Following an order from Banshee, the entire Russian Legion soon began to move. But it is a little bit different from what we imagined. We originally thought that they would at least make a comprehensive exploratory attack on the garrison in all directions, and then choose the direction of attack based on the strength of the defense, but the result was that the Russians did not make any trials at all and directly advanced towards us. The front line of defense of the Rose League guards pressed over.

Boom. With a loud noise, a big hole suddenly appeared in the land around us, and the earth and stones lifted up by the explosion pattered like rain, oh la la hit our armor and made a ding ding dong dong impact. Voice.

"Bah...Bah, bah." King Chuang vomited the dirt in his mouth and said, "Why am I so unlucky? It doesn't matter if I drink salt water on the sea, but I still have to eat soil on land. What a bad luck!"

I ignored King Chuang’s complaint and asked directly: "You are not commanding the fleet at sea, what are you doing here?"

"This is not like Would you please give me some questions!" King Chuang suddenly leaned forward like a thief whispered: "Our first fleet-affiliated reconnaissance formation has discovered a large number of underwater fleets in the area north of Japan, according to our follow-up observations. This fleet is a transport team from Russia. They seem to be secretly transporting something to Japan. In order not to reveal the situation that we have found each other, I did not move them, so as not to beat the grass to scare the snake. You see Are we going to kill them all? Or what?"

"Are you doing this?" I looked at King Chuang with a little surprise. "Isn't it enough to notify the military god?"

"Hehe, of course it's not entirely because of this." Chuangwang's laughed sorry, then gave me a sharp wink, and then quietly pointed at us with his hand. The side rear. I followed his finger and glanced carefully in that direction, and then saw a long and cute member of our guild explaining something to some of our guild members there.

As soon as I saw the female member, I immediately reacted to the fact that this kid, the King of Chuangzhe, is using the official authority for private interests. That MM is a relatively strong high level member of our guild, not to say how strong her battle strength is, but her commanding ability is very outstanding. Although her battlefield micro-management is not as good as the military god, and the macro strategy is not as good as Sumei and Rose, considering that the above three are all abnormal level of intelligence, this MM should be regarded as a giant amongst men Level 1. But... Although it’s not surprising that King Chuang is in love with others, unfortunately he didn’t like King Chuang, so the kid Chuang Wang has been trying his best to get close to them. This time he slipped over by simply reporting the situation. Soak MM.

"You brat really picks time!"

"Hehe, such is human nature!" King Chuang smiled and touched the back of his head.

I thought about it and looked at the MM again, then turned my head and shouted at the other side: "Violet."

"Yes. What's the president? "The MM who was arranging tasks with the people around him immediately looked towards my side, and King Chuang turned his back in fright and didn't dare to look there.

I hooked my finger at her, and then waited for her to run over before saying, "Tell me the task at hand, and then choose an amphibious combat squad and go with King Chuang."

Although the size of other people's small MM is indeed not small, it is definitely not a brainless type. After hearing my order, they took a glance at the king who was pretending not to be stupid and turned his big eyes to understand the reason, and then the little MM said slightly unhappy: "If it is needed by the guild, I can I don’t care if I execute the order, even if I get killed several times and fall to many levels, but please don’t interfere with my personal issues. I don’t want to say something bad to make everyone look bad."

Although it’s early I know people will resist, but I didn't expect a little girl with such a big character. But what she said is not wrong at all. They are just members of the guild and our guild, and they are not sold to me as slaves. People who like them will like whoever they like. We really can't control it and shouldn't control it. But... Although I can't directly interfere with her thoughts, I can create opportunities for King Chuang.

"Hey, the anger is really not small! It's a matter for the king to like you. I can't give orders to make him not like you, right? Of course I am not qualified to order you must Accept him, if you don’t like him, just don’t accept it. Why do you want to be angry with me?"

"But you just..." She suddenly got stuck in the middle of her words, because she suddenly remembered , I just asked her to go with King Chuang, and didn't say what to do. Besides, I told her to gather a group of people who are good at amphibious warfare. Is this clearly a mission? As a high level member of the guild, it is only natural to perform the combat mission announced by the president, and it seems that she really has nothing to oppose.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I knew she wanted to understand when I saw her stuck, so I deliberately asked her to make her feel stronger.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive before. But you have intentionally brought us together, right?" Although I know that I have overreacted before, he is a commanding talent and his brain is much more flexible than ordinary people. Although he immediately apologized, the imposing manner did not weaken at all.

Although the little girl’s intelligence is not low, it’s still a bit short of playing with me. Besides, I am the president and she is a member. The so-called level 1 of the government officials crushes people to death. We are in a dialogue. Are not equal. "I admit that I have a plan to match, but that is my freedom. I did not order you to accept him or not. It is your freedom to accept him or not. If I want to match, you just don’t accept it. You can’t just because I have this idea. Don’t you start resisting? Besides, as long as I don’t give orders about your personal issues, they are all guild tasks. What do you mean by singing against me as soon as you come up?"

"I... …" The little girl wanted to refute but found that she couldn't find a reason at all, so she couldn't help but get stuck there and didn't know how to explain it.

I didn’t give her too much time to think, but changed her polite tone and ordered with a very serious tone: "Member Violet, I now formally order you as the president of the Frost Rose League Accept a special investigation mission. A suspicious pair of transport ships was found during the commanding of the fleet. You must find a way to investigate what is being transported on the ship and the identity of the shipper and receiver. There are all other relevant information, you can find out what you can find out. You are responsible for the specific combat arrangements, and you choose the personnel yourself. You will be led by King Chuang before the end of the mission. You can also ask for specific mission information. He. Is the order clear? Or are you going to refuse to carry out the order?"

"No, the order is accepted, I will make arrangements." Violet turned around and went to gather the staff immediately.

After watching her leave, I said to Chuang Wang: "Does you brat follow behind others like a cheap dog all day?"

"I No!" King Chuang said depressedly: "You don't know that I am at sea every day, but she is in the command of the land warfare. Can we simply not reach it, okay? As for the mean dog, is it too? Exaggerated? I'm just being gentle with her. You don't need to say that I am a bitch?"

"It's not me, but she thinks so." I looked at the depressed Chuang Wang and said "You are a fan of the authorities. From my perspective, you can clearly see the situation. Violet is simply not that kind of ordinary girl. She is too smart and has a strong personality. Just now she dared to directly compete with me with high prestige and battle. You can imagine what kind of personality she is. For a girl like her, it’s useless to ask for care of her in a low voice. No, I’m wrong, it’s not nothing. Use it or not, but it will have the opposite effect. The more gentle and considerate you are to her, the more she will think you are useless and feel that you are very cheap."

"Isn't it?" Hearing what I said The face of King Chuang directly turned into a big "囧". "I said why her attitude towards me is getting worse and worse now!"

"If you pursue her like this, sooner or later she will treat you as a real mangy dog."

< p>"Then what should I do?"

"Turn all your previous actions upside down."

"Upside down?" King Chuang looked at me in surprise and didn't understand. How can this happen?

I couldn't help but knocked him once: "I don't understand this? Listen. From now on, you should not show any special tendency to her, and treat her as one of your ordinary subordinates. , No, don’t be an ordinary subordinate, but a subordinate that you don’t like."

"What is a subordinate that you don’t like?"

"It is the most painful and tiring Let her do all of her work. Don’t give too much praise for doing a good job. If you make a mistake, you will swear to the death."

"Isn’t that doing the trick?"

" I didn’t let you make trouble with her on purpose. She did nothing wrong, and you wouldn’t say anything about her. You should praise or criticize, but the rewards are reduced and the punishment is doubled. Also, don’t get into contact with her normally. You are her superior and not her follower. Why are you polite to her? Even if you take out the murderous aura when you command the fleet, you usually show her the face of the refrigerator, and yell if you are in a hurry. She."

"Isn’t it, boss? I don’t want to post others. If I treat her like this, she still treats me as a class enemy?"

"This you Don’t understand?” I said with a smile: “People are different from people. It’s absolutely correct to use your gentle offensive against ordinary MM, but you can’t be too gentle when dealing with Violet, who has a bit of a strong female character. What she wants is not a little man, but a hero who can conquer her."

When I heard this, King Chuang jumped up and shouted: "Haha, I understand. I will do that."

"You will understand what you understand? I haven't finished it yet. I asked you to show heroism in front of her, not let you turn yourself into Zhang Butcher. Although you seem to want Be cold to her, but don't really be cold to her. First of all, you must increase the probability of your appearance next to her. Although you can treat her a little bit badly, you should appear next to her from time to time to let her notice you. There is also that you can train her, you can kill her, but you must pay attention to one situation. As long as she refuses to admit defeat and fights hard with you, you will be tougher than her, but once she breaks down, for example, you scolded and cried. It’s time for you to be gentle. But note that gentleness does not mean being mean. You just need to be gentle. For example, handing a handkerchief or something is OK. Don’t coax her for a long time. At most, say a few words to comfort her. If you don’t, you’ll leave when you are done. Don’t be by her side."

"Benefit and prestige, I understand this."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go and take her away. Remember to be fierce usually."


Sent away Chuangwang. As soon as I turned around, I found Rose looking at me with a weird smile. Hairy.

"Didn't expect you to have rich experience in this area?" Rose asked deliberately mystifying.

I hurriedly hugged the rose and said, "Aiya, how can my wife be so smart that I was fooled by this little trick of me? I learned this from you! You! So smart, have I learned a lot of things over time!"

"hmph, I don't bother to care about you." Rose finished speaking and handed a crystal ball to me.

While receiving a small amount of magic power, I wanted to see the situation inside and asked: "What is this?"

"The latest achievement of the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute, but this is not What we originally planned to study was purely a by-product. The function is..."

"Needless to say, I understand!"

It was just as Rose was preparing to explain the purpose of this thing. In, I have tried out the function of this thing. In fact, the function of this thing is very simple, nothing more than a magic battery that can be charged. When your own magic power is sufficient, you can use your own magic power to recharge this crystal ball just like releasing magic. Anyway, when the magic power is full, you can no longer accumulate it. Charging into this crystal ball is more cost-effective than wasting it. Moreover, when your magic power is insufficient in the battle, you can absorb the magic power in the crystal ball and quickly replenish your magic power value. This is equivalent to increasing the upper limit of the magic power. Its function is basically the same as that of my equipment called the magic ball. Similar, but a little bit different in details.

My magic ball belongs to the high level equipment manufactured by system, and this crystal ball is the guild’s own equipment. The storage capacity of the magic ball is not fixed, but the storage capacity of this crystal ball is a fixed value. My magic ball can generate up to ten times the user's total magic power storage capacity according to different users, and the storage capacity of this crystal ball is only equivalent to less than one-tenth of my total magic power. However, although it seems that the magic ball reserves are relatively high, the crystal ball can be mass-produced, so the problem of the storage limit is not obvious. At worst, just take a few more with you.

In addition, the replenishment efficiency of my magic ball is obviously much higher than this crystal ball. The magic ball is replenished at a rate of ten to one when it replenishes the magic power. That is, it consumes ten points of my own magic power. The magic power in the magic power ball increases a little, but the replenishment ratio of the crystal ball is one twentieth, the replenishment efficiency Only half of the magic ball. But this is not the point. The point is that the magic ball is supplemented and extracted without interval, that is, when my magic power is full, it will automatically start to supplement, and I don’t need to worry about it, but when I use magic, It will prioritize the consumption of the magic power in the magic ball, and there is no interval between them, and there is no need to operate it by yourself. But the crystal ball is different. It will not automatically recharge. The user must actively input the magic power into it, and the input takes time. It does not mean that you can complete it immediately after touching it, but it is consumed according to the amount of magic power filled. Ranging in time. It takes about one minute to fill the crystal ball in my hand. Moreover, even if the magic ball is full, it will not automatically replenish the user after the user consumes the magic power, but must be manually absorbed by the user, and this absorption speed is exactly the same as the filling speed. That is, how long it takes you to fill a crystal ball, it takes the same time to suck out the magic inside. From this point of view, this crystal ball is actually not suitable for reviving demons in battle. After all, there is generally no time for you to stop and revive demons on the battlefield. In contrast, the magic medicine that will not affect the battle as long as it is thrown into the mouth may be more useful.

Although the use of this magic crystal ball is a bit bad, I am quite satisfied with this thing. In any case, it can at least replace part of the functions of medicines. Although it is not suitable for use in combat, if there are more people on your side, it is also a good way to take turns out of the battle circle to make up for evil. In addition, I think if it is on the battlefield, this thing has a wide range of uses. For example, when the division uses a large-scale joint spell, this thing can come in handy. Generally, when using a large combined spell, the wizard and the battlefield are far away, so there is no need to worry about the security of the wizard. As long as the release of a spell is completed, the wizard can safely absorb the magic power in the crystal ball and return to the magic quickly. The release of the next spell. Although this crystal ball needs to be manipulated manually, its recovery speed is still very fast. At least compared with medicines, it recovers its magic power much faster per unit time, but medicines don’t need to be spent. Time operation, so it is more suitable for use in combat. In addition, I think the biggest advantage of this thing is actually saving money.

No matter what medicine it is, it costs money. Using medicines to restore magic requires constant spending, and the magic in the crystal ball is the extra magic that the player fills in when not fighting. Except for the cost of the crystal ball itself, the magic is completely free of money. This is for every player In terms of leveling, we can save a lot of expenses, and the cost of medicines we need to reimburse in the guild battle is estimated to be reduced a lot.

"How about the cost of this thing?"

"I promise you can't guess." Rose said with a triumphant smile.

"Is it very cheap?" With Rose's love for money, she can be so proud, this thing must be cheap and super imaginative.

Sure enough, after hearing my question, Rose immediately replied with a smile: "Of course, the raw material of this thing is scrapped white magic crystal. Our guilds are all calculated by tons, even if some The project can consume some, but the demand is very small, which is not in proportion to our daily output. This is good, the excess scrap white magic crystal can be used to produce this, we only need to spend a little processing fee. "

"Then how much does it cost?"

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