"Hey... I missed it!" Seeing that the flying sword glow was blocked by Chi Fire Dragon, I deliberately put on a snorted expression of disdain.

"Haha, isn't it great to be No. 1 in the world." Chi Fire Dragon Ji laughed arrogantly.

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly, and then I turned and looked at the magician in the city wall. After confirming that the other's eyes were also on me, I snapped my fingers at them. "Qunrui."

"Yes." Qunrui quickly responded to my call.

After Qunrui answered, I turned my gaze to Fire Dragon Ji, and then slowly said: "It's a faster pace, it's time to dance."

< p>"Oh? Do you like pas de deux too?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji licked her lips with interest, her enchanting look was like a fairy who was only going to eat people. The male Japanese players below swallowed collectively. Drooling.

"Dancing duet? I'm an expert. Don't keep up with the rhythm." I said, suddenly waving eternity to the side, and a red lightning flashed out of the city wall. Masaka Matsumoto, who climbed out, slammed into the city wall again, and followed me down to the Fire Dragon Ji with lightning.

After seeing me move, Chi Fire Dragon Ji also moved immediately, Honglian Phoenix only saw two silhouettes colliding with each other like lightning, followed by a series of dense metal crashes. At the same time, in the shadows of the two groups of jumping, electric flames like firecrackers flashed endlessly. Even if we can't see our movements, just by looking at the intensity of the flashes, we can guess how fast we are.

"Purple Moon, your enemy is me." Masaga Matsumoto who crawled out of the city wall again angrily waved Divine Sword in his hand, and followed the whole person directly into me and Chi Fire Dragon Ji’s entangled battle group, the two-person battle group turned into a three-person melee in an instant. The surrounding players only saw three silhouettes colliding together, but they couldn’t see the specific actions. The only thing they could know was the three people. The fight was fierce, but it was completely unclear who took advantage and who suffered, because all three of them moved too fast.

The battle group was fighting well, and suddenly I heard a scream from "Ah", and everyone saw Chi Fire Dragon flying upside down from the battle group and hitting the ground. After that, he even slid out more than ten meters away before he stopped, and immediately after Chi Fire Dragon Ji was knocked into the air, the battle group in the sky was also completely separated after a loud noise. Matsumoto and I Masaga glared at each other, covering the base of his thigh and the other with his face.

Matsumoto Masaga carefully loosened his hand for a little bit and looked at the wound and said angrily: "Purple Moon, you guy......!"

"humph." Matsumoto Before Zheng He finished speaking, I took the lead and said: "You are so embarrassed to say. Have you ever heard of cursing people without revealing shortcomings, hitting people without slapping faces? How can you slap people on the battlefield?"

Wow, when the Japanese players below heard that I was slapped by Matsumoto Masaga, all of them were blown up. Of course they are not angry, but excited. It can be said that my player in mind in Japan definitely belongs to the kind of super villain. Masaga Matsumoto can slap me in the face of the Japanese, which is definitely an act of enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven.

Someone heard our conversation and immediately took pleasure in other people's misfortune and said: "Haha, it's no wonder Purple Moon covered her face as soon as she parted. It took Song this Monarch to fan it for a long time! "

The other person laughed after hearing what he said, but soon asked strangely: "It's weird, what is Matsumoto Old Jun doing while covering it?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be..."

The player below was guessing, and I heard Masaka Matsumoto cursing at me: "Even if I slap you, I'm not mean to you." ! You dignified a guild leader of the Frost Rose League, ranked first in the world battle strength list. You actually cut the roots of other people's descendants, do you want to castrate me?"

"hmph, you are kind to you if you castrate Yes, if it weren’t for your flashing fast, I would have turned you into a Peking duck and sliced ​​it into pieces."

"Want to cut me? Go in your dreams." Masayoshi Matsumoto's hands suddenly Divine Sword Flicking to the side, he followed himself but suddenly rushed towards me.

I patronized here to see where he threw the sword, didn't expect he actually took the opportunity to rush towards me. Seeing that Masaka Matsumoto approached me, he was unambiguous, and he threw Eternal also casually. Following the double blade claws popping out, the person had already rushed forward.

The Japanese players below were still wondering why we both threw out the main weapon, but they soon discovered the problem. The weapons thrown by the two of us did not fall to the ground after flying out like normal weapons. Instead, they spun in the air and flew up, and then each deformed.

The front blade of Matsumoto Masaka’s Divine Sword suddenly retracted into the hilt, following the hilt, it spread out to the sides like a folding fan and finally formed a circle. After the circle was completed, the blade of Divine Sword suddenly lit up, but at this time the blade was no longer one but a circle. With that circle of sword blades suddenly lit up, the entire Divine Sword, like a flying saucer, went around in a circle in the air and rushed towards me with high-speed rotation.

However, just as the light Divine Sword was deformed, Eternal also suddenly changed into two or four in the air to become a twelve-handled double-headed Flying Sword, and then these Flying Swords also rotated. Chaoguang Divine Sword slammed into it.

in the sky The twelve eternal sword wheels and the bright sun-like light sword wheel collided with each other, and then there was a dense metal collision, followed by two weapons Separately, and then each went in a big circle and then speeded up again and collided together.

The Japanese player below watched the ding ding dong dong with our weapons in the sky, and couldn’t help but talk: "Damn, expert is awesome! Even the weapon can fight on its own. Our weapons can only be used as a throwing knife if they are thrown out, they can only be used as trash!"

"Go, what kind of weapon did you take? What kind of weapon is that? You must be able to make a growth Divine Item promises to be able to play Flying Sword in the air like them. Now, don’t dream of climbing your wall, the people on it are almost dead, it’s our turn."

in The sky We are experts and you can’t deal with each other. Ordinary players and NPCs on the ground are also trying to attack or defend their goals. The battle on both sides looks not very optimistic. The Japanese have suffered a lot of casualties, but they have been steadily advancing. There are not many deaths in China. Unfortunately, the transnational Transmission Formation alone has limited capacity. Obviously, such a large number of casualties has exceeded the transmission speed of Transmission Formation, so the line of defense is only It can be retired again and again. Now there is almost no complete line of defense in the entire City Wall section. There are Japanese rushing forward stepping on corpses and Chinese trying to stabilize the front.

"Lie down for me." A Japanese player wielded a giant wolf fang club and hit a Chinese player on the shoulder with a violent blow and knocked it out, and followed him in a daze. , Because he suddenly found that there was no one in front of him. After staying for a second, this talent suddenly reacted madly said with a smile: "Haha, we broke through, we broke through the defense of the Chinese!"

The Japanese players have been sullen their heads before. He rushed forward, not paying attention to where he hit. The blank area that suddenly appeared in front immediately made these people realize that they had hit the inner side of the city wall. As long as they jumped off the edge of the city wall, they would be the inner city of Fulcrum City. The excited player howled and stepped on the edge of the inner city wall to jump down, but it was a pity that he was slapped back by a sudden gust of wind before he jumped up.

"Roar." A giant dragon with red light shining all over the body suddenly landed on the edge of the city wall as if it suddenly appeared. The huge wind pressure generated during the landing actually hardened many Japanese people. It blows away.

"God, what kind of monster is that?" A Japanese player started to tremble when he saw the giant dragon with red light shining all over his body. It's not that they are so afraid of giant dragons, but that the guy in front of them is really a bit big and imaginative. As the most hated person by Japanese players, my magic pet giant dragon is naturally a creature that Japanese players know very well. Generally speaking, a giant dragon with a length of 100 meters like Lucky or Plague is already the larger type in Dragon Clan, but it is simply nothing compared to the guy in front of me. The dragon in front of me is at least more than 300 meters long. It stands under the city wall with its back grasping, but its front paws can easily step on the top of the city wall, and the huge head is about the same size as the city gate building. Don’t He said he was attacking. As long as he breathed out, he estimated that the top of the city wall would be untenable.

Although Hong Yan doesn't go out very much, it doesn't mean that no one in Japan knows him. As the special guard of the guild stationed in Isengard, Hongyan's identity has long been thoroughly studied by Japanese players. There are not many people who know Hong Yan among these people at the scene, but they are definitely not many. Amidst the cries of surprise from other players, those who knew immediately explained to the people next to them: "This is Red Flame, one of the guardian creatures of the Frost Rose League Divine Grade. It is said to be a ghostly Spirit Dragon transformed from an epic giant dragon, battle. The strength is not clear, but it will definitely not be low."

"Damn, why is the Frost Rose League so perverted?"

"You ask me who do I ask? No, no, He is about to breathe fire, flash!"

Amidst the horrified shouts of those who know Hong Yan, Hong Yan’s huge head suddenly suddenly leaped back and desperately began to inhale, and then just like those Japanese As judged by the player, after he was full of breath, he suddenly stretched his head forward and opened his mouth. A terrifying dragon flame swept through with a deafening whistling sound like the tail flames of a space shuttle launch. All the people on the big City Wall section. However, although Hongyan uses range attacks, it is only the Japanese who are unlucky, because the City Wall section supported by Hongyan has actually been completely occupied by the Japanese, and our personnel are not on the City Wall section at all. , Even if there is, it is a corpse, so even if it is sprayed, it is just premature cremation.

After emptied a large City Wall section in an instant, Hong Yan stepped onto the city wall in one step, and then stepped outside the city wall. In terms of his size, he crossed the city wall and climbed over a breast wall. almost.

Hong Yan, who turned to the outside of the city wall, completely ignored the scared witless players and NPCs below. He directly spotted the location of Honglian Phoenix and opened his mouth, and a dragon flame sprayed out. .

Seeing Hongyan spraying dragon inflammation, the players standing next to Honglian Phoenix walked around in horror. Some people complained: "Isn't it said that giant dragon can't be connected to dragon spray? What's the situation with his grandmother?"

Ignoring the complaints of Japanese players and NPCs, the red dragon flame is like a whip made of flames moved towards the crowd, whichever is swept away The person instantly turned into a bunch of charred masses and fell to the ground, and the main target, Honglian Phoenix, ran almost two steps and jumped up, then spread his wings and flew directly into the sky. But...

But she was unlucky. Honglian Phoenix, who was just flying, suddenly felt a huge wind pressure coming from behind. Before turning her head, she felt that she was caught by something. Following her, she felt as if she had been hit by a truck. He was taken directly away from the original direction and hit the ground. With a bang, her whole person was pushed into the ground by the thing that hit her, and at this time, the dizzy Honglian Phoenix who had been hit by her suddenly realized that she was in the form of a giant dragon before. Purple moon.

Finding that Honglian Phoenix's eyes finally met the focus, Ziyue grinned directly at her, and then violently opened her mouth to bite. Honglian Phoenix only felt a huge mouth full of sharp teeth biting at her. The next second she returned to the system login interface. After a wry smile, she gave up her plan to log in again. Most people couldn't see the situation just now, but she understood everything. The reason why Hong Yan appeared was not because our defense line was tight, it was all directed at her. However, even though Guren Phoenix guessed the reason for Hongyan’s appearance, he still couldn’t think of why we would take such a proactive approach to her. It seems that she is now only a relatively good role in the Japanese army, so there is no need to treat her like this. Ruthless.

Honglian Phoenix, who didn't understand the entire process of development at all, had no choice but to close his eyes and quit the system. At this time, the battlefield was completely messed up. After Honglian Phoenix was killed, Nobunaga Guishou could not hold on for long. The rose-enhanced Hong Yue did not make Nobunaga Guishou make any move from beginning to end. Everyone saw that she was treating Nobunaga Guishou. Playing with sandbags, in the end Nobunaga couldn't touch her until the dead ghost hand.

Three troublemakers have been dealt with, and the rest is to get the war process back on the right track. On the Japanese side, Hongyan’s participation in the war finally added the casualties that should have been added. After the entire land between the last two city walls was piled up with corpses for nearly one meter, they were hidden among the Japanese players according to our instructions. The members of the Ghost Dragon Club suddenly rushed out and shouted: "Isn’t it just a dragon? How big is it? Everyone takes out the spirit of ants gnawing an elephant, even if they gnaw it, we must gnaw it down, otherwise we will all die here. Don’t let the comrades who sacrificed before die in vain."

Those members of the Ghost Dragon Association took the lead and rushed towards Hongyan after shouting slogans, and then under their encouragement, the Japanese players completely ignored the casualties. It's really like an ant attacking a large Insect, crawling on Hong Yan layer by layer. Although Hongyan defensive power is astonishing and battle strength is terrifying, such an attack at any cost is really scary.

"ao..." Hong Yan suddenly let out a loud dragon roar after being hacked with only one-tenth of his health, and at the same time, the whole body was red light flashed and his body was densely packed and hung. The Japanese players on that floor shook open, and then spread their wings and fled to the Transmission Formation in the city before the Japanese players climbed up again.

"Haha, we drove him away! We are victorious." Following the shouts of the Japanese players who reacted first, the rest of the Japanese players screamed in excitement. As one of the NPCs, Hong Yan cannot be resurrected, so he is impossible to die on the battlefield, and he must retreat after discovering that his health has entered the alert value. Although the Japanese players know that it is impossible to kill Hong Yan with their strength, it is not a small success to be able to force the opponent to evacuate.

Matsumoto Masaka, who saw Hongyan evacuating, was fighting with me, took advantage of the opportunity of our two tops to fight together and whispered to me: "Is the Japanese player's casualty ratio almost the same? I’m afraid I’m going to lose strength after hitting this side?"

I was nodded, and then I kicked his belly hard, Masaka Matsumoto raised his leg to block my foot, and the two of them backed away. Separately, and at the same time, I also used the crystal communicator to say to him: "It's almost done, execute the 3rd stage plan."

"Understand." After the whispered answer in the communicator, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly shouted to me: "Purple Moon, go and die." With the yelling, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly stretched out his hand to catch the light Divine Sword that was suddenly shot back from a distance, and then raised his head high and struck me with a sharp sword. . As he slashed, his light Divine Sword continued to grow, and finally turned into a light sword with a diameter of several meters and a length of several tens of meters, and it slammed down on my head.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" I immediately waved when I looked at the lightsaber, and the twelve eternal sword wheels shot into my hands instantly and gathered into one like lightning, following me I fiercely placed the sword of eternity on top of my head, and the sword of light hit the eternity on top of my head just at this moment. Accompanied by the pounding sound, my whole person fell to the ground like a cannonball.

On the ground, Kristina was confronting the Sakura Rain Divine Young. Seeing that the opposite Sakura Rain Divine Young was gathering huge might spell, Kristina directly held the staff with both hands and pointed forward. It shot a special light bullet with a colorful tail light and spinning towards the young cherry rain god.

Seeing that the light bullet was so much faster than her own magic preparation, Ying Yu Shen Hina immediately wanted to give up spell and prepare to dodge, but before she had time to react, I Suddenly fell from in the sky, and the result was that Kristina's magic directly blasted on my back, blasting me towards the young Ying Yu. Ying Yu Shen, who thought it was too late for her skills, happened to see me helping her block the light bullet, so she immediately gave up her plan to finish the preparation and finish preparing the spell. Just when I was about to hit the Sakura Rain, she also pointed her staff at me suddenly, and a lightning snake with a dazzling white light hit my body instantly, and then a burst of lightning thundered me again. Boom back to Kristina's side.

I was photographed by Masaka Matsumoto from in the sky and accidentally injured by Christina. In the end, I was attacked by a big move from the Sakura Rain God. Now even if I am the number one in the world Can't stand it anymore. As soon as the person fell by Kristina's side, I supported myself and wanted to get up, but I spurt a mouthful of blood just as I tried hard, and fell to the ground again.

Kristina wanted to come and help me as soon as she saw me down. Who knew that Yingyu Shenfu immediately followed and blocked her back, while Matsumoto Masaka was carrying ten thousand zhang The rays of light fell from the sky and instantly nailed me to the ground with a sword through my heart.

Looking at this amazing scene, the Japanese players who were attacking the city were all still for a moment. Although there was a coincidental oolong situation in the battle just now, I was put down by Masaka Matsumoto anyway. All the Japanese players froze for several seconds before they suddenly boiled and shouted: "Purple Moon is dead! Haha, let this Monarch kill Purple Moon!"

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