Although Masaga Matsumoto suffered a small loss just now, after I finished speaking, he still put on a quite proud expression and said, "Although your strength has improved a lot, But I think you’d better prepare for being killed again."

"Oh? Why do you think I will be killed this time?" Although Matsumoto and I had already planned The next process, but there is always a kind of antagonism in language. Otherwise, the fight will suddenly start. Nobunaga and the others will always find it a little strange. In case they are thinking about it, they discover the secret of my collusion with Matsumoto Masaka. But it's not a second.

Matsumoto Masaka said immediately after I finished speaking: "Actually, you should know the current situation yourself."

"No, I don’t know." I heard Matsumoto Masaka. I knew the point was coming just now, and I quickly followed the sentence waiting for him.

Sure enough, Masaka Matsumoto answered immediately after I finished saying: "Okay, since you don’t know, then I’ll let me tell you the reason. Although your strength this time is better than last time Improved, but I am not standing still, so on the whole, the difference in strength between you and me has not been widened. As long as someone cooperates with me, I can completely kill you. As for the group of beautiful women around you... I admit them It’s all very difficult to deal with, but don’t forget, our side has the upper hand in terms of the number of people."

Matsumoto’s words are not in vain. On the surface, he just explained the facts. , But actually explained the situation clearly in advance. After they are defeated in a while, Masaka Matsumoto or I can just say a few words to respond to the previous paragraph, so that the Japanese players can understand that the problem of this defeat lies in the incompetence of Nobunaga Onihand. Rather than Masaga Matsumoto is not suitable. This is the so-called curse without dirty words, and yin people don't need to use explicit tricks.

"Do you think that just the group of miscellaneous fish can hold us?" After Matsumoto Masaka finished speaking, Zhen Hong suddenly shouted loudly.

Christina also echoed: "Matsumoto Masaka, don't make a mistake. The group of people behind you are simply not enough for us to fight, don't say help you, when the time comes they won't drag you The hind legs are pretty good."

"These days, individuals can speak big words, but there are not many who are really capable. Since you say we can’t do it, let’s try it." Nobunaga Guishou Finally stood up and let go of cruel words. In fact, he didn't want to come out and say it, because if the big talk is not fulfilled, it will have a serious impact on his reputation in the end. However, after weighing it up, Guishou Nobunaga finally decided that it would be better to say it, because he suddenly thought that this incident had already discredited their reputations. The so-called debts would not worry about more lice, no itching, anyway, they are nothing. The reputation, what else can be corrupted? Besides, in this situation, the two sides are negotiating with the leading figures of their respective sides. If he doesn't come up and say a few words, people will still treat him as a genius! The sense of existence is won by himself, not given by others, so he must stand up and say something at this time. Even if it's nonsense.

"Okay, since you have such a big tone, let's see what we are doing." As soon as the conclusion of Zhenhong's conclusion was over, he opened up and rushed forward, and we have done it a long time ago. The people who were ready immediately rushed up with them.

Because the distance between the two parties was not far away, and since True Red was the first to start, she quickly rushed to Matsumoto Masaga. However, it was of course not Matsumoto Masaga that she met in the end. According to the previously arranged plan, Masaga Matsumoto should be dealt with by me, so as to create the fact that soldiers are against soldiers. So Zhenhong didn't care about Matsumoto Masaga at all, but rushed past him, and then directly confronted Guren Phoenix.

Originally, Honglian Phoenix didn't expect that Zhenhonghui suddenly rushed towards herself, but she was also ready to fight anyway, so she didn't hesitate. She waved a long knife in her hand and looked towards Zhenhong. The neck was cut. Really red quickly flashed his head down Guren Phoenix's long knife, and then flicked his hand to Guren Phoenix's side face. Guren Phoenix quickly flashed his fist and the long knife turned and cut back. return.

Just when Zhenhong and Guren Phoenix were in a group, gold coin had bypassed Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou, and Kristina chose Koto. Kenjiro was the opponent, and Kageizumi was responsible for protecting Rose's safety, so he didn't take the initiative to rush forward. But she can't take any time off now, because at least six of the members of the Sakura group gathered around her and Rose, so for a while, she was the busiest person here.

In terms of absolute strength, our side is actually going to surpass Nobunaga and the others, but when it comes to the current fighting situation, our side is more dangerous. This is not because of our strength, but because of the team composition. The difference between Chinese culture and Japanese culture can be seen in the composition of our team and the Sakura team. Although Japan has been under the influence of Chinese culture since ancient times, it is only an influence, not a full replacement. Therefore, Japan still has a fairly complete independent social form. This can be clearly seen from the composition of our two teams.

The team on our side does not seem to have many people, but it fully demonstrates the characteristics of China Civilization's compatibility and comprehensive and balanced development. It looks like there are only six people in our team, but there are all types of people among them. I am the absolute main force, the backbone, the foundation and soul of the entire team. True Red has super strong physical attack power and amazing explosive power. It is a sharp-knife assault force. Gold coin is the No. 2 main force for both offense and defense, and it can be regarded as a regular battle strength. Kristina is a super turret, with sturdy attack power and super high damage output. Shadow Spring is a mobile force, with super high movement combat ability and reaction speed. In the end, Rose is the weakest in battle strength, but the most important person in the team, because she is an all-around supporter. In addition to medical treatment, she can also provide attributes to improve and suppress the ability of the opponent's attributes, and can even revive the battlefield, which is equivalent to making our team. Has superb endurance. Although in order to protect the rose, our instant battle strength will decrease, but we are far superior to any team in continuous battle strength.

It’s the opposite of the situation where we are compatible and packaged. Oni Te Nobunaga and their team have fully displayed the extreme Japanese paranoid thoughts. The entire Sakura team has eighteen members plus Oni Te Nobunaga and three of them. That is exactly twenty-one assault personnel. There is no spell cover, no auxiliary personnel, no long-range offense and near-defense, and the entire team is almost all highly sensitive and highly offensive personnel. Such a team's instantaneous explosive power absolutely surpasses ordinary personnel, even if others don't have their strength, they will have to be killed instantly if they suddenly encounter such a team. However, while such teams showed extreme damage capabilities, their own defenses also showed extreme weaknesses. Once the battle cannot end in an instant, the situation will become very unfavorable after the formation of a protracted war, because they have no continuous combat capability at all.

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