The fear of freezing Banshee did not improve the situation of the Russian players at all. After the arrow rain, the Russian players who got up one after another did not spirit slowly recovers from the attack. They met each other. Suddenly a row of black spots flew up behind the line of defense. Although this group of Russian elites responded well, they knew to raise their shields to defend in such a panic situation, but it was a pity that this time it was not a bow but a gun.

Compared to the bow with a smaller dead weight, the shooting range of the gun is shorter, but due to its greater dead weight, the formidable power of the shooting gun is far from comparable to that of the bow. Although the group of Russian players raised their shields in time, the dropped guns smashed all the shields in their hands to the ground like a heavy hammer. Some of the guns even directly penetrated the shield due to the angle. The following players were directly nailed to the ground.

A wave of arrows followed by a wave of guns eliminated almost 1/4/2021 of the elite Russian players. Although the number of guns dropped in the second wave is far less than that of the first wave of arrow rain, the guns have a larger formidable power after all, so the casualties caused by the two waves of attacks are almost the same.

The two militaries have lost 1/4/2021 of their personnel before they formally contact themselves. This number of casualties will be driven mad no matter who it is. Frozen Banshee looked at the chaotic crowd behind her, she suddenly yelled up to the sky, and then moved towards our defense line that was already not far ahead rushed over.

The current Frozen Banshee is actually some distance away from their elite player camp, and the elite players themselves are not far from us, so Frozen Banshee almost instantly rushed to the first place. In front of a line of defense. She rushed to the player who was facing her angrily, and then raised her hand to slash out with a sword. She thought it could kill the opponent or force the opponent to dodge, but who knew that the opponent suddenly turned her side and let go of her sword. , And at the same time she swung a sword, two long spears suddenly stretched out from behind that person and pierced her belly.

Seeing the ice-bound Banshee on the tip of the attacking gun, Banshee quickly turned sideways, but she just turned around and found that the player he had attacked before had actually waved a heavy sword and slashed towards her with the whistling wind. Looking at this situation, the ice-bound Banshee simply leaned his body to the left with his left foot as the pivot, and his right leg lifted from the ground like a lightning bolt to the player's throat, which was a side kick. Although our guild arranges tall and strong heavy warriors on the front line, there is a difference in the length of human hands and feet after all. Although the ice-bound Banshee is not as big as the opponent's head, her legs are at least much longer than the opponent's hands, so if the warrior can't cut her under this situation, she will kick the opponent's throat first.

In "Zero", the throat is considered one of the deadly key points. If the ice-bound Banshee kicks it firmly, even if he is a defensive heavy armor warrior, he must get rid of half life, but This warrior is not an average player. All who can stand here are the elites of our guild, and neither mental state nor battlefield resilience can be comparable to ordinary players. Although this seemingly dangerous kick had already hit him, the warrior did not back down. Of course, he did not intend to use his own vitals to bear the opponent's heavy foot. He just lifted right naturally. The hand caught the frozen Banshee's foot before blocking his throat. As a reloaded warrior, his speed and other abilities may be bad, but his power is definitely super strong. Although the ice-bound Banshee is higher than him and has much better equipment, she is not a high-attack warrior after all. No matter how great the power of that kick is, it will not be higher than the heavy-equipped warrior that relies on strength to eat, so that name is heavy. Pretending to be a warrior, he steadily caught the opponent’s toe, and then violently pulled Banshee to his side so that the ice-bound Banshee could not escape his attack range. At the same time, the heavy sword that he had swung down in his left hand was carrying. The howling wind hit the frozen Banshee's head.

Seeing that the heavy sword that reloaded the warrior was about to slash on herself, the ice-bound Banshee immediately tried to pull away the controlled foot so as to avoid the sword, but after struggling for a while, she found the opponent Her strength was obviously greater than her own, and that leg seemed to be fixed by iron clamps, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't shake it. In desperation, the ice-bound Banshee's eyes suddenly flashed with severe light, and then she first twisted her body in the opposite direction, and then revolved like a spring with the help of the twisting force of her body. The one that was originally standing on the ground Following the power of the body's rotation, the feet flew off the ground and swept across the air to the warrior's head.

The warrior reloaded the ice-bound Banshee’s foot. He thought that the opponent was already under control and could not escape. Who knew that the opponent could still play such a difficult horizontal air maneuver. Kicking, his head was directly kicked by the ice-bound Banshee without any preparation. The huge impact made his mind dizzy, and the power in his hand loosened unconsciously.

Frozen Banshee’s right foot immediately fell to the ground as soon as he got out of trouble, and then ran a step forward, then jumped up and stepped on the shoulder of the warrior just now and jumped into the air. Among them, the ice-bound Banshee flying in the air with the help of inertia fluttered in front of a beautiful flying body, and then grabbed a straight lance with both hands and said the spear head was lowered, and her body rolled directly onto the spear like from The slide rolled up and down, generally following the body of the spear that lance pointed diagonally towards the sky, rolling all the way to the front of the spear player. At the moment when the two of them were about to collide, Banshee suddenly stretched out her legs and stepped on the shoulders of the player with a fierce foot. With the help of strong inertia, she forcibly stomped the opponent to the ground, and at the same time, she slammed herself again. The takeoff jumped into the air again, and when she landed again, she had already jumped four or five rows of people and fell into the sensitive fighters behind.

The previous battle method of reinstalling the warrior made Frozen Banshee understand that her attribute is not suitable for fighting with a large group of reinstalling warriors, so she chose to skip our reinstalling warrior line of defense. , But what made her didn't expect was that as soon as she landed, she saw a large golden net hooding her head. Relying on the sharpness of her weapon, the ice-bound Banshee didn't pay much attention to the net at first, and swiped a fierce sword into the air hoping to cut the big net into pieces. Who knew her sword immediately aroused the sky as soon as it touched the surface of the net. fire star, and the big net also shrank down sharply and shrouded her and her weapons together.

"Close the net." With a shout from nowhere, Frozen Banshee suddenly felt the net port under his feet snapped up, and the huge force forcibly took her two The legs were received together, and she immediately fell to the ground because her weight was unstable, but this was not the worst. Just after the ice-bound Banshee fell to the ground, she suddenly saw a heavily loaded warrior holding a giant war hammer about the size of a beer barrel and smashing it at her. Although this fishnet is very tough and cannot be cut, it is made of soft rope after all. Blunt tools like heavy hammers that do not use brute force to injure people will not be affected by the surface of the net at all, even if the Banshee is frozen by ice. The set of ice-enclosed armor on her body is the top Divine Item counted in the whole world, and this hammer will definitely make her unable to eat.

Seeing that giant Warhammer slammed down the ice-bound Banshee with the sound of howling wind, she also made a cold sweat, but now she is caught in the net, her hands and feet can’t be used at all, she can only be on the ground like an insect Roll away. Accompanied by a dull impact sound, the Warhammer slammed into the ground beside the ice-bound Banshee with a slight difference. The huge impact force actually shook the ice-bound Banshee to the ground. I wonder what the result would be if this hammer hit her directly.

Although I was frightened in a cold sweat by the hammer just now, the ice-bound Banshee did not stop. After she stepped away from the hammer, she immediately patted her with her hands in front of her. A blue halo burst out beside her. The big net that had been restraining her before instantly became frozen like a stone, and I had a little resilience at all. Frozen Banshee just gently broke the entire net into pieces.

pa pa pa pa ...... "Is it good." With a round of applause, Zhen Hong and gold coin walked out of the crowd together.

As soon as I wanted to come out, the ice-covered Banshee of slaughter all sides stopped when he saw True Red and gold coin. She knows the strength of Zhenhong and gold coin. Although she has confidence in herself, she also knows that it is a dream to defeat Zhenhong and gold coin simply in the siege of many experts in our guilds. In fact, this is just what she thinks. If she has time to check the world battle strength list during this period, then she will know that she can't even beat any of the real red and gold coin.

"Don't you guys want to stop me. I have the ability to stop Purple Moon, and naturally I have the ability to kill you two."

"I think you haven't figured out the situation." gold coin With a mocking smile on his face, he said: "Although the forum rumors that you are the only player who hopes to fight Purple Moon, it is only a rumor, and the premise is within the Arctic Circle. Facts have proved that you actually can't beat Purple at all. Moon, and this is obviously not the Arctic Circle. Do you think that your ice attribute adaptor has hope of defeating us in such a warm area?"

"How do you know if you haven't tried it?"

"That's good." Zhen Hong pointed to the frozen Banshee and praised, then she suddenly flipped her palm and hooked her finger at her. "Then, you just let the horse come over."

"Are you going to single with me?" Frozen Banshee believes oneself infallible asked.

Zhen Hong looked at her with an idiotic expression and asked, "Are you stupid? This is the battlefield, not the arena of the world expert league. I have never heard of any one-on-one games in a war. Yes."

"Why do you talk so much to an idiot like her?" Gold coin said and waved forward: "Everyone, let's get rid of her, but there is a special guild contribution point to take. "

Frozen Banshee is also a high-level member of the Russian invaders anyway, so in order to increase everyone’s attention to her, we have given her a special guild contribution point, as long as we guild Players who can kill her can get an extra guild contribution value. Considering the huge role of the guild contribution point within the guild, this is already a super reward. So now after the reminder from gold coin, people nearby saw that the expressions of the frozen Banshee were all wrong, and their eyes looked like a group of big bad wolves who saw little white rabbits.

Although I don't know what the special guild contribution mentioned by gold coin is, I know that Banshee can't stand stupidly when I see people nearby looking at my eyes. She suddenly moved towards the real red and gold coin ahead and rushed over. Choosing this side as the breakthrough port, on the one hand because our strategic magic preparation area is in the direction behind True Red and the two of them, on the other hand, it is also because the ice-bound Banshee thinks she can kill True Red and gold coin herself, so she is only Will dare to rush in this direction. If Kenjiro Kojiro were here, they would definitely not choose to freeze Banshee's decision. But unfortunately, the ice-bound Banshee is not Kenjiro Kojiro, and she doesn't know how powerful the real red and gold coin are. As a result, she just slammed into the joint defense of two world-class experts.

Seeing the ice-bound Banshee rushing over, Zhenhong and gold coin didn't feel nervous at all. They might be more careful about one-on-one, but now there is an expert who is similar to their own to help, and they are surrounded by their own people. In this situation, even if they want to make Zhenhong and gold coin nervous, they can’t mention it. Get emotional. Seeing Frozen Banshee rushing forward, Zhen Hong suddenly took a step forward, and then violently raised his hand and hit the ground with a punch. And as her fist hit the ground, a golden flame violently uploaded from the red fist to the ground and rushed forward along the ground.

Looking at the flames coming straight out, the ice-bound Banshee jumped straight up one step at a time. According to this angle and inertia, she should accurately land on the red shoulder, but it's a pity. She just jumped up and before flying to the highest point, she saw a white light shot from the front and hit her stomach directly and knocked her out of the air. Before she fell to the ground, she put up her fists and jumped directly. Get up and hit her head with a punch in the air. In panic, Frozen Banshee quickly folded her hands in front of her in an attempt to block Real Red's heavy blow, but she forgot that Real Red's fist could be blocked by her?

With a click, Banshee’s armour armor instantly shattered into countless pieces, and she herself flew out at a faster speed and directly passed the warrior she had just skipped. The top of his head flew outside the defense line again. After flying out of the line of defense, Banshee flew for more than ten meters before she crashed to the ground, still maintaining a half-squatting posture with her arms and head guards. There was nothing outside of her arms, and her forearms were also bruised, and there was obvious swelling. It was obvious that the punch that Zhen Hong had just hurt her not lightly.

"Yeah, isn't it? I didn't break my fist when I received it from the front. You are still the first one so far."

Icy Banshee wants to say a few ruthless words to earn To save face, but the shaking arms after she stood up made her unable to say anything at all. To be honest, she simply can't fight anymore, because her two arms have completely lost consciousness, and apart from feeling a hot pain, she can't even control her fingers, and it seems to be swollen. The carrot-like forearm also shows that the problem is quite serious.

"Commander, what's the matter with you?" The Russian high level player who rushed to the front of the battle line was immediately stunned when he saw the ice-bound Banshee.

"Leave me alone, immediately form a triangle formation. In any case, you have to break through the Chinese line of defense. Don't worry about the casualties, and don't think about how to come back, as long as one of you can rush to the Chinese strategy Next to the magic array is our victory."

"Yes." The Russian player immediately waved back when he heard the frozen Banshee's words. "Everyone rushed with me." The man turned his head just after shouting and was about to rush forward and saw the red light flashed ahead. A long feather arrow was accurately nailed to his forehead, and he listened to it. With a sound, the arrow exploded directly, blowing up the player's entire head.

Although the attack arrow was clicked and killed, the charge has already begun. The Russian player in the back consciously filled this most easily sacrificed position. Although he knew that he would probably die soon if he stood there, he knew better that even if he didn't stand there, he would live more than ten seconds. That's it. Anyway, it's all about to die, it's not as good as a dead hero, at least it will save face when you say it.

In this kind of charge, the attack arrow of the Russian player finally successfully touched the line of defense of our guild. When the first two players contacted, a fierce collision broke out.

The Russian player running in the front saw the heavy sword that was about the same height as himself. After seeing the heavy sword in front of him, he simply didn’t want to fight with the opponent. He directly faced the heavy sword that the opponent wielded and jumped up. After the opponent cut himself, hugged the opponent and knocked it to the ground. Regardless of the person in front and the player who was thrown down, the people behind jumped directly on their bodies, and as more and more people passed by, these two players were alive. Trampled to death in front of the front line. However, our line of defense is not on this level. Although the people in the first row are thrown down, the people behind are still standing there. It's just that the Russians are crazier than us. They still use the tactics of the person in front. , Even if you die, you have to hug an enemy and throw it to the ground. As long as you can open a way for those behind, the sacrifice is worth it anyway.

There is a saying on the battlefield that the brave wins when facing the narrow road. Faced with such a crazy attack by the Russians, even if our personnel are determined and will not retreat, they will not be able to stop their charge at all. The people on both sides just started to pay Can barely make two hands, and then it completely becomes a wrestling tournament. There are pairs of people from both sides rolling around on the floor. The scene is not like a battlefield to a gang fight.

Frozen Banshee's tears of excitement were about to come down as he watched his personnel working so hard to open a bloody road, because his arms were scrapped and couldn't help at all. But at this time, she couldn't do more besides directing with her mouth and sending out her own summon creature.

"Hurry up, come on, rush forward, you will almost be able to break through." Seeing the Russian attack arrow penetrated into our defense line like a nail, the ice-bound Banshee shouted excitedly Direct the people behind to continue to rush forward. However, just as she smiled triumphantly, an accident happened suddenly.

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