Just as the ice-bound Banshee smiled triumphantly, an accident happened suddenly. Just as the Russian players’ breakthrough defense line was about to kill the mage’s position to the rear, the guy running in the front was suddenly smashed into meatloaf by a dark shadow falling from the sky, and at the same time, the group of Russian players following the player. It was also shaken to the ground by the huge shock caused by the black shadow falling to the ground.

As the smoke and dust generated by the impact gradually dissipated, the Russian players who climbed up again just saw a pair of huge metal wings on the ground in front gradually converge, and at the same time, a heavy warrior with a height of more than three meters slowed down. Slowly stood up from the ground. The overall appearance of the warrior looks a bit like an angel, because he has a pair of huge wings behind him, and his body is also in human form. But although it looks like it, everyone doesn't think it is an angel, because this guy is obviously quite different from an angel.

First of all, although angels also have wings, their parents are wings, while the wings of the guy in front of them are obvious metal wings. Although due to the complex structure, the pair of metal wings can also stretch and contract, but the metal feel is still strong, not like a physical structure. Secondly, although angels are generally tall and large, the size of more than three meters is definitely not the normal standard for angels. Even the giant Dynames among the angels are just a little more than two meters tall, far from reaching the level of more than three meters. Finally, this guy has one thing that an angel would never equip, that is, there is a perfect black liquid crystal in the middle of his helmet forehead. As one of the major gems in the game, the black liquid crystal is a special equipment for the Dark Element and the undead system. Almost everyone knows that, and as the representative power of the Light God Palace, angels obviously do not inlay black liquid crystals on their bodies. . This is the same as a soldier of a country painting the flag of an enemy country on his head. Is there a problem with this unclear head?

Although everyone can see that the thing in front of them is not an angel, they didn’t expect what kind of species it is for a while, because there is no place for this guy to be exposed from head to toe. . This huge monster, which is more than three meters tall, has a gorgeous streamlined Knight helmet, and the full-cover visor has no gaps at all except for a light V-shaped ruby ​​observation port for observation. A long metal thorn at the upper end of the card slot inlaid with black liquid crystals on the forehead stretched backward and upward with a slight arc. The inverted 7-shaped shape at the ears and the ear guards and the spikes on the top of the head extend back a long wind wing, but it looks very modern, and it feels like two complex antennas. Under this gorgeous helmet is the neck guard formed by a circle of metal links. Its structure is similar to the metal sheath outside of high-grade water pipes. Although its structure is fully sealed, it can be bent at will within a certain range. Does not affect the normal activities of the neck. And this link structure has another advantage, that is, the tactics used by special forces to break the enemy’s cervical spine from behind will not be used, because although this link can be bent, there is a limit of mobility. Once it reaches a certain degree of curvature, it will be unusable. It's stuck and can't continue to bend. So unless you can twist the protective sleeve of the armor together, don't even think of hurting the person inside.

In addition to the helmet and neck, this guy's equipment is also exaggerated. The first is the main body of the plate armor. Although it looks quite round and has a cool style, it seems to be a high-sensitivity battle armor, but none of this can conceal its exaggerated thickness. From the edges of each movable joint of the plate armor, it can be clearly seen that the thickness of the plate armor is at least more than two inches, which means that even if the thing this guy wears is made of ordinary steel, his defense is strong enough. The last light tank. Of course, seeing that guy's magical gems and the shining golden and red two colors magic brand, a fool can believe that the armor's defense is only the level of ordinary steel. In addition, in addition to the thickness of the plate armor, this guy has many messy bits and pieces on his body, which looks gorgeous and hideous.

Suddenly, when everyone was observing this guy, he suddenly reached out from behind and pulled out a super giant sword nearly three meters long, nearly half a meter wide, and even more than ten centimeters thick. . The Russian players who were in a daze suddenly reacted as soon as they saw this sword, and one of the Russian players yelled. "Ah, I thought about it. That's the mobile angel of the Frost Rose League!" When I heard the name of the mobile angel, even those Russian players who hadn't seen the reputation also reacted. Although the mobile angels of our guild have not participated in many battles, the limited number of battles are large-scale battles. Among them, the super defense ability shown by the mobile angels is the main target of the envy and jealousy of the guilds. When they first saw this guy's angelic appearance, everyone hadn't reacted. Now when they saw the signature chainsaw sword of the mobile angel, everyone immediately confirmed the identity of the thing in front of them.

Mobile angels are constructed creatures, and their powerful power output guarantees their load capacity, so they are equipped with such exaggerated thick plate armor. The metal wings on the back are not made of meat and I am proud to explain, because people are originally constructed creatures. As for the horrible chainsaw sword, this thing has only been equipped by the mobile angels of our guild at present, and others can't handle it and can't make it.

As everyone recognized the identity of the mobile angel, the mobile angel in front of them also moved. I saw him swiftly stepping forward, and at the same time the wolf-like jagged teeth on the giant sword of the right hand began to accelerate gradually, and finally turned into a phantom, as if the jagged blade was flattened. The same, in fact, it's just a visual error caused by too fast sawtooth movement.

"Don't be afraid, the mobile angels are just high-level magic puppets. Just kill them." Although the ice-bound Banshee has lost his hands, his mouth is not useless. It is okay to call out to remind others. .

The nearby Russian players heard Banshee’s cry and finally reacted, and they launched another charge and rushed towards the mobile angel, but...Unfortunately, they didn’t notice the maneuver in front of them. The angel's raised left chest was marked with a small "S3-13". Of course, even if they see it, they may not understand what the two small letters and numbers mean. In fact, this thing is the product number of the mobile angel. The S in front means this is a mobile angel for Divine Race. That's right, this is not the kind of mobile angel that ordinary players have seen, but the first mobile angel that officially puts players into battle against Divine Race. Before this, we have only used the mobile angel against Divine Race to deal with Divine Race, so far few players have experienced the horror of this thing. However, the use of mobile angels for Divine Race is not really shocking, but the little "3" should be even more shocking. The 3 behind the S means the third generation, which means that the body in front of you is actually the third generation product of the mobile angel used for Divine Race. Its core technology has been fully verified, and many small details have been done. Improved modification. It is no exaggeration to say that such a three-generation Divine Race with a mobile angel can completely defeat two generations with a Divine Race mobile angel. If it is a one-on-one wheel battle, I am afraid that unless the energy of this three-generation mobile angel is exhausted , Otherwise, no matter how many generations there are, they will just give away food.

The S3 in that mark represents the third generation using a mobile angel for Divine Race, but what about the 13 behind? In fact, this is actually the assembly line number, which means that this is the thirteenth machine body. In other words, there should be at least twelve units of the same model before him.

Sure enough, just as the mobile angel was about to come into contact with the Russian players, there was another continuous booming sound behind, and twelve identical mobile angels landed behind the previous one. , And their chests are marked with S3-** marks, the numbers are 00 to 12, exactly twelve bodies.

As soon as the twelve mobile angels landed, they drew out their giant sword, and then activated the chain saw sword to launch a counterattack following the mobile angel in front of them.

Use mobile angels for Divine Race. As the name suggests, this thing is used to deal with Divine Race. And since people can kill gods and cut people, isn't it the same as cutting melons and vegetables? Frozen Banshee saw the mobile angel rushing in front of him waving that terrifying giant sword with one hand and slashing back and forth among the crowd, while nearby Russian players seemed to hit a meat grinder with their broken limbs and corpses. Random flying, as for the weapons that players cut on mobile angels, they have no effect at all except the sparks flying in all directions.

Although the mobile angel looks humanoid, it is also used by us as a combat force, but according to the normal classification in "Zero", he should actually be regarded as a war equipment. Do you know what is considered war equipment in "Zero"? A city wall with a thickness of more than one meter; a heavy artillery of various principles that requires more than five auxiliary personnel; a large altar that can bless or curse more than one hundred people at the same time; with a tonnage of more than 1,000 tons and more than 20 personnel Human battleship. In addition to the above, there is also a definition of war equipment in "Zero". The content is: "All those used in guild wars or higher-level wars can affect more than fifty people at the same time, and can be used in a battle. A type of large-scale equipment with more than one million damage output or defensive bearing effects. Anything that meets the above conditions can be called war equipment."

It can be seen from the above definition that "Zero The war equipment in "is simply not for individual combat. They are like heavy weapons or super defensive equipment on the battlefield. In short, their formidable power should be extremely huge, a large device that cannot be controlled by one or several people. These devices should have an overwhelming advantage when facing single or several players, so that they can be regarded as war equipment.

Since the mobile angel used for Divine Race is recognized as a war equipment by the system, one can imagine how strong he is. To be honest, if I don’t use summon pets, I may be awkward to use mobile angels against the last three generations of Divine Race alone, but for ordinary players, it’s basically a food delivery.

Ice-bound Banshee watched as the gap just opened was completely blocked by the mobile angels, and the thirteen mobile angels actually recoiled along the line of the Russian players. Back, the people behind the Russian players who chopped them turned their backs on their backs, and no one could stop them from moving forward a little bit.

Think about it. The mobile angel is not only a war equipment, but also a top product among them. His defense value is equivalent to city wall, players can kill high-level enemies and ferocious giant beasts, but how many people can independently destroy the city wall? His attack power is equivalent to the heavy magic crystal cannon, which can easily smash a building. Some players can resist the expert's attack, but how many of them can be bombed by the frontal bombardment of the magic crystal cannon? Such an offensive and defensive guy also has the ability to fly and long-range strikes. Who can handle such a powerful performance? If it weren’t for the materials needed for the key parts of this gadget, it’s too hard to find, we wouldn’t just make thirteen.

To be honest, these 13 mobile angels are just off the production line, and their predecessor is actually the second-generation mobile angel for Divine Race. Because of the lack of core materials, we are acquiring new technologies. After breakthrough, we can only demolish the previous model, reclaim resources and reproduce a new model, otherwise, even if we have the technology, we don’t expect to create a new mobile angel. And this method of dismantling the old and making the new is actually not good, because recycling always consumes some, so the back and forth dismantling can only be the less dismantling, so we generally unless there is a major breakthrough, we use some small technologies. There will be no rush to make changes. Although we also know that after the modification, the battle strength can be greatly improved, but we can dismantle it like this, and sooner or later we will consume all the materials. We dare not and will not do it.

"Block, block them!" Looking at the Russian elites who were forcibly beaten all the way, the ice-bound Banshee was already yelling hysterically, but her yelling could not help any Russian player , Because in the face of the terrifying battle strength of mobile angels against Divine Race, all ordinary players are just numbers.

According to the conclusions of our own tests, the third generation uses the mobile angel's battle strength for Divine Race to have a position of approximately 40 to 80 on the equivalent to world battle strength list, that is to say, the world battle strength list. People after the top 80 basically have no hope of defeating the third generation on the Divine Race with mobile angels independently, and the people after the 500th in the battle strength list can't stack them by the number of people. After all, mobile angels are constructed creatures, and trying to exhaust them is impossible. Unless the energy is exhausted, these guys don't know what is tired. Even if they fight for a thousand hours, they will still be as sharp as they just entered the war. In terms of combat continuity, I have to say that the advantages of constructs are too obvious. Even I am impossible to compare with them. After all, even if I don't need to sleep, I have to go offline for a meal occasionally!

Seeing that after the mobile angels drove the elite Russian players out of the defense line, the people in our guild rebuilt the defense line again. The ice-bound Banshee finally sat on the ground, and at this time, her eyes The boss suddenly opened, because she saw the red beam of light rising behind our front.

"It's over, their strategic magic is completed!" With the words of a knowledgeable wizard, the surrounding Russian players all stopped. Anyway, it's useless now, and they can only pray for the magic. The formidable power can be smaller. It's just... Is it possible for strategic magic to have a small formidable power?

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