After I promised to cancel the arrest warrant, the black Qilin agreed to support me once, but this support is not when my subordinates let me use it casually, but summon when I need it. He was there to fight for ten minutes. Although this time is a bit short, Black Qilin promises that he will use his utmost magic at all costs. If he can really exhaust all his magic power in ten minutes, that would be enough. With the destructive power of Black Qilin's ten minutes, he can kill at least hundreds of thousands of people, and it can definitely play a role in blocking the battlefield.

In the battle, the casualties of the offensive team mainly occurred before the soldiers from both sides rushed together, because once they broke into the opponent’s line of defense, the line of defense would not be called the line of defense. Therefore, the goal of the offensive team was to rush in the shortest time. Opening the opponent's line of defense, as long as this goal is achieved, the battle will enter a state of war of attrition. At this time, as long as the attacking team has no fewer people than the opponent, it will never fail. As for the battlefield interruption, the most important role of this tactic is to interrupt the offensive queue with absolutely powerful martial power after the attacker rushes into the defense line, making it impossible to connect the front and back, and the defender can take the opportunity to eliminate the enemy that has penetrated the defense line. When the enemy's rear personnel came up, everyone in the defense line should have been killed. The previous efforts of the offensive team were equivalent to all of them. If you want to break through the defense line, you have to make another assault. For the defensive side, this means one more opportunity to reorganize the line of defense when the line of defense collapses, which is tantamount to providing insurance for the line of defense.

After talking to Black Qilin, I asked Jade Rabbit Fairy to take back her desolate soul. After the re-fusion, Jade Rabbit Fairy seems to have no changes on the surface, but the majestic demon power on her body suddenly agitated like she was suddenly awakened. If it weren’t for me as a dark attribute, I am adaptable to demon power. I guess it’s just The Monster Qi that comes out can give me a big runaway.

"Huh, the complete soul feels so good!" Jade Rabbit Fairy couldn't help groaning after absorbing the wild soul.

"It’s better for you to collect your monster power. This is the Seventeenth Layer hell. There are so many super monsters nearby that you can’t even think about it. You Ancient Great Monsters are in Human World, that’s possible to Support both heaven and earth, but it’s better to hide and tuck it here."

Of course, I said this not to be a satire of Jade Rabbit Fairy, but a fact. Originally, I was not quite clear about this, but since the last time the king absorbed the negative energy evolution in the Sea of ​​Silence, I know the horror of the Seventeenth Layer hell. Existences like the Four Sacred Beasts are counted by groups. In popular words, it is the giant demon many as dogs, and the Demon King walks all over the floor. The demon pet Heiyan that I conquered last time is the best example. He hasn't reached the full level yet, and his size is already the largest of all my demon pets. I guess if the rare beasts here are generally low in intelligence, Celestial Court and Demon would not need to be mixed, and they must have all been killed by the monsters here.

Jade Rabbit Fairy didn't take my words seriously, still enjoying her surging feeling of monster power there. Seeing that she didn't seem to intend to believe me, I had no choice but to show her with the facts. Hey, with one of my fingers snapping, Hei Yan suddenly appeared around us. That huge body, like a small mountain range, quickly twisted around us and turned into a huge Snake Mountain. That terrifying size instantly made Jade Rabbit Fairy lose the interest in continuing to release its demon power.

"This is your summon creature?" Although Jade Rabbit Fairy was taken aback by the size of Black Flame, he didn't seem too panicked. After all, Black Flame is not a mage-type creature, and his strength lies in his body. , So it doesn't feel as exaggerated as high magic creatures.

I nodded replied: "This is my pet, Heiyan. He is still in his infancy. When he grows up, he will be many times larger than he is now."

"What? This is still a larva?"

"Yes. Heiyan is the original creature in the sea of ​​silence. His intelligence is not very high, but the battle strength is not much lower than yours. He is like him in the sea of ​​silence. Existence is everywhere. If you continue to release the demon power, maybe we will be able to meet his neighbors."

Jade Rabbit Fairy was so scared by me that he quickly took away his demon power, but it’s not Because of my words, but because of the existence of Heiyan. Just now, Jade Rabbit Fairy discovered that her demon power was declining at a very fast rate. If she didn't accept any estimates, it would affect her own strength. Although demon power is a dark attribute, it is positive energy after all. Heiyan was born in a sea of ​​completely negative energy. Neutralizing positive energy is his skill, let alone Jade Rabbit Fairy is just a Monster King, even if Hong Jun’s Sect Lord is here, Over time, it can be sucked into an adult.

After I frightened Jade Rabbit Fairy, I took her and left the Seventeenth Layer hell quickly. We are still good luck. Although Jade Rabbit Fairy radiated a lot of demon power, most of them were hacked. The inflammation was absorbed, so it didn't attract any terrible monsters.

After returning to Human World, I first returned to Celestial Court with Jade Rabbit Fairy to report, and then took her to the Demon headquarters without stopping. Originally, Demon was going to host a welcoming ceremony here to welcome the arrival of the new Monster King, but the plan was cancelled due to time constraints. Although Jade Rabbit Fairy sometimes has a bad head because the soul is repaired, her behavior is normal as long as the defective part is not involved. Knowing that the situation is urgent now, she was not busy getting acquainted with the environment with the demons, so she asked the four Great Protectors to summon all the experts who have status in the Demon to the conference hall and held a pre-war preparation meeting. By the way, she got to know the Demon. The more important members can be considered familiar with the environment by the way.

Because of my presence, the Demons' meeting started very quickly. The reason why the meeting started so quickly was because Celestial Court had discussed a set of plans for the Demons' battle arrangements. This thing was originally the plan of action for Celestial Court when the foreign enemy invaded, but now the Celestial Court cannot send troops, so this plan is useless. Although there are some differences between Demon and Celestial Court in the composition of arms, the general direction of this outline is correct, and it can be used with a little modification. Of course, Demon is a chaotic force after all. It's definitely impossible for them to fight step by step like the Celestial Court representing the orderly camp. As a result, the demons quit after I put forward the outline.

“Passive defense has suffered a lot of casualties. Our Monster Race just had a civil war. Will going to defend the city now cause our strength great injury?” A monster who looked relatively slippery asked aloud. It didn't matter what he asked, the other Demons next to him also objected.

Jade Rabbit Fairy had just been released by Celestial Court and wanted to show it well. Hearing this, the nature of monsters came out. "It makes sense, defense is not our Demon's specialty, so we can't play our specialty in this way!"

Listening to Jade Rabbit Fairy, I knew it was bad, but it was obvious to stop. It's too late.

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