Although I haven’t seen anything taken out by Nobunaga Onishu, I also know that when I see the facial expressions of Japanese players around me, it’s definitely not a good thing for me, but at this time it’s imposing The manner can never be suppressed.

"A broken bead wants to scare me, do you think I was scared?"

They were obviously taken aback when they heard my answer. I didn't expect that thing could not scare me, but then they thought that maybe I didn't know the purpose of the thing, so I didn't know the reason for fear. Seeing that I was not afraid, Guisou Nobunaga was ruthless and used the dagger he carried with him to dig a small piece of soybean from the thing, and then put the rest away again. I was wondering what he was planning to do, when Guishou Nobunaga suddenly lifted the big bean-sized object in his hand, and then he muttered something silently. With his incantion, the piece of excavated fragment suddenly turned into a large piece of fluorescent light and flew into the air, and then the fluorescent light suddenly divided into many parts. The two larger groups rushed towards Guishou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix respectively. And disappeared on their bodies, while the remaining parts were scattered and injected into the bodies of nearby Japanese players and NPCs.

After seeing the thing scattered into the individual's body, Nobunaga Guishou immediately became proud. "hmph, this time I want to show you how the dead words are written."

"che, just taking a broken bead can't scare me, you think you can scare me by taking drugs now Is it?"

"Okay, I will let you see and see the brilliance of Great God Tian Zhao now." Nobunaga Guishou said that a blue flame suddenly rose on his body, his equipment, skin and The hair quickly fell off in the flames and turned to ashes, and after those things fell off, he suddenly grew out of a set of armor that he had never seen before. It seemed to be much more windy than the previous set. , And there is a very delicate ghost mask on his face. At the same time, the hair that he lost has also grown wildly from his head, but the color is no longer the previous color, but a large piece of silver white. Weird long hair. "Hahahaha, Purple Moon, haven't you seen my Ghost God form yet? I will let you see and see today." At this time, Nobunaga Guishou changed not only his appearance, but also his voice. The original clear male voice changed into one. A metallic vibrato with an echo, as if several people were speaking in harmony.

After Guishou Nobunaga changed, Guren Phoenix, who stood beside him, also had a horrible flame. It was just different from the previous flame. Now the flame on her body has also changed from red to blue. , And the armor on her body has not changed much, except that there is a lot of black rune on the surface, and her armor that was originally big red has become as red and black as tiger skin.

Except for Guren Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga, all the people who were drilled by the powder around, whether it is a player or an NPC, burned a blue flame on their bodies. The difference is only in size. , And their armors and wizard robes have also undergone some changes, but the changes are not large. I feel that the size of the flames and the changes in the equipment of each person are based on the amount of powder allocated. Nobunaga Onizu has the most powder allocated, so not only his armor has changed, but also the person's appearance. Honglian Phoenix got a little bit less, so the armor changes in general, and there is no change in people. The others got the least, so there was only a little more flame on his body, and the armor did not change much.

Although I guessed the relationship between the powder and the equipment changes, I can't figure out who determines the distribution of the powder. According to the current situation, I am the only person Nobunaga has to deal with. Therefore, if possible at this time, one should be strengthened as much as possible, so that face strength with strength has a chance of winning. Assigning the powder to everyone present is obviously not in line with the situation. So I judged that either there is an upper limit for the powder enhancement ability, which is useless if it is too much, or that the thing is not controlled at all, and it is distributed automatically according to certain rules, otherwise the IQ of the ghosts should not be achieved. The decision to distribute the powder to so many people.

After getting that kind of powder enhancement, all the people present became eager to have a try. Obviously they all wanted to try on me how powerful the newly acquired power is, but I It's not going to boost their morale. Before they know the true level of this ability, it is the best policy to directly overcome their self-confidence. But unfortunately, although my thoughts are normal, Nobunaga Onishu didn't give me this opportunity.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, Purple Moon is not an ordinary person. Even if we get the assistance of ghost power, it is not easy to destroy him. Don't hesitate for a while, if there are any tricks for me to use." Although ghost Nobunaga's words slightly shocked everyone's enthusiasm, but they calmed down the Japanese players, and they became even more dangerous if they no longer underestimated the enemy.

Seeing that they had calmed down, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. I quickly moved, and a whirlwind around me instantly returned to the Purple Moon form. Previously, the evil spirit had to be suppressed by the Vulcan Ring before it switched to the Silver Moon form. Now it is necessary to deal with so many people at the same time. The defensive power of the Silver Moon form is obviously not suitable for this kind of thing. It is better to switch back.

After switching the form, I immediately moved towards Nobunaga Guishou and rushed over. The so-called capture of the thief first captures the king. If Nobunaga can get on the ground first, the mobs behind will not be enough. To worry about it.

Seeing that the ghost hand Nobunaga I rushed over was not nervous at all, he directly raised his hand and stretched his palm to me, and then saw his arm slamming backwards like the barrel of a cannon. A blue and white light bullet flew out of his hand like a cannonball and hit my face. After seeing the light bullets, I moved quickly across the sword to block it. I only heard the boom of the light bullet hitting the eternal moment, bursting into a huge blue and white light flame and slipping past my all around. One blow didn't work. Guishou Nobun was not disappointed. I was already very strong. Even if he had been strengthened, he didn't expect one move to beat me in seconds, which is too exaggerated. However, although he couldn't make a single blow, he didn't stop, and the subsequent attacks came like raindrops, forcing me to continuously block his attacks. Seeing this situation, Honglian Phoenix immediately jumped over and planned to take advantage of this opportunity.

I didn’t expect that the ghosts of Nobunaga who turned into the light powder will be so powerful. Although the light bomb can be blocked by me, his continuous firing speed is stunned. Of course, I couldn't spare my hands to take care of others at all, but I had to do it again when I saw Honglian Phoenix skipping over. Fighting for a shot, I suddenly threw away a throwing knives, and the forced Nobunaga had to dodge, but I was also blown out by the shot. Fortunately, the Divine Dragon armor defended me. Yes, although it suffered a frontal detonation, the damage was not large.

At this time, Guren Phoenix had already rushed in front of me. I quickly balanced my figure and raised my sword to stand up Guren Phoenix’s attack. At the same time, I lifted my leg and kicked her flying, taking advantage of the ghost hand. Before Nobunaga had time to launch a light bomb again, I thoughts move, and the wheel of commandment behind it automatically lifted into the sky to disassemble two moon blades and whirled towards Guishou Nobunaga. The ghost hand Nobunaga, who just wanted to suppress me again, was forced by two and a half moons to be completely unable to concentrate on attacking. He could only find a way to deal with half moons, while Guren Phoenix was kicked by me and was hit by the wheel of commandment. The core was blocked. The core that looked like a huge gem with eight sticks in front of Guren Phoenix was constantly moving and blocking her advancement. Any of her attacks had no effect on this thing. If she wanted to go around the core, she would also move to block her path, forcing her to move back and forth but couldn't find a chance to start.

Seeing that the two bosses were blocked, the other Japanese realized that I was planning to deal with them first. When I remembered Nobunaga's previous words, these people no longer hesitate and activated their strongest skills. , All kinds of red, green, white, and black multi-colored attack skills suddenly smashed over like raindrops.

Looking at the flying attack skills, I immediately settled down and held the Eternal Place and turned around. At the same time, the Eternal Sword swept out with the power of horizontal rotation. "Countercurrent-Tornado Sword Burst." A huge purple black fire cloud formed like a roaring sea wave wrapped around the various magical skills that came from flying backwards, and the Japanese players and NPCs who released the skills One by one can only watch their own skills roll back, and instantly overwhelm them in the ocean of energy. After the terrifying storm had wiped out so many people, it went all the way unabated, and finally passed through the crowd and hit the city wall behind them. The city wall built by the Japanese player himself was blown away like a broken fence in a terrifying storm. A section of 30 meters wide was blown away, and the people on the city wall and the materials piled up behind were swept out and hit all the way. The second city wall to the back. The power of the sword explosion that destroyed a city wall continued to blow away without a trace of this city wall until it was blocked by the 3rd city wall behind, but the 3rd city wall was already a wolf. Although the wall did not fall, the City Wall section facing the sword burst was half short. The top bricks were all blown to the bottom of the city wall behind, and the two city walls in front were blown away. The bricks and tiles were scattered on the ground together. There were countless people who were smashed and injured nearby. It is impossible to count the people who died directly, because the dead people are either fragmented or not even left ashes. Players can still wait for them to resurrect. After reporting the number of deaths by himself, the NPC couldn't calculate it at all.

After a super big move, my body inevitably shook twice weakly, and thrust Eternity into the ground before finally stabilizing my figure and not falling down, but look straight ahead through two cities The big ditch on the wall and the horrified eyes of the nearby Japanese players also showed a satisfied smile on my face. The cost of this trick is a bit big, but the effect is really good, at least no one dared to continue to rush up, everyone's courage was destroyed together with their city wall under the blow just now.

"Don't be afraid, he has no magic power, let's go together and kill him!"

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