After explaining the origin of the crystal display, Masaga Matsumoto said before the chairmen started talking: "Okay, it’s all quiet. The crystal display is just from the Frost Rose League. A semi-eliminated technology is not worthy of such a heavy debate. What we need to care about now is our country and our future."

Hearing Matsumoto's words, the chairpersons present have all Quiet down, after all, although the crystal display technology looks very dazzling, in fact it has little application value. In fact, the crystal display is not really of little application value, but it is only of little application value to the Japanese, because the crystal display is only an output device, and it also needs an input device and an intermediate computing unit to perform its functions. Japan has no military gods, no giant mosquito outposts, and no giant sighting lens of the kind developed by the Iron Crusade. They don’t have any equipment that can convert the image they see into the image displayed on the monitor. Therefore, the monitor No matter how good the technology is, it has become a decoration.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Masaka Matsumoto once again gestured to the player operating the display, and then the picture on the screen immediately changed, and the original photo instantly changed back to the previous one. A huge map of Japan, and a dynamic flashing red dot appears on the map.

"Look at this map, who knows where that is flashing?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

Someone immediately below replied: "It seems to be the pivot city of the Frost Rose League."

"Yes, this is the pivot city." Matsumoto Masaga continued the person's words. : "Then who can tell me why Fulcrum City is called Fulcrum City?"

Someone replied: "I heard that it seems that Purple Moon said it at the beginning. He said that this city will be used as an offensive. The support point of our Great Japanese Empire, so named Fulcrum City, which means support point. At the same time, this city has indeed played a role as a forward base in subsequent battles. The city has been continuously built with Chinese transnational Transmission Formation and connected There are two offshore floating ports with very large throughput. More than 90% of the strategic materials and personnel used by the Chinese to attack the Japanese Empire every day are transported into China through the city. It can be said that this city is directly related to The Chinese's combat capability in our Great Japanese Empire."

"Very good, this president obviously has not paid attention to Fulcrum City for a day or two, and he has studied very thoroughly. Yes, Fulcrum City is China. Human advance base and material transfer station, its existence directly affected the development of the war situation of my entire Great Japanese Empire. Therefore, if you want to expel the Chinese, you must first remove this city."

Matsumoto Masagato As soon as they finished speaking, someone shouted: "Song this Monarch said and did not say the same. How can we not know that Fulcrum City is the key to the key? When the Chinese built this city, we also raided this city twice. I also succeeded once, forcing the Chinese to rebuild Fulcrum City. But the current Fulcrum City is no longer a temporary supply base with only one city wall. Now, there are not only more than 30 satellite cities large and small, but also Six Paths built outside the Fulcrum City. city ​​wall, there are 23 floating artillery turrets in the city, with firepower covering a radius of 200 kilometers, and there is a permanent fleet of no less than 30 battleships behind it. Have you ever wondered what we need to do to break through this city The price?"

"The price?" Masaga Matsumoto sneered. "You want to restore the country without paying the price?"

The president who was questioned retorted without giving way: "Of course there is a price to restore the country, but the price paid should also have a corresponding return. It’s okay. It’s not a problem to forcibly attack the Fulcrum City. We will definitely be able to gnaw it down, but then? My Great Japanese Empire is not only a Fulcrum City. We have used all our power to attack the Fulcrum City. What should we do about the other parts? "

"No, just because there are other parts, we must attack the Fulcrum City, no matter what the price." Masaka Matsumoto said decisively and let the people behind change the big screen. The map on the map immediately began to demonstrate some battle data, and then Matsumoto said against the data: "Some of you may not know. The Russians have been defeated by the Chinese, and now their invasion of Legion has been completely withdrawn. China leads the leg, so the Chinese now have enough strength to concentrate on fighting us. If you adopt your plan and fight other cities first, then when we take the first city, what we have to face will be China A full-scale invasion of humans. They will send all the national forces to our country continuously through the fulcrum city, and then we will be submerged by the Chinese crowd."

Listen to Masaka Matsumoto Here, the guy who retorted before also quieted down. The fact is as Matsumoto said, the battle on our side has ended, and the domestic forces have not been disbanded. At this time, it can be said that they can be transferred wherever they want. If the Japanese cannot cut off the supply point of Fulcrum City, then It’s useless for them to shoot down other cities, because Fulcrum City can send millions of troops from the country within two to three days. When the time comes, they simply want to stop it, but they can’t stop it. Can wait to die.

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Masaka Matsumoto continued: "I know that a strong attack on Fulcrum City will inevitably suffer heavy losses, but this is a test we must face. As long as the Fulcrum City is destroyed, the Chinese will Will not be able to increase troops to Japan, as for the remaining cities... Actually, you don’t have to worry at all." Masaka Matsumoto waved his hand, and the signs of the cities occupied by us in Japan were immediately printed on the screen behind them, and then they were next to them. Shows the densely packed force data. Matsumoto Masaka explained to the troop strength data: "You will find that when you see these data, in fact, the Chinese simply don’t have many soldiers in our Japanese area."

A president questioned: "Matsumoto Monarch, where did you get this data? Is the information reliable? The Chinese have just captured the entire territory of our country, how can there be only this person?"

Matsumoto Masaka did not directly answer that person’s question. It was a rhetorical question: "If your guild is attacking other guilds and someone is attacking your guild headquarters at this time, do you continue to siege or return to rescue?"

"Of course, return to rescue Now, is this something unclear?"

"Yes, this thing is simply as it should be by rights, and the Chinese naturally understand this. The Russians have entered their country. Do you think the Chinese still have the mind to deal with us? But at that time we were actively shrinking our defenses. The Chinese didn’t know that we were taking the initiative to show weakness. They thought that we were weak, and thought that we would be destroyed by adding more strength. The Japanese Empire. Because of this misunderstanding, they still left a main force with considerable battle strength even when they were threatened by the Russians at home. However, even if the Chinese left a main force, the country had no choice but to do so. Save, so apart from this main force, in fact, the Chinese simply don’t have much military strength in the territory of the Great Japanese Empire. During the process of expelling our players from our country during this period of time, the Chinese actually lost only a very small amount of them every time they occupy a city. The guard troops, their actual strength is actually concentrated on that thin line of advancement, and there is almost no man’s land behind, so you will feel that there are a lot of Chinese troops on our Japanese territory. In fact, they are all. It’s an illusion."

A chairperson who originally supported Masaka Matsumoto said excitedly: "In this way, as long as we cut off the supply line of Fulcrum City, we will bring this Chinese main force Doesn’t it mean that the entire territory of Japan is restored?"

"Yes, this is the case. The Chinese have transferred all their main forces to the Sino-Russian border in order to expel the Russian invaders. Now we don’t have many Chinese troops in our country. As long as we destroy Fulcrum City and then destroy this offensive force, other cities can send 3,000 to 5,000 people to grab them one by one. There will be no problem at all."< /p>

The president who expressed doubts before said again: "If things are true as Song this Monarch said, it is indeed a perfect plan, but I want to confirm it again. Where does Song this Monarch's information come from? Here comes? Is your information really accurate? We must know that the system gives us only 72 hours of counterattack. Once the time protection has passed, our attributes will return to normal. When the time comes, we want to counterattack again. It will become extremely difficult, and when the time comes, the morale of our players will also be extremely low. If you want to unite and launch a large-scale counterattack, it may not be so easy! "

Masaga Matsumoto slightly hesitated, and then said: "Well, since you asked that... Although this might expose our secret personnel, I decided to tell you you. In fact, we have recently developed a spy within the Frost Rose League. This person can access some of the Frost Rose League’s low- and middle-end secrets and all non-confidential information. Our intelligence comes from this person. As for whether his information is reliable, I am not sure, I can only say that this person is absolutely reliable. But since he has not been discovered, then I think the Frost Rose Alliance will not release deceptive information to its members, so the information should be true and credible. Besides, military deployment intelligence is not information intelligence, and it is not so easy to falsify. What our intelligence personnel should get is the real situation. In fact, even if our intelligence personnel did not provide specific data, you should use your own brain to analyze it. The Chinese were attacked at home, and their heads were flooded before they would put their troops on our side and not send them back to defend their homes. Therefore, even without this detailed information, we should be able to confirm that the Chinese troops in Japan are indeed very empty. "

The president who questioned seemed to have deliberately made trouble. He actually asked again at this time: "No matter what you are talking about, it is related to the future destiny of our country. , So I hope you can inform the other party's position and identity in the Frost Rose League. "

As soon as this guy finished speaking, the gazes of a large group of people around him gathered on this person. The guy looked at the people who were staring at him as if he hadn’t reacted. Doubtful: "What do you guys see me doing? Is what I said is the truth? How can we rashly believe such important information without confirming it? "

As soon as this guy finished speaking, everyone's eyes immediately returned to Matsumoto Masaka. Matsumoto Masaka suddenly raised a hand and waved forward, several players immediately rushed towards The rebutting guy reached out to pull him.

"Why are you pulling me? "The man yelled while resisting.

The two who pulled him ignored him at all, and still desperately pulled him out, and quickly pulled him out of the seat into the aisle, and then the two people He took his arm and walked out. The guy immediately resisted this posture more fiercely, and shouted: "What are you doing? Matsumoto Masaka, do you want to make a statement? I raise a legitimate issue, so you treat me like this? Are you going to swallow all of our little guilds? What are you going to do? "

Hearing this, Masaka Matsumoto on the stage finally spoke. "Although I don't know what benefits the Chinese give you, you are really stupid as a spy." The identity of the spy is kept secret, don't you know that? With so many people present, it’s hard to guarantee that there are no Chinese spies mixed in. I told you today that the presence of a spy has already made that spy take a very big risk. If you say his identity, it’s not the same as calling him. Did the Chinese pull out this nail? You are really stupid as a spy to ask such an idiot question. "After Matsumoto said, he waved his hand outward and made an act of driving away. The two men holding the guy immediately dragged the chairman out.

In one scene, the presidents of the Japanese guilds present all believed that it was right to support Masaga Matsumoto. After all, it is a very brainstorming thing to be able to find spies. Unlike wars, catching spies is not just martial. power is fine. At least they never saw him catch a spy during the period of Oni Shou Nobunaga’s administration.

Actually, the presidents of the Japanese guild don’t know that the spy who was dragged away is indeed It was bought by our guild, but his role is not to transmit information, but to confuse the audience.

In fact, Matsumoto Masaga has long known that the guild president is us. He’s a spy, and he got our instructions long ago to catch this guy at this meeting so that other guild leaders can trust him more. As for the spy’s behavior, this is of course our instructed .But this guy didn’t know that Masaka Matsumoto was actually ours, we only told him that we found out that there was Masaka Matsumoto’s spy in the guild, and asked him to force Masaka Matsumoto to name that person’s identity at the meeting. At least you need to know the approximate range. We promised him that as long as he can get this information, we will give him a high level Divine Item suit and a monster egg above 900.

That A famous spy is the president of a small guild. All of their guild’s property plus one piece is not enough to buy a Familiar Egg, let alone the Divine Item suit. Under the temptation of such a huge interest, he naturally It was because of his super equipment that he tried to get more information, so the scene from the previous meeting appeared. Of course, although Matsumoto Masaka knew that this guy was actually arranged by us, but it was a little bit of starting. No mercy, anyway, this man is the chicken used to police monkeys, and his purpose is to be killed.

After the spy was dragged out, Matsumoto Masaka said again: "Everyone has seen it. Now, the warrior spirit of our Great Japan Empire has fallen to this point, and even the presence of the guild leader Level 1 has Chinese spies. And...Although I caught such a guy, it can only be said that that guy is too stupid. I can't be sure if there are any spies in the room. Even the brothers behind me, I can’t guarantee. It's true that every one of them is determined to follow me to restore the empire. So, the key point for the guys this time is to be fast. If we can pass this plan, we must launch an offense immediately. Even if the Chinese spies send the information back, they will not have time to react. If time drags on for a long time, it will be difficult to guarantee how the Chinese will react! "

Matsumoto Masaka has said that for this purpose, who would dare to continue inking with him? Matsumoto Masaka said that the key is to fight for time with the Chinese. Delaying time is tantamount to helping China. People, doesn’t this mean that one of you dare to be a spy if you dare to delay the time there? Since those present can be the president of the Council, their heads will not be too stupid, and naturally they all understand that we can’t delay any more time at this time. Let’s talk about Matsumoto Masaga The plan of is actually arranged by us. It is very detailed and the feasibility of the content is also very high. As long as you are not stupid, you know that this plan is actually perfect.

Under the dual advantages of reason and affair, the presence In the end, almost all of the presidents agreed to the plan. A limited number of those who did not agree only abstained from voting, and none opposed. Under such circumstances, the plan was quickly passed, and then Masaga Matsumoto Using the big screen on the back, I explained the entire combat layout in detail to the presidents present. The plan to attack the fulcrum city that I told them before is actually just a framework. The specific offensive steps and tactical arrangements can only be up to now. They can only be told after confirming their support for this plan, so now Masaka Matsumoto has begun to explain the tactical arrangements for them.

The meeting has been open from noon but in the evening, Masaka Matsumoto introduced the final step of the plan. Then he slapped the long pointer on the table, and said: "It's 5:50 in the afternoon. Everyone immediately go back and notify the members of their guilds to go offline to eat and rest, and come online at 9 pm to bring all the troops to me. Assemble, try to complete the assembly before ten o'clock, and then we spend five hours moving to the vicinity of Fulcrum City, and launch the attack on Fulcrum City on time at 3 o'clock in the morning. The specific attack plan will follow the notification just now. Okay, now all Disband, move fast, we grab time. "

The guild leaders left the Conference Hall of Masaka Matsumoto and immediately returned to their guilds to make plans and arrange for their staff to take a break and take a quick rest. Players throughout Japan were all in this night. In the extreme excitement. Having endured for so long, pretending to be defeated by us all the way, now that the country has been wiped out, and finally they can fight back tonight, how can they not be excited?

Although Matsumoto said The assembly started at nine o'clock and the assembly was completed before ten o'clock, but where can those excited Japanese players hold back? Someone started to go online just after eight o'clock. At nine o'clock, Matsumoto Masakao’s huge Underground City was outside. It was almost full, and the guild troops gathered together in black, it looked like a vast crowd. Just ten minutes after the last nine o'clock, a large group of guild leaders ran to Matsumoto Masaga to inform them that they were assembled. It’s over. Matsumoto Masaka is a little surprised.

Actually, Matsumoto Masaka is not stupid. He should have understood the excitement of the Japanese player’s imminent restoration, but because of his identity, he Basically didn't expect this. Now Masaka Matsumoto is no longer the passionate warrior who fought for the great rejuvenation of the Great Japanese Empire. He is now a member of our Frost Rose League and a super spy. According to China In human terms, he is now a Japanese traitor, and it actually means the same thing as the original traitor. And because of this special identity and the inside story he knows, Masaka Matsumoto has no such thing as a Japanese player's imminent recovery. The excitement of the country. Compared with those simple players, he knows more and bears more, so he can't get excited and it is impossible to generate any sense of excitement. However, although Matsumoto's expression has always been dignified, this expression However, he inadvertently raised his status as a Japanese player in mind.

The former Nobunaga oni always jumped up and down like a monkey every time before going out, although it seemed like a monkey at the time It was very morale boosting, but after a long time, Japanese players also learned to be smart. Coupled with some public opinion orientation of the staff in our guild, people soon thought that the behavior was a reaction caused by pure fanaticism, not an outrage. The result of reason. On the contrary, under the strong propaganda of our staff, many Japanese players think that a frown before the battle like Masaga Matsumoto is the performance that a leader should have. After all, The battle needs the leader to plan, and there is no burden on the face of so many people in the future. Is that reassuring? Matsumoto's sense of pressure shows that he is serious and responsible for everyone, so When Japanese players saw his face now, not only did they not think he was damaging morale, but on the contrary, they felt more at ease.

After a period of intense and orderly preparations, at about 9:30, Japanese players The restoring army has already been assembled, and it is more than expected It was about forty minutes early to complete.

Seeing that the team is ready, Masaka Matsumoto stepped onto the pre-arranged stage and mobilized the Japanese players below. His voice was distributed around the assembly point. The magic array has become a lot of small sounds sounding at the same time on the venue. Although the total volume is not loud, because of the large number of sound sources, everyone can hear it very clearly.

Because it was a pre-prepared speech, Masaga Matsumoto had memorized it a long time ago. After standing on the stage, he almost non-stop said the whole content impassionedly, no Those who know absolutely think that he is an impromptu speech. Of course, even if they know that there is a speech, most people will not be dissatisfied with it. After all, no one will think that there is anything wrong with such a major thing.

When Matsumoto's speech was over, the time had advanced to 9:30, and finally Matsumoto stood on the stage and said: "Although I still have a lot to say to you, time is not allowed. . We are now racing against time, racing against the Chinese. Only when we completely destroy the fulcrum city’s troop transport ability before they can react, can we hope to restore the country, so now, let us fight for the restoration of the country. "

"Long live..." Following Masaka Matsumoto's concluding remarks, the Japanese players below and NPC Legion shouted together neatly, and the sound of the mountain was shaking. After all, there are hundreds of millions of players in Japan and all the NPC troops they can buy. This number is terrifying. Almost all densely packed in this mountainous area are people. How can the sound of the roaring be small? Woolen cloth?

After the slogans of the following people were finished, Masaga Matsumoto put his mouth in front of the loudspeaker array again and said: "Now I order...all the staff to turn left."

< p>The crowd below buzzed in an instant. Some people went to the left and others went to the right, and there were people who stood completely stupid not knowing what to do. It's not that the Japanese have low military quality, but because Matsumoto's orders are too strange. According to the current positions of the Japanese players waiting for the expedition, they should turn to the right to move towards the direction of Fulcrum City, and on the left is the entrance to the underground fortress of Matsumoto Masaka where they came out. Therefore, some people didn’t understand after hearing the order, so of course they turned right and prepared to fight in Fulcrum City, while others just instinctively turned left after hearing the order, and some were ordered. Confused, standing in place is not right or left.

Seeing the chaotic performance below, Masaka Matsumoto was not angry, but leaned in front of the loudspeaker array and said again: "Attention everyone, now turn to the direction of the bunker fortress. From the fortress The guilds at the door began to enter the fortress in order."

Hearing Matsumoto’s order this time, many people who had turned to the right turned back, but there were still many people standing still. Because they don’t know what Matsumoto Masaka means.

At this time, Masaka Matsumoto opened the mouth and said again: "I want to apologize to you here. In fact, I deceived everyone." When Masaka Matsumoto said this, I immediately exploded. It’s a pan, because I’m in horror of the blow, I was worried that Masaka Matsumoto’s plan was false, but fortunately, Masaka Matsumoto immediately continued: "But please believe that the reason I deceived you is for the great rejuvenation of the Great Japanese Empire. .Because I’m not sure whether there are Chinese spies in our team, I told the presidents of the fake plan during the meeting. The previous part is actually true, but we don’t have to spend five hours walking there. Fulcrum City. Actually, I have arranged for someone to secretly build an underground teleportation point outside of Fulcrum City. From the bunker fortress in front of you, you can use Transmission Gate to transmit it directly, so that we can arrive outside of Fulcrum City four hours in advance. Even if the Chinese spies send back information, they will be four hours slower than our actual time. The four hours I have won for you are the key to our country’s restoration. Whether our Great Japan Empire will survive in the future Above this world, it depends on whether everyone can conquer Fulcrum City in the next four hours. So, now I order everyone to enter the bunker fortress and rush to Fulcrum City through the Transmission Gate."

"Long live Matsumoto Masaga-kun." After a few seconds in the cold, I don't know who was the first to shout. At first, only a few people shouted, but later it became a neat shout. Filmed Japanese players and NPCs shouted "Long live Matsumoto Masaka" and "Long live the Great Japan Empire" and walked into the bunker fortress. Matsumoto Masaka's current mood is messed up like a woolen yarn that has not been taken care of for tens of thousands of years. group. Originally, these should be the strength of Japan's development, but Matsumoto Masaka put them into our plan. Once this plan is launched, it will completely drain Japan's last drop of blood. Although Masaga Matsumoto knew everything, he couldn't leave anything. No, it's worse than not being able to do anything. He himself is an important force driving this plan forward, and now the wheel of history has begun to turn, and wanting to stop it is something God cannot do. As for Masaga Matsumoto... To be honest, he didn't know whether he wanted the plan to go smoothly or it would be better if it was suddenly destroyed. Traitors, whether they are Japanese traitors or traitors, are actually not as beautiful as they seem on the surface.

Though the presidents of the Japanese guilds who knew the truth of the matter felt that Masaka Matsumoto did something exaggerated, but it was a good thing for everyone anyway, so they did not agree with Masaka Matsumoto. He cares about something, but earnestly commanded the team to quickly pass the teleporters into the underground stronghold built outside the city of Fulcrum.

The Transmission Gate used by Masaka Matsumoto is different from Transmission Formation. This one-to-one Transmission Gate does not require as much energy as Transmission Formation, so it is very suitable for transmitting large forces. Not only is the speed fast, but the cost is also much lower.

The troops passing through the Transmission Gate arrived at the secret stronghold outside Fulcrum and were immediately arranged near the exit by the guide there. Only then did they discover that the secret stronghold here was actually far from what they had imagined. So small, this stronghold is not only larger than the one they came from, but there are actually several long tunnel exits. After the explanation of the guides around them, they realized that the exit of this stronghold had actually been dug to a place only more than a thousand meters away from the outermost city wall of Fulcrum City. Although this distance is not too close, it is actually very close compared to starting from a cannon attack distance of two hundred kilometers and rushing to the edge of the city wall. And such a short distance means that a lot of people will be lost. For the Japanese players to conquer the fulcrum city, another insurance is added.

Currently, Japanese players have already admired the arrangement of Masaka Matsumoto's prostrate oneself in admiration. A Japanese player said: "Matsumoto Masaka really deserves to be the first-generation leader, and he is much more reliable than Onitaka Nobunaga. You see, this is a demonstration of the enemy's weakness first, and the cost of destroying the country is exchanged for us. The attribute strengthened the opportunity, and then another fake plan to deceive the Chinese spies, which bought us more than four hours of time. Now we have even dug the exit of the channel directly to the side of the Chinese city wall, which means fewer people will die. Huh?"

"That's right. Nobunaga Ghost only knows to let us rush. He's an idiot. The Chinese have such powerful weapons. He doesn't want to reduce casualties, but he knows that we can use our lives. Heap. Last time I fought with him, I lost Level 1 EXP in vain. If it weren’t for him, our current overall strength would at least be several levels higher."

The third player interrupted and said: "Forget it. Forget it, eat a ditch and gain a wisdom, and you will have to follow this Monarch with your boss in the future. The guild leader actually doesn’t matter the martial power. Look at the leaders of the country in reality, which one depends on your own martial Power is in the top position? Isn’t it all commanding the minions to charge into the battle? So as long as the leader can command, it doesn’t matter whether he can play or not."

The fourth player next to them who has been listening to them He also interrupted and said, "I can't say that, in fact, personal martial power is also very important. Look at Purple Moon, the Great Demon King, there is no side to the cow. We used to suffer from wars because the ghost of Nobunaga couldn't stop Purple. Moon. People say that the soldier is against the soldier and the soldier is against the general. Purple Moon is a general, and we are a soldier. Nobunaga can not stop Purple Moon, but they want us soldiers to fight against this general. Huh? Last time I saw it with my own eyes, our boss Masaga Matsumoto was evenly matched with Purple Moon. Although he was unable to help us deal with the Chinese, at least he dragged the jerk of Purple Moon. , We at least have a chance to confront the Chinese fairly?"

After listening to this person, the surrounding Japanese players all nodded and agreed. Discussions like this are still being held in many places in Legion, Japan, and the entire battle preparation has entered the final stage in such a dialogue and chat.

"How many people have passed?" After a period of emotional ups and downs, Masaga Matsumoto finally returned to normal. After all, the plan has been drawn up for a long time, and he is somewhat psychologically prepared, so The hesitation only lasted for a short period of time.

The player who was questioned immediately reported to Masaka Matsumoto: "Now only one tenth has passed."

Matsumoto Masaka frowned said: "One tenth. One? It’s still too slow!"

One of the guild presidents next to him also said helplessly: "No way, there are too many of us, the Transmission Gate is just one, even though that gate is pretty good. It’s relatively large, but hundreds of millions of people have to go through such a gate. It’s not bad to have this speed!"

"But in this case, it will take at least two hours for the troops to pass through. Our time It's really not much!"

"Actually, I have a way to speed up." A president suddenly called out.

"What way?" everyone asked.

The president said: "Although the Transmission Gate is very wide, it is a huge rectangle. The entire gate is twelve meters high. It is a waste of its height to pass through only this width on the ground. We might as well put a shelf similar to an overpass at the door, and let the team behind go directly over the head of the team in front, so that the height of twelve meters can completely compress at least the 7th Layer channel if comfort is not considered. In this case, The speed can be at least six times faster."

"Good idea, how can I didn't expect such a simple method!" Everyone talked about it and made people hurry up. Anyway, this thing has almo

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