The light particles gathered from the sky finally formed a huge ball of light, shining on the red lotus Phoenix like destroying heaven extinguishing earth, but just before the ball of light was about to When hitting Honglian Phoenix, a silhouette suddenly rushed out and flashed past Honglian Phoenix and rushed out with her. Almost at the same time they drew away, the ball of light finally hit the ground, followed by a dazzling flash of light that illuminates the nearby area as a white, until three seconds later, a more adaptable person like me recovers first. Eyesight, while others waited more than ten seconds before starting to see the surrounding environment clearly.

Different from the previous gold coin's big move, Kristina’s killer doesn’t make any sound or shock waves except for the flash, but its destructive power is not at all. small. The location where Honglian Phoenix just stood has now become a vertical deep well with a diameter of more than ten meters and a depth of one hundred meters, and all the edges of the well have been melted into a glass-like crystal state, which looks like an artificial tunnel.

After the rays of light disappeared completely, Kristina finally saw the scene. Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix had gathered together, and the members of the cherry blossom team were standing behind them, but there was one more person on the scene.

"Matsumoto Masaka?" Seeing Matsumoto Masaka who suddenly appeared on the scene, not only Kristina, but also the rescued Guren Phoenix, everyone was surprised. Although Kojiro Kenjiro told them to ask Matsumoto Masaka to help, but Oniman Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix both felt that Matsumoto Masaka was not taken advantage of, and it was impossible to come. But now, they really saw Matsumoto Masaka standing in front of them. To be honest, at this moment Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix are even more surprised than us.

At this time, Masaga Matsumoto is dressed in a shining Emperor Guangming suit, holding Red Lotus Phoenix in his arms, and blue smoke is rising all over his body. Obviously, the act of saving people just now is not what it looks like. So easy. However, this armor set on Masaka Matsumoto's body is a full Divine Item suit after all, and it has blocked a lot of damage. Otherwise, Masaga Matsumoto and Guren Phoenix must have burnt to ashes.

"Yeah, isn't this Matsumoto Masaga-kun?" Before Christina could speak, I had already appeared next to her and took her place and talked to Matsumoto Masaka. stand up.

As a high-level member of the guild, Kristina naturally knew about Matsumoto Masaka, so she was so surprised to see Matsumoto Masaka suddenly appear here before, because of this She knows the whole sequence of events in it. According to the general logical reasoning, Matsumoto Masaka shouldn't have come, so she was so surprised when she saw Matsumoto Masaka. However, since I could stand up to answer the conversation for her, it was naturally discussed between Masaka Matsumoto and I, so she retreated to the back of the crowd. She is an expert when it comes to fighting, but she is not good when it comes to acting.

Matsumoto Masaka first put the Red Lotus Phoenix on the ground, and then said to me: "Since your President Purple Moon is here, how can I not show up?"

"That's what I said!" After I finished speaking, I laughed with Matsumoto Masaka, like an old friend meeting. This time not only Kristina and the others, even Guishou Nobunaga also had a chill, but the reasons for the reactions of the people on both sides were different.

Matsumoto and I smiled and smiled, and suddenly the smiles closed, and in the next second, the two people shot out at the same time. People on both sides only saw two light beams, one white and one purple, colliding together, followed by a stream of light flying, and nothing was simply seen in the field. Kojiro Kenjiro originally thought he was quite good, but now he sees the melee between the two of us before he really realizes that there is still a big gap between himself and the first-class expert. He used to mix with Nobunaga Guishou and Guren Phoenix. Although these two people are also very difficult to deal with, they are only awesome. After all, they are the type of the main players in the guild. The ranking of the top experts is indeed far-fetched. Kojiro Kenjiro, who has been with them, has naturally misplaced himself, because he thinks Nobunaga oni, they are already very difficult to deal with, and he seems to be better than them, so he should be even more powerful. People out. So he thinks he should be considered a first-class expert. However, as soon as he saw the battle between me and Matsumoto Masaka, he immediately noticed the huge gap. Not to mention being a first-rate expert, he even felt that he might not even count as a second-rate expert.

Actually, it is not surprising that Kenjiro Kohato has such an idea, because the battle between Masaka Matsumoto and I was originally very gorgeous. As for the reason why we played so gorgeously... Shouldn't the exhibition match be more beautiful than actual combat? Yes, Masaga Matsumoto and I are simply not really fighting. Since the last performance, Masaka Matsumoto and I have realized one thing, and that is that in the future there may be battles between the two of us from time to time. After all, he will be the leader of Japan in the future, and I will be the leader of Japan. It's the Chinese player Number One Person. It would be weird if there is no friction between us. Therefore, in order to prevent future situations where we accidentally meet together without preparation, and we are forced to fight by the situation, Matsumoto and I deliberately prepared several sets of battles in advance. In this case, in case of such a situation, we can first signal each other to inform each other which combat routine to use this time, and then we can fight in the pre-arranged order. The benefits of this are obvious. Firstly, it looks beautiful and makes people around us think that we are really hatred as deep as the sea. If we fight without preparation, both sides will definitely not let go, so it is easy to be seen by others that we are both unwilling to fight, and if we are really ruthless, we can't make a good move beforehand. Injuries by accident are almost inevitable. If the two of us are really hostile, it would be a good thing to knock each other down, but the problem is that we are wearing a pair of trousers now, and it is not good for whoever turns the other over! Besides, whoever wins and whoever wins is also particular about it. We must decide which one of us wins according to the situation on the spot. In vain, we spent so much effort to win the super internal response of Masaga Matsumoto. If we don’t maximize the benefits, isn’t that sorry for Masaka Matsumoto’s identity? So, pre-arrangement is this Momentum is a must. No, we just set the trick and it didn't take long for us to use it.

Just when he rushed out of the explosion range while holding Hongren Phoenix in his arms, Masaka Matsumoto used the body of Hongren Phoenix to block him, and used his fingers to secretly signal to me under the body of Hongren Phoenix. What he meant was to execute Plan A first, which is tentative discussion. The feature of this part is that in the end, the two of us will pretend to be tied, and I will have a little advantage, but because the whole process will be extremely gorgeous, even if most people think that Matsumoto Masaka seems to be overwhelmed by me, I would not despise Masaga Matsumoto’s battle strength. After all, the process of fighting before Masaga Matsumoto and I can be regarded as a fighting education film. Who cares about winning or losing at this time?

Just when the two of us were fighting together, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly used the battle cover to whisper in the communicator: "Purple Moon! What should we do now?"

< p>"I still want to ask you? Okay, why did you come here?" In fact, I didn't know that Masaka Matsumoto came here. I didn't think he would come before. After all, this time it is a ghost souvenir. They stole the fruits of Matsumoto's labor, no matter from which way Matsumoto Masaga was plot against. This will require Masaga Matsumoto to help the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others in turn, this is not appropriate to put it!

When I asked Masaga Matsumoto, his voice became even more depressed. "I don't want to come either! Who knows that Nobunaga Guishou and they are so shameless, they actually sent someone to ask me for help!"

"What? They sent someone to invite you?" I thought they were before With a smile, they didn't expect them. "These guys are too shameless, right?"

Matsumoto Masaka agreed: "Yes, these guys are rascals. As long as there are benefits, they do everything that is shameless and shameless. Come out. But since shameless sent someone to invite me, I have to come! Otherwise my reputation..."

I can understand Matsumoto's helplessness. There is a saying on the Internet: a tree without skin will die, and a person without skin will be invincible. This is talking about people like Nobunaga Guishou and the others, because others have to talk face-to-face, but they are shameless, so he can do some things you can't do. It's like this thing this time. Originally, according to ordinary people's thinking, Nobunaga Onishu and the others were the first to take the credit and benefits of Masaka Matsumoto for no reason. At this time, they should avoid Masaka Matsumoto. But they even dared to ask Matsumoto Masaka for help after they got into trouble. What do you say this is not shameless? When you take advantage of it, you will grab it. If you lose, you will think of others. This kind of spirit is really shameless enough. However, although Nobunaga and the others are playing rogues, Masaka Matsumoto can't follow them. Nobunaga's credibility is over. He is now relying on the people and interests under his hands to compete with Masaka Matsumoto for the leadership of Japan, and Masaka Matsumoto was removed from the altar of the head of Japanese players. After pushing it down, almost all the people under his hands have dispersed. Although part of it has been re-established, it is far less powerful than Nobunaga Onihand. Therefore, Masaka Matsumoto needs credibility to sustain his position. Because of this, his external appearance must be tall and positive. This time Onitou Nobunaga and the others asked Matsumoto Masaka for help. Although it was because Onitou Nobunaga and the others grabbed Matsumoto's benefits, they stabbed out, but in general, this is a Japanese player's foreign war. Onitsuka nobunaga and the others grab the benefits of Masaga Matsumoto. It is a character issue. Japanese players will despise them at most, but they will not really be hostile to them. But for Matsumoto Masaka, the meaning is completely different. If he doesn't know it, it's better to say, but if he refuses to help because of Nobunaga oni and the others when he knows it, it is not a matter of character, but a matter of national justice. You said that a person who has some character problems, but who is unambiguous in terms of national justice, has perfect character, but does not have national consciousness. Which one would the people of his country hate more? No matter how bad your character is, what you can affect is the group of people around you, but national justice affects the people of the whole country, so it goes without saying that if Matsumoto Masaka dares not come, he will lose the hearts of all Japanese players. . At least his credibility has to be compromised.

Thinking of Matsumoto’s helplessness, I had no choice but to comfort him: "Since you are here, then don’t think about this, but think about what we will do next. Come on!"

"This time I think you still have to win." Masaka Matsumoto said: "The result of the previous discussions is to use this opportunity to contain the counterattack of Japanese players? If you let me Win, this conflicts with our overall strategy!"

"Of course I know this, but it can't make you lose too badly! If your popularity is lost by us, before that Aren’t those busy all in vain?"

"This..." Matsumoto Masaka is obviously also caught in a dilemma.

We were thinking, who knew the sound of roses suddenly came from the headphones. "What are you two idiots discussing over there? Do you still have to think about this kind of thing?"

"Do you have a way?"

"Nonsense. Of course I have such a simple question. It's a solution." Rose said directly: "We have to beat the confidence of Japanese players in the grand strategy, so Masaga Matsumoto, you must lose this time, and you must lose badly, so that Japanese players can realize that they are fighting strength. There is a huge gap between Shang and us, and thus lose confidence in this battle. When the time comes, Masaga Matsumoto, you shouted at the heights, the battle will naturally return to the original track. But. "Just when we were about to interrupt. , Rose suddenly interrupted us with a stress and continued: "Although you have to lose this Monarch miserably, in order to ensure that you still have the prestige necessary to lead Japanese players, you must lose very heroically this time."

"What does it mean to lose heroically?" Masaka Matsumoto didn't understand the meaning of rose.

"This is very simple. I have already figured it out for you." Rose said: "After a while you and Purple Moon will separate after a few moves, and then we will start a joint battle here. We have so many When the time comes, we will kill Nobunaga and the others first, even if they have no face and skin. Only you are left. At this time, you use another big move to make a desperate gesture with us, and then Purple Moon will block your big move and kill you once. However, Purple Moon will deliberately put some Although the water will still block your attack, it will make everyone feel embarrassed, and after that, everyone will take action to kill you. Although you are still going to die in the end, your previous performance is already enough to Japan Players have proved your strength. In this way, your failure in the end will not only make Japanese players feel that you are incompetent, but will make them even more despise Nobunaga Ghost, because you are independent until the end because your teammates are not worthy. I was defeated with two fists and four hands. Such a failure has nothing to do with your own strength. After all, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to manage our entire Frost Rose League expert group by yourself. Are you right? "

"Wonderful!" After hearing Rose's plan, Masaga Matsumoto almost called out with excitement. Unfortunately, we are still pretending to be enemies, so we can't show it for the time being. Fortunately, at this time, the movement speeds of Masaga Matsumoto and I were extremely fast. Others could only see two phantoms fighting. As for our specific expressions, it is estimated that unless someone brings a high-speed camera, it will definitely be invisible. .

With Rose’s plan, Masaka Matsumoto and I quickly handed in a few hands, and then each returned to our side, but the way we went back was different. We did not separate after the fight, but were blown up. The people outside the court only saw the two of us playing well and suddenly standing upright, and then each raised their palms to pat each other, and then we slapped in the air. There was only a loud bang, and Masaga Matsumoto and I each flew out backwards. The difference is that after landing, I retreated seven or eight steps in a row, and then was supported by Real Red when I was about to fall, while Matsumoto Masaka only retreated directly after landing. In one step, he sat down on the ground, and then turned back a few somersaults before stopping. On the surface, it seems that both of us have suffered a bit, but I have a slight advantage.

"I haven't seen the President Purple Moon for a few days, has my strength improved a lot!" After getting up from the ground, Masaka Matsumoto began to praise me half-heartedly.

I immediately said after being helped by Zhenhong: "I have been struggling to find a venue after being defeated by you last time. Maybe you also know that this time our guild and Russia’s Divine Race has started, and the Divine Race’s EXP...tsk tsk is more than one. Fortunately, I’m now close to level two thousand." When I said my level, I only heard a gasp from the opposite side. Voice. At present, when most players are less than one thousand level, and those over one thousand and two hundred can be regarded as first-rate experts, my two thousand level is almost monster-like existence, no wonder Guishou Nobunaga would be so surprised. But my next words surprised them even more. "But it really surprised me. Having improved so many levels, I thought I could easily handle you, but what I didn't expect is that your strength has also improved so fast. Just the palm of my hand It feels very clear that your strength is definitely stronger than last time. If you were still the same strength as before, you wouldn't have been smashed just now. Maybe you have been slapped to death by my palm. Curious. My level was raised by killing Divine Race, and you know that I am the president of the Frost Rose League and have extra experience to get it. But how did your strength rise?"

Before Masaka Matsumoto had time to answer, Nobunaga Oni's eyes had all focused on him. If there was a Japanese who praised Masaga Matsumoto's greatness, Nobunaga Onitou would not be so surprised, but if this came out of my mouth, it would be different. Now Nobunaga Onishu and the others see Matsumoto Masaka’s expressions all becoming a lot more complicated. Some are envious, some jealous, some hate, and some want to curry favor. In short, the feelings are very complicated.

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