>

Yingyu Shenchun didn't answer, she just shot out a flash of light suddenly. This is the last bit of magic she has left. The effect of launching this thing is actually greater than the attack effect, and Zhen Hong will rush down and send her out of the city wall.

Although Sakurayu Shinzo finally failed, the Japanese players felt that it was enough. In any case, Ying Yu Shen Chou had already defeated Kristina under Innate's unfavorable conditions, and he also made the real red like beggar. Of course, even if it is the same as beggar, the real red is still real red, and Japanese players have no illusion that they can kill the real red. However, there is only one of the three great experts left in the guild, which has made Japanese players feel that the pressure has dropped a lot. Although the big move just now has hit Japanese players with heavy losses, the Japanese players are most afraid of dead people now. On the contrary, because the trick just now also killed the messing monsters at the same time, for the attacking Japanese players, they are one step closer to victory.

With the high level players basically killed in battle and the complete destruction of the city’s defenses, the Japanese players finally rushed past the buildings on the periphery of the city and entered the core area of ​​the city, and the towering transnational Transmission Formation magic column in front It has also entered the sight of Japanese players.

"Victory is here, everyone!" The excited Japanese players roared and rushed towards their ultimate goal, the transnational Transmission Formation that is continuously sending troops out.

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