Although the fallen demons belong to the demon system like Ling, they are millions miles apart in appearance. Ling's body is almost indistinguishable from humans except for the wings on his back and two horns on his forehead, but the fallen demon is different. In addition to the demon wings and magic horns, this guy also has a big tail behind him. In addition, besides having an extra tail, this guy's facial features and body are also quite different from humans. Although the face of the fallen demon has the same facial features as humans, the ears are as big and straight as bats, the ear holes are very deep, and the hearing is much better than that of humans. Their eyes are also much larger than human eyes. They look like two big yellow light bulbs. In addition, their noses are collapsed and their mouths are amazingly big. Even if this Reverend is long, they are rarely ugly. Can grow into this. Of course, in addition to facial features, the size of the fallen demon is also indistinguishable from human beings. Generally, the height of human beings is between one meter and six to two meters. Those who are out of range belong to a small number of individuals, and even if they are out of range, they will not be too much, but the fallen demon is different. The height of these guys is generally much larger than that of human beings. The smallest of them can grow to about ten meters. The bigger ones are even more than fifty meters tall. That’s not just in name only, but also in A giant creature in reality.

Except for facial features and size, the legs of the fallen devil are not like humans, but close to the hind limbs of beasts. Not to mention the double joints, the feet below are also very scary, and they are not in touch with humans. . In addition, a layer of black smoke is constantly floating around these guys' bodies. At first glance, they look like flame demon, but as soon as these guys launch an attack, the black smoke will be blown away. , At this time you can see their black rubber skin.

When the seal followed me to my guild’s demon egg depository, I took out the captured video of the fallen demon and let him watch it again. Because the players in our guild often take out the pet eggs that are not suitable for their use and donate them to the guild in exchange for contribution points, so for the convenience of others to use the contribution points to exchange for the pet eggs, I asked to provide the pet eggs. Players must provide a video of the catching process when catching the pet so that others can confirm the battle strength of the pet. As for the familiars that are acquired in the form of eggs, I will ask people in the guild to try to collect fighting videos of similar creatures. Therefore, except for a few extremely rare creature videos, all the familiars in our guild The eggs all have combat videos.

The video of the fallen demon that the seal saw was the video of the battle when the player who donated the fallen demon was captured. The battle strength of the fallen demon in the screen was extremely powerful, and several player squads were wiped out with a wave of hands. If it weren't for the loss of blood in the end, it would be impossible to be caught.

After seeing this video, the seal immediately exclaimed excitedly: "It's him. This thing is really amazing!"

"Nonsense, the favorite egg of 100,000 contribution points Can it be normal?" I said, holding the demon familiar in my hand and said: "If you think you can, that’s it. I’ll let someone trade with you in reality. After that, you can enter the game and I exchanged this demon egg and that Eudemons."

"Yes. But you haven't heard my third request yet."

"You still have a request? "

"Yes." Seal nodded said: "My third and last request."

"Tell me."

"Actually, this requirement is very simple for you."

"What exactly is the requirement?" I asked impatiently.

After seeing my impatience, the seal hurriedly said, "I want to join your guild."

"This hands-free." I simply refused.


"Because you can't pass the entrance examination at all."

"Why don't you let me try to know that I can't pass?"

" p>

"That's it." I said, "I will let you participate. Even if I have agreed to this request, I will not be extra harsh on you, but I will not release you water, as long as you can be like other people. I will let you join the club if the standard is met. This is my bottom line. You have to know that we are at war with Russia, and you, a Russian, suddenly said that you want to join us. According to normal circumstances, I will not even think about it. After all..."

"Okay, you don't need to say it." The seal interrupted me and said: "As long as you let me take the assessment, it is my business to pass, but if I pass you must let me join. And you can’t deliberately make things difficult for me."


After confirming the transaction information, we didn't get up to speed at all. Haibao first went offline to contact the Longyuan Group personnel near his area, and then got the certification materials I just greeted over there. After the information was confirmed, he went online again to conduct online transactions with me. Because of his permission, it is very easy for the magic pet to change ownership. It is very simple to transfer the monster to the small name of Yinyue. After all, this thing has to occupy two places, and Purple Moon’s place is originally left. Not much, it's not suitable to configure this kind of magic familiar with two positions.

After the transfer of the magic pet, I followed the agreement with the seal to the guild recruitment office. In fact, our guild’s recruitment of members is not closed-end. Basically, as long as individuals can apply for membership, the approval rate has been relatively low. Moreover, the review office is only responsible for the first review. After the review is completed, it is only a preliminary member. If you want to become a full member, you have to score based on your subsequent performance. Only those who have accumulated a certain amount of guild points have the hope of becoming a full member, and this point is It’s not just adding or subtracting. We will deduct certain basic points for everyone based on personal online time every month, so if you accumulate points too slowly, not only may you remain a reserve member for the rest of your life, you may even get from the reserve Was removed from the membership.

After throwing the seal there, I left the registration point. Anyway, his life is just his business, and it has nothing to do with me.

I returned to the military god again and took a few missions. I quickly ran to the City of Discipline, because the Divine Race representatives from the parties I met before finally arrived.

This time the Russian Divine Race made such a big move, it was nothing more than trying to snatch the ring of discipline, and the ring of discipline is something that Divine Race shared by all parties, and the Divine Race of Russia wants to grab the ring of discipline. It is tantamount to violating the interests of Divine Race of all parties. How could I put such a good excuse away? Taking this opportunity to bring all the Divine Races together for a spoils-sharing meeting, when the time comes, everyone contributes to dismembering the Russian Divine Race. The advantage is naturally that everyone is divided. Of course, it is not easy to hold this meeting. I have to figure out a way to get rid of the representatives of the Russian Divine Race stationed in the City of Commandments, otherwise we will be discovered as soon as the meeting is held.

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