In the face of a serious crisis that was brushed back below 300 levels, the guy finally chose to bow his head and tell what he knew.

"That can't actually be regarded as my familiar."

"Not a familiar?" I was stunned for a moment, and then relieved. Speaking of which is a bit more reliable. This guy's strength is so weak, even among ordinary players, he must be regarded as a middle-lower type. It is a bit abnormal for such a person to get such a strong pet. . On the contrary, if he wants to say that this monster is not his favorite, I think it is more credible. "Since this thing is not your familiar, why did you say that he is your familiar?"

" fact, it is not a lie to say that he is my familiar."< /p>

I became confused after hearing this guy's words. "You say yes for a while and then say no. Is it true or not?"

"Yes. Nor is it." Seeing my cold eyes, the guy quickly added: "This thing It does occupy two of my pets, but he strictly speaking is not actually a pet."

"Occupy two places?"

"Yes. Not just occupy two In this position, he still needs to absorb my magic power to strengthen himself. In fact, this thing should be much stronger than it is now, but it is a pity that my strength is too low to support his needs, so I will be killed by you so easily."< /p>

After listening to this guy’s words, I feel that the strength of this thing can be considered as it should be by rights, because it is different from the normal familiars. He needs to occupy two positions. This This limits the summoner's performance. After all, if the strength of the familiars can be evenly distributed, it will be much more convenient in matching and combination. As for this super monster, in fact, at first, we were too anxious so we didn’t expect. Now when we want to come, we simply shouldn’t fight with him for destructive power. We only need to find creatures like Princess and Sha Yezi who are good at soul attacks. It should be easy. Get him, after all, that thing looks like a creature of physical strength, even if it can launch a huge might magic skill, it's fine as long as you are careful not to get hit. Monsters like him are strong at the beginning, but rather partial. In what he is good at, he may be strong enough to be invincible, while in other areas he may be weak. The overall score is estimated to be average. Of course, partial discipline is not bad, as long as the owner is good at using it reasonably, such a familiar can still exert a strong battle strength. At least before I arrived, this thing rushed the line of defense of our guild into a mess. It is estimated that this thing will kill all of us sooner or later if I don't come for reinforcements.

While I was thinking that this thing was originally only this, who knew that guy actually went on to say: "If I have enough magic nourishment, coupled with a reasonable shape design, I guess even It should be possible to get the position of World First Demon's favor."

"World First Demon's favor?" Xiaochun shook his head while listening. "You too not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth? Don't look at the strength displayed by your demon familiar, but in the end it didn't kill any of us. You think it's just such strength. I can also get the number one in the world?"

"Didn't I say? My magic is not enough to support his growth, and the shape I designed before is not reasonable." The guy said Here I took another look at the small dragon woman who had recovered her human form, and then said: "At the beginning, I was too shallow. I can only rely on my own imagination to think that the larger the size, the stronger the strength. When I just finished, I still felt his strength. Yes, but after meeting you today, I understand that the strongest is not necessarily the largest, but the humanoid is the strongest. No matter how strong muscles are, it’s not enough for the brain!"

"Wait Wait, wait, what form setting did you just say?"

The guy was about to open his mouth to explain, and the king suddenly said to me: "Master, the Russian on the opposite side is coming up again."

< p>The king reminded me that we are not in the Safety Sector, but in the middle of the battlefield. This is not a place to chat. "Let’s withdraw first, and the rest will be handed over to NPC Legion."

With the captive, we quickly left the battlefield, but instead of taking away all the familiars, I took the black Both Yan and Lilith stayed. These two now need to kill a large number of enemies to absorb EXP, just to stay as a pioneer. As for us, we didn't go far, so we stopped at the back of the battlefield.

After the captive was put down, I asked again and then reluctantly explained: "Eudemons are a kind of..."

"Stop. Eudemons? Then? Is the name of the thing called an Eudemons or a species?"

"It’s a species." The captive Xiaobai explained: "The species of my demon pet is an Eudemons, which means a fantasy beast. I said before. That’s how it is set. He can set the appearance and various attributes according to the master’s thoughts. As long as the attributes you want can be added. But the stronger you set, the growth will be The more difficult it is, the main manifestation is that upgrading EXP is simply astronomical compared to other creatures. But if you can imagine a powerful and invincible existence and cultivate it to perfection, it means that you will get a A monster that is so strong."

"So strong?"

"It's so strong, so I can make such a fierce creature at my level. Don’t look at his size and strength. In fact, he is only 500 Level 37. If I have the ability to raise him to 1,000, then you will not be his opponent even if you tie all of them."

"You said so powerfully, I want him even more." I said in a convenient way: "Consult with you. I'll give out 30 million crystal coins. How about you sell me that demon pet?" If it wasn't for that thing It seems impossible to capture, so I won't spend money to buy it. But now I have no choice but to spend money, anyway the thing is really worth the price.

Hearing what I said, the guy was taken aback. I can see that his mind is struggling violently. Because the currency in "Zero" and the currency in reality can be exchanged for each other, they are not the same as ordinary online games. Players here often don’t keep things that exceed their own strength too much, because that kind of thing itself Can't give full play to all the strength, put it on the body, other than showing off, has no practical significance at all. If it’s a general online game, it’s good to show off, but the currency in "Zero" is equal to the money in reality. Wouldn't buy that kind of gorgeous equipment that is beyond the scope of their own use. The guy in front of him obviously knew that it was a waste to bring such a familiar, but he was really reluctant to sell it, but the price I opened was really not low. After all, 30 million crystal coins can be discounted for 300 million renminbi. With the consumption level of Russia, as long as he doesn't mess around, the 300 million is enough for him to spend the rest of his life comfortably.

I knew he was thinking about the pros and cons of the transaction, so I didn’t say anything, just waited. After about a few minutes, the guy suddenly raised his head as if made up his mind and said: "It's not impossible to trade to you, but I can't accept the price you bid."

I heard him say that it is acceptable. Transaction, I immediately laughed. To be honest, price is the least problem for me. "Then how much do you want?"

The guy extended the hand index said: "First, the transaction amount of 30 million crystal coins remains unchanged, but you have to help me pay the personal income tax, I hope the tax Later, I got 30 million crystal coins instead of 6 million. Including the income tax generated by my other conditions, you have to pay together."

The current personal income tax in Russia is for the flow of funds of more than 100 million yuan. All are levied at a rate of 80%. Of course, rich people tend to have better solutions than poor people, so it is said that it is 80%. In fact, most situations don't use that much. But this guy is just a flat-headed common man, and the money he got suddenly is a windfall for him. He definitely can't do a reasonable tax avoidance, so he must pay more than 200 million. Although there is a lot of money left, it still hurts terribly for him, so he came up with an idea for me to pay taxes.

I just smiled slightly when I heard what he said, and then said: "This request is not too much, but can you work it around a little bit?"

"How to work around?"

< p>"I'll open a loan contract for you. With this contract, you can borrow money from any subsidiary company of Longyuan Group. Each time you borrow money, the funds will accumulate until the total amount reaches 30 million crystal coins."

When the guy heard that it was loaned to him, he immediately said angrily: "Hey, I am buying and selling things with you, why should I borrow money?"

I smiled and replied:" Because you don't have to pay income tax for borrowing money."

"Huh?" The guy was obviously taken aback.

Seeing that he didn't seem to understand, I continued to explain: "In the contract, I will state that this is an interest-free subsidized loan, that is, not only does it have no interest, but it does not need to be repaid."

This guy obviously didn't understand these things before, and he was stunned. "You mean, in this case, I would use the branch of Longyuan Group as a bank, right?"

"Almost." I nodded and said: "But you are the best Say hello in advance when you need grand competition funds. Those branches may not have so much cash for you."

"Wait, you said you write the contract. Why should Longyuan Group help you pay? "

"Because I am a senior member of Longyuan Group, it's as simple as that. As for the contract, you tell me your identity in reality, and then tell me which Longyuan branch is closest to you, I They will fax the contract to them. When the time comes, you can bring your personal information and go to the site to collect it. Then you are not afraid that I will lie to you with a fake contract, right?"

The guy nodded and said:" This is not bad."

I smiled and said: "By the way, there is one more thing you should pay attention to. Although this way you generally don’t need to pay tax every time you withdraw money according to your needs, but the amount of money each time you It’s better to control it. If the number is over tens of millions, it will definitely not run away or you will have to pay taxes. Of course, if you want to buy famous cars and luxury houses, you can talk to our branch staff and let them help you purchase the goods. It can be tax-free reasonably."

"That's okay?"

"hahahaha, we are a big group, we haven't gotten a little bit of abilities at this point? Okay, let's talk about it now. Your other requirements, right?"

As soon as the other requirements were mentioned, the guy immediately became excited again, and quickly said: "My second requirement is that you must prepare a super monster for me. Pet. I only have three familiar positions in total. After selling the Eudemons, two of the positions will be completely scrapped, which means that I can only have one magic familiar in the future. So you must give me a super strong one. Familiars make up for my loss."

" Familiars are they?" After thinking for a while, I asked: "What kind of familiars do you want? There are specific requirements or as long as a certain Standard?"

"I want that kind of very, very powerful monster, with a more cool appearance, preferably larger in size."

"giant Dragon, is it okay?" We have many of these things, as long as he wants, I can find a platoon.

It’s a pity that the guy only weighed a little and shook his head: "It's stronger than giant dragon. This is the standard for battle strength."

"That means you need A giant dragon that has at least been able to do it. It should be large enough, and it looks like something that can scare people?"

"Yes, just meet the above conditions."

Listening to his confession, I lowered my head and thought for a while, and then suddenly thought of a creature that might meet the requirements. I stretched out my hand to pull Ling to my side, and then asked the guy: "Can she be like this?"


"Of course not her! You want I'm also impossible to give it! I mean her race."

The guy shook his head quickly. "Pretty is beautiful enough, and the battle strength looks pretty good, but it's a bit smaller. You can't see your strength at all when you don't show off!"

Ling explained: "I am a demon. The high level Demon God branch of the line, so it looks completely indistinguishable from humans, but if it shows the main body, I can grow wings. If you want the kind that looks very scary in normal times, I think the devil Many creatures in the Abyssal Demon Refining category should meet your requirements. However, most of them are not easy to find at the moment. There is only one fallen demon I don’t know if you want it."

"Fallen What is a demon?" The demon race is different from angels. Although the two names usually exist as opposite creatures, they are actually not equal. Angels are just a small category. In the category equivalent to humans, there is actually no obvious difference between the various organisms in the category. But the category of demons is actually a big line. Saying that a creature is a demon is the same as saying that a creature is a dinosaur. There are still many internal classifications. The Xiaobai in front of him didn't know that the fallen demons were also normal.

"We'll take you to see you." As I said, I asked the king to mention the guy and return to Isengard with us.

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