After we all asked, the military god said slowly: "Although I am not very good at creating plans, I have a good memory. I remember the classification of strategies and tactics in the Encyclopedia of Chinese War In the third chapter of Volume 187, it was mentioned that in wars between great powers, if the defending side cannot defend the enemy from outside the country, then simply don’t use refueling tactics to consume the enemy, because with As the strategy retreats, the strength of the defender will be constantly weakened. Although the refueling tactic can slow down the enemy’s invasion speed, it consumes the country’s battle strength and is not good for the overall battle situation."

"So What is the correct method?"

"The correct strategy should be to take the initiative to abandon the tenacious defenses in some areas according to the actual situation, and to exchange land for time without seriously damaging the country’s industrial and economic foundation. Strategically indulge and a large number of harassing forces conduct asymmetric operations to achieve the goal of greatly delaying the enemy’s offensive speed and depleting its combat strength. At the same time, the main force of the country should use this space in exchange for strategic deployment, and choose according to the actual situation. Finally, the battlefield is decisive, and then the battlefield’s position is the center of the accumulation of strength. When the strength is sufficient, the enemy should just hit here. At this time, the enemy will fight against the opponent with equal tactical force or simply conduct a field annihilation battle. There is hope to turn defeat into victory after being attacked."

"Damn, you graduated from military academy, right? Have you read the Encyclopedia of Chinese War? That thing is longer than Encyclopedia Britannica! "Cauldron Rice sighed heartlessly.

Although the big pot of rice has nothing to do with it, the others here are all human beings. After listening to the words of the military god, they all fell into contemplation. The first reaction was Su Mi. After listening to the military god’s opinion, she thought for a while, and then asked: “Based on the overall strategic power comparison between our side and the Russians, how much space do you think we need to use to change this time?”

"This involves too many things. I only propose a plan temporarily. It mainly depends on the strategic deployment and progress of Japan. If necessary, I can start the calculation immediately, but it may take several hours. There is a result."

"Then you count first, we need to know the situation as soon as possible. However, can you roughly estimate the space range?"

"Of course." The military god affirmed Replied: "My rough estimate is that most areas controlled by the Northern Alliance must be used as a buffer zone to digest the incoming Russian troops, and this still counts the fact that our harassment troops can complete the harassment target as planned. "

"Most of the control area of ​​the Northern Alliance? Isn't it necessary for the Northern Alliance to bear most of the losses this time?" Hong Yue asked, "What would they do in Misty Rain?"

"If you don't do it, you have to do it. If they don't do it, then don't want to keep a piece of land. But we can gather the leaders of China's major guilds before the war to discuss, at worst, we do it for the Northern Alliance With a little compensation, it is equivalent to divide the loss equally. "Eagle suggested.

Asura purple clothed nodded and said: "That must be done, but there are a lot of problems behind it. What about the assembly of troops? Where are we going to gather troops?"

"No, we don't need to assemble troops." Rose said: "We are not without troops. In terms of total battle strength, we are actually a lot stronger than Russia. This time the situation is that Russia's plan just blocked our plan. Now our battle strength is concentrated in Japan, so we are unable to resist. It is not that we really can’t beat the Russians. As long as the attacking forces can use the space advantage to successfully delay the progress of the Russian army, then we can use this time to complete Strategic plan in Japan. When the time comes, after we occupied Japan, we just and honorable to drew our troops back on the grounds of the tight civil war, and then Masaka Matsumoto had an excuse to launch the Japanese counterattack against our city and retake Japan. "

"Matsumoto Masaka?" Asura purple clothed asked in surprise: "Is our guild's undercover agent in Japan Matsumoto Masaka?"

This time the battle against Japan Most of the senior executives who planned our guild knew about it, but they all only knew that we had an undercover agent in Japan in the plan, but they didn't know who it was. Matsumoto's refuge in our guild has always been known to very few people, and it can be said to be one of the core secrets of our guild. Although Asura purple clothed is one of the senior leaders of our guild, because this matter has nothing to do with her position, we have never talked to her. Of course, she wasn't the only person present who didn't know the news. In fact, most people here didn't know that Matsumoto Masaka had already turned to us. Rose knew that after she had leaked her mouth, she didn't conceal it anymore. After she clarified the matter, everyone understood many doubts in the war against Japan.

Su Mei waited for Rose to explain and then said: "In this case, it is possible to link the plan for Japan to the plan for Russia, but time must be mastered. Moreover, changing space to time does not mean that To allow the Russians to rush into our country and do foolishness, we must limit their range of action, and they must not be allowed to cross the border like locusts, so our loss will be too great!"

The military god suddenly interrupted. "In this regard, I can guarantee that that will never happen. As long as the important materials are evacuated before the Russians enter, and supplemented by the restraint of the harassment of the troops, the Russians will certainly have no spare time to grab the resources of the city, so this is not at all. Question."

After everyone’s discussion, we finally came up with a way to deal with the massive Russian invasion, but the specific content can only be worked out after the military god’s calculations are over. Because there are no specific strategic details, we are unable to discuss various issues for the time being, so Rose proposed to do everything that can be done first. First, Hong Yue and Rose rushed to the Northern Alliance to find Misty Rain to discuss the issue of land transfer. As for Ying, they were responsible for bringing together other Chinese guild members to discuss future coordination issues.

After everyone was busy, I was going to make trouble with the Russians again. Didn't expect was blocked by Erlang Shen before he left the Conference Hall.

"Huh? Isn't this True Lord Erlang? Why do you have time to run here?"

Seeing me still there is polite, Erlang Shen didn’t talk to me at all In a polite way, I jumped onto his cloud and said, "You have time to be polite with me, Celestial Court is about to turn the sky over for your business! Taibai Jinxing has many ghost ideas. My Old Guy is about to pull out his beard now. But fortunately, I finally thought of a solution."

"The solution?" I was taken aback first, and then Erlang Shen said. The problem is that Celestial Court can't help us defend the soil this time. "What? Did you think of a way?"

"Nonsense, didn't you see that I was so anxious to take you back?"

I heard Erlang Shen personally confirm that there is a way, and I will immediately Excited. Originally, Military God’s plan was only able to help us tide over the difficulties, but in the end we promised not to suffer too much. The loss must be there, and the investment of so much manpower and material resources in such a big thing will cause us to suffer. The history of the guild is absolutely unique. "True Lord Erlang, tell me what is the solution?"

"I want to know that I told you a long time ago, how can I ask you? The Jade Emperor sent a message to you to go. Celestial Court, he will tell you how to deal with it personally. I only know that there is a way. I don't know how to do it."

When I heard this, I was more anxious than Erlang Shen. "Damn, don't you know if you are still taking me for a ride? Turn off your divine light, we use teleportation, this is faster!" I said that I had already turned the teleportation ring in my hand, and gave it to Erlang Shen It was teleported to the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate. After that, I took Erlang Shen and ran all the way. Erlang Shen had a crooked helmet and was not embarrassed. I rushed into the Lingxiao Treasure Hall like a gust of wind, and I realized that there was no one here. I was so angry that I immediately pulled Erlang Shen over and asked: "Where are you? Are you kidding me?"

Erlang Shen helplessly said: "I said that the Jade Emperor summoned you, but did I say to be summoned in the Lingxiao Hall?"

" seems not! Where is the Jade Emperor?"< /p>

"At Vast-Glacial Palace."


"Vast-Glacial Palace." Erlang Shen thought I didn’t hear clearly, and said loudly Again.

I quickly explained: "I didn’t catch you clearly, I was asking you why the Jade Emperor went to Vast-Glacial Palace to meet me?"

"I don’t know this. .Where the Jade Emperor is going to meet you, is I in charge of it?"

"Forget it, you should take me quickly! Being delayed by you makes it farther!" Vast- Glacial Palace and Celestial Court are not together at all. From Isinger to Celestial Court and Vast-Glacial Palace are completely two directions, and they are one north and one south. I sent Erlang Shen and myself to Celestial Court not to save time, it was a waste of time, because the route was completely reversed.

Hearing my complaint there, Erlang Shen immediately retorted: "What is delayed by me? I originally took you to fly in the right direction. You must send us to Celestial Court. Is it good?"

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Do you give me time to talk?"

"This... Now that business matters, let's go to Vast-Glacial Palace!" Knowing the reason, I interrupted quickly.

I knew the place this time, but I still didn't let Erlang Shen lead me to the cloud. Although Divine Immortal's cloud construction technique is fast, it is still incomparable with the speed of a bird. Seeing the flying bird flying so fast, Erlang Shen didn't mention his cloud at all. He directly touched the Zhang Qingyun symbol and slapped the bird on the back. The speed of the bird immediately went up like an auxiliary propeller. In the end, it soared to more than 30 times the phonemes. I couldn't even see the clouds quickly. If there were no obstacles in the sky, we would have no idea how many times we had killed them.

After killing Vast-Glacial Palace like lightning, I didn’t dare to run around like Celestial Court. After all, it’s the first time I came to this place, and it’s the place where Chang'e lives. The location is quite special. Wan accidentally abruptly changed Chang'e, I don't want to change Zhu Bajie.

Under the leadership of Erlang Shen, I quickly saw the Jade Emperor in the Vast-Glacial Palace, but the Jade Emperor and Celestial Court’s Divine Immortal were not the only ones present. There were a few more Someone I had never thought of killed appeared here.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

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