"This thing is really amazing, it needs us two to use the space smash to get rid of it!" Seeing where the disappeared black hole once was, Xiaochun couldn't help sighing. .

"To be exact, that thing is not powerful, but weird." Ling said: "The master seemed to have encountered an energy rebound when he caught it with the capture skill."

Ling is so When I said it, I remembered that the owner of the monster seemed to be still holding it in my hand. If I wanted to know something, it was the quickest way to ask him. Hey, I snapped my fingers, then hooked my fingers, and the king immediately raised the little white in front of me. Although this kid has very white combat experience, he is not stupid. Seeing that I didn't kill him, he caught him and immediately guessed my intention.

"Don't be delusional what I will tell you, at worst is to be killed by you once, I don't care if you drop Level 1 or two."

"oh?" I am joking. He asked in a tone of voice: "Then what if it fell below 300 levels at a time?"

The guy was taken aback when he heard me. After all, under normal circumstances, players are impossible to drop so many levels at once. Even if you have to stare at a person and continue to hunt down, it is actually not easy to kill someone back to Novice Village. After all, one death usually only drops Level 1 or two. Even if the opponent is unlucky, each resurrection fails, and he drops two levels again and again. If you want to kill a player above the white hundred level to below the three hundred level, at least you have to More than 200 times, and if the opponent is killed once, he will definitely consider stopping for a while before going online. Even if you have time to squat at him every day, and kill him as soon as he gets online, then someone has to go online. The previous one or two times may still work. If the opponent is killed more than a dozen times in a row, knowing that you have been guarding him, how can he go online to let you kill in a short time? Therefore, it is actually very difficult to kill a player back to Novice Village under normal circumstances. At least you need several people to cooperate with each other and take turns squatting. You must also have a way to accurately grasp the position of the opponent. Moreover, even if the above conditions are met, it will be resurrected. Killing people in the palace is not so easy, the NPC guards in the city can be beautiful.

Although I don't believe that what I said is true, the guy's expression still turned ugly after he was taken aback.

"Why? Don't you believe me?" As I said, I took out the upgraded Immortal Pill I was carrying and showed the attribute in front of the guy.

The Immortal Pills in my hand are actually for people to upgrade, but because the set level is fixed, so if the level of the person taking the medicine is higher than the set, it is not an upgrade It was downgraded. When I got this thing, I didn't intend to use it for this, but now I find that it is actually quite useful to threaten players with this thing. After all, one or two deaths in the game is not possible, so almost everyone is not afraid of death, and it becomes very difficult to force a confession. But with this, people can be brought back to below 300 level at a time, and most people can't withstand this gap.

The boy was dumbfounded as soon as he saw the attribute I showed. The system attribute, however, can't play a virtual role, saying that a fixed level is a fixed level. If he doesn't plan to become a newcomer, he can only confess. "How? You see the attribute. Are you telling me about the monster? Or let me put this thing in your mouth?"

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