"Yo, miscellaneous fish, don't get in the way." Watching the so-called elites flying up below, Kristina directly smashed them all with magic missiles in the sky. Went back.

"No, it's too abnormal!" A Japanese elite who was forced to land said to the person next to him: "Is there a way to get them down?"

The Japanese player looked up at the height of the three in the sky, and then nodded. "Let me try." The guy raised his hand, and then used his thumb and index finger to form a shape like a spade in a poker card and aimed at Kristina in the sky, and then He saw his eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted: "Heaven and Earth yin and yang, reverse the world."

As the guy shouted, in the sky suddenly went dark, followed Christy The three of Na and the others suddenly felt that they were swallowed by a spatial force field that suddenly appeared, and then the silhouettes of the three of them flashed and appeared directly on the ground in the next second.

The sudden shift in space confuses all three of them, but they still reacted quickly. Gold coin directly released his sword array to protect them, and the subsequent attacks launched by Japanese players were all blocked by the rotating hedgehog-like sword array composed of countless flying swords.

After blocking all the attacks, gold coin immediately made a cut forward with one hand. The Flying Sword surrounding them suddenly separated a crack, and then a large group of Flying Swords were released and suspended in front of her. Gold coin stretched out his hand at the Flying Swords, and said at the same time: "Xuantian sword array-breaking evil." The group of Flying Swords that had just been released suddenly rushed out amidst the shouts of gold coin, the Japanese players outside Before he could react, he was nailed to the ground by thousands of Flying Swords.

Killing a group of people with one stroke is nothing to an expert, but killing thousands of people with one stroke is a bit scary for this formidable power. This trick of gold coin not only killed thousands of people in an instant, but more importantly, it was obviously not her full strength, because while she was attacking, she was also manipulating a spherical sword array composed of nearly 10,000 Flying Swords and was protecting it. She herself and Kristina and others. Being able to be distracted and dual-purpose, but also able to emit such formidable power, the high attack power of gold coin is evident from this.

At the end of the move, gold coin immediately flipped its fingers back and hooked. Those Flying Swords inserted on the corpse immediately retreated from the corpse, and then the hilt moved towards the gold coin and flew backwards. He came back and quickly gathered in front of her into a dozen cylindrical sword arrays.

The structure of these cylindrical sword arrays composed of Flying Swords is actually very simple. First, a circle of Flying Swords side by side is formed in the air with the hilt facing the back and the tip of the sword is forward to form a cylinder like the drum of a drum washing machine, and then a dozen of these cylinders are connected together to form a long The cylinders form a sword array. But this is just the basic form. With the hands of gold coin, the cylinders that make up the sword array suddenly changed. The Flying Sword in the first cylinder array at the front suddenly tilted the tip of the sword by 30 degrees to the center of the cylinder, and then the cylinder sword array in the second row opened the tip of the sword by 30 degrees. Horn. The cylinder at the back follows the cylinder at the front, opening and shrinking in a circle. The originally smooth Flying Sword cylinder instantly becomes a meat grinder with sword blades everywhere inside and outside. After completing this shape, the long cylindrical sword array suddenly began to shrink in the middle. The sword tube that was originally arranged in the second circle became a little bigger after being opened at a certain angle, and it just happened to fit in the first circle. The outside of one row of sword barrels, and the fourth row behind the third row, the sixth row and the fifth row in a circle to form a more dense, but more intimidating sword array. If the previous sword array looked like a meat grinder, now this is simply a grinder. The entire sword barrel seemed to be covered with blades on the outside, making people feel that this thing was untouchable at first glance.

After the sword tube array was deformed, following the last few fingerprints of gold coin, the cylindrical sword array suddenly moved. Not flying forward, but starting to turn. Due to the deformation of the second stage, the current sword barrel is actually composed of two layers of Flying Sword sword barrels. Following the action of the gold coin, the sword barrels in the outer ring of the first row suddenly began to slowly rotate counterclockwise, while the inner sword barrels in the first row inside it were rotated clockwise. That’s not to mention. When the first row of sword barrels is rotated, it is as if a linkage device is installed. The three rows of sword tubes reversed the direction of the second row. Such a way of forward rotation and reverse rotation suddenly makes the sword array, which is already like a shredder, seem to be plugged in, and as the sword barrel rotates faster and faster, it is huge. The center of the sword barrel unexpectedly began to produce an air extraction effect similar to an electric fan, and an airflow from small to larger is being sucked into the interior by the rotating sword barrel at an increasingly faster speed.

There are many speaking of which, in fact, it only took less than five seconds for gold coin to turn those Flying Swords into the same structure as the current rotating shredder. Although the Japanese player on the opposite side was caught The sword barrel was frightened, but his brain was not broken. After seeing those things spinning up, they immediately realized that it was not good. Of course, anyone who is not stupid should know that it is not good, because in the third second after the sword barrel began to rotate, its powerful suction effect can already suck up all the small pieces of soil and rocks on the ground. .

Those Japanese players only saw a rock about the size of a fist. First it began to roll, then faster and faster, and then jumped towards the sword barrel, and finally there was still At two or three meters, he suddenly jumped off the ground and moved towards the center of the sword barrel, and the rotating circle of blades rushed up. There was a chuckle, and then someone saw some white lime powder sprayed out of the gap between the second and third section of the sword barrel.

Seeing these, if he doesn’t know how to run, then he must have a problem with his head. When a stone flew into the sword barrel, it turned into lime powder without even the first quarter. If an individual entered, what would it become when it came out? Sashimi or minced meat?

Just when those Japanese players saw the terrifying power of this thing and started to run, the gold coin suddenly pointed forward, and the dozens of sword barrels suddenly began to accelerate again, and then they unexpectedly Leaving the position in front of gold coin and rushing towards the elite Japanese player squad.

The elite players were originally responsible for intercepting gold coin and the others, but at this time they were also not concerned about their tasks. Did you finish the task of a fart if your life was gone?

However, even if they run, it is useless. Just when they ran a few meters away, the sword barrels had already whizzed and flew behind them, and as the distance got closer, those people obviously felt that the huge suction force behind them was pulling them back. Drag, and the ground beside them, whether it was mud, turf, or rock, as long as they were not completely connected to the ground, they all flew up and rushed towards the sword barrel behind them. If these Japanese players look back at this time, they will definitely feel that the dozen sword barrels are like dozens of super-powered vacuum cleaners, but unfortunately they have no time to look back now.

As the sword barrel approached, the Japanese Onmyouji that ran at the rear was finally unable to move forward because of the suction, and because his body was not fixed, he found his feet when he ran. Left the ground. Although he flew desperately and tried to grab the ground, this action not only failed him, but instead made him leave the ground at a faster speed and flew toward the huge sword barrel.

"No...don't...help...ah..." the man yelled and screamed while rolling towards the sword barrel, but the people in front were all powerless to defend himself, now even if he wants to save He can't help either. However, his cry quickly stopped as his body flew into the sword barrel. At the same time, the second, third, and fourth sections of the crazily rotating sword barrel suddenly spewed out large swaths of red blood. mist, and the player who was sucked into the sword tube never appeared in everyone's eyes again.

As the first crushed hapless guy died, the other elite squad members in front were not spared either. These people flew up one by one, and then they were sucked into the sword tube and turned into A large swath of blood mist sprayed out.

"No, I can't die, I won't die!" A hysterical warrior player desperately inserted his Japanese sword into the ground to fix himself, his feet already thought of suction After leaving the ground, he relied on both hands to firmly hold the hilt inserted in the ground without being sucked into the sword barrel immediately, but as the sword barrel slowly approached, his hands gradually became unable to hold on. In the end, although his hand did not loosen, the Japanese sword stuck in the soil couldn't stand it anymore. As the suction increased, the huge pulling force gradually pulled the knife out of the ground, and then when the blade was no longer able to support a person's weight, the player suddenly flew to the rotation with his knife. After that, I heard a scream that stopped abruptly and a series of collisions of ding ding dong dong. In the end, the person turned into a cloud of blood mist and was sprayed out of the sword tube without exception. The hilt knife passed through the entire sword barrel and was sprayed out from the back. It's just different from the Japanese sword that was intact when I first entered it. What came out was a pile of twisted metal that was almost out of shape, and only the blade was left. The original hilt and guard were all gone.

"haha, gold coin, your vacuum cleaner is really good." Zhen Hong said in approval, looking at the rotating sword barrel.

Gold coin barely laughed after hearing the red praise. This sword barrel looks powerful, but the effort required to form such a complex structure with so many Flying Swords is definitely not something ordinary people can afford. Now gold coin not only controls such sword barrels, but also controls more than a dozen at a time. She still has extra thoughts to listen to the red praise and nodded the response is already very good. As for the answer, unless she controls less A few sword barrels, or turn her into a Dragon Clan member with an electronic brain like me, otherwise, don't even think about it.

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