pa pa pa pa ...... I originally thought that showing my strength would be enough for the other party to figure out the reality. Didn’t expect that idiot who called himself Prince suddenly applauded and did it. His own men looked at him with unfathomable mystery, not knowing what he meant.

Seeing everyone staring at him inexplicably, the Prince said: "Yes, very good. You are an expert, and I love this person the most. You can be my personal guard , I..."

I didn’t wait for the guy to finish speaking, and I suddenly disappeared where I was. The next second I suddenly appeared in front of the Prince and lifted him up with one hand. The guard moved back to the original place in an instant before he could react. I threw the idiot Prince to the ground, and I stepped on a foot by the way. "Okay, now your master is in my hands, so I am in charge of the right to speak as it should be by rights. You just have to answer my questions."

When I want to ask questions, they are all rushed up. Although their master is stepping on my feet, after all, my strength is there. Rushing up will only kill their master. What's more, what I mean now is also obvious. They didn't intend to really hurt people, and they couldn't put their master in danger.

Seeing that the other party seemed to understand what I meant, I went on to say: "Well, since you plan to cooperate, I will not embarrass your master." As I said, I took my feet off the Prince. I took it off, but this guy had been stunned by me before, so even if I took my foot off, he still lay there unresponsive. "First of all, I want to know why you shoot me with arrows?"

After hearing my question, everyone turned their eyes to a warrior wearing silver white armor. It looks like this guy is here. Among them is a leader.

"Sorry, it was a complete misunderstanding to shoot you before." The leader said: "We were ordered to go deep into the sea of ​​trees to search for a medicine, but Prince found your mount in the middle of the road. The sky was flying at high speed. At that time, Prince thought this mount was very special, so he wanted to shoot it down and have a look. At that time, we didn't know that there was someone on it."

I nodded and said that I accepted the other's explanation. It is logically inferred that what he said should be the truth. After all, we didn't know each other before, and there was nothing to do with each other. It didn't make much sense for them to attack me suddenly. And the bird was flying in the air. I was lying on the bird's back. When I looked up from the ground, I really couldn't see if there was a person sitting on it.

"Second question." I stretched out two fingers and asked: "Do you know where the Divine Race lives here?" God World is the God World of each country, so Russia God World There will be no Divine Race in other countries, so I directly asked Divine Race here. As long as the other party knows, it must be the Divine Race in Russia. On the contrary, if I directly ask the Russian Divine Race, they might not know this, because this is God World. The Divine Race here knows that they are the Divine Race in Russia, but the natives of God World may not know what Russia is. .

Hearing my second question, those guards seem to be relaxed, because this question is not important to them. The head of the guard was still communicating with me, but he did not directly answer my question, but instead asked: "Which god are you talking about?"

I was taken aback by the leader's question. Then it occurred to me that all the impossible gods in Russia live together, and there will naturally be differences in positions. "It doesn't matter, any god will do. Just tell me the nearest one."

"If you want to talk about the nearest one, it should be Martial God." The guard leader said: "He lives in In the city of Knight, our national capital, the tallest building you can see in the city is the temple, and Martial God lives there."

I nodded, and then hit the ground with one foot. Prince kicked in front of the opponent, and the opponent hurriedly reached out to catch Prince who was still in a coma. Taking advantage of the time they took the time to pick up Prince, I turned over and jumped onto the night shadow and then let the night shadow start the jump of consciousness, and instantly penetrated into a piece of nothingness, and when we came out again, we had reached another forest. . Ye Ying somewhat helplessly said: "Sorry, the consciousness I can connect to is as far as this side."

"It doesn't matter, let's fly directly!"

"Okay Yes." Ye Ying took me quickly to the sky above the forest, and then rushed forward as if stepping on the canopy of a tree and jumping in the forest. Although Ye Ying's consciousness jump must have the thinking of intelligent creatures as a platform, it must not be human thinking. After running for a while, Night Shadow successfully connected the consciousness of a creature, and then made several jumps, and finally succeeded in making us jump outside of a small village.

After asking about the Knight City in this village again, we found out that the Knight City is very far away from here. Fortunately, after walking for a while, there is a large city, and then you can use the Transmission Formation there to transmit it.

According to the route that the villagers said, we quickly found the so-called big city, but in my eyes it can be regarded as a small and medium-sized city. Of course, this may indeed be considered a big city for the villagers. But no matter how big it is, for me, only Transmission Formation is enough. After entering the city from the city gate, I looked around and glanced at the nearby buildings that were not suspected of Teleportation Hall. It seemed that I could only ask people.

"Hello, may I ask..." Before I could finish my words, I saw the aunt who was stopped by me suddenly turned into a white rabbit, and disappeared to me at a speed of 100 meters In his sight, I stood there awkwardly, completely unaware of what happened. For this weird thing, I attribute it to that NPC aunt has a special mental illness, so she disappeared in front of my eyes like a rabbit, so I planned to find someone to ask again, but when I turned my head to other people, I realized that everyone around me was staring at me with a vigilant look, and some of them showed extreme disgust.

I was stared at by passers-by with this expression. My first reaction was to lower my head and check what was wrong with me. I found that there seemed to be nothing wrong, so I decided to continue to ask others. As a result As soon as I go in any direction, people nearby will immediately retreat away from me, as if I had an infectious disease.

For the strange reaction of the locals, I am really very strange, but seeing them like this probably won't let me know the reason, so I also gave up the plan to ask. With a snap of his fingers, Ye Ying suddenly walked out of the training space and stopped by my side. Since I can't ask for the way, I just look for it myself, anyway, the Teleportation Hall is not a small facade selling pirated CDs, it will be nestled in a corner. Places with a lot of people like the Teleportation Hall are usually built near the main roads in the city. Otherwise, ordinary roads simply cannot bear the traffic of the Teleportation Hall.

However, although my ideas are very simple, the people's thinking here is not simple at all. As soon as I came out of Yeying summon, I heard an exclamation sound from around, and then after Yeying sniffed out a string of fire stars in disdain, several women among the passers-by suddenly screamed and fainted. In the past, other people either ran away or fell to the ground in fear, causing my entire head to be short-circuited in an instant.

Don’t I just summon a mount? As for being so scared?

I really couldn't understand the strange way of thinking of the people here, so I turned over and jumped on Ye Ying's back, and then let Ye Ying start to trot along the main road. At the speed of Night Shadow, even if it is a trot, the speed is actually not much slower, and the city itself is so big, I believe it will not take long to run a lap. However, although my thoughts have always been correct, I really underestimated the abnormality of the natives in this ghost place. Just when I ran for less than five hundred meters on Yeying, a group of citizens rushed out in front of me and surrounded me. If I run into a group of armed robbers, I am not worried at all. Anyway, I will cut them all with a few knives, but who are these people in front of me? Some of these people are holding poles, some are holding axes, some are holding kitchen knives, and some are holding feather dusters. At this level of armedness, even armed mobs are not counted as armed. But why are they surrounding me?

Looking at this strange circle of citizens, it is hard for me to kill them all. After all, this is a citizen, not a combatant, and there is absolutely no need to fight! But keeping them around like this is not a problem! It seems that we must first figure out why they are surrounding me.

After scanning, I didn’t find anyone who was obviously a leader, so I had to ask the surroundings: "Why are you stopping me?"

When I speak to everyone There was a panic and a commotion, and backed up a little bit. It was not until nearly twenty seconds later that someone said: "Devil, we won't let you harm our beautiful flower of hope!"

< p>"The Flower of Hope?" When I entered the city, I saw the name of this city called Hope City, but the question is what is the Flower of Hope? Seeing their response so much, this flower of hope should not be a simple flower. A more logical speculation is: 1. The flower of hope is a precious and special plant; 2. The flower of hope should refer to a certain woman and a beautiful woman with a special status in this city. There are school flowers in schools, office flowers in offices, and city flowers in a city is not a big deal. But the question is why do these people think that I will hurt this flower of hope that I am not yet sure what it is? "What the hell is this flower of hope? And, I just passed by. Who said I would hurt that flower of hope? I don't even know what the flower of hope is, why should I hurt it?"

Because there is no unified command, the crowd immediately became confused when I said this. Some people seemed to believe me, while others were opposed. Of course, more people were in conflict. Between the people vacillate.

While the people on both sides were arguing, there was a sudden sound of neat footsteps outside the crowd. I don't need to look at it to know that the city defense team must have arrived, because the sound of neat footsteps is definitely not something messy citizens can make.

The army is here. The citizens seem to have found the backbone, and they retreated to both sides to let the army over. After entering the crowd, the army quickly ran around and surrounded me. The layer, finally all stopped suddenly, and then carefully guarded me with lance and shield.

After the army surrounded me, seven or eight people on horseback came to the back of the team. At the forefront of these people are a man and a woman. Among them, the man seems to be in his forties, his figure is almost spherical, and he looks like a nobleman in a gorgeous costume. But compared to his clothes, I care more about the horse under him, because this is definitely a rare BMW, or it would be impossible to wander around with such a heavy burden. Parallel to the fatty is a woman, but she wears a veil, so she can't see her face clearly, but judging from the exposed part, she should be no more than twenty-five years old, and she is quite beautiful. Behind them was a man in his fifties with a square face, blond hair, and a thick golden beard under his chin. With his golden armor, he looked like a martial power battle. personnel. As for the row of people following this guy, they belonged to the type of high level bodyguards.

This group of people did not come to me, but stopped outside the encirclement, but because we all rode on mounts and the army just stood on the ground, there was no What occlusion. After a few people stopped, that fatty first said, "Solo Prince, you'd better go back. My daughter has already said that she won't marry you, so let's die!"

"hmph, why do you tell him so much?" The blond military commander coldly snorted behind the fatty said: "Although he is the Knight of the temple, I am also a Level 8 War God anyway, to deal with his stinky kid Isn’t it a matter of two or two tricks?"

"Hey, let me say you guys pay attention to the situation?" I grabbed the helmet visor and pushed it up, then took the helmet off and asked. "Don’t you tell me that Prince Solo is exactly the same as mine?"

When I saw my appearance, everyone was taken aback, and then suddenly I heard Pu Chi laugh, and everyone joined together. Laughed. The ferocious golden retriever uncle said in embarrassment: "Aiya, really sorry, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. The main thing is that this set of equipment on you is too similar to the one on Prince Solo! No, it's not like, simply is exactly the same! "

"Ah? So what Solo Prince has a suit of armor exactly like mine?" The Divine Dragon suit on my body is obtained after the combination of the magic dragon suit and the national equipment, let alone evolve. The problem of the uniqueness of the national equipment is that the original magic dragon suit is also an extremely rare full Divine Item growable suit! Someone here has exactly the same equipment? No, impossible is exactly the same, what they said should only be the shape, not the attribute. Even if this is God World, Divine Item is impossible to overflow!

As for my question, the other party knew very well. "Yes, it's the same outfit that looks exactly like yours." The golden uncle said: "I remember it seems that the kid Solo went to Human World with the Divine Race envoy, and after returning, he customized a set. This kind of equipment is said to be seen in Human World by a very good strongman. He envied other people’s equipment, so he copied a set like this. But his set is a little more stylish, in fact nobody’s. attribute." At this point, the golden retriever uncle seemed to react suddenly, his eyes staring like bullseye. "Aren't you the guy named Purple Moon?"

"How is it? So what?"

"Are you Purple Moon?" This time it's not just The golden retriever was uncle, and even that fatty and the woman next to him cried out in surprise. As for the other people around, they collectively sucked in a cold breath. Even the army surrounding me took three steps back neatly.

Halo, how did you find that my real name is more deterrent than the previously misunderstood Solo? When they thought I was Solo before, they dared to bring people to surround me. Now when I heard that I was Purple Moon, even the army was scared to run away. Am I that scary?

I was surprised that the woman recovered first after a long time. Then she suddenly jumped off the horse and walked towards me through the defense line of soldiers. That fatty and the golden retriever uncle immediately yelled in panic as soon as they saw the situation. The golden retriever uncle thought I was Solo before and dared to rush over to fight one-on-one. Now that he knew my true body, he only dared to stand far away. Shouting, she didn't dare to step forward and pull the woman back. This contrast is really not that big!

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, the woman walked straight into the encirclement, but just as she was approaching me, Ye Ying suddenly snorted, and she immediately stopped in shock. Got there. After waiting for a long time, seeing that Ye Ying did not move further, she looked up at Ye Ying's eyes with a slight panic, and then took the courage to walk two steps forward. When she stood beside Yeying, she realized that the mount in front of her was much higher than her horse. The back height of war horses is between 1.6 and 1.8 meters, and those with more than 1.75 meters are rare good horses. The height of other horse mounts is generally within this range. The back height of unicorns and the like can generally reach about 1.8 to 1.5 meters, which is much higher than that of ordinary horses. However, even the height of a unicorn next to Ye Ying is still very short, because the height of Ye Ying's four hooves from the lowest point of his spine is close to two meters, and this is still net height. In fact, there is a two-centimeter-thick tread iron under Ye Ying’s hoof, and Ye Ying usually simply doesn’t fall to the ground. Sometimes you see him running on the ground, but the soles of his feet are in the air all the time, which increases him invisibly. The height of the spine from the ground. Like now, the woman walked to Ye Ying's side and realized that the top of her head was just a little bit past the bottom of Ye Ying's belly. She felt that she could not breathe an oppression just by standing beside him.

"What do you want to do when you come here?" I asked, looking down at the woman standing next to Ye Ying.

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