When I finished asking, the woman didn’t answer my question right away. Instead, she gave me a salute first, and then she said, “I want to ask Master Purple Moon to do me a favor. ."

I was taken aback by what the woman said. There were so many people who asked me to help before, but she was definitely the first person to open her mouth even if she was afraid of becoming this. "Tell me about your request and what you plan to use as a reward. I think it will help you if it is worthwhile."

The woman immediately raised her head and looked at me excitedly and said: "Then you Did you agree?"

"Wait a minute. When did I say I agreed? You haven't told me what you want me to do?"

"That's it. "The woman explained: "I used to be a divine technique teacher, but Solo asked for a seal from the temple to force me to marry her, which completely sealed my power. Now I and the ordinary person hardly have anything. The difference. If you can help me destroy this seal, then I am willing to pay you whatever you feel is suitable."

When I heard this woman, I bent over and grabbed Yeying’s neck with interest. She looked at her and asked: "I think what you said about the appropriate remuneration is too general? Can I understand that this is a deed?"

"Yes, as long as you Can help me lift the seal, then I am willing to be your slave."

I stretched out three fingers and said: "First, there is no shortage of people around me. Second, I don’t know your strength yet. How, even if I need a helper, you may not be qualified. Third, how can you be sure that I can undo seal?"

I thought the woman would beg me wrong after I asked, who Knowing that she was neither humble nor arrogant, she also stretched out three fingers. "First, lack of people is relative. As long as I have the ability, it will be your lack of manpower. Second, you can rest assured of my strength. In Human World, apart from Divine Race, I basically Can deal with most of the enemies. Of course, the premise is that all my power must be taken back. Third, the way to remove the seal is to kill the person who sealed the seal or the god who provided the seal. Of course, I did not intend to let you Fight against the gods, after all, it’s too difficult for a strong man. You just have to kill Solo, he is the user of the seal, I am the bearer, and the god who provided the seal is the guarantor, the three parties in the seal As long as one of them doesn’t exist, the seal will naturally be lifted."

When I heard that woman’s words, the first thing I thought of was not how to help her fulfill her request, but to use her things to mix into the other party. Among the forces. First of all, this woman is a local, if she is willing to provide cover for me, then I will basically not be exposed, after all, with a local guide, everything will be easier to do. Secondly, even if I was discovered, this woman’s mission could very well confuse the enemy and make others think that I was only here to complete the mission, but my real purpose was to investigate the secrets of the Russian Divine Race. Of course, if I can kill one or two high level gods and earn some EXP by the way, I would also be very happy.

"What's your name?"

"en? "The woman didn't expect me to ask her name suddenly. When I heard my question, I was stunned for a while, and then replied: "My name is Celia Annette Augustine. You can call me Celia."

"Do you know where that Solo is now?"

"At... Celia was stunned just as she wanted to answer. "Do you mean you agreed?"

I nodded and said: "I will help you restore mana first, and then see your strength. If you are really strong, you can meet my requirements , I will take you to my guild and give you a suitable job. Don’t worry, I will not treat you as a slave. You are our official employee and enjoy the same treatment as other employees. Of course, this premise is you There is enough strength for me to admit. If I finally find that your strength is not satisfactory to me, then I will come back to see if you have anything else that can be used as a reward. Look at your father, it should be the City Lord here. Right? I think he should have enough family property to cover the cost."

"Yes, if you don’t appreciate my strength, we can use other things to pay for it. Thank you so much. Well. Well, you just a moment please, I will take you to Solo."

"Don’t ride your horse, that thing is too slow." I beckoned, and Xiaoxue suddenly appeared in Next to Ye Ying, she picked Celia with her head and threw Celia on her back, then spread her wings and flew.

Because the people next to our conversation had heard it before, the crowd around us didn't react much to our sudden departure. They were just shocked by Xiaoxue's beauty. Celia, who was riding on Xiaoxue's back, was also surprised at the mount under her. Silver-winged unicorns are extremely rare creatures even in God World. Celia has only seen it once from a distance before. Let alone riding, she has not even touched them. Today, she can suddenly ride on a silver-winged unicorn. On her back, she was so excited that her breathing became quicker. Fortunately, she knew she had something to do now, so she immediately calmed down and showed me the way: "Walking to the end of the street in front and turning left is the Transmission Formation. From there, we can send it to the city of Knight. "

"Knight City? Isn't that your country?"

"Yes. The Divine Race that guarantees Solo is Martial God. His temple is in us. The central area of ​​the city of Knight, the capital of China."

"haha, it seems that this guy was born a bad life." If I didn't meet Celia, I would also go to trouble with this Martial God. Yes, who told him to be the closest god to me. I didn't expect to accept a small task now, but it was still pointed at him, so I said that this guy is a bad luck, and he can't escape the fate of being troubled by me.

Celia certainly didn't know my previous plan, so she couldn't understand what I said at all, but she also knew that this matter was not her concern, so she didn't ask.

After flying directly from the air to the gate of the teleportation hall, we landed, and Celia led the way, and we directly used Transmission Formation to teleport to the city of Knight. Because Celia said that the city of Knight is the capital city, it is forbidden to ride and ride in the city except those with special permission, so I put away Ye Ying and Xiaoxue in advance. The rules are not too restrictive to me, but I don't want to add extra trouble, so it is better to keep a low profile.

Walking out of the Transmission Formation in the City of Knight, you can immediately feel that this side is very different from the previous City of Hope. Although the villagers I met when I asked for directions said that Hope City is a large city, in my opinion it is a small town, and the so-called royal capital in front of me is not as big as I imagined, but it is bigger than Hope City. A lot. At least from the road in front of you can see its prosperity. Hope that the road in the city is only six meters wide, and it's okay to walk on, but if there is a car, it will be a bit crowded. However, the road in the City of Knight is 16 meters long. Even if a few cars are in parallel, it does not feel crowded. Although it is not comparable to Isinger's square-like main road, it is already quite good.

"You are more familiar here, so let you lead the way." I said to Celia.

Celia nodded took me out of the teleportation hall, but she did not take me directly to Solo, but took me to a strange building first. This building is located at the opposite door of the Teleportation Hall, and there is only a fairly large reception hall. The crowds coming and going in the hall are constantly flowing, and it feels like they are almost catching up with the flow of people in the teleportation hall.

"Where is this place?"

"Foreign personnel registration office."

"Huh?" I was taken aback. "Knight City still has this thing?"

"Why? Is it weird?"

"It's really strange. I have never heard of this thing in any city before. "

"That's probably because there is a temple here!" Celia replied not sure.

"There are many cities with temples. Only here is this kind of registration office. I think someone simply wants to use this thing to monitor outsiders. We will be stared immediately after you bring me here to register. I guess it will be very inconvenient to do anything in the future!"

"But if you don’t register here, you will be arrested as long as you walk out of this street!"

"You Did you say it earlier!" As I said, I pulled Celia to an unremarkable corner, and then asked Celia to block me a little bit. When Celia covered the corner, I entered invisible mode. , Don’t say it’s not registered now, even if I want to kill people in the street, few people will find me. "Okay, let's go outside now."

"Are you invisible?" Celia heard my voice but was surprised to find that my silhouette had disappeared.

"You only need to know that I'm by your side. Now you can just go forward and I'll be behind you."

"Okay, don't lose it "After Celia said, she turned and walked out of the registration office, and then I followed her out. Celia's speed was significantly slower after returning to the street, probably because she was afraid that I would be lost. After all, she couldn't see me now, so it was inevitable that she was a little nervous.

We walked less than fifty meters, and suddenly heard a shout. "Celia!"

I followed Celia, and it was obvious that she was shaking all over when she heard the yell, but after seeing the person who made the noise, I understood everything. . The person here is not someone else, it is Solo. Although I hadn't seen him, I recognized him at a glance, because this kid really wore the same equipment as me. If he didn't wear a helmet, he would really look exactly like me.

Seeing the guy running over, Celia was immediately scared and wanted to step back, but she only took a step back and I reached out to resist. "Don't be afraid, I'm right behind you. I can fight a hundred against someone like him. If he dares to do anything, I promise to kill him immediately."

Hear my assurance, Celia Obviously calmed down. She was originally a high-level combatant, but now that her strength was blocked, she would naturally be afraid. It was not until I reminded her that there was still a super bodyguard, and her mood stabilized.

The opposite Solo quickly ran over, and then stood in front of Celia excitedly and said, "Celia, why did you come to the city of Knight? Are you here to find me? haha , I’m so excited. I said, my sincerity will impress you sooner or later. Come, come back with me.” That Soro finished speaking all these things, regardless of the actual situation, he immediately stretched out his hand and prepared to pull. As Celia left, Celia still wanted to struggle, but after I reminded her in a low voice, I let Sorolla leave.

Although I am now invisible, it is on the street anyway. If I do it, I will definitely be spotted, so I must leave the crowded area. Although Celia didn't want to follow along, she knew that Solo had to be solved if she wanted to solve the problem completely, so she had to follow my suggestion and let Soroll go.

My original plan was that Solo would take us back to his palace, and then I took the opportunity to capture him and ask about the temple. Earlier, I heard the golden retriever uncle say what kind of temple this guy is like, and he should know more about the temple, so that I can get closer to the temple. However, slightly different from my plan, Solo did not take Celia back to his palace, but took her directly to the temple.

As soon as we turned to the road in front of the temple, I found two eagle-eyed guards standing at the entrance of the temple. This kind of special NPC, which is very popular in European temples, has no other ability. It is good at recognizing disguise. If I follow the past like this now, I will be spotted immediately. However, although the Hawkeye Guards are not high level units, they are very small in number, so they are impossible everywhere in the temple, but I can't get in from the main entrance.

While the distance is still far away, I rushed to Celia's ear whispered: "The two guards at the door can be invisible, I can't go in through the gate. I will touch it from other places in a while Enter the temple, don’t be nervous, just follow Solo. I put my summon creatures on you two, and I can know your situation at any time."

Celia heard what I said though. A little nervous, but ultimately nodded. After her confirmation, I quickly left the road and jumped onto the building next to it, and then a few ups and downs came to the building complex on the side of the temple. After releasing a large number of ghost worms to survey the surrounding environment, I easily walked into the temple along an unguarded route.

Speaking of which this Martial God Palace is built in God World, but its scale is not as big as the Light God Palace and Dark God Palace in other countries. I don’t know if this Martial God is mixed or not. Something else.

After entering from the side of the temple, I carefully walked through several buildings, and then touched the back door exit of the temple hall. To enter the temple, I must exit through this door. The hall in the front is just a place to receive some routine work. The real temple personnel are behind. The place where Solo wants to bring Celia to him must not be in the hall in front, so I can definitely wait for them here. However, after I waited at the back door of the hall for a few minutes, Celia and the others did not come in, but they showed me another group of people, and they were still very important people.

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