"So what now? Can you still restore it?"

Faced with my super destructive power, these guys in front of me immediately became anxious . They were expecting the mage group to cause some harm to me, but didn't expect was knocked down while raising his hand. The envisioned battle plan was completely implemented based on the premise that I was trapped by the array. Now that this premise does not exist, their plan no longer exists. The group of guys who were originally in the chest were frustrated in an instant, one by one, like frosted eggplants.

"It seems that you are aware of your situation, then I will send you back to resurrection." Looking at their expressions, I know that these people can't play anything, but I haven't waited yet. When I did it, the expressions of those people suddenly became excited again. I looked at their eyes curiously, and after confirming that their eyes were looking behind me, I turned to follow their gazes.

"Meeting again...my old friend?" It was not someone else who was speaking, but Matsumoto Masaga, who had previously exploded several mobile angels. It is a waste of this guy not to apply for the movie Academy. Not only did the greeting just stop just right, but the next half was about gnashing teeth. Except for the two of us and a few people in the know, everyone around them sounded like Matsumoto. Zhenghe seemed to pounce on me and bite a piece of meat from me.

Isn’t we working so hard to put Masaka Matsumoto in the position of leader of Japanese players? Now that Masaga Matsumoto has come to look for me to act, I naturally have to cooperate fully.

"Didn't expect! Salted fish sometimes turn over!"

"hmph hmph!" Masaka Matsumoto sneered twice with disdain, if he didn't know in advance This kid was acting even I was fooled by him. "I know that your mouth is stronger than your sword. According to Chinese thinking, the person who knows you best is often your enemy, so I will not fight with you like the fool of Nobunaga Onitaka, then There is no benefit except being taken advantage of by you." Masaka Matsumoto didn't forget to downplay Nobunaga's status at this time, and he was really positive.

"You are really smarter than Guishou Nobunaga, but since you know that my sword is powerful and you are still standing here, are you planning to let me cut it?"

"Of course not." Masaga Matsumoto's body shook, and the king said in a hurry: "I am no longer the me before. Today I will let you know that the days of your rampage in Japan will end. That's it!" Matsumoto Masaga's words immediately greeted the usual cheers of many Japanese players mountain cry out and sea howl, and Matsumoto himself rushed towards me in an aggressive posture and suddenly rushed towards me. .

I knew it was time to start when Matsumoto Masaka rushed over. Fighting a fake match is different from kicking a fake match. You have to be skilled, at least not to let people see that you are feeding each other. Of course, if your strength is as strong as I and Masaga Matsumoto, then there is a very convenient way to make you fight without being seen by others. This method is-accidental injury.

A dozen meters away from me, Masaka Matsumoto drew out the sword on his body that was more like a work of art than a weapon. He is now wearing the Emperor of Light Battle Armor, although the attributes and my Divine Dragon suit are not Comparable, but the appearance is much exaggerated than my Divine Dragon suit. Although the Divine Dragon suit is also very gorgeous, the overall feeling is a kind of obscure edge. Although everyone can see the nobleness in it, it does not appear luxurious. But this set of Emperor Guangming suit of Masaka Matsumoto's body is different. The appearance design of this suit of armor has not considered any low-key elements at all. To say that it is unpretentious or conservative is a complete display of nakedness. The large number of gems all over the entire armor surface and the silver light armor itself are equally conspicuous no matter whether it is day or night, especially when the sun is good, when the light shines on it, it looks like Masaga Matsumoto from a distance. It's like a small personal sun, you can't open your eyes if it can flash. Fortunately, it is early morning, and the sun is still busy crossing the Pacific Ocean for the time being, but the light from the nearby torch reflected on the armor is already eye-catching.

Matsumoto Masaka, dressed like a human-shaped jewel, held the sword hilt and suddenly slashed a few meters away from me. I quickly bowed my head and flashed past, but Matsumoto Masaka’s blade However, I threw away a white half-month, and instantly cut off several NPCs in the guild behind me and a Japanese player. After finishing the cut, Masaka Matsumoto didn’t mean any guilt. He turned around and yelled at the surrounding Japanese: "I have to leave us a distance. When dealing with Purple Moon, I have to spare no effort. I can’t control the intensity. I’m getting too close. Don't blame me for hurting me by mistake!"

Although the surrounding Japanese players can't beat me, they all know how exaggerated my toughness is. In their hearts, Matsumoto Masaga's ability to fight with me is already a very good performance, and they also understand that Matsumoto Masaga said that they need to do their best in the battle. As for the one who was cut down just now, he can only be considered unlucky. Who made you stand so close?

As soon as the cross cut was over, Masaga Matsumoto and I launched the movement method and started a terrifying counterattack with a movement that was so fast that the surrounding Japanese players could not see clearly. The surrounding Japanese only saw one black one. The two groups of white light and shadow constantly collide on the ground, and then the two lights and shadows hit all the way from the ground to the sky. During this period, except for occasional formidable power and huge sword qi, suddenly threw away from the light group, they can’t see clearly. What's the situation inside?

Originally seeing two light groups hit the sky from the ground, the Japanese players were a little bit regretful, after all, they couldn't directly witness the expert duel. However, they soon realized how ridiculous their thoughts were, but the development of things was impossible based on their will. A silver circular aperture suddenly burst out between the two light clusters that had already hit the sky. As the aperture burst, two silhouettes of one black one white suddenly flew out of the light cluster. The white ball of light flew directly into the doorway above the city gate, smashed through the windows of the command room and fell into the building, while the black silhouette fell directly into the crowd of Japanese players, instantly knocking dozens of people nearby. Take the flight together.

After the smoke and dust raised by the black silhouette falling on the ground dispersed, the nearby Japanese players realized that the black silhouette turned out to be me, but before they took the opportunity to take advantage, I was already holding my head. Stood up from the ground. Several of the fastest Japanese players were thrown down by a string of crossbow arrows when I raised my hand, and before the rest of them were still alive and close together, I stretched out the huge black wings and flew again. On the opposite side of me, the white silhouette on the huge tower also flew again.

"Purple Moon, didn't expect you to be so good after having not met in so long!" Masaka Matsumoto said very pertinently, but the Japanese player below didn’t mean it at all. After all, Masaka Matsumoto just He was evenly matched with me, not so much I am good, it is better to say Matsumoto Masaga is good. Of course, Masaka Matsumoto said this originally to make Japanese players think of this, so he did not show any reaction to the cheers of the crowd below, and his eyes were still staring straight at me, posing a line. The cautious attitude of deputy expert.

In response to Matsumoto's performance, I naturally couldn't say nothing. "hmph hum, compared to my strength, your progress is really impressive! But...you are still not my opponent!" I rushed up again at the same time as the last sentence, but people just rushed up. Half of I threw the eternal in my hand into the sky, and shouted: "Heart Sword-Infinite Flywheel Slash." The eternal that I threw in the air suddenly burst into thirty-six fragments, and then each fragment automatically transformed into one. The hilt is like a double-headed sword formed by butting the handles of two swords. These thirty-six double-headed swords were formed in an instant, and then began to rotate like a helicopter propeller with the connection point of the two blades as the center.

How spectacular is the sight of thirty-six double-headed swords flying all over the sky? Although it was night, the Japanese players below were still shocked by the white sword shadow flying all over the sky. Let alone a counterattack, even if they were allowed to stand in it for a second, they would be cut into a pile of meat. However, Masaga Matsumoto did not stop because of this. Just when the thirty-six Flying Sword swept away at him, he also raised his hand, facing a white beam of light. Just when the beam was about to hit me, a spinning Flying Sword suddenly flew over from the side and just blocked the beam, but the beam did not explode on the sword wheel, but as if it hit a mirror. It bounced out, but my sword wheel didn't have the ability of the Danger Land warrior to bounce lasers to attack opponents. Although the beam was bounced off, the direction it flew out was completely uncontrollable. The bounced beam finally flew into the tower where Masaka Matsumoto had flown out before, and with a bang, it blasted a big hole out of the window of that room.

Matsumoto Masaka did not stop attacking after a miss, on the contrary, he quickly took out a mirror and threw it into the sky. The mirror flashed suddenly after flying into the air, and dozens of flowers that looked like diamonds suddenly flew out of the mirror. Then these flowers formed a huge protective circle around Matsumoto Masaka. At the same time, each flower Hua Hua's heart is aimed at me. When the Japanese player below was guessing what those were, the gem flowers suddenly moved together. The center of each flower shot out a white light beam, and the light beam shot by Matsumoto Masaga formed a huge circle. Covered me. However, I was not so easy to deal with. As soon as the light beam came, the sword wheel beside me took the initiative to greet me. Just like the a beam of light before, the thirty-six-handled sword wheel instantly moved Those beams were blocked again, but originally even a beam of light couldn't control the direction. Now that so many beams reflect together, it is even more uncertain. All of a sudden, I saw white light flying around everywhere in the sky.

At first, Japanese players thought it was very enjoyable to watch, but soon they realized that it was not good. The separated beams were flying around without the aim at all. Soon someone was unfortunately recruited, and Matsumoto Masaka and I in the sky didn't seem to have any plans to stop. Masaka Matsumoto kept pressing me back while directing the jewel flowers to launch beam attacks, while the sword wheels flying all over the sky bounced all of Matsumoto's beam attacks to the ground. On the ground near us, it was like being bombarded. The Japanese on the ground hit by the rain-like beams could only be embarrassed.

It seems that I am very interested in this feeling of pressing me down. Masaga Matsumoto constantly bombards me with this dense beam attack, and I rely on thirty-six Hilt sword wheel blocked the space in front of him not one drop of water can leak out, and all the attacks finally fell on the Japanese players. speaking of which It is me and Matsumoto Masaka who are at war, but the actual situation is like me and Matsumoto Masaka are uniting to slaughter Japanese players. However, the actual situation is also true.

Matsumoto Masaga has long known that his attack is ineffective against me, and I also know this. The reason why we have to fight like this is that the visual effect is very good, which can fully show Matsumoto Masaga On the other hand, you can also pit the Japanese players below.

Probably I think that the casualties of the Japanese players below are too great. At first, Hongren Phoenix, who has been standing aside to watch the game, finally couldn't help it. "Matsumoto Masaga, I'll help you." Guren Phoenix screamed and rushed over, but it was a pity that she suddenly saw a beam of light flying towards her face before she rushed to within 50 meters. Relying on her own technology, Honglian Phoenix just blocked the beam of light with the weapon in her hand, but before she took the weapon back, she saw the second beam flying over again. Honglian Phoenix, who lost the preparation time because of blocking the a beam of light, was unavoidably bombarded by the second beam from high above. Several Japanese players quickly ran over to help her up. After getting up, Hongren Phoenix threw off angrily. The Japanese player who came to help her flew again. Unfortunately this time it was even worse. People were caught before they left the ground. a beam of light smashed down.

Honglian Phoenix, who was hit twice, was not discouraged. She flew again, but was unfortunately hit again. Honglian Phoenix, who tried N many times in a row, almost rushed into our battle group several times, but because the reflection method of the rays is radioactive, the closer to us, the denser the rays, so that Honglian Phoenix only has at most If you can rush to within ten meters, you can't move forward anymore. Every time she reaches this distance, she will be heavily smashed back to the ground because of the dense beam. Although the beam reflected by me is not as powerful as the formidable power of Masaka Matsumoto’s direct launch, it still has a very strong attack power, even if Guren Phoenix is ​​a high-level player, after being hit many times in a row. Some are overwhelming.

Matsumoto Masaga and I have actually noticed the situation of Guren Phoenix a long time ago. Both his beam and my Flying Sword are actually automatic skills. As long as we point out the fighting intent map, they will automatically attack or defend, and we don't need to bother to manipulate them. In fact, thinking about it, you should understand that I have 36 Flying Swords on my side, and Masaka Matsumoto has more than 20 gem flowers. How can we really rely on our will to get here? I'm fine to say something. At any rate, I am Dragon Clan, and there is an electronic chip in my brain, so it's okay to assist in calculations. But Masaga Matsumoto is just an ordinary person, so let him do two things at the same time. Twenty uses for one mind? Superman also got dizzy. Of course, although we know that the weapons of both sides are automatic, the players below don't know! So they all thought that Masaka Matsumoto and I had completely focused on operating those weapons, and there was no time to look at the ground. They didn’t know that Masaga and I were actually using communicator to chat, and the following situation was always the same. In our surveillance, of course, it also includes the situation of Honglian Phoenix.

Look at Guren Phoenix also being miserably played, Masaka Matsumoto finally pretended to find out and suddenly concentrated all the gems and flowers for me, and forced me to flip a dozen in the air. Only a somersault stabilized his figure, and the ureter Ben Masaga himself quickly flew back to Honglian Phoenix to catch the Honglian Phoenix who had just been bombed by him.

"Are you okay?" After catching Guren Phoenix, Masaka Matsumoto said with a very concerned look: "Didn't you tell me to avoid it? You don't know the strength of Purple Moon? , How can I separate from him and observe the surroundings?"

Guren Phoenix was robbed by Matsumoto Masaka to say that it was a grievance, but Matsumoto Masaka is not her. Even if she was wronged, she couldn’t find Masaka Matsumoto to act like a baby. She could only endure her grievance and explained: "Your attack was accidentally wounded too badly. All the beams you fired were bounced on the ground by the bastard Purple Moon. It will take so long you didn’t put Purple Moon on the ground. How is it, but it’s bad for us!"

"Huh?" After listening to Guren Phoenix’s words, Masaka Matsumoto pretended to just find out and observed the ground conditions, and then it seemed to be startled "How could this happen? It seems that I still underestimate Purple Moon!" Guren Phoenix heard what he was about to say, but who knew that Matsumoto Masaka suddenly pushed her out, while shouting in his mouth: "Not good, he's rushing here again! You get out of the way!"

Guren Phoenix and Matsumoto Masaka had just landed at this time, and they hadn’t stood firm, so they fell immediately after being pushed like this. I chewed on the mud, but this time she would not care to complain about Masaka Matsumoto, because my sword wheel has been flying over, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and instantly chopped melons and vegetables from nearby Japanese players. A large piece of anti-fall. Ordinary players are basically there's no resistance in front of my high level skills. Honglian Phoenix wanted to help, but depending on the situation, he could only shout to clear the surrounding area first. The Japanese are not afraid of death, but it is better to avoid such unnecessary casualties if they can be avoided.

After pushing away Guren Phoenix, Masaga Matsumoto opened his gem flower again and attacked with my sword wheel, but the attack method this time was obviously different from before. , Although the attack frequency has dropped, the formidable power of the beam emitted each time is much larger. Of course, this is not what Matsumoto Masaka told the surrounding Japanese players, but they experienced it firsthand. The light bomb that I bounced back before will only blow up the person who hits it, and it will not be fatal to the person with high defense or just scratching it. But now it’s different. Although the number of bounced light bombs has dropped, each light bomb hits the ground like a blockbuster, and it can instantly lift all people within ten meters of the landing point. And almost no one can escape within five meters of the landing. If the unlucky spot is hit directly, there will be no more corpses left.

In the battle circle where the light beam and the sword wheel are alternately flying, Masaga Matsumoto and I are not idle either. The two of us started close hand-to-hand combat again with our short weapons. My Japanese claws are already very familiar, but Matsumoto's two short daggers have never seen them before. In fact, those two daggers were also given to Matsumoto Masaga, and they are definitely not ordinary goods. Although they cannot be compared with my eternal, but for a high level player, these two daggers are enough to serve as backup weapons. NS.

Matsumoto Masaga’s previous career was originally a ninja. He used this thing with daggers quite smoothly. Although Japanese ninjas usually use short katana, the usage is not much different from that of daggers. The Japanese players outside looked at me and Masaka Matsumoto blade light and sword shadows through the barrier formed by the sword wheel and the beam net. The flying light bullets and the attacks of the surrounding players in the guild while observing the battle.

In fact, in the hearts of Japanese players now, I almost become their psychological shadow. As long as Masaga Matsumoto can defeat me here today, even if this battle is defeated, Japanese players may gather in excitement. Come to Matsumoto Masaga and join him with confidence to re-challenge the Chinese occupation of Japan. It can be said that I am now the representative of China among Japanese players, and if I fall, I will fall. At least what the Japanese think.

Matsumoto Masaga and I are facing each other in the eyes of many Japanese players. Suddenly, Matsumoto Masaka's feet slipped. The surrounding Japanese almost collectively held breath cold air, and then just as I stepped forward to take advantage, Matsumoto Masaka suddenly twisted his body miraculously, picked up the right hand dagger, and was immediately pulled on my armor. A big hole came out, and blood also poured out along the crack.

"Okay..." The Japanese players who were busy fighting saw my injury and cheered. Although many Japanese players were cut down by our people for cheering this time, They didn't seem to care about it, and they were still shouting excitedly. However, amidst the cheers of Japanese players, the situation suddenly changed dramatically.

I was slashed by Masaga Matsumoto’s knife. I leaned back. Then I pushed my hands to the ground when Masaga Matsumoto rushed forward. He hit Matsumoto's chin, and instantly kicked him backwards and flew out. At the same time, there was a huge blood hole on his neck, and the blood rushed. The surrounding Japanese players didn’t realize until this time that there was a blade on my feet, but they soon thought of the information about my armor they had read before, and they remembered that my boots are There is a back blade that can be used as an ice skater.

After kicking Matsumoto Masaga away, I turned over a somersault and stumbled back more than a dozen steps. Several Japanese players who wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack from behind just rushed to my side. The sword wheels gathered a few meters away were twisted into a blood mist.

Seeing that the two of us were separated, the surrounding Japanese players immediately rushed to the injured Matsumoto Masaka to stand up and ran. Although I was not able to defeat me completely, but now Masaga Matsumoto and I fight for both sides suffer, the Japanese players have already burst into tears with excitement. At this time we were separated, and the Japanese players who had been unable to get involved naturally quickly rescued their new idol. A group of priests quickly surrounded Masaka Matsumoto to treat the injury, and the warriors stood in front of Masaka Matsumoto and me. Prevent me from launching a surprise attack.

Although the injuries seem to be very serious, in fact, Masaka Matsumoto and I are both measured. The attack just now was not as scary as it seemed. At least the loss of battle strength and the large section are just The Japanese players are now confused when they care, so they are nervous one by one for fear of their big heroes let me give them seconds.

Masaga Matsumoto is treated by someone, so naturally I can't sit and watch myself bleeding. Although we are now in a Japanese-controlled area, the treatment staff of our guild are all in the rear, and there is no rushing here for the time being, but I have my own professional nurse. Xiaochun appeared by my side in time, and everything was solved with a high-level resuscitation technique.

Taking advantage of this rare gap, I arranged for Masaka Matsumoto's support for this meeting to become active again. "Hey, do you know where Nobunaga Guishou is? Didn't he have a Luminous Pearl that can strengthen our battle strength before? He used such a big piece himself or was beaten by Purple Moon to find teeth all over the floor. It’s wasting. Since our Matsumoto Masaga-kun can fight with Purple Moon and the demon on both sides and suffer by himself, can’t we just kill Purple Moon directly if we use that thing? Let’s get that thing over to Matsumoto. Monarch, right?"

The Japanese players around me also remembered this. Most of them have seen the formidable power of the previous thing, and now I think it is more useful to put it here in Masaga Matsumoto. However, although Nobunaga's previous performance was somewhat unsatisfactory, he is still the leader of Japanese players. Although everyone also wanted to give that thing to Masaga Matsumoto, everyone knew that such important things would not be given to others by the ruler, just like the emperor’s pro-army. Even if they were the most advanced army in the country, the emperor would not give it to others. They will be loaned to the generals under their command, because they are afraid that the generals will rebel. Although Onitou Nobunaga is not the emperor, the situation is similar now. Once he surrenders that thing, it is basically equivalent to giving up command. Everyone wanted to help Matsumoto Masaka defeat me, but they didn't want to confront Nobunaga Onitou directly, and they were all hesitant for a while.

Seeing that the people around were a little moved but didn't dare to really go to Nobunaga Guishou, several other supporters also moved. One of them loudly said: "Good steel should be used on the blade. Nobunaga on the hand is a waste of holding that thing. It is better to hand it to this Monarch to defeat Purple Moon."

He took the topic and continued: "Yes, yes! Nobunaga Onihand was elected by everyone to lead us to defeat the Chinese. We did not choose him as the emperor. That thing did not belong to him alone, but to all of us. A warrior of the Yamato nation. Is it possible to give up the glory of our entire Yamato nation just for the sake of his status as Nobunaga?"

In just a few words, this matter has been raised to national justice. , The words of a few trusts are getting more and more intense. Under their agitation, everyone's emotions were immediately mobilized. Some people shouted to elect Matsumoto Masaga to be the leader of the Japanese players again, and some shouted to cast out the ghosts of Nobunaga to step down. In short, the sentiment was excited.

"hahahaha..." My laughter suddenly covered the voices of the Japanese players present, and everyone's eyes returned to me. It's not how loud my voice is, but my power makes them instinctively stop when they hear my voice. I laughed wildly and mocked said with a smile: "You guys are really hypocritical. Matsumoto Masaka used to be your leader, but after a few defeats, you were kicked off the stage. Knowing that I met him last time. What did he look like at the time? His equipment was stripped and clean, which made him look like ordinary players here, and he was also ordered to be a laborer in a transport team. He is really inferior to a dog! Now he Developed, you can fight with me, and you have to push Guishou Nobunaga off the stage to help him up. Do you really have milk or a mother? Shameless is really not easy to reach your realm."

The surrounding Japanese players were said to be blushing and thick-necked by these few words, but they couldn't find a rebuttal. After all, their previous behaviors were indeed like this. As for the paragraph about Matsumoto Masaka being a coachman, although most of these people don't know, since Matsumoto Masaka doesn't explain it, it's probably true. However, just when these people didn't know how to refute, Matsumoto Masaka suddenly stood up. He held up his weapon and pointed at me and said, "Purple Moon, don't disturb the military's mind here. No matter what happened to our side, it is an internal matter of our Yamato nation, which has nothing to do with you as an outsider. I want to use this to attack us. Your morale, go dream."

What Matsumoto Masaka said was a righteous, and among the Japanese present, he was the only one who had a stand to say such things. The surrounding Japanese players listened to it. Called a Shuxin, and the admiration for Masaka Matsumoto immediately rose again.

"Well, since you said that, I don’t care about your internal affairs, but now our injuries are healed, let’s try again? It’s been a long time since I met an opponent who could give me my full strength. I have to share with you today.” As I said, I appeared in front of Masaka Matsumoto in an instant, and the two entangled again and fought together.

As soon as we arranged to see that we were fighting again, he immediately shouted: "Everyone, go back quickly, so as not to be injured by mistake." The people around immediately felt reasonable when they heard it, and turned around and ran away. After everyone got away, the supporters shouted again: "We can't help here. Who knows where the ghost hand is Nobunaga? Let's go and use the enhanced Luminous Pearl to help loose this Monarch and defeat Purple Moon! "Everyone had the inertia they had before, and now they felt reasonable when they heard it, so someone really started running to the command post, planning to go to Nobunaga Ghost to ask for the Luminous Pearl. However, although most players follow blindly, there are still people who understand.

"Stop." Guren Phoenix blocked the way everyone left and stopped everyone who was going to ask for something from the ghost hand Nobunaga.

"Miss Honglian, what do you mean?" One of the several supporters stood up and asked.

"What do you mean by asking me?" Guren Phoenix said very calmly: "Do you know the difference between an army and a bandit?" Before everyone answered, Guren Phoenix asked and answered questions. "The difference between an army and a bandit is that the army has strict military discipline, but the bandit does not. Now we need to form an army to resist the Chinese attack, not a group of bandits. You just rushed to the headquarters. What do you want to do? Have you ever seen soldiers rushing into the headquarters? Do you want to cause chaos in the headquarters and cause us to collapse? He was undecided again, but the support we arranged stood up, anxious but didn't know what to do and said: "But this Monarch is working hard for us and Purple Moon! Why don't we just watch it this way? He is the only one in Japan that can fight against the demon of Purple Moon! Do you know our previous comparison with Chinese battle strength? In fact, we were not much weaker than the Chinese at the beginning, but it was because of Purple Moon. , Our battles have lost again and again, and Scales of Victory has gradually fallen towards them. I know that real battles rely on united collective forces to win, but I want to say that in the game, the peak strength of the individual Collective strength is equally important. As long as we can defeat Purple Moon, we still have hope. But if this Monarch is defeated today, we are really over! In the future, when the demon of Purple Moon appears on the land of Japan, what do we rely on? Stop him? Are you? Or the ghost hand Nobunaga?"

The remarks of this care are more cruel, and the Guren Phoenix retreats back and forth without knowing what to say in response. The man asked her who she was relying on to stop me, and Guren Phoenix simply didn't dare to say that she was relying on herself. She thought she had a new weapon to stop my attack, but now she knows she can't. The gap between her and me is still the difference between Heaven and Earth. Even when she and Onizou Nobunaga used the special item to increase the strength, it just stopped me. This is still the situation where I don’t have the summon pet to help. If that thing runs out in the future, she doesn’t even have it. The way to stay in front of me for more than five minutes.

"What do you want to say?" Seeing Honglian Phoenix for a long time, he said, "The situation is so urgent now, are you talking?"

"I... ...I...!"

"I will go with you to deal with Purple Moon." The sudden voice not only helped Hongren Phoenix clear the siege, but also made the faces of Japanese players around them smile. Because it was Nobunaga Onishu who said this. Of course, there are also unhappy people on the scene, such as those who care, but they can't show it, they can only pretend to be as happy as others.

Ghost Nobunaga lined up the crowd and brought Guren Phoenix to the area where Masaka Matsumoto and I were fighting, and then took out the lumped Luminous Pearl in his hand. "Matsumoto Masaka, you return first, and we will work with you to kill Purple Moon."

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