As soon as Jade Rabbit Fairy was nodded here, the other demons couldn’t sit still anymore and put forward their own opinions, but no matter what the opinions were, they all demanded how to take the initiative. Yes, as for the defensive question, no one asked simply.

"That's not the case!" I quickly interrupted the demons' proposal. "Our main problem this time is how to defend, not to take the initiative to attack!"

"Purple Moon, what you said is wrong. No matter how we say it, it is not comparable to mortals, and defense is inevitable. Too shameful, right?" a Demon leader said.

"Defense and offense are both tactics, how come it has something to do with face?"

Only when I finished talking, I saw a Demon who had never seen it jump out Pointing at me and cursing: "Is the strength of my Demon clan that mortals like you can understand? Don't hurry up and tell our Monster King Aiya..." The guy was hit by a demon thunder in Yinyao just halfway through his words. Out of the great hall.

Shui Xu stood up and said: "Purple Moon, the president of my Demon clan, is a reinvented person. Many of you guys are new demons who have grown up recently. You don’t know Purple Moon. Forget it, this time I’ve made it clear to you that I must not be unreasonable to the president in the future. I will treat it with the same etiquette as the four Great Protector and Monster King. If there is an outward devotion but inner opposition, even if it is Purple We won't avenge you if President Moon is killed. Remember?"

His Royal Highness many little demons trembled when they heard this. Demon has been locked in the bottle gourd for so long, and the time to return to the world is relatively short. In addition, there have been so many successive civil wars, which can be described as heavy casualties. Now the monster speaking of which in this great hall is already regarded as an elite class, but except for the older Demon like Shui Xu, most of them are forcibly urged by the Monster Race in a short period of time using Qi of Earth Vein. Feng-type Demon, the strength is good, but the knowledge is far from that of Shui Xu. After all, from the age of the demon, this group of monsters can only be regarded as a group of children.

All the demons who were said to be impudent by the cruel words of Shui Xu dare not impudent, I quickly took this opportunity to say: "Don’t worry, I’m still very good-tempered, so as long as you keep me at least I’m still very easy to get along with.” At this point, my voice suddenly became cold, and at the same time the magic power on my body began to be released with all my strength. Many monsters were obviously taken aback, because they discovered the magic power on my body at this time. The strength is almost the same as Monster King, let alone them, even the four Great Protectors do not have such a strong magic power. They have not taken me seriously before, is this a joke of their own life? ! Seeing the expressions of the demons, I knew that they had realized my strength. That’s why I coldly said: "If others respect me, I will give them face. If you don’t take me seriously, then don’t expect me to take him. That’s right. This battle was supposed to be the responsibility of Celestial Court, but they were deceived by the opponent’s Divine Race, so now they can’t send troops to help me, so I found you. All I need you to do is help me keep us As for the offense..."

At this point, I suddenly got stuck, thinking I had just thought of a problem. Every time Celestial Court assists in a fight, it is a defense. It is because they are restricted by the system and cannot go abroad to fight, but the problem is that Demon does not have such restrictions! Although this time Demon is to help us defend instead of Celestial Court, which cannot be played, no matter what the reason is, Demon is a free force after all, they are not restricted by national borders! In this way, if I want Demon to go abroad to fight, there seems to be nothing wrong! Thinking of this, I wanted to revise what I said before, but it seemed to affect my prestige a little bit when I just said it, so I changed my opinion after thinking about it for a while.

"A great man once said that offense is the best defense, so your offense is actually feasible, but we can’t get the point wrong. Defense is a must, offense can only be We can only proceed if we guarantee the safety of the city we need, so this time you must follow my command and ensure that you can defend when I need you to defend, and you can attack immediately when I need you to attack."

When I heard what I said, Shui Xu was taken aback. After all, what I said before was obviously that I didn't want them to participate in the offensive. Although I didn't completely overthrow the previous words, I basically reversed the meaning. Although I am puzzled, Shui Xu is also an old slippery head. It's okay to know what I say as long as I follow along.

"Since President Purple Moon said it, then do as it is. Please don't shame us Monster King!"

Since Shui Xu has said so, who will pay? What dare you say? Everyone has carried the Monster King out. At this time, there will be some moths. Isn't it courting death?

After setting the general tone, the subsequent meetings will be much better, at least the things discussed are beginning to be reliable, and the demons don't dare to actively attack and strive for merit. After discussing the general task distribution, Monster Race made internal adjustments. However, in my opinion, Monster Race’s regime structure is almost the same as the bandit group. The so-called task allocation is simply a large group of people robbing power. There is no coordination at all. If it weren't for the water emptiness and a bit of brain to control the general direction, it is estimated that a good meeting would have to become a general situation of looting goods in the wholesale market.

Finally, the result of Demon's discussion is to divide the reinforcements into three parts. The first part is the main force composed of the highest number of high level Demon. This part will follow our guild troops to participate in the defense together. The second force is a dozen Great Demon monsters, and their common feature is that they have extremely strong individual battle strength, which can basically fight one by one. Their main job is to act as a reserve team. They can join in if they can't hold on to any place. With their super battle strength, if a dozen of them come together, they can definitely stabilize a battlefield. The third group is different from the first two groups. The number of them is about 200 people. The number is not too much. The battle strength is not as strong as the second group, but this group has one thing in common, that is, it has a very special side door. ability. They are the offensive troops in the Demon. They don't need to go head-to-head with the Russian troops, just go to the Russian rear to be responsible for harassment.

After choosing the three teams, I took the 200-person Demon squad and the reserve team to leave the Monster Race base camp. The remaining large forces are too many. Estimated based on Demon’s discipline It takes some time to get organized, and I don’t have time to wait for them to line up slowly, so I might as well let them go to Isengard on their own.

As soon as I walked out of Isengard’s teleportation walk with the demons, I noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. The people around, whether they were players or NPCs, all walked and ran in a panic. He was busy with his own affairs, and no one even noticed me when I appeared in the teleportation.

"What the hell is going on? Why are everyone panicking?" I asked a passing person.

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