gold coin's sword tube vacuum cleaner is still working. After easily strangling the last elite squad member, the remaining Japanese players are suffering. Those horrible sword tube images A huge vacuum cleaner generally flicked across the ground, and then left a bloody path full of red viscous liquid. Any area swept by these things, whether it is a person or a rock, will be anything that can move. Turning into a piece of powder, there is nothing intact except for the armor and weapons of some personnel, and there is still a little twisted metal left.

Looking at the dozens of vacuum cleaner-like sword barrels after sweeping the elite squad and flying over to the Transmission Gate, the Japanese players below were all shocked. Many people have not waited for the sword barrel. When I get closer, I start to run out, but because the Transmission Gate is always transmitting according to the maximum number of people passing through, almost densely packed near the passage is crowded with people. Even if you want to run, only people outside can run away. People inside want to move. You have to push away the people around you. In the past, because of order, everyone moved in the same direction, and the speed could be faster. Now the chaos, the unordered team moves more slowly, not to mention that some people behind are squeezed back into the Transmission Gate.

"No, this is not the way!" Looking at the chaotic crowd and the sword barrels flying closer, the Japanese guild leaders also began to have trouble.

A Japanese guild president said: "If it doesn't work, let's pool some money to buy support?"

"Pick up money to buy reinforcements?" Another president Some embarrassment said: "Don't say that we have enough money. The key is that Masaga-kun Matsumoto greeted us before and don't waste money on foreign aid. If you have money, spend as much as possible on buying NPC soldiers. You guys. Now, if we can still use money to buy foreign aid, doesn’t that mean to tell Song this Monarch that we didn’t do our best before? When the time comes, even if the immediate trouble is solved, we can’t ask Song this Monarch. Let's go. You have to do things that are not human inside and out, so I won't participate."

"Don't do it, what about our people?" The player said and pointed to that The side of the battlefield said: "Look, how many people have we died in just such a long time?"

Several presidents here are discussing here, but the sword barrels of gold coin have not stopped for a moment. , Has been frantically sucking nearby Japanese players and NPCs into the sword tube, then twisting them into blood mist and spraying them out. With the terrifying speed of this thing, let alone a delay of one or two hours, as long as there are twenty or thirty minutes, it is estimated that there will be no more living people on the Transmission Gate side.

Seeing such a terrifying killing scene, the other guild leaders also scratched their heads and did not know what to do. Buying foreign aid means that you are not pleased inside and out. If you don't buy it, when the people below are all gone, their great cause of restoration will have to be finished. When the time comes, the loss is more than reputation and money.

Just as the leaders of the Japanese guilds were killing them, they suddenly saw the white light flashed on the battlefield, a dazzling white sword light suddenly fell from the sky, and a high-speed sound Rotation's sword barrel smashed into pieces. The Flying Swords that were interrupted in the rotation cycle collided with each other, and they collapsed completely in an instant. They were flying everywhere, and some Japanese players and NPCs who had been sucked up by the sword barrel fell to the ground in shock.

"What's the matter?"

"What is it?"


With that white light flashing , The crowd concerned about the battle immediately became a commotion. Although I didn’t see the person who made the move, but if I could split this terrifying meat grinder-like sword barrel with one blow, it would be impossible to be an ordinary person, because when the terrifying thing flew to the crowd, there were already countless people. After experimenting with their skills, all of them were swallowed by the terrifying sword tube without exception, and then they were strangled and disappeared. Since the white light just now is so sharp, it splits the sword barrel that has swallowed an unknown number of skills at once, so the person who releases this skill must be more terrifying.

Just as the crowd was busy looking for the person who issued the skill, a white light group suddenly lit up in the sky. Following that burst of white light, everyone saw a stunning beauty wearing bright silver armor and a pair of huge white wings spreading out from behind, descending from the sky with a divine light.

Just as the people below were frightened by the imposing manner of the beautiful angel descending on the world, the beauty suddenly lifted the clean white light sword she was holding in her hand moved towards the bottom and swung a dozen or so in a row. Down, and every time she waved it, she would emit a white sword glow. The sword glow that flew out of the sword body rushed straight to the ground like lightning as soon as it left the blade, and then accurately slammed into a dozen other sword barrels that hadn't stopped, and then all of them were scattered without exception. Open.

"Wow..." When I saw this angel appear before, the Japanese players were only attracted by her shiny appearance, and now they saw this beautiful angel with their hands up. Having wiped out the horror sword tube that almost wiped them out, everyone couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

"Are the people of the Frost Rose League only bullying ordinary players? Don't you feel ashamed to use such powerful skills to deal with ordinary persons?" The angel in the sky is falling to the distance When the ground was a few meters high, she stopped descending and hovered there, and then she suddenly looked at the gold coin ahead and they questioned.

True red and gold coin are naturally the ones who don’t suffer. Upon hearing the words of the envoy, gold coin immediately stood up and said: "Of course I also want to find an evenly matched opponent. .You also know that playing chess against a stinky chess basket will regress! But I really can’t help it! You said that among you Japanese, I have to let me find someone who can play against each other? What the hell is that? Nobunaga and Kojiro Kenjiro were all rubbish. Finally, Masaga Matsumoto was able to play a little bit and was snatched by our boss. Who do you think I can call?"

"hmph Hmph, it sounds reasonable. I counted you wronged before. Now, since I'm here, let's discuss it?"

"Of course I want to do it too! It's a pity that I'm here. The status in the meeting is relatively low, and there is an elder sister on it! So you should discuss with the elder sister first." Gold coin said and waved to the front. The Flying Sword, which had just been split by the angel, was suddenly scattered. They all flew up, and then whiz whiz whiz all flew back to the gold coin like missiles and began to fold and combine them into a new sword barrel again in the previous order.

I saw those horrible sword barrels being split, and the Japanese players were relaxed. Now when I saw that the sword barrel was about to be resurrected, the people who were scared shuddered, some of them overreacted even at that time. Turned around and prepared to escape.

Seeing that gold coin began to prepare her super vacuum cleaner again, Zhenhong walked to the front of the three and said to the angel over there: "Our Frost Rose League is about ranking. Do you think Let me try it first. If I get tired of playing, let them play."

In fact, the first attack position was assigned to True Red, not because our guild really needs to be ranked by seniority. , But because the gold coin is different from the real red attribute. Although the overall battle strength of true red is similar to that of gold coin, the characteristic of true red lies in its single attack power, while the sword array of gold coin is more suitable for mass destruction, so if gold coin goes to compete with that angel, let true Red is going to kill people, that speed is definitely much slower, but the reverse is different.

Seeing that the real red came out to meet the enemy in the end, and gold coin began to gather the sword tube meat grinder again, the presidents of the Japanese guild immediately wrinkled into a word for Sichuan, but they There is no way to help except worry. Regardless of whether it is gold coin or real red, and Kristina behind, none of them can be solved anyway. To be honest, if it weren't for the beautiful angel who was helping them but didn't know the origins, they wouldn't know what to do now. However, even if the angel drags Zhenhong, it seems meaningless. After all, even if she does not exist, Zhenhong can't kill a few people. It is the sword array of gold coin, which is simply a murderous intention device. The ** crematorium is not as efficient as those few sword barrels.

Just when the presidents frowned and thought that the massacre was about to begin again, the beautiful angel suddenly laughed and snapped his fingers. Two spots of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and then they quickly fell from a high altitude to the same height as her. When the two light groups stopped, everyone discovered that they were two angels again. However, unlike the previous war angel with a holy face and holding a long sword, there is a clear difference between the two who fell behind. The angel next to the right hand of the first angel is also wearing a bright white Battle Armor, but this cute angel with a baby face is not holding a sword, but a handle more than three meters long and like a long spear and like a law. Stick things. The angel on the other side to the left of the first angel is different from the other two. This angel not only wears a scarlet exaggerated Battle Armor, but even the wings, hair and eyes are scarlet, and she also holds a super heavy sword in her hand that is almost longer than her height, and The blade of this sword is also blood red.

The angel who appeared first, MM, waited for the two companions to be in place, and began to say: "Since your side is in the order of status, so in order not to let the other two wait in a hurry , Let my two sisters come to play with them?"

Suddenly seeing three angels appear, the Japanese players are all shocked from ear to ear. Although these three are obviously on their side, and from the appearance, it seems that the probability of the three being Japanese is great, but the key problem is that so many Japanese players present do not even know these three. However, although the origin of these three is not clear for the time being, it is estimated that these three can stop Zhenhong and Kristina from the performance of the first angels. Knowing this is enough, at least the Japanese players present are convinced that they are safe for the time being.

"Didn't expect a lot of you guys." Gold coin looked at the three people opposite and paused for a while and said, "But, haven't you learned the rules? Suddenly appeared in someone else's house. I would like to introduce myself in front of you."

"Oh, sorry, this is my negligence." Without forced rebuttal, the angel who came first seemed to have a good temper, and immediately accepted the opponent’s criticism. This kind of calm attitude made her take the initiative in her tongue. "I'll introduce myself first." The silver armor angel introduced: "My name is August Xun, and my career is the angel of judgment. The Little Sister on my right hand is the young girl of Yingyu, and the career is the guiding angel. As for this on my left hand A sexy big elder sister......"

"My name is Chi Fire Dragon Ji, as for my career......" This beautiful lady with a hot body and a lewd smile suddenly licked her lower lip and said: "You will know soon."

"Have you heard, they are our Japanese." Hearing the names of these three angels, the Japanese players behind were all excited. Although I found out that they were helping myself, the Japanese players present were still a little bit nervous because they had not been able to figure out the identity of the three people. Now that they suddenly heard the Japanese names of these three people, they were naturally relieved.

The three angels on the battlefield reported that their home was over, and gold coin immediately said to them: "Very well, since you want to die, then we don't mind shooting you. I hope you don't let us down. "

"I am happy to accompany you." The previous trial angel, August Yuexun, suddenly showed a very gentle smile and said: "We are very strong, please don't be careless of the three."

Although she said the reminder, her expression was completely harmless, but Akatsuki's movements were not slow at all. Almost at the same time she finished reminding, her whole person had already flashed. After going out, a dazzling flash suddenly burst out in front of Zhen Hong in the next second, followed by August Xun and Zhen Hong each backing more than ten steps before each stabilized.

"Is the strength good?" Zhen Hong shook his slightly numb hands, and a very excited expression appeared on his face.

Across from her, August Xun is also constantly moving the fingers that hold the sword, and now her hands are passing up with bursts of numbness, and she can't wait to rub her hands when it is itchy. It was obvious that both of them had suffered a bit just now, but naturally they couldn't admit it. "It seems that our strengths can still be compared, so please take care of it next." Following August Xun's unique gentle words, her people have flashed out again, but this time it is really red. With preparations, the two immediately smashed into a ball halfway, and then fought all the way up to the sky.

After August Xun and Zhenhong met, the petite figure and a baby face, the young Sakura Yushen, who seemed to be only thirteen-fourteen years old, also flew out suddenly, and then she held her hands. When the staff moved, a large hexagonal crystal-like thing suddenly appeared in front of her, and then I saw the crystals suddenly resembling a rocket launcher whiz whiz whiz flew out a large swath of densely packed small missiles. . These projectiles were olive-shaped, red, and a strange missile with a blue aperture behind it. As soon as the crystals flew out of the crystals, they immediately sprayed red flames and flew towards Kristina, but Kristina was not an ordinary person. As soon as the missiles were activated, her magic missiles smashed down like a torrential rain, intercepting all those missiles on the way, and the extra missiles also broke through. The missile array flew towards the Ying Yu, but in front of the Ying Yu Shen. After launching the missiles, those hexagonal crystals automatically docked into a huge shield in front of her. The magic missiles that Kristina fired on these crystals had no effect at all except that they could arouse ripples that looked like ripples on the surface of the water.

At the same time when Ying Yu Shen Chi and Kristina started their hands, Chi Fire Dragon Ji also rushed towards the gold coin. Gold coin saw that the other party was coming towards him, and he quickly adjusted the sword barrel he had just completed to her direction and covered her. Who knew that Fire Dragon Ji not only didn't hide, but ran into the whirling one. In the sword tube. However, what happened next was not that those whirling sword barrels twisted Fire Dragon into a blood mist, but instead it was Fire Dragon that smashed the rotating sword barrel to form the Flying Sword of the sword barrel. She was hit by her and flew around, completely unable to control her direction.

"Really strong!" Seeing the results of the battle of the three angels in front of them, the jaws of the Japanese players almost fell off. It's not that they have never seen an expert. They have seen my strength, but they have never seen such an expert in Japan. To be honest, most Japanese players don't even believe that these three are actually Japanese. After all, they had never heard of such a powerful existence in their own country before this, otherwise they would not have been bullied so miserably by our Frost Rose League.

So, what are the facts?

The fact is very simple, in fact, the fact is-they can be said to be Japanese, or they can be said to be not.

Actually, Masaka Matsumoto was not the first Japanese to join our guild. As early as when our guild first contacted Japan, I brought back a whole team from Japan. The Japanese guild of women-Sakura Club. The girls in this Sakura Club are all pro-Chinese Japanese women, and they dislike the culture of their country. In fact, admiration of foreigners and foreigners is not a Chinese patent. There are Chinese who like foreign cultures, and there are also foreigners who like Chinese culture. A country, especially a country with a population of more than 100 million, is definitely impossible. People all over the country like the same things. Of course, there are mainstream ideas and marginalized non-mainstream ideas. The girl of Sakura Club belongs to the marginalized part in Japan. exist. They love Chinese culture and love China, but they are very disgusted with part of the culture of their own people. This is similar to the Bright Alliance of our country that we killed at the beginning. The Bright Alliance is a group of Chinese people who love Japanese culture but dislike Chinese culture. This shows that there are people who like foreign things everywhere, and it is not a special product of any country or ethnic group.

Because I joined our guild earlier, so the girl from Sakura Club has become very difficult to deal with in China, plus she broke away from Japan early in the morning, so Japanese people don’t actually know this group of girls. The presence. Now the whole Japan knows this matter in detail, but some early players knew that a guild called Sakura Club in Japan had taken refuge in our Frost Rose League. No one knows exactly who is in this guild. After all, the original Sakura Club was not an active organization, and there were not many people who knew them.

As for the three of Akatsuki, Sakura Yujin Hina, and Blaze Fire Dragon who now appear in front of everyone, they are actually members of the original Sakura Club. But they did not use these three accounts when they joined our guild. In fact, these three accounts are all trumpets re-trained by three people later. Their trumpets are all members of the Sakura Club, but the trumpets have been active abroad as free persons.

However, these three trumpets are different from ordinary trumpets because their three trumpets are actually N times stronger than their large trumpets. In fact, when the three of them first came to China, the level and strength of the three tuba were not high, but at that time we still found that the battle awareness of the three people was very good. What they lack is correct guidance and some external assistance, such as equipment and materials.

Because the three of them have good consciousness, we mentioned the three of them separately at the beginning, and then asked them to give up the tuba and practice the trumpet again. Of course, their trumpets are different from their large trumpets, and they don't rely on their own practice. Our guild specially sent them a bunch of support staff to help them level up, not to mention, there are special people to guide them in fighting skills and the way of handling tasks, including their behavior etiquette and temperament. We have found someone specifically for them. Training. It can be said that the three of them were forcibly trained by us in accordance with the standards of perfect women, and even their equipment was specially made for them by us using a lot of guild resources. If it weren't for our investment at any cost, they would be impossible to become a super expert in a short period of time, and they also got a full set of top equipment. But the strength of the three of them was piled up with the resources of our guild. With such great effort, it would be strange if the strength of the three of them were not strong.

To sum up, in fact, the three of them are spies of the guild, and they belong to the same identities as Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, when they were training, they didn't expect today's plan, so the three of them were not trained for internal response. But didn't expect is now just used.

When we made the plan for the battle against the Fulcrum City, we were very upset about the battle strength of the Japanese players. We can also find excuses if we don't transfer the large forces over because of the Russian problems. However, the experts who use Transmission Formation must come back in time. So Christina and I are bound to appear on the battlefield. However, Kristina and I have too strong battle strength. If we appear here, it is simply impossible for Japanese players to capture Fulcrum City. Besides, the mobile angel troops of our guild are also too strong. , Even if the number of Japanese is doubled, it is no use.

Finally, after repeated consultations, we finally came up with a solution. Among them, the mobile angel unit took advantage of the weaknesses of the mobile angel itself to allow the people of Masaka Matsumoto to easily break through. As for Kristina and I, Masaka Matsumoto was responsible for intercepting me and then performing a performance battle. Anyway, it made the Japanese players feel that I was dragged by Masaka Matsumoto and could not participate in the battle. In this way, whether it is a Japanese player or a Chinese player, they will not guess. Of course, even if I deliberately release the water, Matsumoto Masaka can block me. It would be too fake to let him block me and Kristina all by himself. Therefore, the three of August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Hina came in handy.

Although the three are not well-known at present, just check the battle strength list and you will find that August Xun is currently ranked as high as sixteen on the world battle strength list, which means that it is purely based on data. Looking at it, there are only fifteen players in the world who have done her, including me. The battle strength ranking of Yingyu Shenchu ​​is 21st, and the ranking of Chi Fire Dragon is 18th. None of the three people is an ordinary person. If the system lists the battle strength rankings of each country, the three of them will definitely be ranked in the top four in Japan, and Matsumoto Masaga is just almost on par with them. Moreover, if you really rely on your strength, I guess Matsumoto Masaka may not have done the three of them. After all, Matsumoto Masaka was strengthened by our surprise, but the three of them have undergone special training for nearly a year. Although the equipment is slightly inferior to Matsumoto Masaka, but in terms of combat skills and some on-the-spot reactions, he may be much better than Matsumoto Masaka. If the two sides are leveled, Matsumoto will not be sure if Masaga can handle them.

Of course, even if the three of them are already so strong, it is still a bit reluctant to deal with the three of Zhenhong and Kristina. After all, gold coin is currently the second on the world battle strength list, and Kristina is the fourth on the battle strength list, and the fifth in true red. How it counts is better than August Xun and the others, who are ranked 16th to 21st. Big cut. However, after all, we arranged for them to come to the rescue. Of course Kristina and the others were impossible to fight them to death. Just like the performance battle between Masaka Matsumoto and I, the three of Christina and the three of them are just doing shows, and they are all for the Japanese players. In this kind of tactical tactics, it is too simple to want to fight fiercely without hurting people. Besides, for such a large-scale project, even if the six of them are really sacrificed, it is not at the worst thing. Anyway, they will be able to get back soon after dropping a Level 1 or two. It's a great guild to pay some compensation.

The three Kristina and the three on Augustine are not ordinary people. Kristina and the others are experienced and knowledgeable. They are originally slick people, and Augustine is also It has been trained in etiquette and behavior, and it can be regarded as semi-professional in terms of performance. So after these six met, the state was almost the same as the first time they met. The Japanese players who were engaged thought that three Goddess had suddenly appeared, but they did not know that they were actually three super spies.

The so-called full set of acting, since it has been decided to act, it is natural to perform realistically. So today the six of them received the order-Life and Death Battle. Although the six of them had already used each other before, the purpose of the match was not to protect their safety, but to make their battle strength as exaggerated as possible, at least to make the following Japanese players feel theirs. The three angels are really strong. As for the requirements of Life and Death Battle, this is actually not for them to really rely on their strength to fight. After all, the rankings are there. It really depends on strength and does not need to talk about it. In the end, Kristina and the others will definitely win. What we call Life and Death Battle refers to letting Kristina and the others suffer a bit of health before engaging in Life and Death Battle. According to our arrangement, when the three of Kristina and the others have consumed only one-eighth of their health value, they must sell a weak spot to their opponent, ready to be killed by the opponent, and if they only To kill the opponent with seven-eighths of health, it can only be regarded as August Xun and the others as a failure. However, under this requirement, we have also added one, that is, it is not allowed to have all the deaths of one party. That is to say, whether we are on our side or the Japanese side, as long as there are two people on this side who are defeated, the remaining group will have to fail in turn to ensure that there will be someone left on both sides, and the results should not be exaggerated. After all, Kristina’s words of annihilation on this side are a bit too fake, and August Kaun’s words about annihilation on the other side will also undermine the enthusiasm of the Japanese, so at least one person must be left on one side.

Under the guidance of this Life and Death Battle command, Zhen Hong and Ying Yu Shen Hina are desperately engaged in a performance battle. Because in addition to the special limited results that cannot be changed, I also promised them that the party who wins in the end can get the same additional reward. As for the reward, I didn't tell them. Now these six people have used all one's strength for this mysterious reward. After all, Kristina and the others have been restricted to reduce their health by one-eighth, the battle strength on both sides has been infinitely close. Under such circumstances, who It's really impossible to win or lose, so both sides want to fight.

"Blasting the stars." With Ying Yu Shen Hina's concluding remarks, a large piece of densely packed crystals suddenly appeared in front of her, and then these things like small missiles came out of those crystals. It rushed out frantically.

"Elemental Tide." Kristina on the opposite side also did not let go. The magic missiles all over the sky almost became a wall moved towards the missile array in front was covered, and then suddenly in the sky As soon as it turned on, the entire night sky was illuminated, as if it had instantly turned into daylight. Until the strong light gleamed for a few seconds, the people on the ground heard a loud noise like thunder blasting in their ears, and the whole earth trembling that sounded.

"Damn, your skills are too close, change people." Zhen Hong suddenly rushed past Kristina, moved towards Ying Yu Shen Chou rushed over. But Kristina immediately turned around and pointed her staff towards Augusten, and the dense magic missiles immediately blocked the desire to pursue the real red Augusten.

"Don't get in the way." August Xun looked at the densely flying magic missiles and slashed towards Kristina with a sword. The sword glow just like cutting tofu directly The string of magic missiles all exploded, and then rushed to Kristina at an unabated speed. Seeing that the magic missile could not stop the concentrated sword glow at all, Kristina leaned forward with her wand, and a sudden lightning slammed on the sword glow, which hit her body just a few meters away, for an instant. Shatter the sword glow.

"If you want to chase, please pass my level before talking."

"Let me learn it." August Xun smiled and said this string of words. Appeared behind Kristina, and slashed with a sharp sword. The long sword shining with white light easily split Kristina in half, but August Xun's expression changed, because the sword had no resistance at all, which means that she didn't cut anything at all.

"You are still too tender!" Kristina suddenly appeared behind August Xuan in the form of a magical elf with colored wings on her back, and then pressed her back with one hand, booming. With a sound, August Xun was blown out.

In the melee between Kristina and August Xun, Zhen Hong has also rushed to the Ying Yu Shen Hina, and then directly swiped a fist moved towards Ying Yu Shen Hina and smashed it down. The Ying Yu Shen Young didn't panic at all, and he turned around and disappeared into the air. A real red punch directly smashed the ground into a big hole, but it didn't hurt Ying Yu Shen.

"Damn, why are they all speed-based?" Zhenhong complained, then immediately turned around and looked for the target.

"Let's change it!" Gold coin suddenly landed next to Real Red. "My one is power type, the attack power is too concentrated. We change hands."

"Yes." After Zhen Hong said, suddenly took off again moved towards Chi Fire Dragon Ji rushed over, and gold coin Suddenly he raised his hand and pointed, and a group of Flying Swords immediately moved towards a void in the sky and flew over.

As soon as Ying Yu Shen Hina appeared, she saw the densely packed Flying Sword twisted towards herself, scared she quickly disappeared again, and then emerged from another place, and then waved the staff with one hand. , A beam of light shot out instantly, but was blocked by a circular shield composed of dozens of Flying Swords in front of gold coin.

On the other side, Zhen Hong quickly rushed in front of Chi Fire Dragon Ji, and then smashed out with a punch, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji did not dodge at all, and hit the real red fist with a sword. After coming down, the two attacks collided in midair and there was a big explosion. In the loud noise, both of them were blown out. They did not know how many somersaults in the air to stabilize again.

"haha, this opponent suits me." Zhenhong smiled and rushed towards Chi Fire Dragon Ji again. What she likes most is the opponent who fights her strength, and what she hates most is the kind of slippery Like the loach, the enemy who doesn't come into direct contact with her at all.

Fire Dragon Ji is dressed in heavy armor. Although the speed is not slow, she is definitely not fast enough to the point where she can't grasp the track at all. In fact, she herself is also taking the line of power, with powerful Attack power and defensive power are the development directions. The battle method like her can be said to be the most orthodox and the strongest battle strength. The so-called evil does not suppress righteousness, not only in terms of affair, but also in terms of skills. Although partial skills can often achieve miraculous effects, in general, the most basic skills have the best attack effects, because everyone is not stupid. The most effective battle methods are generally used by most people. Partial skills are called partial doors because their comprehensive ability is relatively poor and the

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