"Damn, these crazy girls are too violent, aren't they? Wait for me anyway!"

Looking at Zhenhong, they all rushed out one by one. Far away, I also quickly ordered the familiars in the first row to launch an assault. After Ling heard my order, he began to direct each of the demons to act, but before everyone moved, Ling first made a special arrangement. I saw my control spirit Vajra suddenly bent over and put his palm on the ground, and then saw the baby shaking his big butt struggling to climb up to Vajra's palm, followed Vajra and suddenly lifted the baby up, and then slammed it. After a fist with one hand, he suddenly threw it toward the Japanese camp ahead. I only saw the baby huddled in the air, and then flew directly into one of the most densely populated divisions in the Japanese front.

Generally speaking, the mages on the battlefield are equivalent to artillery units. While having a strong damage output, their survivability is quite weak. Therefore, in order to facilitate centralized command and protection, and also to facilitate the use of battlefield-type joint spells by division, general commanders will concentrate the mages in a relatively small area for battle. However, the shortcoming of too much concentration of mages is also obvious, that is, once the opponent is concentrated on the attack, it is possible to reimburse all the power of the mages at once. However, although the defensive ability of the mage class is very low when it is placed alone, it is the most defensive group of people gathered together, because there is a joint spell in "Zero" called "Sky curtain", the role of this spell is somewhat similar to the multiplayer version The Water Element protects the spell Water Screen Heavenly Flower. Once successfully deployed, a spherical protective shield can be supported in a large area, and this protective shield has a one-way protection capability, that is, the person protected in the shield can Unaffected external attacks, but the enemy outside cannot attack the people inside. Of course, as a Legion-level spell, such a protective cover needs to be used by multiple people in order to take effect, and compared with a general single-player spell, the consumption of this combined spell is also relatively large, but because the consumption is shared by multiple people, a single For each participant, this should actually be considered a very low-consumption spell, and the price/performance ratio is much higher than the average single-person defense spell.

Because of this kind of battlefield tortoise shell, the division is generally difficult to be attacked on the battlefield, unless it is encountered by a super expert like us who can forcibly rush into the enemy’s army through the front line. Raid at close range, otherwise you can only use a large spell to hit hard. However, although the Japanese player’s division has long put the protective cover up, it has overlooked a fatal problem, that is, it is not our regular army that they have to deal with, but me, a super player. My strength is not only manifested in personal battle strength, my familiars and their special ability are actually my most troublesome attribute. For example, now, when a baby in a ball of meat was thrown across the entire battlefield and directly hit the hapless division's protective cover, he went straight in without being blocked at all.

Although the sky curtain is a joint protection spell, it has a strange feature, that is, it does not block people. This protective shield can block all flying weapons such as attack spells and bows, but does not block the entry of lifeforms. This is why this protective shield supports expert assaults, because as long as it can pass through the interception of external combatants, Once close to the protective shield, most people can easily pass through it to enter the protective shield and slaughter the mages inside. Of course, it is useless for ordinary people to wear it in. After all, the wizards are not as good as the warrior in melee combat, but is not that absolutely does not have melee ability. It’s strange that you break into the division by yourself without being bombarded by a bunch of magic missiles. Of course, you can usually break through on the battlefield. The combatant’s line of defense will not be close to the division. The player will not be an ordinary player, otherwise he would have been intercepted by the outside. The warrior was killed.

The baby who passed through the canopy instantly stretched out from the hug state, and then he heard his arrogant child voice through the sky above the division. "Haha, humble little mages, tremble in front of the baby." With this funny declaration, the baby flying in the air and the whole division below suddenly disappeared together. The entire Japanese player’s camp seemed to have been gnawed by an invisible rare beast, and suddenly there was a large blank area. Although there was no trace of damage in this area, all the people were gone. . This weird phenomenon stunned all the nearby Japanese players who were responsible for protecting the law division, because they had never thought before that there was something that could kill an entire law division.

Of course, the baby is actually impossible to kill so many mages in an instant, but it is no problem to let them disappear for a while. You know that the big pervert of Buddhism's Treasure Tree King was planted under the sweet space of the baby. No matter how strong these Japanese mages are, they can't be better than Buddhism's perverts, right?

Fixed this division, the long-range attack of the Japanese player camp immediately appeared a large blank area. Although this division is only one of the many divisions of Japanese players, according to the convention in "Zero", the long-range firepower of an army usually consists of three parts: division, artillery and crossbowmen. structure. Among them, crossbowmen generally play the responsibilities of snipers and heavy machine guns in modern warfare. They are mainly deployed at the forefront of the battlefield to be responsible for close-to-war fire suppression and targeted clearance, while the Master is a medium- and long-range similar to rocket launchers and tactical missiles. Strike force, as for the artillery group, this is the same as in reality, which specializes in long-range strikes.

Originally calculated in this way, the division method is just to destroy the medium and long-range power in this section of the Japanese front. There should be artillery groups and crossbowmen who can share part of the striking power. right. However, the actual situation now is not the case.

Because we miscalculated the trust of Japanese players in Matsumoto Masaka earlier, the main force of the Frost Rose League was transferred to the Sino-Russian battlefield in advance, while the Japanese area became our force. Vacuum zone. This misjudgment eventually led to the Japanese players' counterattack speed far exceeding the battlefield predictions of the Chinese and Japanese command levels. Although this change is a blow to us, it is not entirely a good thing for Japan. Because the front line advances too much, and the battle is launched very hastily, the Japanese supply is a bit unable to keep up. Basically, their army has been madly running forward. All artillery and baggage have been thrown to unknown places. Let alone the artillery group on this battlefield, it is estimated that the Onihand Nobunaga and the others even have artillery groups. Not necessarily to come out.

Because there is no artillery group to provide long-range suppression firepower, the current long-range strike force in Japan is only the two layers of defense, division and crossbowmen, but it is facing our area. The baby’s division was pulled into his sweet space, which is tantamount to turning the entire section of this division into a situation where there is no long-range strike firepower at all. In the face of our Legion who had been killed aggressively, there was no need to think about what would happen without a long-range strike. The crash was just a matter of time.

Vajra was not idle after throwing the baby. This guy first straightened up and performed a standard gorilla movement. He beat his chest with both arms and gave a deafening roar, and followed He violently lowered his forelimbs and rushed towards the Japanese front, and alongside him was my other spirit-controlling Bannon Songlan. As a hero-level giant dragon, Bannon Songlan is definitely qualified to be called a battlefield. ?meat grinder, of course it would be appropriate to call him a battlefield roller, anyway, where he ran, simply couldn’t find a complete corpse. Anyone who was hit or stepped on would basically immediately turn into a pile of unrecognizable ones. Of rotten meat.

After the two control spirits first smashed into the Japanese line, my large familiars rushed into the Japanese line in no particular order. A few giant dragons flew low over the Japanese army, and a large piece of dragon flame instantly burned the front line to a white ground, followed by Xiaofeng with the flames of hiding the sky and covering the earth passing over the battlefield and still survived. The people who came down could already be counted with their fingers, and after that, the formation of Death God guards and Qilin warrior ran past. After that, no living people were seen in this area.

Of course, not every segment on the battlefield is as easy to break through as the area we are responsible for, but there is a more serious problem with the battlefield thing, that is, it is very similar to a dike, as long as there is one If it is broken down, even if the other places are still intact, it is actually useless.

After crossing the front line, my various summon creatures began to separate and complete the mission they were told before. Fortunately, high-level creatures, such as weapons of mass destruction, are responsible for spreading attacks along the Japanese front. Their main task is to destroy the Japanese army's formation and make their battlefield lose the lethality it should have. Ling and Yeyue are not big in size, but the existence of super strong battle strength can't fight the battle like the large creatures like lucky, but they can't be idle either. The task I arranged for them was to clean up the division of the Japanese army. Anyway, their battle strength is super strong. Although the killing speed may not be as fast as the lucky ones, the breakthrough ability is not weaker than the lucky ones at all, so as long as There is no way to save the division by them.

Of course, the Japanese are not fools. We can send high-level personnel to sabotage, and naturally they can also send high-level players to counter raids, but the problem is that there is a difference between expert and expert. After we defeated Nobunaga Onitou in the duel space before, it was tantamount to defeating the ambition of the Japanese players, and their crazy assault just made the Japanese players lose their last bit of confidence. The expert that will be dispatched is a bit shorter in the imposing manner. In addition, we are all elites who are dispatched this time, and their battle strength is higher than them. Such an interception is naturally a waste of effort, except for the death of a few more experts. The outside played almost no real role.

Seeing that the familiars have entered a normal fighting state, I quickly took a shot of the night shadow. "Let's go."

Ye Yingdao didn't move right away, but asked: "Where are we going?"

I pointed to the direction of Zhenhong at first running. "The place where Oninote Nobunaga and their meeting."

No matter what results Oninote Nobunaga and they can discuss, their judgment will not be in our favor anyway, so it is best for us now. The thing shouldn't be to wait for Nobunaga Guishou and the others to discuss the results, but to drive them away first.

After knowing the target, Yekage immediately began to dash forward. Compared with the impact of ordinary mounts, Nightmare can basically be regarded as the existence of tank Level 1. Anything that got in the way along the way, whether it was a person or something else, was easily hit by Ye Ying. However, in my opinion, there is another very important reason why those people are easily hit and fly because they don't actually want to block us, but because the speed of Night Shadow is too fast to dodge.

Think about it. This group of Japanese players just watched me run around the world with three great experts of their country in the duel space. Who would dare to stop me? No matter how conceited they are, they will not think that they can stop the three great experts alone. Besides, in the duel space, Nobunaga and the others have been strengthened by the system. In that case, none of them could stop me, and these ordinary players were even more talked about. Therefore, these people were affected by my previous sturdy image. When I found out that I wanted to turn around and run away, the speed of Night Shadow was too fast, and often people were knocked into flight just after turning around.

"Fuck me, can't you fly higher?" Looking at the crowd flying around in front of me, I couldn't help but remind Ye Ying. Of course, I am not for the safety of Japanese players, but I rushed to Guishou Nobunaga to make trouble for them, and now I have no time to hit people here.

Didn't expect Ye Ying sprayed a ball of Fireball out of her nose when she heard what I said, and then exclaimed excitedly: "I'm killing it, so why don't you get in the way?"< /p>

"Damn, knowing that you are a demonized creature is more blood-eating, but you have at least completed your job, right?"

"My job? My job is to kill the enemy Ah."

"Your head..." As soon as I said three words, I suddenly swallowed the rest of the words back, because I just realized it, it seems that Yeying’s job should indeed be Responsible for killing the enemy. Even though Ye Ying looks like a giant black horse with horns and a handsome appearance, can't you treat others as horses just because the parents are like horses? Of course, as a long-horse-like creature with super mobile ability, Nightmare is indeed a good replacement for mounts, but strictly speaking people should actually be classified as a demon instead of a horse. Yes, the biological classification of Nightmare in "Zero" is a branch of the demon species. Although he does not look like a normal demon, he stepped on the hellfire, and he often spewed out sulfur from his mouth and nose. Judging from the characteristics of the fire star of flavor, the nightmare is indeed a close relative to the devil. After all, apart from the devil, it seems that only some dragons have the above characteristics. "Then I know that you were originally a combat creature, but in your current role as a mount, you can help out!"

"Okay, you are the boss who listens to you." Ye Ying In addition to being close relatives with the devil, I guess he must be related to the donkey. Otherwise, why is his character so donkey-like? If you want him to do things, you have to follow his will. If you fight against him, then be prepared to piss yourself off!

Although he has a bad temper, I have to say that as long as he smooths his temper, Ye Ying is still very good. After agreeing to speed up to Nobunaga's side of Guishou first, Yekage did not fly, but directly used his special skill-dream jumping, and then saw our silhouette running and running and it began to change more and more. Faint, finally completely disappeared, and then a faint shadow slowly emerged from a long distance and gradually returned to normal, but after completely returning to normal, our silhouette began to fade until it disappeared, and when it appeared next time It has moved a lot forward from last time. Although Ye Ying said that this skill is called Dream Jump, people in our guild all agree that it is more like a haunted after seeing this skill, because many ghosts in ghost movies move forward in such a flash.

No matter what this skill looks like, its speed is really fast anyway, at least a few of the great gods who were able to catch up with the night shadow when fighting Buddhism.

True Red, who started earlier than me, was about to rush to the meeting place of Nobunaga Guishou and their meeting, but just when she thought she would be the first to rush to Nobunaga Guishou, Suddenly, a faint shadow appeared next to her, and before she could figure out what was going on, the shadow suddenly moved to a place far in front of her and disappeared again, and then when Zhen Hong saw the shadow for the third time, the shadow was already When I arrived at Nobunaga Oni's temporary headquarters, it became my image.

As soon as I rode Yekage and appeared beside the carriages where Onito Nobunaga and the others served as temporary command posts, the nearby Japanese players immediately surrounded them. Different from other places, this is the frontline command post after all, and the peripheral players are all high level players. Although they are not my opponents, they at least react much better than ordinary players.

Looking at a row of long spears stabbing at me, I directly transformed Eternity into a hook and sickle spear form, and then swept it horizontally. After only listening to the collision of a row of ding ding dong dong, all The long spear that was pierced was shortened by half. Nobunaga's weapons can't match Eternity. Needless to say, these ordinary expert weapons. Except for a few special Divine Items, Eternal has never encountered a few weapons that are constantly cutting.

Although the long spear is cut off, the expert is different from ordinary people after all. Those players saw that the weapon was broken and threw the gun directly, leaping forward, hoping to pounce me off the back of the night shadow. After all, my hook and sickle gun was too long, and riding on the back of the night shadow gave me a high advantage. Of players suffer quite a bit. But it was obviously a wrong decision that they wanted to pounce on me, because just after they jumped up, the two and a half months behind me automatically broke away from my body and began to automatically rotate around me. Although the high-speed rotation of two and a half months is not as great as the formidable power of the eternally changing sword wheel, it is still very easy to intercept an ordinary person. The first player who jumped up was instantly cut off for a month and a half. The corpse was thrown back along with the internal organs and blood. The people behind were also shocked by this lesson from the past.

"Purple Moon, your dignified battle strength ranks first. What is the ability to bully ordinary players here?" Just when I was about to kill the Japanese players who were encircling, Nobunaga's voice suddenly Appeared on top of the carriage in front.

I am not in a hurry to deal with these young men when I see him appear. "I don't want to pester them either, but some coward always don't show up!"


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