"Dare to move my pet, go die for me first." A voice suddenly appeared from behind me, but the guy was obviously a brainless guy. When he was about to attack me, I was in the process of starting the transformation, so when he started, I was still in human form, and when he rushed to my back, I had already become Azure Dragon. Although I can't fully replicate the Azure Dragon's body, and I don't plan to change to the largest volume I can change, anyway, Azure Dragon is the Sacred Beast of our country after all. It is a regional guard-level existence, and its size is terrifying. Not to mention human beings, even the monster in front of him is incomparable. As a result, when he rushed to my side, I had completely become a mountain-like existence, but he was only the size of a scale of mine.

"Roar..." Seeing that his master was in danger, the monster in front was also an angry roar, and it was the first to react to me as an electric ball sprayed over.

I realized that when the monster fired an electric ball, I realized that the person behind it was not the point at all. I quickly turned around and stretched out my paw to pinch the electric ball emitted by the monster in my palm. At the same time, my mouth was also fierce. One of the pictures, a giant electric ball dozens of times larger than the electric ball fired by the monster flew out like a cannonball and hit the monster's head. The monster’s head instantly turned into a jet of black smoke and was blown away when he heard a bang. The high-temperature electric ball had completely charred his head at the same time, so there was no flesh and blood fragments at all, and it flew out. There is nothing but ashes.

Seeing that my pet was killed, the guy with a few brains even reached out and attacked me, but in my current Azure Dragon form, let alone an ordinary player who is not well-known , Even if it's a gun god or Black Widow here, I can't even think of hurting me at all. However, although his first attack didn't work, it made me make a mistake that shouldn't have occurred.

Before the transformation of Azure Dragon, I had already used the incomplete version of Black Tortoise to block one of the monster’s ultimate moves. I was simply dissatisfied with the magic power. Just now I started Azure Dragon and transformed itself because time is running out. As a result, the shout to him was delayed for a second. When I turned around and killed the monster, the magic power had almost bottomed out. However, if I returned to my body at the time, it would be very easy to kill the little idiot behind me, but the problem is that I didn’t expect him to attack me even after seeing me transformed into Azure Dragon. As a result, I was under attack. The first instinctive reaction afterwards was to turn around and try to fight back. As a result, after this delay, when I turned around, the magic finally bottomed out. When I completely turned around, before the attack skills in my hand could gather, I suddenly felt the whole person tremble, and then I was surrounded by a whirl of heaven and earth, and at the same time, my size also shrank from a mountain to the same size. Normal volume.

Originally, even if I reverted to my own ontology, it was not a problem to deal with this little idiot in front of me, but the point is that I did not revert to my original form by myself. I was forced to revert back from the transformation state. Although the formidable power of Sacred Beast's transformation is powerful, the side effects after the transformation are not light at all. Almost when I recovered, I suddenly felt that my body was out of control, and the whole person fell from a high altitude to the ground in an instant.

If you were a normal person, you would think my behavior was fraudulent when you saw me suddenly fall for a while, but it was a pity that I met a guy with no brains at all. Seeing me falling down, he chased me down without even think, and then thrust his sword into me.

"You go to the funeral of my dragon god!" The guy shouted and pierced my chest with a sword, but the result was completely different from what he thought. The moment his sword hit my chest, a circle of blue and white lightning glow suddenly exploded on my armor, which instantly shook him out, but his sword successfully pierced the armor and penetrated into mine. In the chest.

"Master, are you okay?" Two white silhouettes suddenly appeared under me to catch the falling me. Jingjing and Lingling looked at me with some worry and asked.

"cough cough cough..." I vomited blood first, and then continued to say: "Where did this kid jump out? No matter if there is such a perverted pet, this one Sword...Huh?" I just said the sword, and suddenly I remembered that the thing was still wearing me. That is to say, if I use eternity to smash it several times, wouldn't it be possible to grab this sword? You must know that Eternal now has an attribute that specializes in equipment. Any equipment will be forcibly taken off as long as it is beaten by me too much.

"Don't think about that sword, let's take care of your injuries first!" Ling really deserves to be the most intimate of my favorites, even I know everything I want. However, the fierce words on the lips are not fierce at all in the hands, and the dark healing spells are falling on me one by one.

"Don't use healing techniques, let me pull out the sword first!" As I said, I grabbed the hilt of the sword and drew it outwards, accompanied by a jet of blood. , The two-handed sword that looked so gorgeous was finally pulled out by me. Although the specific attributes are not visible yet, based on the penetrating power of the Divine Dragon armor with just one blow, this thing is at least a high level Divine Item.

"How is it? Can you treat it now?" Ling asked as he took the sword over.

I nodded and passed Eternity to Lingling next to me. "Help me smash the ownership of that sword." Lingling complied took Eternal and helped me smash the sword, while Jingjing continued to drag me so that Xiaochun and Ling would release the healing spell for me.

Actually, the damage of the sword just now wasn't very high. The reason why it looked so serious was mainly because of the punishment by the transformation. But now I really care about the identity of the guy opposite. The guy's performance just now was basically a battlefield noob, not only had low intelligence, but also lacked combat experience. But the problem was that he had said before that the monster was his demon, and the sword he used was such a powerful weapon at a high level. How did a Xiaobai who has no combat experience get these things? Even if the sword can be bought, how did that monster come from? There are only two ways to obtain the familiar, one is to capture the adult body, and the other is to incubate the familiar egg. Familiars captured in adult mode do not require leveling, and they will directly transform the familiar with their current level. However, the transformation of adult familiars must be done by the familiar actively recognizing the Master. I don't think that Xiaobai's strength might allow such a monster of the big BOSS-Rank to take the initiative to recognize the Master. Of course, familiars can also be obtained through familiar eggs, but the familiar eggs of high-level familiars are very rare. Even if someone hits them, no one will sell them. Moreover, even if someone sells such a high-level familiar, and he happens to be a little white to buy it, how did this monster's level rise? Familiar familiars that have been subdued in the form of a pet egg have to go back to level 0 a little bit. You are always impossible to reach full level once you hatch, right? Judging from the strength of the monster just now, even if he is not at full level, his level is definitely not low, so how did the level of this monster rise? If it is said that he is slowly training up, then even if this kid does not participate in the battle, just watching the monster himself level up, then he should have summed up some combat experience. But he was so white, he obviously didn't understand fighting. This shows that the monster's level is either not up to the level, or he is not around when the monster is leveling.

Let the demons level up by themselves? This is possible because I have done it too. In addition to the loss of experience distribution, there are no major side effects. However, this leveling method is generally rarely used by people, and there are actually many reasons. The first is that this method will cause the Familiar's loyalty to slowly decline. Occasionally, it is fine to play, and it is possible for the Familiar to defect by itself after a long time. The second is that it is easy to get into trouble. There are not many types of familiars with intelligence. Many middle and low-level familiars are simply useless, and high-level familiars may not be as smart as they are. At least relative to the players, the intelligence of the familiars is generally low. If you don't in the vicinity, let the Familiar practice by yourself, in case you run into a bad-hearted player, then you will be in trouble. Based on the player's intelligence level, it could not be simpler to tempt the familiar to actively attack, and all the consequences of the familiar must be calculated on the owner's head, even if you are not present. If you run into trouble deliberately, it will be a piece of cake to make you a super red name. If you happened to be at the city gate at that time, you would suddenly become a red name when you were walking. Then think about the high level guard that guards the gate. There will be fun.

In short, with the exception of individual high-level intelligent familiars with superior intelligence, general familiars can never be used for solo practice, let alone ignore them at all. It was a miracle in a miracle that this Xiaobai could carry such a demon pet in front of him. At least if I knew his existence, there were at least more than ten ways to grab the beloved by force when he was offline. After he went online, not only would the high level beloved be lost, but one would be permanently missing. Familiar quota. For most players, this blow is enough for them to delete numbers and retrain.

I thought that the fellow’s demon was actually practiced by himself without being completely ignorant. I felt bad. I had known that I shouldn’t have killed the monster with a killer move just now, but should be forced to capture it. right. The loyalty of such a self-trained familiar must be astonishingly low. Maybe he can't completely command this monster. With my super high level capture technique of full level plus two, I can catch this kind of monster that is about to defect. The devil's pet is simply a sure thing, but it's a pity that I missed such a good opportunity. But speaking of which, I can’t blame me. Who would have thought that in this world there would be an idiot who puts such a good demon familiar, but it’s not good to train him but let him level up?

I was regretting here, and suddenly I heard the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry coming from the front, and then I saw a huge black shadow coming from us with the whistling wind Flew over. "Damn, luck, what's the matter with you?" I immediately asked in surprise after seeing the huge black figure that fell to the ground.

Fortunately, it is estimated that the fall was not light, but I couldn't say anything, I could only stretch my paw and point at me behind me desperately. When I looked back, I was surprised to find that the monster I killed just now had come back to life.

"Damn, what's the situation?"

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