"Purple Moon is dead! Haha, let this Monarch kill Purple Moon!"

Just when the Japanese players were going crazy with excitement, I was next to me A Space Crack suddenly unfolded in the space of, and then Ling stepped out of it. "Master!" Seeing me being nailed to the ground, Ling immediately screamed and threw himself down beside me, while Matsumoto Masaka hurried back with a sword.

After pulling out the long sword, I was thrown aside. Seeing that I didn't move even though I was thrown out, the Japanese players confirmed that I was actually killed. And immediately after they saw Matsumoto Masaka's body suddenly lit up with circles of halo. This kind of halo is familiar to all players, because this is the halo that appears when everyone upgrades. Although this kind of halo effect can be automatically set to not be displayed, but when you first entered the game, everyone must have seen this kind of halo, so everyone in the room knows that Matsumoto must have been upgraded, and look at the circle of times. The upturned halo, it is clear that Masaga Matsumoto has been upgraded to N-level in a row, because there is only one halo in the normal upgrade, so many halo flashes together must have been upgraded many levels.

"hahahaha, Song this Monarch really killed Purple Moon. Look, he has upgraded. Didn't expect Purple Moon this guy has such a high EXP. Killing him can actually get so many levels in a row. "

Seeing the aura of Matsumoto's upgrade, those Japanese players naturally confirmed that I was actually killed. After all, Matsumoto had been fighting with me and didn't attack other players. Although he is the commander of the campaign, the alliance experience in the campaign will not be added at once by the system until the end of the battle. The experience that everyone can immediately gain in the battle is only the experience generated by the enemy killed by himself. Others Experience allocations such as assisting attacks will not be calculated until the end of the campaign. Therefore, Masaga Matsumoto suddenly upgraded at this time, which clearly proved that he did kill me and also obtained unimaginable EXP from me.

"You actually killed my master!" Ling stood up angrily and stared at Masaka Matsumoto, then raised his hand over his shoulder and patted twice. A row of spatial exits suddenly appeared at the same time between her and Masaka Matsumoto. He spread out around him, followed by Masaga Matsumoto and found himself surrounded by a large group of densely packed summon creatures.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the summon creature army, all the Japanese players present were shocked, and it was only then that they remembered that they didn’t see my pet in the previous battle. NS. Now they thought about it carefully and guessed the cause of the incident just now. Obviously, it was because I didn't really regard Matsumoto Masaka as an enemy of comparable strength, so I never had the help of summon familiars, but sent all the familiars to defend the castle. Afterwards, being smashed to the ground by Masaka Matsumoto was nothing to me at all, but the problem was the accidental injury of Kristina afterwards. The subsequent series of circumstances were actually coincidences. It can be said that I was killed by Masaka Matsumoto as a super accident. If it weren't for me to send all the familiars out to defend the castle, if it wasn't for Kristina's accidental injury, or Sakura. Had it not been for Matsumoto Masaka's final slaying of Rain God Hina's follow-up attack, I might... No, it should be that I would not be killed at all.

So...what are the facts?

The fact is...the fact is that the above situation is purely a show. That's right, the performance is all fake.

Before I was accidentally injured, I told Masaga Matsumoto that I could start the 3rd Stage project. This sentence actually means that you can start to perform the scene just now. The experts present, whether it was Masaga Matsumoto, who smashed me down at first, or Kristina who "injured" me by accident, including taking the opportunity to severely injure my Sakura Rain, or even myself, we have studied before. The series of processes just now. The sequence of accidents just now is actually just a sequence of performances that we have discussed in advance, and the purpose is to facilitate my evacuation from the battlefield. After all, my strength is higher than that of Matsumoto Masaga. It’s no surprise that Matsumoto Masaga can block me for a while, but if I can’t tell the outcome, then it’s a bit false. But if I kill Matsumoto Masaka, what shall I do afterwards? Without restraint, once I slaughtered on the battlefield, even if the Japanese troops doubled, I wouldn't necessarily be able to defeat the next fulcrum city. This is obviously not in line with our original plan. So, we came up with such an accident. Because I was accidentally killed in front of so many people, others will not question Matsumoto's ability to kill me, so that I can smoothly leave the battlefield without affecting our own plans. So, my death just now can be understood as the Golden Cicada shelling in 36 Stratagems.

Of course, it’s really a waste to die in vain to perform this plan. Although Japanese strategy belongs to the national plan, it is much more important than my personal level, but after all, I am also a person of more than two thousand levels. Unlike most players, up to my level, every level 1 loss of EXP is that It's all horrible. So in my opinion, it's better not to die if you can't die. So we used a little trick in the battle just now.

The previous attacks were all real. I was indeed bombarded by Kristina and Sakurayu, but Kristina was her own, and all magic attacks had automatic enemy-self identification. , So Kristina’s attack on me was only impact and basically no blood damage. After that, the attack of Ying Yu Shen Hina was genuine. Although she was also considered as my subordinate, she is now a Japanese person, so the system recognizes that she is not an ally of mine, so the attack will naturally calculate the damage. . However, the trick Ying Yu Shen Hina just now was also arranged in advance. After getting the order to start the 3rd Stage plan through the military god, she began to prepare for this arranged long time ago. It seems that the formidable power is very large, but it does not kill anything. Power skills. In fact, even if Yingyu Divine Young didn't use this skill, she wouldn't be able to kill me with her attack power. Of course, I'm not a fool, I can get a little bit less naturally or get a little bit less.

After being attacked by the Sakura Rain, Masaga Matsumoto used the Divine Sword to attack me. In this attack, his body exploded more than the sun in a second or two. The strong light radiation, at that moment, the surroundings were all white. No one can see exactly how Matsumoto Masaka attacked me in this state, and at this moment I activated the Earth’s Gate Drill. Went in. As for the one on the ground that was pierced by a sword, it was actually a prop. That fleshy body was a corpse similar to mine that I got out of the hell of evil spirits by using the identity of the king of Hades. As for the equipment on his body, it was processed with the processing equipment of our guild, but only the appearance was exactly the same. No attribute exists. Finally, the face of the corpse, this one is easier to handle. The two-way enhancement of disguise and camouflage skills resulted in a face exactly like mine.

Of course, although a fake corpse was brought out and so many accidents were arranged, it is indeed not so convincing to be killed by Matsumoto Masaka with my strength. Therefore, we finally arranged a battlefield upgrade scenario for Matsumoto Masaga. At that time, Masaka Matsumoto was promoted to the N level under the eyes of millions of Japanese players. In the process, he had no other way to obtain EXP except for the way to kill me. So when he saw his upgrade, everyone immediately Will confirm that he did kill me, so that's why I have been promoted so many consecutive levels.

But, like a lot of magic. It looks very magical, but to put it bluntly, there is no technical content at all. Matsumoto Masaka did not attack anyone else at the time, and even if he did, he was impossible to rise so many levels in an instant. After all, at my level, Matsumoto Masaka’s killing me was a leapfrog victory. The EXP is naturally more scary. If you kill me The player who is defeated, unless you kill a large group of people at once, it is absolutely impossible to get so many levels at once. However, so many Japanese at that time saw that Matsumoto Masaka did not attack other people, and according to the rules of the battle, he was also impossible to get the EXP that others gave him from the battlefield before the end of the battle. In this way of thinking, the only real upgrade of Masaga Matsumoto that everyone can think of is that he killed me and obtained the skipping grades to kill EXP. But they didn't expect. In fact, if they want to upgrade, they must not be obtained by fighting. The same can be done with experience potions.

When Masaka Matsumoto finally swooped down from the sky with a strong light, I took advantage of the strong light to hide in the gate of the earth and threw a corpse out, and he also took the opportunity to be ready. The pill of his experience was in his mouth. Finally, when the surrounding Japanese players saw him kill me, he immediately swallowed the pill in his mouth, and then the surrounding Japanese players saw the spectacular scene of Matsumoto Masaka battlefield being upgraded to N rank.

Because of our perfect cooperation, coupled with the precise steps designed in advance, in the end, in front of many Japanese players, it perfectly showed that I was accidentally killed by Matsumoto Masaga. Although this is just a performance, the Japanese players don't know it, so their excitement can't be suppressed at all. With this in mind, they broke out with a loud roar and began to work hard to break through the last line of defense.

However, just as the Japanese players tried to break through the last line of defense, Masaka Matsumoto was already surrounded by a large group of summon creatures who had just been recalled by Ling.

In order not to affect the strategic plan, I must exit early, but my reputation is also very important. So if this unfathomable mystery is killed, Masaka Matsumoto's status is indeed improved, but I will be scolded to death by Chinese players afterwards. Of course, people who understand things will definitely understand that on the battlefield, swords don't have eyes, even if a high-level person is killed by a low-level person, it is not a strange thing. After all, when a horse stumbles, who can guarantee Have no accidents in my life?

However, although the truth is such a truth, people who understand the truth can understand it, but the problem is that not everyone in this world understands the truth. Moreover, unfortunately, in fact, there are not many people in society who do not understand things, and there may be more people than those who do. Some of these people are because of jealousy, some for fun, and some simply for cursing others. Anyway, they will scold me to death for their own reasons. Although they themselves can't do what Saint does not make mistakes for a lifetime, this does not prevent them from scolding me for my accidental mistakes.

People have a herd mentality. If ten people scold me, a hundred people will say that I am not good. If this develops, my reputation will be completely ruined. Japan’s strategy is imperative, and this couldn’t be changed, but my reputation can’t be lost, so I can’t just hang on here. Fortunately, I am an animal trainer, an animal trainer with a loyal Heart Demon pet. For me, the death of my own ontology is nothing at worst. After I died, Ling could still command the familiars instead of me, and she could call all my summon creatures and various attribute abilities, which was almost the same as if I didn't die. It can be said that Ling is my backup Avatar, unless we kill both of us at the same time, otherwise my beloved Legion can continue to fight. Of course, this death is just a scene, but Japanese players don't know it anyway. On the contrary, most Japanese players know that Ling can continue to command the familiars after I die, so even if they see Ling appearing with a large group of magic familiars now, Japanese players will not find it strange.

"Kill our master, you don't want to live." Ling's eyes were crimson pointing at Masaka Matsumoto and shouted: "Kill him, revenge for the master."

As Ling shouted, there was already a change in her body. The pair of horror wings that had been gathered behind her were gradually unfolding. At the same time, two apertures lit up on her forehead at the same time, followed by a black glow within the aperture. The fire of hell, and as the flame burned, the aperture gradually extended outwards, and soon grew into two curved upward horns, and the tips of the two horns burned a ball of hell. fire. After the horns appeared, Ling's black robe was completely destroyed by a hellfire from the inside out, and a set of armor that had never been seen before appeared on Ling's body.

"Archfiend?" The Japanese players looked at with a little surprise and asked each other: "Is there an Archfiend in Purple Moon's favorite?"

"Idiot, that Ling is Dark Goddess, do you still expect her to be some other creature? She is a demon, but she has never shown her full body shape before!" said the knowledgeable player.

"Not good!" A quick-reacting player said: "I heard that Purple Moon's strength is mainly concentrated on his beloved rather than on himself. Thinking about this Lingping being so powerful is just an incomplete form. , Now she’s gone violently, isn’t this Monarch dangerous?"

As that guy’s voice fell to the ground, Ling had already rushed towards Matsumoto Masaga with the many demon familiars around him. . Seeing the first flash of light that rushed up, Masaka Matsumoto was hit and staggered a step back before he could react. Then, before he could react, the flash of light rushed to his back and struck him to eliminate chaos. , He couldn't concentrate on defense at all, and Ling had rushed in front of him within the time he was delayed for two seconds.

Seeing Ling approaching, Matsumoto Masaka, who has determined that the creatures on his body is not too threatening, will immediately defend. Who knew Ling suddenly moved his palm against him, one side was only sixty or seventy centimeters in diameter. The small demon array suddenly appeared in front of her palm, and after that, a black lightning suddenly shot out from the demon array, which instantly hit Matsumoto Masaka and blew it out.

Matsumoto Masaga’s side has just been blasted off, and the person is still ascending, a huge dragon claw suddenly shot from above, and instantly smashed him back to the ground, followed by Ling. One step rushed to him and pinched his head with one hand. Masaga Matsumoto hurriedly crossed the sword across the barrier, Ling pinched the blade of Divine Sword, and then saw that the place where her palm touched the blade was flashing like electric welding, but no one could do anything about it. However, Ling is not alone, and the stalemate shows that she has the upper hand. Sure enough, the two were struggling, and suddenly they saw a red light hit Matsumoto Masaka, followed by a boom, Matsumoto Masaka once again flew into the air, and then was blown up in the air by a low-frequency shock wave from Asuka. A somersault, and then by Xiaofeng’s Heavenly Fire smashed back to the ground, but the man was rescued by Vajrapani Image playing volleyball before he landed, and then he was hit by the plague with his tail in the air. Finally, the tank’s magic beam will fly in the air. Masaga Matsumoto completely exploded and turned into a meteor in the sky.

"My mother!" After seeing Masaga Matsumoto almost helplessly being played alive by my familiars, all the Japanese players were shocked. However, the fast-running players have already rushed through the final defense on the city wall, so although they were a little hit, the Japanese players screamed because of the excitement of breaking the city and rushed into the fulcrum where there is no more city wall protection. In the city.

Just when the Japanese players were charging and thinking that my familiars were about to retaliate, they suddenly saw the darts falling on Ling's hands and said, "Matsumoto Masaga is not dead yet. "

"hmph, everyone follow me, and completely kill the bastard Matsumoto Masaga." Following Ling's orders, my beloved ones followed her and rushed to the direction where Matsumoto Masaka disappeared outside the city. , Of course, they did not forget to eliminate Japanese players along the way, and Japanese players know their purpose, so they can let them go along the way. After all, ordinary players know that none of my favorites are easy to provoke. Besides, now my familiars are not trying to prevent them from entering the city, so the Japanese players who attacked the city are all comforting themselves with the excuse that the overall situation is important in their hearts not to be impulsive.

As my Familiar completely left the battlefield, the three of Kristina and the others were dragged by the three of August Xun and the three of them, and the battle was roughly back to a balanced state. Although our guild’s magician squad and the second-line experts such as Hong Yue and Ziyue are still very strong, their battle strength has not reached the point of turning things around after all. Under the crowded tactics of Japanese players, they can only be like Just like a rock smashing a part of small waves, it has no decisive influence on the Japanese player team, which is generally tidal.

Looking at the various functional buildings ahead, the Japanese players who finally crossed the city wall exclaimed with excitement: "Everyone! Go! Destroy the transnational Transmission Formation. Victory is ours!"

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