"Matsumoto Masaka, you return first, we will work with you to kill Purple Moon."

"I'm afraid you don't have that chance!" After Nobunaga Shoutou finished shouting, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of Nobunaga Onishu.

"Oh, damn it!" Seeing the enemy Guishou Nobunaga in front of him quickly backed away, but his enemy moved faster. Just as he stepped back, the opponent had quickly posted it, and the six handles were bent. The snake sword crossed and tangled up.

Yeyue’s sudden appearance forced Nobunaga to retreat again and again. Guren Phoenix quickly chased after seeing this situation and planned to help Nobunaga to deal with Yeyue, but she just moved, another one Silhouette stopped her.

"It's our practice to bully more and less, don't you want to learn from it?" Ling was speaking, and in front of her, Jingjing and Lingling were holding their weapons to guard Honglian In Phoenix's raid, behind them, Xiaochun and Ling stood side by side. This one black one white combined attack by the two retired Goddess was extremely powerful, and Honglian Phoenix immediately became nervous when he saw the four of them.

In this meeting where Guren Phoenix was blocked, Nobunaga and Yeyue had already fought and didn't know how many knives. Now Guishou Nobunaga feels that his hand is almost out of consciousness. Although it seems that Yeyue's swing speed is not fast on the surface, don't forget that Yeyue can transform six arms. With a long knife in his hand, Nobunaga Guishou had to block Yeyue’s six-handed snake sword’s repeated attacks. Even if he didn’t plan to fight back, he had to have Yeyue’s six times the attack speed to be able to barely block it. The question is does he have that speed?

Seeing Guishou Nobunaga’s movements become more and more chaotic, Yeyue immediately speeds up a round of attack, forcing Guishou Nobunaga to retreat again and again, and just as Guishou Nobunaga is watching When he couldn't hold it, Yeyue's crystal goggles suddenly flashed, Guishou Nobunaga swiftly turned his head, but he was still flashed, and the entire left arm and half of his shoulder turned into stone. Suddenly one of his hands was petrified, and Guishou Nobunaga immediately lost his balance. In a panic, Ye Yue stumbled back with six consecutive swords, but his feet were suddenly tightened by a huge force. He didn't wait for him to see what happened. He was hung up by his head and feet, and it wasn't until this time that Guishou Nobunaga realized that it was Yeyue's tail that had entangled his feet.

Yeyue didn’t rush to attack after hanging Guishou Nobunaga in front of her, but taunted: "Don’t you think that defeating the master is a victory over the master? The master is not just a warrior. Oh." Yeyue's words were like a basin of cold water that poured a chill on all the Japanese players present.

"Yes! Purple Moon is not a warrior, at least not exactly a warrior. His strongest battle strength is not his own personal battle strength, but the large group of demons. Now there are no demons. We are complacent here!" Many Japanese players have this idea at the same time, but they are simply powerless. Masaga Matsumoto, who was able to match my body evenly, made them cry with excitement. With so many demon familiars, no matter how strong an expert is, they can't stand it!

Just when Japanese players were generally in depression, Masaka Matsumoto spoke suddenly. "Everyone will pull yourself together for me. Where is your spirit? Are you only bullying the weak? Purple Moon is strong. That's right, but you know that he is strong and even lacks the courage to fight. And you, Nobunaga Onihand. Are you still the leader of the Japanese players! What about your will? Where is your arrogance? Where is everything? Tell you, the real Yamato warrior will not be knocked down, right here When I was taken by you to become a transport team member, I never gave up fighting, so I can still stand here today. If I fail to progress like you are a little bit unsuccessful, then I will never have a bright future. Think about it yourself, do you intend to spell out a hope like me, or be defeated like this?"

Matsumoto's words not only slapped Nobunaga on the tongue, but also I also praised myself by the way. The most important thing is his devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence said in this remark. No one can fault him.

"Let's not be subjugated slaves!" A Matsumoto Masaka's support immediately jumped up and shouted, and the surrounding Japanese players were immediately infected and began to fight hard. Seeing this situation, Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix had to fight hard again.

After the Japanese regained their fighting spirit, I no longer kept my hands here, and quickly released all the familiars to block all the angry Japanese players, and I and Matsumoto Masaka But still in the Central Zone, you come and I feed each other.

Actually, I told him to say what Matsumoto Masaga stimulated Japanese players just now. The reason for stimulating the fighting spirit of Japanese players is mainly from the perspective of consolidating Matsumoto's position, but there is another meaning to stabilize the battle. People from various guilds are still robbing Japanese territories from various places. If we break through the Japanese line of defense too early, then these Japanese players who are killed back to the city will inevitably become new forces in the defense war. It will bring considerable resistance to the attacks of other guilds.

After regaining his fighting spirit with Nobunaga, he began to struggle desperately, trying to get himself out of Yeyue’s tail, but it was a pity that Yeyue’s tail was too tight, and he worked hard a few times. After all failed, Guishou Nobunaga had to take out the Luminous Pearl again.

My battle with Masaka Matsumoto is entirely acting, so the attention of the two of us has always been on the other people around. Now as soon as Nobunaga Onishu took out the Luminous Pearl, I immediately noticed it. Yeyue was excited just as soon as she saw the cratered Luminous Pearl, and immediately swept the snake sword with her sword after receiving the order from me through contact. Onitou Nobunaga wanted to rely on that thing to get out of trouble, but unfortunately he couldn't use that thing at all when he was hanging upside down. Seeing a sword sweep, he hurriedly bent his abdomen and desperately bent his body dangerously past the waist sword. . However, as soon as he flashed that sword, he suddenly saw another sword smashed down in front of his face. In the panic, Guishou Nobunaga immediately raised Katana to resist, but forgot that his other hand had been petrified. Right hand wanted to grab the knife, he instinctively handed Luminous Pearl to his left hand, but his left hand simply couldn't hold something because of the petrochemicals. As a result, Luminous Pearl had fallen when he noticed it.

After successfully taking down Luminous Pearl, Yeyue no longer cares about the ghost hand Nobunaga, throws him out with a flick of his tail, and then Benwan intends to pick up Luminous Pearl, but he hasn’t waited yet. She touched Luminous Pearl, and a shining green arrow shot it on Luminous Pearl instantly and flew it away.

"Red Lotus Phoenix." Masaka Matsumoto, who was fighting against Jingjing and Lingling's joint strangulation, suddenly heard someone calling him, and after holding the attacking sword and shield with two swords, he looked sideways, and suddenly soul flew beyond the heaven. I saw that the Japanese's last reliance turned out to be kicked and rolled around at the feet of a bunch of melee crowds like a football. She quickly released a combined attack of Jingjing and Lingling with a big move, and flew onto the Luminous Pearl, but it was a pity that she had just pounced next to the Luminous Pearl when the Luminous Pearl was kicked off by another person. go out.

"Ghost Nobunaga, things have gone to your side!"

The Luminous Pearl that was kicked into the air rolled straight towards the ghost that was thrown out by Yeyue before. Nobunaga Taman, and Nobunaga Guishou immediately rushed over with excitement to grab it, but just a second before he was about to touch the thing, a cute little thing suddenly appeared next to Luminous Pearl. This is a small hairy thing with a whole body. The whole body of a ball can't tell which is the head or the torso. The front of this hair ball has large watery eyes and a red nose. It didn't even see the mouth organ on its body, and didn't know if it was blocked by hair. On the top of the little monster's head, there are two long ears like rabbits, and the body that can't tell whether it is the torso or the head all around has two pairs of ultra-short hands and feet, which looks very cute.

However, although the little thing is really cute, but Guite Nobunaga can’t wait to make it into sashimi, because that little thing is actually right where he is about to touch Luminous Pearl. One second before he picked up the Luminous Pearl and ran away, Guishou Nobunaga gnawed a mouthful of mud but didn't touch anything.

"Hurry up and grab that little thing." Nobunaga, who didn't pounce on the thing, hurriedly shouted to nearby Japanese players and NPCs to grab Luminous Pearl. After all, there are still more Japanese people here. Most of the troops in our guild are still blocked by the city wall, and the people coming here are mainly concentrated near the city gate. After so long of fighting, our current position has moved to the rear of the Japanese, so there are not many people nearby except for my summon creature.

After Nobunaga Onishu finished shouting, the nearby Japanese finally noticed the little thing that hopped and ran away carrying Luminous Pearl, but the height of the little thing is really a headache. . A hair ball that is not as high as an adult's calf is holding a Luminous Pearl and pierced between everyone's legs like a mouse. If you want to catch it, you have to bend over to grab it unless you fly into it, but you have to bend at speed. It was too slow to touch this nimble little thing at all. There was no way that the Japanese nearby had to jump out one by one, but in the end they didn't jump at anything except the one who fell on the ground.

Successfully dumped the little things of many people and looked back, and smiled triumphantly after seeing the embarrassment of the people. However, it may be due to the extreme joy and sorrow. Just when it turned around and was about to run, it suddenly hit a shield and was bounced back. Luminous Pearl also got out of it and rolled out. The little fellow who got up again quickly ran over and grabbed the Luminous Pearl, who was not far away, again, but it was surrounded by three Japanese.

Seeing that everyone finally blocked the little things, Guishou Nobunaga immediately ran over and joined the encirclement in excitement. Xiaomaoqiu wanted to repeat the old trick and pass between the legs of everyone. I didn't want these people to learn to be smart. He directly took a few shields from the people around him and inserted them on the ground to form a shield wall to trap Xiaomaoqiu. In the middle.

Guishou Nobunaga slowly squatted down and approached Xiaomaoqiu and said, "Come on, don’t run, give me things back? Don’t hesitate anymore, you can’t run away. Yes. Come, give me things quickly." Nobunaga Guishou said as he reached out to get the Luminous Pearl.

Seeing Guishou Nobunaga’s big hand, Xiao Maoqiu quickly hid the Luminous Pearl behind him and moved back, but the people who didn’t want to take advantage of the sneak attack grabbed it. Fortunately, the little things He was so clever, he was finally dodged by him. However, I can't hide for a while, the surrounding Japanese are constantly gathering in the middle, and the space for small things has been compressed and there is no place to hide. Seeing that he was about to be caught, the little thing suddenly made an amazing decision.

Under the horrified eyes of Guishou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix, a seam suddenly cracked on Xiao Maoqiu’s belly, revealing a super big mouth, and then raised his head and raised Luminous Pearl to his mouth. Above.

"Don't...don't...don't!" Seeing this situation, how can the ghosts and the others think of what the little things are going to do? Hurriedly screamed and rushed up, but unfortunately it was still a step late. As soon as the little thing's claws loosened, the Luminous Pearl fell into his big mouth with a grunt.

Swallowed Luminous Pearl's little thing and stretched out his big tongue to lick his mouth, then patted his big belly with those two short hands, as if he was full of food. The stunned people next to him were stunned for a long time before they reacted. Guishou Nobunaga yelled first, "Grab it for me, and quickly get the Luminous Pearl out for me."

Everyone heard this. The words rushed up immediately, and the small fur ball, which was already in the encirclement, could not hide at all, and was immediately caught by a fast-handed Japanese player. I don't know if it is anxious to do meritorious service or something. After catching the small fur ball, this guy immediately put a hand in the fur ball's mouth and tried to take out the Luminous Pearl, and then he reached out to find that something was wrong.

The body of the fur ball is only the size of a volleyball. The Luminous Pearl is not much smaller than it. It should be touched as soon as you reach it in, but when the guy's hand reaches in, he feels nothing. Touched. If you just didn't touch the Luminous Pearl, it would be nice to say something, but at least there should be guts in the little things, right? Why can't you touch anything? Just when he was puzzled, mutation suddenly emerged. Before this guy could react, the little thing in his hand suddenly opened his mouth to more than one meter wide, and he forced it forward to wrap the guy’s entire arm in an instant. Wrap your head into a big mouth together. The nearby people rushed to help pull his companion out of Maoqiu's mouth, but Maoqiu's mouth kept squirming forward and engulfed the guy's entire upper body in it. It’s strange enough that there is only a hair ball the size of a volleyball that can swallow a person’s upper body, and the even more incomprehensible size of the four hair ball itself has not changed, except that the mouth is enlarged by the person’s waist. There is no change in the body at all. A large group of people gathered around and grabbed the monster and pulled it to both sides desperately, but the hairballs were perseveringly swallowed forward, and soon that person was still outside with only two feet, and the body of that little thing It's still only as big as volleyball.

The Japanese player behind flew forward and desperately grabbed the remaining two feet and digging hard, but the foot retreated a little bit as if it was about to be pulled out. At that time, the mouth of that fur ball suddenly opened again. This time not only the feet were completely swallowed, but the hands of the person who was pulling him were also taken in.

The people who followed saw this situation and hurriedly shouted: "Don't pull it, let go of him, take your hand out, or you will be swallowed too!"

The man whose hand was swallowed desperately pulled back while brow beaded with sweat shouted: "It's useless at all, my hand is sucked and I can't pull it out!"

People around As soon as I heard someone shouted: "Kill the fur ball and kill it!"

The quick-reacting person immediately swung his sword at the fur ball when he heard the prompt, and he smashed it down, but it was on the edge of the knife. The moment the hair ball was cut, I only heard the sound of peng sound as if opening champagne. That hair ball was divided into two, and that guy’s hand was being bitten by one of them, and the other was jumping. Ran away.

Seeing the two fur balls separated, the people around were immediately dumbfounded. A person's head kept turning back and forth between the two hair balls, and asked: "What can I do? Which one is Luminous Pearl in the belly?"

There were a lot of people. I didn't expect this problem for a while, but now I remember it. Hairball divided into two, in which belly is the food you ate before? Or simply isn't there any? That fur ball looked only the size of a volleyball, and it didn't change at all after swallowing a person, indicating that the belly of that thing must be connected to some kind of space channel or storage area, anyway, impossible to put a person directly into its belly. In this way, even if you grab both hair balls and kill their stomachs, you may not be able to find Luminous Pearl.

Although some people thought of this problem, most people didn’t react at all. They were still trying to attack the two fur balls, but one of them ran away and the other was biting. Humans were chopped a dozen times, but not one was killed. Instead, they turned into a large group of hairballs.

A Japanese player who understands the situation hurriedly shouted after seeing this situation: "Don’t cut it anymore. That thing is Purple Moon’s guild guardian beast. Its specialty is swallowing and infinite splitting. The more you fight, the more you can fight. !"

"What should I do?"

"I don’t know, I heard that it seems that the spell of the space type or the rule type can be used to destroy them."

"Why are they all unpopular spells? Who can do that kind of thing?"

Just when many Japanese players were arguing about what to do, the hairball that bit people again It moved, and this time it took a big bite forward, and the guy's arms disappeared into Mao Ball's mouth together with his head. The people around are now fighting and unable to fight, so they have to pull it hard to slow down the speed of swallowing the fur ball, but it's not a way to pull it like this. After all, the speed is slow, but the fur ball keeps swallowing forward. This person will have to be swallowed sooner or later.

When many Japanese players were at a loss, a fur ball had jumped to my feet, and then it suddenly opened its mouth and spat out the Luminous Pearl.

"There." There are many Japanese people around, and there are always a few good eyes. Mao Qiu was discovered as soon as the Luminous Pearl was spit out, but they discovered that Gui found that the sword wheel and light bullets were flying all over the sky with Matsumoto and I. Even if they saw it, they didn't dare to rush up.

"Song this Monarch, grab that thing quickly, that is an enhanced item, which can help us defeat Purple Moon." Japanese players who dare not to get ahead can only shout loudly at Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, Masaka Matsumoto also noticed the Luminous Pearl, but in fact, I let the hair ball get that thing over for Matsumoto Masaka's use. It seems that the thing needs incantion to start, and Nobunaga Guishou will definitely not let me know about incantion. So I thought of a way. If I can't use it, I can give it to Masaka Matsumoto. Although Nobunaga Guishou would not generously give the thing to Masaka Matsumoto, if I snatch it from him and then take it back by Masaka Matsumoto, that's another matter. Coupled with the current state of tension, I can use the common interests of Masaka Matsumoto and the whole Japanese to oppress Nobunaga Ghost. If he yields, I have to tell Masaka Matsumoto how to use it. If he unyielding, it’s better. From then on he will never get any Japanese support.

Matsumoto Masaka, who was fighting with me, pretended to hear the shouts of everyone. After I reached out to Luminous Pearl in the air, Luminous Pearl spun off the ground and flew, suddenly he struck out a handprint. A jewel flower suddenly rushed forward and circled me in a big circle, then passed through the defensive line composed of sword wheels and knocked out the Luminous Pearl halfway. However, for this Luminous Pearl, a gem flower of Masaka Matsumoto was also "unfortunately" shot down by my sword wheel.

After paying the price of a gem flower, Masaga Matsumoto finally succeeded in catching the Luminous Pearl, but before he could hold it firmly, I suddenly stuck it up, turning over the thrilling body. After the short play, the surrounding Japanese players felt that their hearts were about to pop out. However, although Masaga Matsumoto was in danger several times in the process, in the end Luminous Pearl was still held in his arms.

Seeing that Masaka Matsumoto finally managed to control Luminous Pearl, the surrounding Japanese players all jumped in excitement, but because of the missing gem flower, Masaka Matsumoto’s situation has changed more and more. The more dangerous. At this time, the care we arranged finally played a role again.

"Mr Guishou, please tell Song this Monarch how to use the ghost power. Song this Monarch is almost unable to support it!"

I heard this request Nobunaga Guishou By the way, his face became extremely bad. The current situation is equivalent to a group of wolves and a tiger blocking him in the middle of the single-plank bridge. In the past, the tiger was waiting for him, and the wolves would not let him go when he returned, and it was even more unsafe to stand on the bridge. If he tells Matsumoto Masaka how to use that thing, then Matsumoto Masaka can be a great divine prestige, and his status will inevitably decline further. But if he doesn’t give it, then his character will inevitably be questioned by players from all over Japan. Everyone will say that Nobunaga Onihand sacrificed the collective interests of the entire Japan for his own personal benefit. He has such a reputation and his leadership position. It's the end.

Although it is very embarrassing, Nobunaga knows that waiting at this time is not an option. Not only will the misfortune of the two choices happen at the same time, but also make Japanese players think that he lacks the courage of a leader, so Even making a wrong decision is better than no decision. However, Nobunaga Onitou is not too stupid after all. After a short period of thought, he quickly told Matsumoto Masaka how to use the Luminous Pearl. The reason for making this decision is that Nobunaga Onihand has actually thought about it. If you don’t give it, Japanese players will immediately push him down, and if you give it, it’s nothing more than to improve the reputation of some Matsumoto Masaga. Although he will be more challenged, his status will at least not directly decline because of this. On the contrary, when the time comes, he can also make a fuss for him to win a good reputation as a solidarity and unity with the outside world.

Under the circumstance of thinking about the pros and cons, Nobunaga Onitaka resolutely told the secret incantion to Masaga Matsumoto, but this guy did not forget to shout after he said the incantion: "If you use it alone, you only need one Just a little bit, don’t use them together. That big piece of stuff is enough to strengthen tens of millions of people!” According to Nobunaga Oni’s plan, even if I told Masaga Matsumoto how to use it, as long as there is the following sentence , Then Masaka Matsumoto’s reputation will not rise too much. After all, he defeated me by external force rather than his own strength, and if he shouted like this, Masaga Matsumoto would not dare to use too much weight. The last remaining part He still had to return to the hands of Nobunaga Demon's hand, it can be said to serve multiple purposes.

After hearing the words of Nobunaga Onitou, Masaka Matsumoto also understood the meaning, but this guy is not fighting alone. With my ally in the enemy state, many things will change. A lot easier. Just now Nobunaga Onita told Masaga Matsumoto that he used the secret language mode when incanting, so other people didn't know what they said, everyone only heard the last sentence. But Masaka Matsumoto doesn't need to use up all the ghost power in front of so many people. As for the rest... he can't get it, isn't there still me?

"Want to take drugs? No way." I suddenly increased my attack speed, and the aggressive Matsumoto Masaka retreated, but in the process of retreating, Matsumoto Masaka still seized the opportunity to get away from the big guy. Dig a small piece from the top and activate it in accordance with the method of use. But before the thing took effect, I rushed up, and the remaining large group of Luminous Pearl was smashed into a dozen pieces with a single swipe of the blade claw, and then Matsumoto and I were in the crowd. Each grabbed part of it in the exclamation. Because I have the ability to fetch things out of the air, the speed is relatively fast. Most of the fragments were snatched by me, while Matsumoto Masaka only got four small fragments.

As soon as the fragments were put into our pockets, the previously activated fragment was also activated. Just like when Guishou Nobunaga used it before, it seems that it really can't control who it uses, and it can only adjust the receiving ratio of certain people in a targeted manner. All the Japanese people present, even those NPCs were allocated some of the phosphors produced by the fragments, but it was different from the previous one used by Nobunaga Onitou. This time Matsumoto Masaga not only cut larger pieces, but also gave the others the least weight, while the rest was almost entirely concentrated on him. If Nobunaga used this way before, others would definitely say that he was selfish, but now the situation is different. The Japanese think that Masaka Matsumoto can beat me, so he used most of the phosphors alone and not only did not have it. Any complaints, and even hope that the phosphors can be concentrated on him without being divided. After all, in the eyes of Japanese players, as long as they can eliminate my enemy, how much phosphors are used is worth it.

Previously, Nobunaga Onishu accepted this kind of ghostly phosphor baptism, and the whole person became an evil ghost, but Matsumoto's situation is completely different. When the fragments cut from Luminous Pearl turned into fluorescent powder and penetrated into his body, Masaka Matsumoto's whole body suddenly lit up like an electrified light bulb. All the gems on his armor set seemed to have bulbs inside, instantly turning Masaka Matsumoto into a giant human-shaped neon sign. That’s not to say, after the gems of Matsumoto Masaka's body were lit up, the gems and flowers around Matsumoto Masaka also lit up, and every flower bloomed automatically and grew out of it, which looked like lotus seeds. Something like the heart. However, the most direct effect of this change of the gem flowers is not to turn the gem flowers into lotus flowers, but to turn the gem flowers that can only emit a single beam into a multi-tube cannon-like burst mode. Almost immediately after the enhancement was completed, I was completely covered by the dense beams. If it weren’t for the absolute barrier to be opened in time if the situation was not right, maybe there would be a performance accident this time!

Of course, Masaka Matsumoto didn't want to kill me, but he didn't expect that the enhancement effect of the thing would be so vigorous, so he confiscated his hand for a while, which almost caused me to accidentally hurt me. But after all, we are performing in front of everyone, so we must not make mistakes, even if he knows that he might kill me, he still has to brace oneself attack. Of course, there is another important reason why Matsumoto Masaka will let go of his hands and feet attacks because he knows that I will never be killed by him. Although this attack is fierce, it is at most because I was injured and I really wanted to kill. It's not that easy for me.

Of course, outsiders don’t know about the mental activities of Masaka Matsumoto and I. Anyway, the Japanese players around saw me being submerged in a rain-like beam attack, even those arrogant sword wheels. All of them were beaten up and down almost to the ground, which was something Japanese players could not even think of before.

The rainstorm-like attack ended soon, and all the Japanese players saw a flashing protective shield and me in it. By my side, the area protected by the protective cover has not changed at all, but the surrounding land has become a piece of scorched earth, and crystallization has even occurred in some places.

"Long live the pine this Monarch!" Our support yelled at the right time, and the surrounding Japanese players yelled immediately. For a while, the Japanese players were like a rainbow, if it weren’t for me. Not dead, they might be dancing.

"Really didn't expect that you will be so strong after strengthening." After removing the absolute barrier, I said indifferently. "It seems that I underestimated you Japanese. I admit that there are still people who are worthy of my efforts, but...you will stop there." I said, suddenly stretching out my hand. When I went out, the sword wheels that were flying around me concentrated on my hand. After a ding ding dong dong collision, the thirty-six sword wheels merged into a single handle, and then gradually became an eternal standard. The form, the form of the whip sword, slowly fell into my hands. After catching the eternity, all my familiars suddenly disappeared on the battlefield, and then suddenly appeared beside me strangely, and then I saw that I pointed the eternity to the sky. "Divine Domain-the ultimate perfect body."

"Run, that's Purple Moon's super big trick, you can't stop it!" This was called by Honglian Phoenix, she had seen it before I used this skill once, and the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth really scared her at that time, so that when I saw it again today, she shouted out regardless of her identity.

Although Guren Phoenix shouted loudly, Masaka Matsumoto was impossible to run. Even if he died here today, he still made a profit. After all, dropping Level 1 is not a big problem, and the substantial increase in reputation is enough to offset his loss. Besides, Masaka Matsumoto was originally my person. He also knew that I would not easily let him lose Level 1 in vain. So now Masaka Matsumoto is confident. Among the people present, including me, he was the easiest, even though he was In the eyes of others, he is the one facing danger.

As my skills were activated, all my familiars turned into semi-transparent phantoms and gathered at me almost at the same time, and then merged with me into a whole, including the small silver moon. By my side and integrated into my body. After the fusion of all the familiars, my armor has lost the low-key and noble temperament before, and replaced it with an almost exaggerated gorgeousness. Although it is not as pompous as Matsumoto Masaka's Emperor Guangming Battle Armor, but my brand new armor is almost less. The streamlined Battle Armor is based on the four colors of black, red, gold, and silver. The high-contrast color difference makes the entire armor appear bright and unusual. The complicated magic pattern flashes with dazzling red light, which is powerful in addition to decoration. Deterrence, as for the various sharp blades that I don’t lack, I have also been perfectly preserved in this new armor, and those sharp blades that stretch out from the various positions on the armor that are easy to attack also play a certain role in embellishment. The effect makes the overall look of the armor more beautiful and dreamy.

"Attention, I will do my best next, be careful not to die too fast." After saying this, I suddenly raised my hand, a red sword nearly two meters long. Glow instantly crossed the distance between me and Matsumoto Masaga, but Matsumoto Masaga miraculously blocked the blow. In fact, Masaga Matsumoto's reaction speed is not so fast. What equipment and items can strengthen is only your attributes, and the reaction speed depends on everyone's brains. My attack speed itself is fast, and normal people will definitely not have time to react. The reason why Masaka Matsumoto was able to block it was because I told him what I was going to do before the attack. He was completely aligned with me in a performance, so it seemed thrilling and not dangerous at all. Of course, if it weren't for Matsumoto Masaka to be strengthened now, even if he knew my attack route in advance, he would not be able to fix it, because he

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