When I rushed to the City of Commandments, Divine Races from all countries had basically arrived, but because I didn’t know what I was going to talk about, everyone was curious. But after all, I am the liaison between the Divine Races. Suddenly convening so many Divine Races. Of course it’s impossible. It’s just that Divine Races are reserved for Divine Races, so no one asked what it was. Anyway, they all knew it for a while. I will say.

Because the content of this conference is aimed at the Russian Divine Race, it is definitely not allowed to participate in the Russian Divine Race, but it is not easy to hide such a big thing. The last way I can think of is to conduct two sets of meetings in secret. Before the meeting, I only asked the people in the guild to notify the Divine Race to send people to participate, and asked them to send as many high-level personnel as possible. This notice did not exclude the Russian Divine Race, which means that they were also invited. The only difference is that when the Russian Divine Race was notified, they did not say that they should send high-level personnel, only that they would have a meeting.

When all the representatives of the Divine Race arrived in the City of Discipline, the people of our guild secretly contacted all the Divine Race forces except for the Russian Divine Race, but because we are one by one. Notice Yes, so it did not cause any commotion. When I arrived in the City of Commandments, the notification work was finished, and before I arrived, I asked the God of War to transfer me to Solo, who was already here. I brought him back from God World in Russia to allow him to do this. This kid's ability to observe words and colors is definitely not ordinary, and it is perfect to deal with this group of Divine Races.

As Solow notified the start of the meeting, representatives from Divine Race from various countries entered the pre-prepared conference hall, but in fact, the only representative who entered the conference hall was the Russian Divine Race. All Divine Race from other countries entered the conference hall with their deputy, and no one who could really take the lead entered the conference hall. This just stopped the representatives of the Russian Divine Race, and because they thought they were also attending the meeting, they would not think of collecting additional information, so that we can be truly secretive during the discussion period.

I arrived at the City of Commandment ten minutes after the fake meeting started. The representatives of Divine Race from various countries didn’t speak after seeing me, but each of them didn’t look good. As for the reason. Isn't it clear to the people who came here? Because when I sent someone to notify, it was better for the Chief-In-Charge to come personally from the Divine Race forces, so almost all of the people present this time are the powers of all parties, even if there is no real power like the Celestial Court. Send the chief boss to at least the great characters of Level 2 BOSS and Level 3 BOSS. In short, the characters of all parties are not low, and these people are usually rare to move. Now I call the unfathomable mystery. Naturally, they are relatively unhappy together. Of course, there are also people who behave calmly here. Such people are generally divided into two categories. One is that the strength of the force is not high, so they are not so arrogant, and the other is that they have a very good relationship with me. Knowing that I will not treat this for no reason. Many bosses gathered together, so I didn't feel any upset.

Seeing the stinking faces of everyone, I can only shook the head helplessly, then clapped my hands and said, "Don't say anything if you have any thoughts, wait until we get to the meeting place." I said. looked towards the member next to him gave an order, and several dedicated members led the gods into a newly excavated area under the City of Commandments. This place was originally used as a secret warehouse, but now the regular meeting hall of the City of Commandments has been used as a cover for our meeting, so we can only use it as a meeting place temporarily. Fortunately, although the decoration here is rather bad, at least the place is big enough.

As soon as the gods entered this venue, their first reaction was that it was shabby, but when they saw this look, they looked better than their previous expressions, because these guys are also capable people. Looking at the layout here, I know that it was supposed to be a place like a secret room, and it would obviously not be a trivial matter for me to take them here for a meeting.

After all the gods entered the conference hall, I immediately said to the members following: "Seal the gate, triple the guard posts outside, and activate the urban alert array. Don’t let anyone out before we come out. Come here."

"Understood." After a few members were nodded, they turned and walked out, closing the door for me by the way.

I turned around and walked to the center of the room until the door was closed and said to the gods: "I'm sorry, everyone. Although the conditions here are a bit crude, I don't think you care too much. The reason for bringing you all together in this way is really because the matter is relatively big this time, and we must not let anyone know what we are discussing until the results are discussed."

"What the hell is this? Seriously?"

I pointed my finger up and said, "About that thing."

The gods looked up at first when they saw my finger pointing upwards. Look, after seeing the roof, I realized that I didn't mean the roof above, and some of them responded quickly. "You mean the ring of commandments?"

"Yes." I nodded and said: "If it's ordinary little things, I don't need to find you all?"

"Then what is it about the discipline ring?"

I didn't answer directly, but went to the center of the warehouse and opened the crystal communicator that was placed in advance, and then prepared it for convenience. The good crystal ball projected the magic array I brought back from God World in Russia to the roof. "I think you can understand more of this magic array?"

"Multiple compound magic array?" After all, Divine Race is a very strong existence, especially this group of superpowers. , It is even more experienced and knowledgeable. Even if there are individual Divine Races because they don’t know the problems of the knowledge system, they will understand by asking each other.

A Divine Race who has done more research on the magic array asked: "This magic array looks like an enlarged Transmission Formation! But it seems that something else has been added on it, you give us What do you mean by this?"

"This man really did some research on magic arrays. Yes, the main function of this multiple composite magic array is to transmit, but in addition, it has two incidental Function. One is cutting, and the other is sealing."

"Cutting and sealing? What to cut? What to sealing?"

"Cutting is to cut off the connection between the transmission target and the ground. As for that Seal? It is used to seal the divine force."

After listening to my explanation, the gods couldn't help but talk again, but they soon reacted. A quick-brained guy asked: "Does anyone want to be unfavorable to our Divine Race? If this magic array is like you said, it should be able to forcibly teleport Divine Race to their designated location, and then Seal the divine force to arrest or strangle. But you just said that the opponent is targeting the ring of discipline, is it...?"

"Yes, you already guessed pretty close. But this is also Blame I didn't make it clear. This magic array is actually not drawn on an altar or object, but on a God World, and it fills up the entire God World."

" God World is full?" The guy who reacted the fastest before suddenly exclaimed, "You mean this magic array is as big as a God World? What are they going to transmit? No, you said this thing. Was it painted in God World? Which God World was painted in? Could it be...? It’s strange that you have excluded the Russian Divine Race alone!"

Listen to this guy, and the others around Divine Race finally reacted. "You mean, this magic array is in the Russian Divine Race?"

"Yes." I confirmed: "In fact, I just came back from there for a short time. Originally, I was just I went to check some other things. Didn’t expect let me find such a thing. Later I even sneaked into the magic array and investigated it. According to my investigation, this magic array is probably already completed or Nearly completed, the final debugging and installation are currently in progress. Once the magic array is completed, the entire city of commandments can be moved to God World in Russia along with the Himalayas."

"Eh, it's not right!" A Divine Race asked: "Even if they move the City of Commandment to God World in Russia, the guards we stay here are not good-looking. Even if the Russian Divine Race can deal with them, it will definitely not happen for a while. It can be successful. When the time comes, when the reinforcements from our side arrive, don’t they face the danger of extinction?"

"No, they don’t need to wait until your reinforcements arrive to get them. Control of the City of Commandments."

"Why? Is it because of the seal array that seals divine force?"

"Yes, it's because of the seal array that seals divine force "I explained: "Although you think that the array is a complete seal of divine force regardless of the enemy or us, on the surface it seems that the Russian Divine Race and the guards sent by you will be sealed, and it will take a long time to distinguish the victory or defeat, but you What I don’t know is that the Russian Divine Race has recently been studying various auxiliary lethal weapons, which means that they can fight without divine force. When the time comes, the guards you sent out of the divine force can only be regarded as ordinary persons, they With a huge might weapon in your hand, do you think the outcome will be known soon?"

The Divine Race that was originally present didn’t know about this, but now I’m talking about it. I fell into fear and anger. I'm afraid I'm afraid that in case I didn't notice this, the Russian Divine Race really got the ring of commandments, then they would be in danger. The Ring of Discipline holds the power of the law and is the foundation that supports the operation of this world. To be an enemy of the Ring of Discipline is to be an enemy of the world. Even Divine Race is impossible to defeat the power of the Ring of Discipline, so these Divine Races are afraid. The ring of commandment fell into the hands of the Russian Divine Race. As for anger, others are planning to steal your things behind your back. Can you not be angry?

Looking at the divine race around you, one by one, I felt that my emotions were almost adjusted, and I continued: "Well, everyone, now is not the time to be angry. Although I discovered this magic array in advance Exist, but the crisis has not been resolved. Should we first discuss how to deal with it?"

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