"Military God." After confirming that the notification is over, I opened the communication connection.

"What's the matter?"

"Notify Masaka Matsumoto that the Second Step plan is launched."


In After receiving my order, the military god immediately contacted Masaka Matsumoto, and Masaka Matsumoto had already been waiting for this order. In fact, Japan was destroyed. As a Japanese, Masaga Matsumoto is naturally impossible. So he was ready to start the Second Step plan. The reason why he needed to wait for my order was nothing more than that I had called him before and told him not to advance. Start. As for the reason... Actually it is also very simple. I am just worried about emergencies, so I keep a back-up. After all, the current Matsumoto Masaka is different from before. Now he is just one of my subordinates, not an independent leader, so the overall situation is bound to be lower I am the commander-in-chief. Super important things like the national counterattack are decided by his Level 2 leader. Obviously, it is not properly decided by me, the top leader.

After receiving the order to launch the plan from our side, Masaka Matsumoto was not in a hurry to launch a counterattack from the Japanese players. Instead, he called all the leaders of the Japanese guilds together and notified them that they were coming. Before soothing your subordinates, don't be impulsive.

When the presidents of the Japanese guilds arrived at the Underground City Conference Hall of Masaga Matsumoto, Masaka Matsumoto was already waiting with a group of people inside. Seeing the presidents filed in, Masaka Matsumoto was not in a hurry to speak, but just let them sit down first, and the others will talk when they are all together.

Because they wanted to appease their respective guild members, the leaders of the guilds arrived at different times, and finally waited for nearly an hour for the last guild leader to arrive at the scene.

Look at Masaka Matsumoto opened the mouth and said after everyone has arrived: "Okay, let’s be quiet, and the meeting will begin now."

Although this is Masaka Matsumoto He had long told the Japanese guild leaders part of the plan, but after all, the country was wiped out once, and the leaders on the scene were somewhat worried. In addition to the previous twists and turns, it can be said that the current Japanese players are all I have become a frightened bird, and I am afraid that Masaga Matsumoto played such a big game this time. Therefore, after arriving at the meeting, the presidents all held discussions with familiar people, and the whole Conference Hall seemed to be filled with 50,000 ducks, which was even more messy than the vegetable market. However, their hopes are now pinned on the premise that Matsumoto's plan does not cause problems, so as soon as Matsumoto's voice is now heard, they immediately closed their voices, waiting for Matsumoto's next plan to be announced.

In fact, although these people know that there is this step in Matsumoto’s plan to destroy the country, and they also know that they will take advantage of the system protection time to launch a counterattack, they don’t know what the specific plan is, so now Everyone is anxious to know the content of the plan.

Matsumoto Masaka saw that the people below were quiet, looked towards a person nodded behind him, and the player immediately left behind Masaka Matsumoto and ran to the wall to pull the curtain hanging on the wall Pulled it off at once.

The conference hall where Masaka Matsumoto and the others are located is actually different from the general conference hall. Its structure looks more like a small theater in ancient Rome. The entire conference hall is semicircular with a central The rostrum is the shortest. The peripheral auditorium rises roundly like seats in a movie theater. Behind the rostrum is a huge wall, but it has been covered by a large piece of cloth before. Now as soon as the cloth was torn off, the chairpersons who were sitting on the seats shouted and all stood up.

It turned out that the wall behind Masaga Matsumoto turned out to be a huge crystal map. The whole map board is a whole crystal, like a display screen, and the map above is displayed directly on the crystal, and it is still active, like a movie that can change the picture.

Seeing this huge map shouldn't have caused such a big reaction. The key is the map's technology. Having fought with us Frost Rose for so long, the Japanese know that our Frost Rose has a technology based on crystal technology, so when they see this map, their first reaction is that this is our technology, so I was so surprised.

For this situation, Masaga Matsumoto is also well prepared. After all, the plan has been formulated for several months, and it is impossible to even think of this little thing. Before everyone raised any questions, Masaga Matsumoto said first: "Are you surprised why I have Frost Rose League crystal technology products here?" Matsumoto saw everyone's eyes move away from the crystal screen and landed on him. Masaga continued: "In fact, the reason is very simple, because we found this."

The picture on the crystal screen behind Masaka Matsumoto suddenly changed and turned into a few photos, and those photos were The constant switching is obviously collected from different angles. After seeing the photos, a Japanese guild leader suddenly pointed to the scrolling photo and exclaimed: "Isn't this the Redhead?"

The president shouted When the name was given, many people in the surrounding crowd immediately reacted, and they made a sound of sudden realization, and people who didn't know the reason asked people who they knew around them.

One of the players who had only recently become the guild leader pulled a veteran guild leader next to him and asked: "Kun Nakagawa, what is the origin of that bad boat?"

< p>The chairman who was questioned replied: "That is the battleship Akaguchi of the Frost Rose Alliance. It has participated in the battle against the naval fleet of the Japanese Empire many times. Finally, it was defeated by me in the Asahi Sea Battle in the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. The army torpedo ship sunk, didn’t expect to be caught by this Monarch!"

When the guild leaders were discussing in a frenzy about this matter, didn’t expect expect Masaka Matsumoto continued suddenly: "In fact, we found more than this one, and this one." With the words of Masaka Matsumoto, the large screen behind the ship changed, and the surface of a ship was covered with a lot of water plants and corals. The battleship wreckage, which had been broken into several pieces, appeared on the screen. However, although the battleship was severely damaged, the huge Chinese characters on the side of the bow were deliberately cleaned out.

"Victory! Gosh! It turned out to be the Victory?" The guild leader who knew it yelled again.

"Why? This ship was also sunk in that battle?" Those guild leaders who did not understand the situation asked again the guild leaders around them who knew the situation.

The guild leaders who knew the situation immediately replied: "Yes, Victory was also sunk by our army in that naval battle, but unlike the previous one, this Victory is not a battleship, she It is a super battleship, the third of the Eternal Level super battleships built by the Frost Rose, and the only one sunk super battleship of the Frost Rose so far. The other sister ships of this ship are still threatening to this day. Our coastal defense is safe."

"What? This guy is Eternal Level? Isn't that the same level as Eternal, Flash and Thor?"

"Yes. Except. The Thor was later rebuilt to replace the sinking Victory. Eternity, Flash and this Victory were all launched together, and in that battle, all three ships were actually present, and Flash was also hit by more than a dozen torpedoes, but unfortunately the armor of the Chinese super battleship was too abnormal, and he was driven back by more than a dozen torpedoes!"

"More than a dozen torpedoes were hit Can you run back to China from Japan by yourself? This ship is too abnormal, right? How did the Victory sink in the first place?" The presidents who did not understand the situation asked in surprise.

The guild leaders who understood the situation reminisced and said: "It seemed to be the first torpedo discovered by the Victory at the time. Then, in order to cover other battleships, she took the initiative to attack and intercept our torpedoes on the sea. The ship and the torpedoes were hit by more than 30 torpedoes in one breath, and they were finally sunk. But speaking of which is really a pity! If she hadn’t blocked the torpedoes that were fired at the other two battleships, it is estimated that three of the Chinese were at the time. It’s also possible that super battleships will be reimbursed in the inland waters of Japan."

Another chairman who understands the situation added: "In fact, the firepower of the Eternal Level super battleships is too scary. Not to mention the artillery and the rate of fire. It’s fast, and one shot is accurate. Especially the five main guns with five guns, which are called a big one. At that time, I remembered that as long as it sounded, there must be a ship sunk on our side. The formidable power is simply Too terrifying, two shells can blow up a ship. The ship I was in service at the time was hit by a main artillery shell on the bow, and the entire fore deck was gone in an instant. That formidable power is really... …Too scary!"

Matsumoto Masaka reached out his hand to stop the discussion of those below, and then the screen behind him switched to a large photo and stopped scrolling, but at this time the screen displayed A mess of crystal shards. However, although these fragments are relatively messy, the thing that can be seen roughly resembles the large screen that is currently displaying the photo has several points of.

Sure enough, Matsumoto's next words also confirmed everyone's guess. "Yes, you guessed it and right. The fragments you saw are the fragments of the crystal displays installed in the command towers of the Red Ball and Victory. We found these fragments and brought them back for targeted research. Recently, finally This big screen was created by our breakthrough key technology. But..." Masaka Matsumoto said with a long tone: "It's a pity that this is currently our only finished product. Although we have overcome key technologies, our The production capacity is still not enough. At present, it can only be used for laboratory synthesis and terrifying with low yield."

Someone asked, "Is it too big for you to make it difficult to produce?" Remember that LCD monitors in reality are the higher the Great Accomplishment, the lower the quality rate, can you make a smaller one?"

Matsumoto Masaka did not answer yet, the one standing behind him immediately countered. "If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense. The LCD is a real technology, how can it be mentioned on equal terms with the technology in the game? The crystal display of Frost Rose League is similar to a projector, and the key technology is resonance. On the device, this thing is equivalent to the projector in the projector, and the crystal screen is nothing more than the equivalent to the screen. As long as you create a resonant device, you can install as much screen as you want."

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