"Sure enough, high-end things have to be solved by high-end personnel!"

The Japanese players' sigh just ended, and suddenly more monsters flew in front of you. Entangled with Ying Yu Shen Young and started a melee. The spell release speed of the Yingyu Shenshu is very fast, and the movement method is also very flexible. It constantly changes positions in the air and uses kite-flying tactics to drag the monster to run around. However, although the monster has died a lot, the Yingyu Shenshu is indeed affected. Entangled.

While Yingyu Divine Young was struggling to deal with those monsters, August Xun and Chi Fire Dragon Ji were completely involved in a hard fight. Originally, after I and Masaka Matsumoto left the field, the three of Christina and the three of them were exactly one-to-one, and in a short period of time, no one could help each other, but because of watching The battlefield on the front line is tight, so in the end, August Kaun and the three of them negotiated, so August Kaun and Chi Fire Dragon Ji jointly dragged Kristina and the others, and then the Sakura Rain god young was able to leave the battle group and go to support the front. Japanese players. However, after leaving the battle group, the Yingyu Divine Young was besieged by the monsters, and seemed to be unable to return in a short time.

Originally, the three-on-three sides could barely be equal, but now they suddenly become three-on-two. The difference in strength immediately tilted the situation.

"Three vs. two, I see how long you can last." Watching Ying Yu Shen Hina leave, gold coin suddenly pointed to August Xun's words, and following her words, a large group of Flying Sword gathered into four huge sword balls moved towards August Xun and rushed over.

Seeing the sword ball flying over, August Xun has no back body at all. She stared at the Flying Sword sword ball that was smashed above her head and suddenly turned her head and shouted: "Burning Fire."

"Yes." Chi Fire Dragon Ji Zheng and Zhen Hong fought well, and suddenly he severely slashed. Pushing the true red back, followed her abruptly and turned around moved towards the sword ball in front of August Xun, and cut out three red sword glow in one breath.

The sword glow of Chi Fire Dragon Ji threw away instantly surpassed the distance of several hundred meters from the side and hit the first three sword balls that flew to August Xun from the side, and they completely dissipated them. August Xun seized the opportunity of that moment. Before the sword ball was broken, she suddenly passed through the big hole in the center of the sword ball, and then she raised her heavy sword. Accelerating the impact, it slammed into the fourth sword ball that was approaching. With only two jingle sounds, the two Flying Swords were directly slashed by August Xun. At the same time, she herself rushed into the sword ball, and then quickly slammed into the opposite wall of the sword ball. However, just as she was about to hit the outer wall of the sword ball, the Flying Sword in the sword ball suddenly reversed its direction and plunged towards the center.

A glance at the sword ball posture, August Xun immediately accelerated forward, before he was pierced into a hedgehog by the sword ball, he hurriedly ran into the Flying Sword which was shrinking at a high speed. With a loud noise, the other side of the last sword ball was also blasted away. August Xun rushed out of the sword ball with scratches all over his body, and then rushed directly in front of the surprised gold coin. Honestly speaking, the sword array of gold coin is definitely a super skill with both offensive and defensive capabilities, so gold coin completely didn't expect August Xun to actually rush out. Although the first three sword arrays were broken with the help of Chi Fire Dragon Ji, but in any case, August Xun was rushed over.

The unprepared gold coin watched August Xun rushing towards him and quickly retreated while summon took out his mount Heavenly Fox to help stop him. Who knew August Xun dragged a shadow from the gold coin. The silver fox flashed over, and then collided with gold coin in the air. The sword of light in her hand directly pierced the gold coin, but before dying, gold coin put one hand on August Yuexun's forehead and released a Thunder Palm that knocked her out.

The badly injured gold coin knew that he was not good enough, so he tried his best to pull out the heavy sword of light inserted in his body, and then threw it out with his hand facing away from Augustsuki. Without the heavy sword of light, she took a Thunder Palm by direct contact. August Kaun also lost a lot of strength, and just after she recovered from the paralysis caused by Thunder Palm, she was ready to grab her own. At the time of the sword, a Fireball almost the size of an aircraft carrier suddenly rushed down from a high altitude with billowing flames and rushed towards her. Although she was about to escape immediately, the Fireball that swooped down from a high altitude was not only super fast, it was also constantly changing its trajectory according to her moving direction. In the end, August Kaun had no choice but to pick up this one. Fireball, but it turns out that she can't handle such an attack without weapons.

Just listen to a loud explosion sound, the Fireball with a mighty force smashed into August Xun accurately and had a big explosion. The powerful formidable power not only made August Xun instantly skeleton doesn't Exist, even Japanese players and NPCs on the ground have suffered a large group.

Although he lost gold coin, he killed August Kaun, and now the battlefield in the rear has become Kristina and Zhenhong against Chi Fire Dragon Ji alone. Originally, there was little difference in strength. This would suddenly become two-to-one. Chi Fire Dragon Ji didn't last for almost five minutes before being forced to the ground by Zhen Hong and Kristina.

The Chi Fire Dragon Ji who lost her air superiority can only move on the ground with her own legs, but unlike her performance in the air, Zhenhong's strength has clearly risen more than a bit on the ground. Kristina is a long-range attacking mage. Although gold coin can fight in close combat, she majors in sword array, and in fact she also relies on long-range attacks to feed her. But Zhenhong is different from them. Zhenhong relies on close combat. August Xuan and Chi Fire Dragon Ji Dao are also close to eat together, but they are not the same as Zhenhong. August Xun is purely agile, fast and accurate, but not strong, fighting in the air is like a fish back in water for her, because she can give full play to her speed advantage. Although Chi Fire Dragon Ji is also a power-type player, her power is particular about the speed that produces a straight penetrating force, which is not the same as the instant burst of real red. In the air, Fire Dragon Ji can use distance to accelerate, and finally when she comes into contact with an opponent, her attack power with kinetic energy will be very powerful.

True Red is different from them. Although True Red can also fly, her battle method requires explosive power instead of speed. There is no place to borrow force in the air. The power that True Red can release must itself be a half-fold. In addition, after being really red on the ground blasts the enemy into the air, the opponent either rolls on the ground or hits something. Anyway, it can cause secondary damage, but in the air, unless you punch someone to the ground, Otherwise, after the opponent stabilizes, no secondary damage will occur at all, which will undoubtedly weaken True Red's attack power. In addition, many of True Red's skills attack the enemy by attacking the ground with the joint damage produced by the ground-shaking effect. If you can seize the opportunity to push the enemy down and ride on him, it will be more effective. Two hundred have played a real red attack advantage. However, all of this requires ground support. Once in the air, her skills are completely useless, and the available skills formidable power will also be greatly reduced.

After pushing Fire Dragon Ji back to the ground, it is really red like a fish returning to the water. The terrifying attack power bursts instantly. With her footwork, her movement speed is obvious on the ground. To exceed Chi Fire Dragon Ji. In addition, now it’s a war, not a ring competition. There are no one-on-one rules, so not only is really red chasing the Fire Dragon on the ground and Ji is hitting hard, but in the sky Kristina is also flying all over the sky with all kinds of spells and smashing. The blazing Fire Dragon Ji didn't dare to fly off the ground at all, and even if he stayed on the ground, he would be bombarded by magic from time to time. In short, he was completely crushed and beaten.

In this totally unfavorable situation, Chi Fire Dragon Ji finally failed to survive a few times. Zhen Hong suddenly burst into a sprint, a dashing body rushed in front of her, and then she reached her right arm and slammed a punch on the blade of her sword. There was only one sound, accompanied by a fire star flying, and the Fire Dragon Ji’s The heavy sword turned and somersault flew out.

Heavy sword let go, Chi Fire Dragon Ji immediately panicked. Unlike the melee martial artist like Zhenhong, Chi Fire Dragon Ji is only good at long sword warfare. Although he can't say that he can't do it at all, he is at most an amateur level. If he encounters such a fighting expert as Zhenhong, then Isn't it courting death?

Seeing that the weapon is about to be over when the weapon is removed, Chi Fire Dragon Ji suddenly quickly witted in an emergency snatched the long knife of a Japanese player nearby and rushed up. Because on the ground, there are attacking Japanese players everywhere, so there are still many weapons. However, it is different from Chi Fire Dragon Ji’s own heavy sword. When she took the looted knife and slashed towards Zhen Hong this time, Zhen Hong directly stretched out two fingers to clamp the blade and twist it hard, just listening. With a crisp sound, the long knife was cut into two pieces directly from the interruption, followed by Zhenhong stepped forward in front of Chi Fire Dragon Ji, raised her right arm and printed an accurate punch on Chi Fire Dragon Ji’s high chest. Then everyone saw Chi Fire Dragon Ji flying directly to the opposite side of the city wall like a cannonball out of the chamber, and then slammed into the wall with a bang. It was obvious that he could not survive.

Although I saw my two mysterious angels were killed, most of the Japanese players have already rushed to the city, so they didn't care too much. After all, although Kristina and Zhenhong are outstanding in strength, it is obviously unrealistic to rely on two people to guard the streets of the city. If it is during the siege phase, the two of them specialize in making up for leaks, the defensive ability of the city wall can definitely rise a lot, but now that the city wall has been broken, the lethality of the two of them alone is obviously not enough to stop the army from advancing. Therefore, even if the Japanese players saw the death of the two angels, they were not too worried, anyway, now Kristina and Zhenhong can't seal the road. Moreover, they think that their expert is not dead, but Ying Yu Shen Yu is still alive. Although Yingyu Shencu could not defeat Kristina and Zhenhong alone, it was very easy to prevent these two people from exerting their full strength with her strength. As long as the Yingyu God Young is here, Kristina and Zhenhong can't control the battlefield at all.

Precisely knowing that Kristina and Zhenhong will not be able to set off any storms at all, so although the Japanese players on the scene saw their angels die in battle, they did not show any panic. To say that they have any negative emotions, it is probably nothing but regret.

After killing Chi Fire Dragon Ji and August Kaun successively, Zhen Hong and Kristina are also very tired. As I said before, although the three of Kristina and the three of August were all ours, I had arranged for them to fight with their own ability, so the previous three were fighting. In fact, it can't be regarded as a performance. Unlike my fight with Matsumoto Masaka, they should actually be considered real fights. Gold coin's death just now was a real death, and August Xun also really died. Chi Fire Dragon Ji did not die, but was stuck in the wall, she was almost dead now. Of course, those who died were not sad about their failures, because I promised them that they would make up for their death losses in return. However, although the death loss can be reimbursed by the guild, the people who died are absolutely in a bad mood. After all, it is true that they lost. Not to mention the face problem, it is enough that they did not get the reward I promised. It made them sad.

Although it consumes a lot of money, after crippling Chi Fire Dragon Ji, Kristina and Zhenhong flew quickly moved towards the direction where Ying Yu Shen Hina was, anyway. You can get the mysterious gift I gave you till the end of your life. All the six people who participated in the war knew that I was not a stingy person. Since I said it was a mysterious gift, it was definitely not an ordinary thing, so they all tried their best to get the reward.

Looking at Kristina and Zhenhong who suddenly rushed in, the Japanese players below sighed that the last angel on their side would be over. Although they hoped for a miracle very much, they also knew that Kristina and the three mysterious angels who appeared suddenly had similar strengths, so they were very sure that now it was two to one.

However, when many Japanese players who were busy charging thought that Ying Yu Shen Hina was going to be unlucky, an accident suddenly appeared.

Previously, Ying Yu Shen Hina attracted the attention of monsters because she killed a lot of monsters, so now many monsters are chasing her, Zhen Hong and Kristina flew nearby after Kristi Na was okay, Zhenhong rushed to the Ying Yu Shen Yu because she needed melee combat, but when she was about to kill the Ying Yu Shen Yu, a monster next to her suddenly rushed over like her.

Looking at the real red rolling into a ball with a metal monster, the Japanese player who saw this scene almost fell off. "What's the situation? Why is the Rare Beast of the Frost Rose League attacking really red? Are they not in the same group?"

In fact, the Japanese players are at a loss, and the young cherry blossoms are also unfathomable mystery. When she saw Zhen Hong rushing over, she thought she was going to die. The monster in front of her did not have her own background to fight against Zhenhong. Seeing Zhenhong suddenly approached, she thought she was dead. Who knew that the monster beside her had fought Zhenhong. This is definitely a super big oolong.

Different from the doubts of Yingyu Divine Young, Kristina and Zhenhong's mood now suddenly realized. Before they joined the war, they had received the military's divine ability to know that if the inner city defense mechanism was activated, they should not approach the inner city. This notice sounded unfathomable mystery at the time, but now that I think about it, everything is clear. The military god told them to stay away from the inner city once they discovered that the inner city's defenses were activated, because of these rare beast's irreverent behaviors. These guys seem to only instinctively attack all the creatures that come close, and they don't even know what they are. So if there are people in the guild after these monsters are active, then only a Japanese can bear the monster's attack together.

"so that's how it is!" The Japanese players who were quick to react after seeing the monster attack were really red also reacted. "It's strange that the inner city can't be seen except the monster guard. It turns out that these things are simply the enemy and we are indifferent!"

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