In fact, the reason why Rose is so surprised is that we came out too fast. Since it is called a test, it usually requires a process, so the time is definitely not too short. What Rose doesn't know is that I told you a paragraph before officially starting the test. The content of this passage is like this. "Move faster for a while, we are in a hurry. For a while, no matter what BOSS you encounter, I will directly use the big move. Don't think about the 2nd move, just treat it as if you have no chance to use the 2nd move."

Under my prompting, all the experts present are naturally trying to use their strongest attack as much as possible, and the result is... of course one strike certain kill.

Because before the test officially started, the eyeball parasite told us that this test is a system reward, so there is no penalty at all, and no matter what is used during the test, it will be restored after the battle. In other words, the magic power consumed in the battle will be automatically restored, and the life lost will be automatically filled. Even the level drop caused by death and special skills will be all the reasons. Even the one-time items consumed in the battle will be fully compensated after the battle. Come back, so for the player itself, apart from time, this battle consumes nothing at all.

With such a guaranteed bottom, Kristina and the others are naturally even crazier when they execute my plan. Of course I am not much better than them. After the test started, we were teleported to different areas, and then I found myself running into a large space meteorite belt. After the eyeball parasitic beast explained, I realized that this is actually the rubble area formed after the planet we just duel completely collapsed, and I was responsible for testing this rubble area. As for the enemy, it’s a good one. Space rare beast like a large sandworm. However, because we are in a hurry and the Parasitic Eyeball said that there is no need to bear any loss, I immediately activated the Suicide Skill-Absolute Order as soon as the Parasitic Eyeball had explained the rules.

Although the essence of this skill is self-destruct, it needs to pay a level of one hundred for each use as the use price, but because the eyeball parasitic beast said that the consumption will be compensated, the cost is directly by me Ignore it. As for self-destruct that will make me die before rare beast, I don’t even care about it, because the eyeball parasitic beast explained the rules later, the goal of victory in the test mission is to eliminate rare beast, not my survival, that is Said that as long as the monster dies, I will win, whether I die in front of the monster or behind it.

As an equivalent exchange skill, since Absolute Order can consume one hundred levels at a time, its formidable power is naturally incomparable. So, after the parasitic eyeball explained all the rules to me in about fifty seconds, I started the absolute order in three seconds and fixed myself and the rare beast at once, from beginning to end. I haven't seen that monster launch an attack, so I don't even know what attributes it has. Anyway, I know it can't stop our suicide skills.

While I started the absolute order self-destruct and killed the monster, gold coin and Kristina almost completed the test in a similar way. Everyone listened to the introduction of the rules for more than 50 seconds, and then ended the battle within three to five seconds.

After listening to the rules, Zhen Hong directly used a stroke of Dragon Soul Blast, which is also a suicide skill, and it is an indiscriminate attacking skill like my absolute order. The target rare beast has all explodes into waste.

Gold coin's clearance method is similar to that of True Red, except that her skill is called Soldier Solution Rebirth Method, and the formidable power is more abnormal than True Red's trick. The price she paid for this skill was a one-time reduction of the character's level value of 800, and she needed to consume a piece of Divine Item level equipment designated by the user. However, although the cost of this skill is outrageous, according to the principle of equivalent exchange, This skill formidable power with abnormal requirements is also abnormal. According to the live video that gold coin later showed us, the formidable power of her skill is about equivalent to the explosive formidable power of a billion-ton nuclear weapon, because there is a scene in the video taken from space, and we I saw a blue and white ball on the surface of the planet, which was used as a testing ground, which was slightly larger than a ping-pong ball. By the way, the body of the planet as the background looks just the size of a basketball. With such a terrifying skill, let alone the test monster, even the scene has been razed, and nothing is left except the big pit left by the explosion zone. The evaluation of this gold coin is-very enjoyable. After all, this kind of abnormal skill that needs to consume a Divine Item and 800-level EXP, apart from this kind of test, it is estimated that she will have no chance to use it again in her life.

Compared with the way I passed with True Red and gold coin, Kristina’s method is slightly softer. Of course, the main reason for this is that her target is a bunch of small monsters instead of a few big monsters, so she uses her strongest large-scale magic-magic net blasting, although the formidable power is not greater than our suicide skills, it is also Considerable super skills, as a result, tens of thousands of small monsters around were all dead in less than three seconds.

In the end, Shadow Spring, as the most suspenseful tester, came out the fastest. Unlike us, she didn’t use any super skills, but she was lucky enough to run into a personal BOSS, and then after the battle started, she activated her fastest skill and hit the opponent with a single blow in 0.1 second. Then she was teleported out at the second half of the battle officially began. This speed is simply not enough time for us to activate the skills.

After figuring out the reason why we came out so quickly, Rose also behaved quite surprised. After all, the messy way like us really made her didn't expect. Compared with me, Rose’s intelligence may be slightly higher, but there is one difference between the two of us, that is, I prefer to use a more direct way to think about problems, and Rose happens to be better at various roundabout strategies.

After explaining the reason why we came out so quickly, Rose and I focused on the battlefield on the opposite side. At this time, the Japanese player array on the battlefield did not retreat, but it did not attack us either. Instead, it displayed a Defensive Array shape, and didn't know what it was going to do.

Seeing my eyes focus on the Japanese camp, Rose knew what I was thinking. "They were like this when I came out, and they seemed to be discussing something."

"Have you not contacted Matsumoto Masaka?"

"Matsumoto Masaka?" Rose Slightly surprised, he said: "He wants to know what's going on over there more than us!"

I originally wanted to ask Rose why Matsumoto Masaka would even want to know about the Japanese camp than we did. Circumstances, but I swallowed it back when the words came to my lips, because I suddenly wanted to understand. This time, Masaka Matsumoto made it clear that Nobunaga and the others had been plot against, and even if Nobunaga and the others owed Masaka Matsumoto, it was all secretly and could not be brought to the table. Therefore on the surface Nobunaga on the surface is still the commander-in-chief of this battle, and Masaka Matsumoto will not only not, but it is also impossible to become a part of Nobunaga on the surface, just like the ongoing discussions on Nobunaga and the others. Matsumoto Masaka will definitely not be allowed to participate, and Oni Shou Nobunaga's defense against Matsumoto Masaka might be more strict than us. Under these circumstances, it would be strange if Matsumoto Masaka could know what Oniji Nobunaga and the others were doing.

After I figured out the reason, I was about to ask if Rose had sent someone to investigate Nobunaga's plans, but didn't expect Rose said: "We have already sent one. The small group of scouting mosquitoes has passed, and we will receive the news in about two minutes."

"Shooting mosquitoes?" I looked back in surprise, but except for the city wall and our troops. I didn’t see anything outside, so I had to ask Rose: "Isn’t the giant mosquito outpost on the border between China and Russia? Why are you here?"

"When we fought with Nobunaga and the others The eagle asked them to come, that is, just a few minutes before we came out, and now the giant mosquito outpost is parked in the city, I have asked him to disguise him."

I nodded and said:" Ying Da has the foresight, and it comes in handy."

"What? How can his big boss think of such a thing? The order was issued by the Eagle, but the one who thought of this was Su Mei."< /p>

"That's not so strange." After I finished speaking, I suddenly thought of something: "You said that if the Japanese keep standing in such a Defensive Array shape with us, isn't it a great enemy? "

"This...!" Rose obviously didn't think too deeply, after all, she came out more than a minute earlier than us, but I felt like I mentioned her. "Not good, I am confused about my position." As Rose said, she suddenly pressed the crystal communicator on her ear with one hand. "Military God. Immediately order the Japanese regional troops to attack across the board and assume a strong offensive posture."

As soon as Rose finished speaking, I immediately heard the military God's question. "Chairman, Miss Blood Red Rose asked the Japanese area to make an assault across the board and assume a forceful attitude. Is the order approved?"


"Understood, the order will be executed immediately."


"Understood. p>

Almost at the same time the army god finished answering, the army behind us suddenly moved. A large number of troops started to rush forward, and the crowd that seemed chaotic was gradually discharged in order. Battle formation.

Looking at the team that became tidy after running in the rear, I couldn’t help but sigh: "Military god, this guy is really abnormal in micro-management! He can complete the mobile formation in a melee with so many people. , The actual army has this command density. It is estimated that the Old Generals can wake up laughing at night."

Rose grabbed my head and turned my head back to the front, then said: "You just Stop sighing there and rush quickly."

"Rush? Where do you rush?"

"The one who lost it was the one you reminded me. Why did you get confused by yourself? "Rose said as if I was irritated by me: "What are we? We are the winners, the super team that has just put down all the high-end martial power of Little Japan. Now we should put on an imposing after victory. A manner in a spurt of energy rushed across the Japanese front. Standing in a stalemate with them here will only make them suspect that we are lacking in confidence and infer that our main force has not actually returned to the Japanese battlefield."

" , Forget this!" I patted my forehead regretfully and shouted to Zhenhong and Gold Coin around me: "Follow me, the bone of Nobunaga Guishou is finished, it's time to eat meat. Now."

What I said is not an exaggeration. There is a big gap between the high level players in the game "Zero" and the ordinary players themselves. As an expert that can be counted on the world battle strength list, the battle strength of a few of us is at least equivalent to the sum of the battle strengths of thousands of ordinary players, and the battle strength does not mean that the value is equal. A player with 10,000 battle strength can definitely easily kill ten players with 1,000 battle strength. Although the sum of their battle strengths is the same, the concentration of battle strength is always more lethal than the dispersion of battle strength. Of course, the task is not necessarily the higher the battle strength, the better. Only the PK and the higher battle strength in the war will show a clear advantage.

Kristina and the others heard when Rose said me, how can I not know what to do now? Even if I don't call them, they have to rush forward, and now I call them immediately and rush out. However, they charge ahead but I didn't move. Unlike Kristina and the others, my main specialty is summon creatures. Just rushing up on my own can’t fully demonstrate my lethality on the battlefield, so I paused for a while. Let me put it out first. Of course, the largest and most deterrent among them is my Death God guard and Qilin warrior.

As the only two formed military summon units in my summon, the Death God guard and Qilin warrior have good battlefield assault capabilities. Under my summon, the entire camp was thrown into a layer of my summon creatures in an instant. Among them, the Death God guard and Qilin warrior occupied a larger position, and they immediately formed two shock lines after they appeared. , Qilin warrior is at the front, Death God guard is behind, and my familiars are in the front of Qilin warrior.

Different from NPC troops that need to be purchased with money and player troops that will lose levels, my summon creatures die only need a little time to regenerate summon, so I put them on the front line Help our follow-up troops break through the Japanese front, so as to greatly reduce the casualties of NPC troops and players behind. As for my summon casualties, anyway, I can recover after a while, what should I worry about?

At the same time that my summon items are lined up, Kristina and the others have already rushed into the front line of Japanese players.

Actually, the Japanese players on the opposite side spotted Kristina and the others when they started moving. It was just because they were too fast here, so they were rushed by them before they had time to react. before. But according to me, even if Kristina and the others greeted the Japanese players in advance to prepare them for their defense, the result would not be much different.

The fastest Shadow Spring was the first to rush to the Japanese camp, and then before the shield players in the first row could react, he suddenly jumped up in the air with a beautiful turn and jumped over. The battle shield more than two meters high fell to the crowd behind. Those lance hands standing behind the shield saw a silhouette flying into the battlefield and immediately wanted to sprint with a spear, but they didn’t expect that they threw a bunch of hidden weapons before they landed and they came out and cleared the place of whereabouts instantly. A large area of ​​open space, and after landing, Yingquan shuttled back and forth in the crowd like a shadow of Tao, but wherever she ran, it was chaotic, and people were wiped their necks and twitched and fell down. underground.

Different from the ghost-like movement method of Shadow Springs, Kristina is simply a human-shaped fort. A long distance away, she threw a colored ball of light, and then heard a loud explosion sound from the forefront of the Japanese front. The neat shield array was instantly knocked down by a large area, including the lance hand behind it. The person who was blown by the shock wave from the explosion turned on his back. But this is not over yet. Before the nearby people rushed over to fill the place, Kristina's dense and rain-like low-level magic missiles began to bombard the gap. All those who tried to fill the gap were all without exception. Die without a whole corpse bombed by dense magic missiles. To say that Kristina's low-level magic missile formidable power is actually not big, but it doesn't matter if the formidable power is small, it will be terrifying if the number is large. Their magic missiles are all similar to single-shot rifles. One shot in half a day, when she gets better, the entire metal storm, even if a mosquito passes through the battlefield, it can be shot down.

After seeing the horror of Kristina, the Japanese did not stupidly get beaten, they quickly made adjustments. The first was to use a crossbowman to shoot Kristina directly, but it turned out that the crossbow arrows could not penetrate Kristina's magic bombardment, and the arrows were often scattered by the passing magic missiles halfway through. Later, the Japanese players came up with a longbow to shoot. This arrow will not be rubbed by the magic missile when it comes down from the sky? Good idea, but unfortunately not very useful. Kristina is not only a magic missile. When people saw the long arrows flying all over the sky, they blew all the arrows with a single stroke. In the end, the long-range attack was not enough. The Japanese players simply changed into the blood cow warrior and put up a shield to cover the ninja from approaching the assassination. As a result, they found these prominent groups from far away, and then caught a few large hailstones in the magic rainstorm, and then... ...Then there is no more.

Gold coin's battle method is not like Kristina’s continuous flashing like fireworks, but the speed of killing is not slower than Kristina. What is the concept of Wanjian Great Array? Ten thousand swords stab forward together, how many people killed them? Although these Flying Swords are not as lethal as a single sword, they are the same as Kristina. If one fails, there will be a hundred and a thousand. Anyway, a bunch of swords will rush up together, and if you can't kill you, you will also be a hedgehog. .

The last one to rush to the front is the real red with the highest single attack power here. She is neither skilled in speed nor assisted skills, so her mobility is lower than others. But when it comes to the psychological blow to Japanese players, she is the strongest. They didn’t take the Japanese line of defense seriously, they just slammed into the Japanese player’s battle line like a crazy rhino, first hitting the front row of heavy shields, and then smashing the lance of the lance soldier, and then All the way into the camp of the shield soldiers, and did not see that she had any intention of slowing down. Finally, I saw her moved towards Nobunaga Guishou and killed them at the place where they met. All the people she touched along the way flew into the air like being hit by a running truck. You can see from the outside. In the Japanese camp, it seems like a group of people are playing on the trampoline. People are constantly flying up and down, and the postures are all kinds of strange things.

"Damn, these crazy girls are too violent, right? Wait for me anyway!"

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