I didn't hit me just now, and the monster's gaze immediately followed. This time I could see clearly, I saw a pair of cross signs flashed in his eyes suddenly, and then suddenly lit up, followed by another big hole on the ground next to me.

"Ye Ying, lean up, that thing is good at long-range attacks, the farther we get away, the more we suffer!"

Ye Ying flew directly from the ground after hearing my command Get up, and then a few moves in the air flashed to the monster's side. Because he was too big, the guy found that after flying to his feet, we could only bow our heads and look at his feet, but because his body was too big, the speed was naturally impossible too fast. Before he lowered his head to see his feet, Yeying and I had passed between his legs, and the guy was still looking for us stupidly with his head down. His reaction made me notice the first weakness of this guy, that is, his intelligence does not seem to be very high.

When we bowed our heads and didn't find us, the monster began to look around. As a result, Ye Ying and I started to circle around him. Although the guy turned his head back fast, Ye Ying was even faster. After looking back and forth for a long time, he didn't even see us once. However, even though he lost his goal for a long time, the guy didn't give up. Obviously he could feel that we were still near him, but the speed couldn't keep up, so he couldn't see it.

Has several points of the clock back and forth. The guy was probably annoyed by us, so he suddenly lifted his foot and stomped it down against the ground. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, the place where the guy stepped directly burst into smoke and dust, and even Ye Ying and I flying in midair were not spared from being caught together. But compared to us, what is worse should be the group of players and NPCs surrounding the monster. The shock wave generated by the monster's foot was simply an indiscriminate attack, and it shocked both China and Russia in an instant.

Seeing that the monster suddenly used this indiscriminate attack, the group of Russians also became nervous, and they distanced themselves from the monster. Although the remaining Chinese players have been attacked by monsters, now that I am obviously going to deal with this monster, they also took the initiative to step aside to facilitate me.

Under the voluntary evacuation of the personnel from both sides, the large area around the monster and me quickly became a large no-man’s land. Although the monster does not have a strong concept of enemy and me, it is still more or less Knowing that he can't attack his own people casually, so although he had been looking for me before, he didn't dare to attack casually, but now he found that he was free to attack his own people immediately.

The monster found that it couldn't lock my position, so he suddenly took a big step back, and then violently bent over and slammed the cup one fist in the other hand against the ground. There was another loud bang. This time the shock wave was even more exaggerated than the previous one. Even though the players on both sides who had already opened a lot of distance were still affected a lot, but fortunately there were no casualties, but many people caused it. Fell down. Compared to the players who were affected by the shock wave, the damage I and Yekage who were flying in the air should have been relatively small, but because that guy’s strength is too great, and we are too close, then The shock wave rushed us forcibly and turned a few somersaults in the sky to stabilize our figure.

Seeing that we were shaken by the shock wave, the monster stood up suddenly, then slapped it towards us with its paws. With the size of that guy, this paw came over and we felt as if a sixth layer residential building was flying towards us. No need to remind me, Ye Ying directly backed up and flashed out of the opponent’s attack range, but just after the giant claw swept past us, Ye Ying and I were uncontrollably blown by the strong wind brought up by his claws. The fly flew back again, and the strong airflow turned us horizontally in the sky, making it impossible for us to control the direction for a while.

Missing a claw, the monster didn't immediately wave the claw again, but suddenly opened his mouth and roared at us. The huge sound was like a shock wave. Our body was numb. At the same time, a blue ball of light was gradually gathering in the monster's open mouth. A few seconds later, the ball of light had grown to more than ten. The size of meters, and the surface is faintly rolling thunder.

I was shocked as soon as I saw that thing, and my cold sweat was almost falling off after I turned my head and looked behind my back. Just now I said that this thing is stupid, but now it seems that he is not stupid at all, just pure reaction speed is only slow, because the fool is basically impossible to do his behavior. Now it looks like monster is gathering big moves against me, but in fact, all fools know that big moves hardly work for a flexible object like me, because my speed is too fast, and the launch speed of big moves is generally the same. It's not as fast as my moving speed. However, now I can't dodge at all, because behind me is a piece of guild players and NPC troops. Of course I can pass the attack, but let it fall into the crowd of our guild, the consequences will definitely not be much better than if I hit it by myself.

After understanding the monster's attempt, I no longer consider the issue of dodge. I directly retracted Ye Ying and took out a tortoise shell from my body and moved forward. "Incomplete body Black Tortoise transforms."

The ability given by the Black Tortoise Armor film is summon Black Tortoise or let me become Black Tortoise myself, but the transforming actually has a degree. The incomplete body Black Tortoise transformation that I use now has the advantage of not changing my size and the mana consumption will be much smaller, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the strength improvement after transformation is far from complete. The body is so strong, but overall this incomplete transformation is still a good skill, and it is more useful in some special circumstances than the complete transformation. This is the current situation. It takes too much magic to use the full body Black Tortoise to transform, and the monster's attack power is impossible to stop with Black Tortoise, so as long as it is not completely transformed, it is enough.

Just after I yelled, my body was quickly covered with a green light armor, and the moment the light armor was formed, the monster on the opposite side had just completed his big move. I saw that blue and white ball of light rushed towards me with rolling thunder, so fast that naked eye could barely catch it, and I only had time to cross my arms in front of me to cover my head and face.

The two players on the battlefield only saw the monster spit out a ball of light and hit me in the air, followed by the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, and the terrifying white light in an instant. All the people watching the explosion were blinded, and all of a sudden there were crowds rolling around with their eyes on the floor, but the ensuing blast wind seemed to be a typhoon and evacuated already a long distance in an instant. The players of slammed up the land and blown farther away. Except for a few strong people who barely managed to withstand the wind, most of them felt that they were like Flying Insect in the violent wind. Unable to control his figure, he couldn't stop being blown farther and farther.

Originally, even the peripheral personnel have been affected so severely, the person who was directly hit should be the skeleton doesn't exist. However, when the experts who had withstood the blast opened their eyes again and looked at the control, they were surprised to find that not only was I not killed, but the place was not even moved. What's the difference between me and before I was attacked, that is, now I am full of blue smoke, and there are a lot of arcs flashing from time to time in many places. It can be seen that the attack just now was indeed blocked by me.

Actually, my situation is not as easy as it seems. Although Black Tortoise’s transformation can theoretically achieve an invincible realm, this defensive power is completely supported by my magic power, just like the absolute barrier released by Jingjing’s holy shield. As long as the magic power is sufficient, it is invincible. , But as long as the magic power is exhausted, it is nothing. Although the electric ball fired by the monster just now was blocked by me, my mana value instantly dropped by one third or more. To be honest, if I use so much mana to concentrate my skills, it is estimated that at least three to fifty thousand people can be killed. , But now it was lost by the magic of that monster.

Being passively beaten is not my habit. The reason for not flashing just now is to protect the players in the guild behind. Now I don’t have to wait for being beaten. I took back the Black Tortoise Armor film and quickly took out the Azure Dragon reverse scale. I started the Azure Dragon transformation without the slightest hesitation, and this time I did not use the incomplete body, but the complete voice change.

Wow...a loud dragon roar suddenly rippling around me. Although the sound is not as deafening as the roar of the monster, it carries a terrifying coercion. All the Russians present The members all felt as if they had been hit with a sledgehammer in their chests, and many low-level people even spurted blood and fell to the ground at the same time. This is no longer just a scream, but a real sonic attack, and it is a super sonic attack that can cover the entire battlefield and at the same time take effect on hundreds of thousands of people with identification of friend or foe.

The players in our guild didn't feel anything after hearing the dragon roar, but they saw that the opponent was almost recruited by the entire army and guessed that the roar just now was not a normal cry. However, in fact, it was not the Russian players and NPCs who suffered the most injuries on the court, but the monster facing me. Just now, the monster's eyes, ears, and mouth shed a lot of blood at the same time, and his body shook for a while, almost stunned by the sound.

Although the formidable power of a dragon roar just now is amazing, I am also compelled by circumstances. This time I used Azure Dragon to transform into a full body. The magic consumption rate was amazing. In addition, I was dissatisfied with my previous magic power, so the whole transformation process could not last long. The only way to kill the monster is to concentrate on one strike certain kill, but I am worried that the guy has a shield or the ability to dodge, so I first use a sonic attack to cause a short stun, and then use a big move to get it done once. .

I originally planned it, but when the monster was stunned and I was about to make a killer move, an accident suddenly appeared.

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