"High God family?" Honglian Phoenix was visibly taken aback. "I don't know what the High God clan you are talking about is, anyway, my Hellfire Pill is very powerful, so be prepared to die." After talking to me, Honglian Phoenix waved to the red ghost. , Then pointed at me and shouted: "Kill him for me."

"Roar..." The red demon suddenly roared towards the sky, a cloud of fiery-red mist It spurted out of that guy's mouth, followed the evil spirit and looked towards me, then suddenly rushed towards me.

Seeing the evil spirit rushing towards me, I immediately turned Eternal to the side and slammed it horizontally with both hands firmly holding the hilt of the sword. Originally, if it were an ordinary creature, this sword would definitely have no way to survive, but the evil spirit in front of him showed amazing defensive power. Hearing only the sound of a metal bang, the eternal sword slashed on the shoulder of the evil spirit, but it failed to penetrate a single point. My reaction was also very quick. I found that something was wrong and quickly moved my left hand down, dragged the tip of the sword, and turned the blade to withstand the impact of the evil spirit with the sword's spine. But after all, that guy’s body is much bigger than me. Although I blocked his impact, his body was pushed backwards, and the ground under me was plowed out by my feet twice. The deep ditch.

"Roar." After realizing that he was blocked, the evil spirit broke out angry roar again, and then stretched out his claws and patted me on the head. Seeing this situation, I hurriedly pushed myself out of the evil spirit with my hands, and then took advantage of the opportunity of his paw not to take a picture, and then turned from backward to forward in an instant, stepping on the guy's paw all the way to his. Shoulder. The evil spirit noticed that I was climbing on his shoulder and immediately waved another paw to grab me, but I moved faster than him. After climbing on his shoulder, he immediately jumped off his back, but I was not real. He wants to jump over, but avoids his attack. While jumping off his shoulders, I hooked the guy’s neck with my left hand, and threw a big circle behind his back with his neck as the support, and swayed back on his shoulders. At the same time, the Eternal Sword was drawn by my inertia. It was accurately sent into that guy's mouth.

Ding... unexpectedly. The mortal sword didn't have any effect. The guy's mouth was not a weakness, even though I inserted Eternal directly into his mouth, it still didn't produce any effect.

When the evil spirit found something in his mouth, he instinctively closed his mouth and bit it, but eternity is not something as weak as imagined. His big teeth are stuck on eternity and emit a burst of harsh metal The friction sound, but there is no way to hurt eternity.

After discovering that I could not bite for eternity, the evil spirit immediately patted me with two paws alternately. I quickly grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and stepped my legs up on the guy’s chest with the help of my waist. Go up, then kicked hard, and followed me through the gap between the devil's claws with a beautiful back jump. After landing, I immediately jumped up on the spot after an accurate back roll, and I switched to the offensive state again in just one-tenth of a second. Before the evil spirit had any reaction, I rushed up again, this time my goal was not its mouth, but its lower body. After rushing to the demon's side, I suddenly fell to the ground, and my body slid between his legs with the help of inertia, and at the same time, I raised the eternal high to the guy's lower body as a sword. However... the result is the same as the mouth, this guy's body can hardly find any weakness, and with the attack power of the Eternal Sword, it is completely impossible to break the defense.

After slipping from that guy, I jumped on the ground with one hand and put me on alert again, but this time I was not in a hurry to attack again, because Eternal was talking to me. "Master, that guy is the Hellfire Pill. It can be said that it is a knife. I want to cut it with my strength. The probability is not great!"

"What should I do? Give up?"

"Its body is a knife, so you can’t look at it by the standard of ordinary creatures. Defensive power itself is its specialty. We obviously suffer from general attacks, but if we use something else The way to bully it, it might be the starting point."

"I understand what you mean." Although I only said a few words, I already know what Eternal wants to say. The body of this evil spirit is the knife, so physical attacks are useless at all. After all, Eternal has said before that it is very difficult for it to cut the knife. Now although the sword has become an evil spirit, its essence has not changed much. Physical attacks are definitely useless for it, so it must use special power to be effective.

Looking at the evil spirit rushing over again, I suddenly jumped back several times and pulled away from him. Seeing that I took the initiative to avoid, Honglian Phoenix, who was standing aside, finally became proud. "Hahahaha, Purple Moon, do you know that afraid right? My Hellfire Pill is invincible."

"che, invincible ass, this kind of rags means you treat it as a treasure. Today, let me see how I can help you recycle it." I said a whirlwind suddenly blew across my body, and when the whirlwind disappeared, I had switched to the small silver moon state.

Seeing that I changed my number, Guren Phoenix said indifferently: "Don’t think that changing to a mage can treat my Hellfire Pills. Tell you, he is invincible, and you are simply impossible to fight. It’s over him."

"No, in this world there are only attributes, no real invincibility exists. Your Hellyan Pill is really strong, but it's a pity."

"It's a pity?"

"Yes. It's a pity that he is only an accessory of the High God family, not High God itself."

"What do you mean?" Guren Phoenix's instinctive feeling It's a threat.

"It means that his status is under High God."

"So what?"

"Not so, but I happen to be in High God The highest position is under God.” As I said, I stretched out my right hand towards the evil spirit, and then the ring of the Living God on the middle finger of my right hand suddenly lit up, a faint-looking orange red flame. Appeared above the ring. "In the name of Flame God Amoral, I order you to obey my orders and immediately stop attacking me." After hearing my words, Guren Phoenix wanted to sarcasm a few words, who knew she hadn't had time to say it. When she exited, she saw the evil spirit turned into by her Prison Flame Pill and stopped righteously, and it was obviously very scared to see the cowering's movements.

"How is it possible?" Guren Phoenix's original sarcasm turned into a scream. However, she didn't seem to give up. After a short pause, she yelled the evil spirit: "Don't listen to him, attack me."

Honglian Phoenix is ​​his master after all. After hearing the order, the evil spirit immediately pretended to be at me again, but it was just barking his teeth there, and he never dared to take a step forward.

Seeing this, I held the Ring of Vulcan and approached the evil spirit a few steps, and at the same time ordered again: "Don't retreat. Are you despising the authority of Vulcan?"


"Don't listen to him, tear him up for me." Guren Phoenix ordered again.

"Do you dare." I also scolded.

The evil spirit between us is not a retreat or retreat caused by us. They can only move around in that place, and don't know who should listen to. His reason told him that he belonged to the woman behind him and should obey her orders to attack the person in front of him, but his instinct was telling him that this person was noble and inviolable. Not only could he not, but he did not dare to hurt him at all. . Instinct and reason are completely opposite to the conclusions. The evil spirits are completely confused for a while, and can only do it in a hurry.

I smiled and started mocking Guren Phoenix when I saw the evil spirit being scared not knowing what to do. "Is this the true strength you want me to see? Doesn't it look great? Even those who were scared didn't even know that they moved."

"You..." Honglian Phoenix is ​​angry. She was about to vomit blood, but the situation in front of her made her unable to fight back at all. He thought that it could be used as a killing move. Not only did it yield no results, but it didn't dare to move when it was forced by the other party. Not to mention the face, now even the lining is completely lost.

"Since your summon thing doesn't work, then you better stand aside." When I said that, I no longer care about her, but turned to the side of Guishou Nobunaga and walked over. If it weren’t for Guren Phoenix’s troublemaker Nobunaga, I should have been crippled by me, but because of her delay, not only Nobunaga was relieved, but also a large group of Japanese players came to give him a fight. On the sidelines, I was planning to protect him from leaving.

"What do you want to do?" When I found me walking towards Nobunaga on the side, Guren Phoenix immediately stood in front of me.

I ignored her at all. Instead, I said to Nobunaga Guishou behind her: "Nobunaga Guishou, the more you live, the more you return, and you have fallen to the point of hiding behind a woman. You said you still have a fart?"

"hmph, don't be mad." Nobunaga Guishou, who had already calmed down a little bit, was irritated by my two words and came up again. The man who broke away and helped him rushed to Honglian Phoenix and yelled at me: "Even if I confess myself here today, I won't make you feel better."

"I am happy to accompany him, but it's a pity you I don’t seem to be qualified alone! Why not? You and Miss Guren Phoenix will go on it together. Is this way a little bit like this."

Hearing my words, Guren Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga glanced at each other immediately, and then the two were nodded together. Originally, according to our guild’s intelligence, Guren Phoenix and Nobunaga Onishe were not as harmonious as they might appear on the surface, but today’s fighting relationship is not the personal honor of Nobunaga Onishe, but between China and Japan. Interests, so even if Guren Phoenix doesn't want her, she must stand on the united front with Nobunaga Onishu.

I knew they had agreed when I saw that they were nodded, but when I was about to take action to kill them together, Nobunaga Guishou suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute."

"Do you have any last words to explain?" I sarcastically.

"hmph, you will be able to speak quickly. Today I will let you know how it feels to be ravaged by others." As he said, Nobunaga Ghost took out the previous crater. Luminous Pearl came, and the surrounding Japanese players suddenly became excited after seeing this thing. "Purple Moon, are you ready to die?"

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