"Huh? What's the situation?" I was taken aback by the situation before me. The room in front of me was only fifty-odd flat, and there were two chairs facing the door. The Jade Emperor was sitting on the left chair, while the left hand position was either sitting or standing in a row of Divine Immortal. Next to the Jade Emperor is a table, and on the other side of the table is the chair that is similar to the position of the Jade Emperor. I wouldn't be too surprised if I was sitting on a high level Divine Immortal. The point is that the chair sitting on the chair is not a Divine Immortal, but a rabbit. To be precise, it was the Jade Rabbit in Chang'e's arms.

Originally, the Jade Emperor called me to Vast-Glacial Palace. I was strange enough. There were a lot of demons and ghosts on the scene. I can also accept it. After all, because of my matchmaking, Demon and Celestial Court are uniting. After dealing with Buddhism, the contradictions have eased a lot. It is not surprising to sit together and discuss some things. It is just that Jade Rabbit is the first one on Demon's side. This is more confusing to me.

Vast-Glacial Palace was originally equivalent to the cold palace in Celestial Court. Said it is a palace, it is actually a large prison, but there are relatively few prisoners here, there are only two in total. The first prisoner is very famous, that is Chang'e, on the surface, she is the main prisoner here. However, there is actually another prisoner here, but not many people know about it. This prisoner is-Jade Rabbit. That's right, it's not Wu Gang, but Jade Rabbit. Chang'e is a prisoner, but Wu Gang is a guard, and Jade Rabbit is not Chang'e's pet. She is actually a very good super Great Demon monster, but this one belongs to Celestial Court and not many people know about it. The reason why I know the identity of Jade Rabbit is entirely because of the relationship between Hong Ling. Jade Rabbit and Hong Ling knew each other before they were captured. They are both super Great Demon monsters that existed before the Celestial Court was established, so they knew each other well.

Demons came to participate in the Celestial Court meeting, and they also put Jade Rabbit in the first place. This is weird thinking about it, and the rest of Demon is also weird. The Fourth Great Protector only reached one silver ballad, and the rest of the seat was seated with a row of Divine Beasts, which looked like Buddhism had surrendered, but I don’t know why all of them were wounded, as if they had just come off the battlefield. Similar.

Before I arrived, everyone in the room seemed to be discussing something. As soon as my side appeared, Lima's voice disappeared. After seeing me, the Jade Emperor looked towards me and beckoned me to come forward. When I walked into the room, Erlang Shen did not follow up, but just helped me close the door.

After the gate was closed, the Jade Emperor said to me: "Purple Moon! I'm really sorry this time! Didn't expect that our negligence caused you such a big impact!"< /p>

The Jade Emperor is polite with me, and I can't be too blunt. Although it is indeed a Celestial Court error this time, I can't say that. "Don’t worry about the Jade Emperor. This time, it’s all because the Russians are too cunning. They have mental arithmetic and unintentional. The plan in Celestial Court is also excusable. It’s just that I heard from True Lord Erlang that you have discussed a solution before. I want to know what the specific method is, so I can make the corresponding adjustments early."

The Jade Emperor motioned to the next position and said: "Before I talk to you about the solution, I will talk to you Introduce this person here."

"I have heard of the reputation of Jade Rabbit Fairy." I preemptively said that I knew about Jade Rabbit.

Jade Emperor's reaction to me was a little surprised, but it was probably because of the thought of Hong Ling, so I was relieved soon. "Since you know it, save my introduction. This time the situation is like this. Because we reached a mana agreement with Rakshasa Divine Race, it is impossible for Celestial Court to send troops to help you in violation of the agreement. However, the agreement stipulates that it is my Celestial Court. I didn’t know how to do it, but I didn’t say that China’s other strengths could not do it."

"So Celestial Court thought of Monster Race?" I’m not stupid. Jade Emperor said so understandably, I naturally thought of it right away. The method that Jade Emperor said.

Listening that I have guessed the way, Jade Emperor directly nodded and said: "This plan is like this, but there is some trouble with specific issues, let your acquaintances tell you the specifics! "

After the Jade Emperor said the silver rumors, he took it and said, "Well, didn't we defeat the remnants of Buddhism some time ago?" I nodded. Yin Yao went on to say: "After the defeat of Buddhism, many members who originally belonged to Buddhism have taken refuge in our various Chinese forces. This is still the line you lead, and you should know the best." After I nodded again, Yin Yao continued to say "However, you also know that our Demon has always insisted on strength is respected and advocating martial power. As long as you have the ability, you can challenge the superior, and if you win, you can become the leader. This time, so many powerful new members have joined. , The various small groups on our side got messed up."

When Yin Rumor said so, I glanced at the scarred Monster Race members present and said: "It’s so strange. So, you just finished the civil war!"

"It can’t be regarded as a civil war! It’s just that some people want to take the lead, but the ones above don’t want to step down, and then they fought. This is an internal problem of our clan, Purple Moon. Little brother, don’t care. The key is that the person who wants to be in position failed this time, but he hit the Monster King hard."

"What happened to Monster King?"

"Then No, but now there is only one breath left, and it may be finished at any time."

"Then you now......?"

"Now it is my four Great Protector temporary Monster Race Daquan, it’s just that the four of us know that we’re not the one. Sooner or later, let’s be the Monster King. Sooner or later, Celestial Court just found us."

I glanced at me and beat me in. Jade Rabbit, who has been quiet for a long time, asked carefully: "So you proposed to use this shot in exchange for the release of Jade Rabbit Fairy?"

"Have the ability to become a Monster King The ancestor of the twelve-tailed Heavenly Fox among the ancient Demons who can live here has become your favorite. The Peacock Hades has joined your temple, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise and Bi Ling, white jade Qilin, and gold Heavenly Dragon, they all have formal priesthood, impossible to be our Monster King, so..."

"The remaining strength is enough, and only Jade Rabbit Fairy is qualified to be the Monster King, right? "

Yin Yao nodded admitted: "It is true This is true, so we hope to take this opportunity to let Jade Rabbit Fairy return to Monster Race. "

After getting the affirmation of Yinyao, I turned back to the Jade Emperor and asked: "Since this plan has been determined, what are we going to discuss?" "

Jade Emperor shook the head said: "Things are not as simple as you think. It is not difficult to release Jade Rabbit Fairy. The problem is that the body of Jade Rabbit Fairy has been divided into multiple parts, and I don’t have all of them in Celestial Court, so...! "

"What? Did you dismember her? "

"no no no, not physical dismemberment, but something else. "Jade Emperor explained: "You have also seen it, now in this position is just an ordinary-looking white rabbit. This is actually the fleshy body of Jade Rabbit Fairy, and there are 10% spiritual wisdom of Jade Rabbit Fairy in it. But the remaining 90% spiritual wisdom of Jade Rabbit Fairy has been divided into three parts. One part is hidden in the Celestial Court Vault, which can be obtained later, and one of the other two parts is in Demon, which is easy to handle. But the last one was lost after being stolen by Demon, so the spiritual wisdom is not complete. Even if the remaining spiritual wisdom is collected, the restored Jade Rabbit Fairy may have certain behavior problems. In addition, the demon power of Jade Rabbit Fairy was also taken out of the body and divided into two parts, one of which is under the osmanthus tree outside. Wu Gang cuts down the tree every day to prevent the demon power from spawning the osmanthus tree to become a new Demon. As for the other demon power, the last time Monster King came to Celestial Court to steal the treasure, it was stolen together. Now it has become a part of Monster King's movement method! "

I frowned and said: "That means what is lacking is not only a spiritual wisdom, but also half of the magic power? "

"Not only that. "Jade Emperor continued: "In addition to the above two, the desolate soul of Jade Rabbit Fairy also passed away. "

"Damn, what are you doing with so many pieces?" "

The Jade Emperor said helplessly: "The Celestial Court at the beginning was not as prestigious as it is now. Demons like Jade Rabbit Fairy must never be released, so it was divided into pieces just in case. So many copies. Had it not been for the fact that the ancient Demon was transformed by Qi of Heaven and Earth, and Heaven and Earth same root with different branches could not be killed, we would have killed her completely! "

"Do you have a remedy now?" "Although it is very serious, I know that Jade Emperor must have thought of a way, otherwise they will not come to me.

Sure enough, when I asked the Jade Emperor, I immediately replied: "Although it is true A lot of things are missing, but there are still ways to reach it. "Jade Emperor stopped for a while and continued: "The lack of from these three types of things, spiritual wisdom is not lacking, so even if there is not, it can be formed into Jade Rabbit Fairy, but there will be some behavioral problems. I have discussed with Taishang, then we can take a blank soul to tear it apart, and then use it as a repair material to fill in the spiritual wisdom of Jade Rabbit Fairy, although this will change the memory of some aspects of Jade Rabbit Fairy. She’s completely blank, but her behavior is no different from ordinary people, and it doesn’t affect her becoming a Monster King. The lack of demon power is also easy to handle. Anyway, the monster cultivator can be refined with the magic cultivator, which is used to replenish and absorb. We only need to refining the half-dead Monster King with Supreme Taoist's Eight Trigrams Furnace refining, which can not only make up the half of the demon power, but also increase it a lot. As for the last desolate soul, we only know that it is in the Seventeenth Layer hell, and we don't know where it is. However, you can bring the body of Jade Rabbit Fairy to find it. The desolate soul is part of the main soul. If the body is close, it will attract each other. It is not difficult to confirm the target. "

"Then what else can we wait for? Let's act right away. "Now that the Russian soldiers are under pressure, how can I delay here?

"Hold on. "The Jade Emperor stopped me and said, "Even if you want to go, you have to let us put together the other parts of the Jade Rabbit Fairy first!" "

"Then you guys are so fast! I'm just waiting here. "

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