"Then how much does it cost?"

"It depends on the variety." Rose said: "There are two types of crystal balls, each Three capacities, a total of six different models. The capacity of the crystal ball is divided into three levels: one thousand, ten thousand and one hundred thousand. The one in your hand is a medium-sized magic storage crystal ball with 10,000 magic power. In addition, according to the absorption of magic power The conversion ratio of is also divided into high-efficiency type and ordinary type. The one in your hand is the ordinary type, and the conversion rate is about one-twentieth, that is, input twenty magic power and successfully store one magic power. The high-efficiency type has a slightly higher conversion rate , It can probably reach 12:1 to 13:1. Among them, ordinary crystal balls cost 13, 16 and 20 according to the different magic power storage capacity."

"Crystal Coin?"

"No, Silver Coin."

"What? I only need 16 Silver Coin in my hand? Isn't it converted into renminbi and only one dollar? "

"So I said it's cheap!" Rose said with a smile proudly: "The production method of this thing is so simple that you can't even think of it. As long as you draw a good alchemy array on a tablet, then put the white Crush the magic crystal into powder and place it on the magic array, and then input a small amount of magic power to activate it. Woma and the others set up an assembly line in Steel City. One such assembly line can produce more than one hundred per minute, which is almost the same as printing newspapers. , Fast eyes can’t keep up. Moreover, this assembly line can be operated by only two NPCs. Most of the production cost is transportation costs, and the pure manufacturing cost is less than ten Silver Coins per crystal ball."< /p>

"What about the price of the high-efficiency type?"

"The price of the high-efficiency type is slightly higher. According to the capacity, the manufacturing cost is 80 or 90 respectively."

< p>"gold coin?"

"No, it is a crystal coin."

"The efficiency has only increased a little, why the price is so much higher?"

Rose also said with some frustration: "The high-efficiency post-production and the ordinary type are actually the same, and the extra cost is in the early stage. The ordinary type only needs to grind the scrapped white magic crystal into coarse powder and add it according to the required weight. That's fine, but the high-efficiency type must use a high level pulverizer to break the coarse powder into fine powder, and add a small amount of pearl powder. The high level pulverizer does not cost a lot of money, and the cost is mainly on the pearl powder. Although The amount of addition is not very large, but pearls are not rotten grass after all. Buying pearls in large quantities will definitely increase the cost."

"Wait a minute." I suddenly noticed One point. "You said that high-efficiency crystal ball needs to add pearl powder and pulverize thoroughly. Then can I think that as long as the pulverization is as fine as possible, and more pearl powder is added, the conversion rate can continue to increase?"

" It can be changed, but it is not unlimited. This addition ratio is the most cost-effective solution tested by Woma and others. Increasing the addition amount of pearl powder can indeed increase the conversion efficiency, but when the ratio of pearl powder reaches scrap white The one-thousandth of the magic crystal powder is the upper limit. At this time, the conversion rate can be increased to a little bit higher than twelve to one. It can be said that the improvement effect is very weak. If you continue to increase the ratio of pearl powder, the conversion rate will not increase. It will decrease, and even the conversion cannot be completed."

"Is there any other way to increase the conversion rate?"

"Of course." Rose said: "Just add some red magic crystal powder. However, the ratio requirement is very large, and the red magic crystal does not have to be scrapped, which in itself is equivalent to consumable production. If it is finally converted, the cost price of a crystal ball may rise to more than 30 crystal coins, and The conversion rate is only eight to one."

I thought about it for a while and said: "No, this model should still be valuable. Although it is not cost-effective for ordinary players, elite personnel are definitely worth it. As for the ordinary version, the price difference between different capacities is not big anyway. It is completely unnecessary to produce three capacity levels. In this way, you go back and inform Woma, and you will produce it like this in the future. The normal conversion rate only produces one hundred thousand mana and One thousand mana value of these two capacities, after production is produced, each member of our guild will be equipped with a one hundred thousand capacity. The high-efficiency type only produces 10,000 mana value this model, and members of the guild can use the allotted ordinary Make up a little more money and trade guild contribution points for the type. You can buy more if you want, but the price and guild contribution point consumption will be increased, and one person is limited to buy three at most. In addition, some special enhanced versions are also produced. , Give us ten guilds for each guild that we have a good relationship with. Members of our guild can use the guild contribution point to redeem them, but for no money, the contribution point can be slightly higher."

" What about the normal version of the low-volume type?"

"For external sales. The guilds that have a good relationship with us will give them a discount, and the hostile bank will let them go to the black market. As for this price... …Only twenty crystal coins. The relationship guild gives them a 5% discount and it’s OK. For irons such as the Iron Crusade, the Northern Alliance, and the Blood League, you can consider a 20% discount."

"No problem, I'll do it right now."

"Oh yes, the high-efficiency version of 10,000-capacity will be auctioned out every week, with a reserve price of one hundred crystal coins. . Hehe, this is a huge profit! "

"You only sell twenty crystal coins for more than a dozen Silver Coins. How can there be a huge profit?" But the price is really dark enough, and we can make a good comparison again this time. "

Rose deserves to be the steward wife of our Frost Rose League. She has never been a queen to make money. However, the price I opened this time is indeed not low, plus the auction, it is estimated to be able to make money Quite a lot. Besides, relative to the selling price, our cost is almost negligible. What's so critical about such a cost-effective business?

We just finished talking about the housekeeping issues here. On the opposite side, another cannonball screamed and flew over. As soon as I heard this sound, I knew that the cannonball was flying directly towards us. I quickly stretched out my wings and wrapped the rose in it, and then we heard a bang for the two of us. I was surrounded by a ball of Fireball. However, shortly after the Fireball was raised, my pair of huge wings slammed out the remaining flames, and we were intact.

"Damn Russian guy, this shelling has been going on for almost half an hour, why haven't you seen them come up? "

It’s not that I’m impatient, but the Russians’ offensive speed is really super slow. It’s been at least forty minutes since Banshee ordered the whole army to advance, or else I I’m so bored and I’m talking about the guild with Rose and King Chuang. I’m really impatient to wait. However, the Russians are not in a hurry, although their army has been advancing. , But the speed is okay. It's a tortoise for so long and he should have climbed to our position, but the Russian forward is still separated from our troops by several hundred meters, and the speed of the snail is probably just this. .However, although their troops are advancing slowly, their artillery bombardment is fierce and terrifying. Since the entire Russian invasion of Legion has moved to the present, at least 100,000 or more artillery shells have fallen on our position, and among them there are Many of them are magic crystal steam cannonballs, the formidable power is amazing, and the density is also scary. At first we thought that the Russians were preparing for artillery fire. Who knows that they would not stop for half an hour when they were hit. If it weren’t for us There are also preparations to fight the shelling. It is estimated that there have been no living people in our position for such a long time.

"How long do you think they can contact us at the current speed? "Hong Yue, who just arrived on the front line, looked at the bomb craters all around and asked.

"I think the Russians are scared. "I pointed to the front of the Russian army and said: "Looking at their expressions, it's obviously scary. Although their leadership knew that this battle would have to pay a huge price, the ordinary members below obviously did not fully understand their ideas. Those people simply didn't want to fight us. Although they didn't resist their orders, they were very unwilling to come up and die, so the advancing speed was so slow. But then again, what about our artillery group? Why do you just watch people throw cannonballs over our heads? "

Hearing what I said, Hong Yue asked in surprise: "The artillery group is waiting for an ambush across the Yellow River." Didn't you make the plan? Why don't you know? "

"Ambush? Please, even if you need a cannon group to fight an ambush, you still have a few cannon groups for me! You see, the Russians are advancing without casualties at all. They can advance as they want. If our shelling density is half that of the Russians, I think they dare to move forward like this! "

"What should I do now?" "Hong Yue said a little troubled: "The artillery group is already in place. At this time, if you adjust this way, I am afraid that you will have to pull back just after crossing the river if you can't hit a few rounds. "

Hearing what Hong Yue said, Rose suddenly turned and looked towards me: "Husband, isn't your trumpet a strategy mage?" There are high level players on our side, just hit them with strategic spells. "

"That said. "I tapped my head and took out the communicator and said, "Military god, help me connect with all our elites on the battlefield." "

"It has been connected. "

"Attention everyone, I am President Purple Moon. The group of damn polar bears opposite us seemed to scare us. It took such a long time to advance for less than 500 meters. At this speed, it is estimated that the battle between the two sides will be tomorrow. I don't want to wait for them to crawl over slowly, so I want to give them some motivation. Now listen carefully. All the personnel immediately line up. The melee personnel form the Defensive Array line. Crossbowmen intersperse into the defense line to assist, and the specific arrangement is subject to the dispatch of the military god. Finally, all the wizards who know how to strategic spell will assemble behind the line of defense, let the group of greedy polar bears see our guild’s unique strategic spell, and give them an unforgettable gift. Now everyone moves me. "

With my order, the frontal line of defense that our guild is responsible for immediately became chaotic, but this chaos just looks chaotic. In fact, everyone knows what they want to do, not Running around without a purpose, so I just looked at it a little messy.

Soon our new line of defense gradually took shape in this kind of military running position. Originally, we were fighting with seven men one by one. The fish-scale formation of the group unit instantly turned into a horizontal formation. The front row was full of main tank combatants wearing heavy plate armor, followed by highly sensitive combatants and balanced combatants. Finally, there is a row of shooters. Although this line of defense has no offensive power, its defensive ability is definitely the strongest, and our line is not composed of ordinary players.

Everyone on this line of defense It is the elite of our guild. Almost everyone is above 900 Level 90, and many of them are even more than 1,000. It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of individual battle strength, this is already in the world. The strongest Legion is now. I want to break through its defenses frontally, and I'm simply dreaming if I don't pay more than ten times the casualties.

But...Although the front line of defense looks scary, it is really dangerous. It’s not actually the line of defense. After all, no matter how strong the line of defense is, it’s also a line of defense. If you don’t provoke it, the line of defense itself cannot produce lethality. But behind this line of defense, the magical array composed of a large group of wizards can It’s not a joke.

Although the game "Zero" is not the first online game to propose the concept of strategic spell, it is the most complete in the development and evolution of strategic spell. It not only has A large and complete formidable power calculation system, and even a spell development system specially designed for large guilds. As long as your guild has sufficient funds and technical strength, you can develop a suitable system according to the characteristics of your guild. The special strategy spell of your own guild. This kind of strategy spell can be an offensive spell, a defensive spell, or even an auxiliary class spell. As long as you can think of it, you can design and research through the development of the system. However, the more demanding the requirements, the more difficult the research will be.

As the richest and most technically powerful guild in the world, the Frost Rose League will naturally not fall behind in strategic spell research. In fact, our guild even has a large group of full-time players responsible for the development of strategic spells, and because our guild has recruited a large number of veteran technical magic masters like Jiaha Archmage, the technical level of magic is absolutely ahead of other guilds. In a big way, with such an advantage, if our guild has few trump card strategic spells, even fools will not believe it.

Under the coordination between me and the military god, the mage on our side quickly moved to the designated location, and as everyone stood on their own location, a giant Great Demon array composed of people also Gradually appeared on the battlefield.

This strategy spell is relatively demanding because the formidable power is too huge. First of all, this precise positioning is very particular. Everyone involved in the release of spell must stand in the corresponding position, and clearly know which part they belong to and what needs to be done. This process is a bit like the performance of using people to put together patterns and words at the opening ceremony of the Games. The entire pattern or text is composed of individual people. As long as one person stands in the wrong position, the pattern will be distorted or even completely messed up. . Compared with the kind of performance at the opening ceremony, the strategic spell has stricter requirements on the position. As long as one person stands in the wrong position during the entire spell release process, it will be a waste of time and magic if the spell fails, and the magic backlash will take everything. The participants blew up together.

Because strategic spells require too much positioning, most of the guild's strategic spells generally use small arrays. There are actually six versions of each strategy spell. The first version is a single-player version of strategic spell, but this type of spell generally does not appear on the battlefield, because it is used to test the feasibility of strategic spells and data such as extreme formidable power. In fact, it does not have much practical value. . In addition to the first version, the remaining five versions of strategic spells are micro version, small version, medium version, large version and super version. These five models are actually strategic spells with practical value, and each strategic spell will have all six of these versions at the same time from the day it is researched out.

In fact, it can be seen from the name that the difference between the different versions of the strategy spell lies in the size. The small formidable power is small and the requirements are low, and the large formidable power is large and the requirements are relatively high. Under normal circumstances, general guilds will only use the two levels of strategic spells, micro and small, because these two levels are relatively safe.

The micro version of the strategy spell usually only requires seven or eight people to cast spells in combination, and does not need to be the core strategy mage, which means that as long as seven or eight mages go together to one station, they can cast the spell. In addition, because of the small number of people, the positioning is relatively easy, and the micro version of the strategy spell itself has a high fault tolerance rate, even if someone stands crooked a bit, there is nothing at worst.

Compared with the micro version, the small version of strategic spell requires slightly more personnel. Under normal circumstances, small strategic spells require more than 30 wizards to cast spells collectively, and at least one strategic wizard must act as the core. In addition, starting from this level, strategic spell's requirements for standing will become very strict, so most guilds will first send people to draw magic arrays on the ground, and then let people stand on the ground according to the marks on the ground. The advantage of this is that it is not easy to make mistakes, but the disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time to draw the magic array in advance. However, considering that the strategic spell itself does not belong to the category of quick and mobile strikes, it is acceptable to delay more time.

Compared with the previous two versions, the requirements of the medium-sized strategic spell are naturally higher. This version of the strategy spell is generally on the scale of one hundred people, and depending on the type of spell, multiple strategy spells may be required to act as nodes, and then a strategic mage with the highest strength will act as the guide. Of course, this kind of strategic spell arrangement with a scale of 100 people also needs to draw lines in advance before the mages can stand up, otherwise so many people will definitely make mistakes.

For general guilds, the above three are the limits they can use. Firstly, most guilds don’t have so many mages to complete larger strategic spells, and secondly, they can’t guarantee accuracy. After all, large-scale and super-version strategic spells do not rely on drawing magic arrays on the ground to ensure that their positions are correct. Yes, unless there is a special method, the general guild can't afford to play this thing.

But...for the Russian Expeditionary Force, unfortunately, our Frost Rose League happens to be able to play the kind of super strategic spell.

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