Seeing that the people on Guishou Nobunaga's side were beaten to the ground by us, and the critical moment of the battle could be ended immediately. All of us who were fighting were actually frozen at the same time. Not only the players like us, but even the familiars I released didn't run away, all of them were frozen. However, this freeze frame is not a complete freeze frame, but only the part below our neck. In other words, we can still turn our heads, talk, and see, but we can't move our bodies at all.

"What's the matter? Why can't I move?" Zhenhong worked hard to twist the fist that was about to hit the face of Guishou Nobunaga, and wanted to punch the punch out, but no matter what she did Hard work, fist is completely motionless.

Hearing the words of true red, Gold Coin and the others were also surprised to ask each other, but they still couldn't move them one by one, and the same thing seemed to be the case with Nobunaga Ghost. The staff on both sides were there and questioned each other because they couldn't move, but the situation changed before we could ask.

The originally anchored crowd suddenly moved involuntarily, but instead of continuing to fight, they all recovered from the fighting state to a standard standing posture, and then the personnel from both sides walked separately to stand on both sides of the battlefield. . After everyone was in place, my familiars suddenly flashed through the white rays of light one by one, and then I found that they were forced to be sent to my Phoenix Dragon Space.

"Purple Moon, your demon...?" Seeing Ling and the others suddenly disappeared, gold coin couldn't help but screamed.

"Don't worry, it's just being turned back by the anti-summon."

True red interrupted and said: "What the hell is going on now? Why did the fight forcefully separate us and turn against the summon? Your devil?"

"I'm still wondering!"

Hearing my helpless answer, the opposite Guishou Nobunaga suddenly smiled and said, "haha, for sure It’s Purple Moon you brat that got retribution, just like the fighting assistance system we got for unfathomable mystery."

I didn’t think about it before, but now Nobunaga said I’m true. I think it's possible. Fixing us all, and then forcibly manipulating our body movements, this can be done by a few Divine Race NPCs, but the familiars belong to my personal possession, even if the characters in the game are strong, they can kill them. Even controlling them, but impossible to summon them like this. After all, sending the pet back to my private space is controlled by the system. No matter how strong the NPC in the game is, it can only be controlled in the game. If he can surpass the game's anti-operating player interface, then he is not an NPC but a GM. NS. However, "Zero" is a completely intelligent autonomous game. Its main system "Nuwa" is a complete biological computer with artificial intelligence. There is simply no such setting as a game manager. Therefore, it was definitely not the GM that just controlled us, but the system itself.

Sure enough, at this time, the system hints rang each other. "Attention players who have heard the prompt, because the player Purple Moon among the participants has chosen the highest difficulty scheme among the special missions previously accepted, this system will borrow your fighting process and convert it into a mission for the player Purple Moon and add it again. The strength of the Japanese player's side in order to make the task difficulty match the task difficulty selected by the player Purple Moon."

Hearing this prompt, all the participants in the battle focused their attention on me. I can ignore the gaze of Nobunaga Onitou, but I can't ignore the gaze of Rose and others. "Don't look at me! I can't be blamed for this! The main reason is that the people in our guild in God World in Russia were too sturdy, and almost killed all of the Russian Divine Race. You are all OK. For the elites, do you understand how many EXPs have been allocated? I am the president of the Frost Rose League, and I have received more experience commissions than you. In addition, I participated in the war myself, and I killed a lot of high level Divines in the middle. Race, so I accidentally rose to more than two thousand levels."

"Huh? You rose to more than two thousand levels?" Kristina was shocked to hear my level. "President, you are too sturdy! I'm only one thousand and two hundred, OK? How can you rise to two thousand?"

"Then you don't know what, our guild has recently Fighting at two ends in three days, I am the chairman, the commission is so large, I have to hold it down if I don’t want to upgrade!"

gold coin shook his head helplessly and said: "I was forced to upgrade. The world is probably yours!"

Shadow Spring asked lukewarmly: "So what? Because you have reached level two thousand, so the system will give you punishment tasks?"


"No, of course not. The convention of "Zero" is that all the'firsts' are rewarded, so I was the first to be promoted to the two thousandth level, and the system gave me a chance to choose rewards. It's just that these rewards come with tasks. The better the rewards, the harder the tasks will be."

"Then you went straight to the option with the most rewards?" Rose asked.

I nodded and said: "At that time, I didn't expect that the task would become like this!"

Rose said: "Well, we didn't say to blame you either! But what should I do now?"

"How do I know? The system didn't say how to strengthen the ghost hands Nobunaga and the others!"

Suddenly Zhenhong said: "I'm not afraid. , Their strength is also clear, even if the system strengthens them, it should not be too outrageous, I think our chances of winning are quite big."

Christina also said: "Yes! Just now we didn't even try our best to beat those guys all over the floor, even if they strengthened, we at worst turned out all the trump card stuff."

I heard Chris Dina’s words, gold coin looked at Kristina in astonishment and said: "You are not a trump card in your armor?"

"Of course not. This demon form is just my complete form. That's all, the real trump card must be used in this form."

Listening to what we said, the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others were happy first, and then nervous again. At first, they were happy that the system was going to strengthen them, but that was tantamount to helping them. However, after hearing Zhenhong and Kristina's words, they began to worry again. As Zhenhong and the others said before, their strength does have a huge gap with ours. They were already scared before. Even if the system is strengthened, it will only strengthen their body, and the fear system in the mind can be. it can not be helped.

Just when we were all nervous, the system prompt suddenly rang again. "The content of the specific task changes will be announced below." Hearing this sentence, our ears were all pricked up immediately.

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