"Oh? What do you want to bet on?" Seeing that the little girl became angry, everyone asked with a smile to coax the child.

"Betting on other things is not economical, let's just gamble on it. You are all presidents, and you should not be stingy people. It's better to do this: as long as you follow my plan, I guarantee that your guild will be damaged. The ratio will be less than 50 per thousand. If the final result is really lower than this value, then I win, otherwise you win. The loser must pay the winner 1 million crystal coins, and based on this Every time the difference between the upper battle loss ratio and the predetermined value increases by one thousandth, the loser will lose 500,000 more. How about? Does anyone dare to play?"

It was originally amused. The presidents were a little uncomfortable to pick up. If you don't bet with her, you will inevitably be called timid, but it doesn't seem appropriate to bet with her. If they lose, they will lose money. If they win, do they really ask for money from a little girl? In short, they and Su Mei bet that no matter what the outcome is, it's no good, so everyone doesn't know how to pick it up.

"Okay, okay, what is the child's bet?" I broke the embarrassing situation at the scene by aloud. After talking about Sumei, he pretended to reprimand the presidents and said: "So are you, what are you doing, the cute little child? Are you embarrassed? Hurry up, come and listen to our little military advisor's strategy." /p>

Everyone will step down if I interrupt you like this. So Mi, the villain, understands that I won’t let her offend these people. The smart girl didn’t entangle them any more, but just talked about it. Her plan. "In fact, we got the method wrong at first. The national channel is indeed the main channel connecting two countries, so the location is very important. But the location is important does not mean that it is the only way to Japan, we go The Association currently controls the Fulcrum City, which means that we still have a forward base in Japan. Although this passage must be seized, there is absolutely no need for us to fight the Japanese here? Since they have concentrated their forces now Here, why don’t we expand outward from Fulcrum City and push away the Japanese player stronghold at the other end of the national corridor?"

"This...?" The idea of ​​beauty and novelty was stunned. Everyone has been thinking about how to break through the large row of city walls that the Japanese built, so everyone’s thinking has entered a fixed pattern. Now Su Mi suddenly proposed to conduct a reverse assault, which is equivalent to giving us a fan. Xinmen, everyone's thoughts were pulled back in an instant.

"The reverse attack can avoid directly responding to the obstacles of the two national city walls, but the distance between the pivot city and the national passage is not too close? How many cities have to break through to reach the passage on this road What about your mouth? How should this loss be counted?" a careful president asked.

"This shouldn't be considered a loss." Su Mei corrected: "What is the purpose of our attack on the national channel? Isn't it just to occupy those Japanese cities? Now we have our Frost Rose League to help you Part of the Japanese guild forces are dragged here, and the defense on this road will become very weak. You are like skipping the city wall of the most troublesome country and directly attacking the city you want, so good. Do you still hesitate to do so? Besides, in the end, if we can control both ends of the national channel because of the occupied cities, then we can completely avoid attacking the national channel. Transmission inside the national channel is forbidden, we only have to Blocking the two ends can completely starve the people inside and force them to come out and fight with us."

"Zero" has introduced a food system since the first upgrade, whether it is a familiar or an NPC. Both the player and the player need to eat. Except for some special species that do not eat, there are basically no creatures that do not consume food at all. However, because there are a large number of free NPCs in the game that can transport food and assist the Transmission Formation system, it is generally not. People care about food and grass issues. After all, players in the game basically have storage space. In addition, when players use Transmission Formation and other tools, their mobility is very strong, so most people ignore the food and grass issues that are very important in reality. However, the national channel is a special area. In order to prevent someone from using the system loopholes to use Transmission Formation in the national channel for Level 3 jump-type cross-border transmission, the system simply bans the Spatial Teleportation capability of the entire channel, which means that this national channel and reality Similarly, as long as the two ends are sealed, the supply of materials can be completely cut off. There is no food source in the channel itself. Once the food of the large army is exhausted, the battle strength of players and NPCs will begin to decline. If there is no food for more than five days, some people will starve to death. When the time comes, we don’t even need to attack. Just wait a week for both ends and one to collect the corpse.

After trying to understand the key points, the presidents began to discuss enthusiastically, but in the end it was nothing more than the distribution of benefits. After everyone divided their respective areas of responsibility, the problem was thrown away. Give it to us.

"Although we can snatch the Japanese cities over there, what if the Japanese in turn reinforce those cities?" Feng Yin Miaomiao asked on behalf of the other Chinese guild leaders present.

No way, who told us to restore the self-confidence of the Chinese guild this time? We have to do all the things that suffer! "Don't worry, our Frost Rose League will always be watching here on the National Passage. Once we find that the Japanese are trying to mobilize troops from here to reinforce the cities you attack, we will speed up the pace of the offensive and bring the Japanese troops back. Drag it back. If they don't care here, we will turn the feign attack into a full-scale attack, in a spurt of energy, to penetrate the national channel."

"As expected of China's first guild, doing things is courageous." The guild leaders around us all held out their thumbs and praised us, making us very depressed. At this time, I would rather have no courage, but unfortunately the name of this first guild is there, so it’s hard to think about courage. lonely at the top Ah!

After the plan was made, the coalition forces moved immediately. The troops that originally belonged to the major guilds suddenly turned around at the same time and lined up in a neat line and began to run backwards. The positions they vacated were occupied by our guild troops. Quickly made up. However, speaking of which is a defense of the army, it is not as simple as it seems. After the guild’s teams withdrew, we did send people to fill the gap, but the new ones were not ordinary combat troops, but the guild’s most elite Frost Legion.

This Frost Legion is a troop formed by our Frost Rose Alliance some time ago. The members are all the peak players in the guild and high level NPCs. Basically, there is no one in this troop. It is an easy-to-handle unit. Of course, in line with the consistent characteristics of the Frost Rose League, the equipment of this unit is also exaggerated. Just like every country has the strongest knife force, this Frost Legion is our knife force of the Frost Rose League, a super force specially used to gnaw bones. In order to form this troop, Rose was distressed to death. Not to mention that the number of this troop is only about three-fifths of the other troop's, but the cost is more than three times that of the general troop. Good troops are piled up with money, and this sentence is true.

If it is a general guild to carry out this kind of withdrawal behavior, the enemy on the opposite side will definitely find abnormalities and guess the other side’s movements, but because of our perfect operation, the Japanese guesses are completely the same as the actual situation. on the contrary.

"Chairman, the Chinese on the opposite side seems to be retreating?" A commander said aloud.

Guishou Nobunaga stared at our troops on the opposite side, which was constantly in motion. After watching for a while, his brows became more frowning, until the person next to him thought that he hadn’t heard him and was about to give a reminder again. He just said: "They are not retreating, but adjusting their troops."

"Adjusting troops?" his subordinate looked towards the front team in confusion.

Seeing that his men didn’t understand, Nobunaga Guishou explained again: "Did you see it? The newly tuned troops are obviously elite. It seems that the Chinese are planning to attack."


The staff of several ghost hands Nobunaga echoed one after another: "Yes, the chairman said it is reasonable. This country has limited access to transmission, and has this invincible city wall and channel structure. Their air force They can’t perform their due role, and there is no other way except for the attack. Seize every opportunity is not working here."

As mentioned by these staff, others also think that there is Reasons are catering to one after another, but Nobunaga Guishou is not as excited as they are, because although it is guessed that we probably won't throw tricks, even if we attack, it is not fun. The previous three fortresses did not play a role in depleting the strength of our army, but now the top of the front is the elite of the guild. Nobunaga on the road is very clear about how powerful this kind of sharp-sword force is costly. Once they move When he got up, Oniji Nobunaga doubted whether the morale of the Japanese players could stop the first wave of attacks. If the opponent breaks through the defense in the first wave, even if there are twelve city walls thereafter, it will be useless. It's not that easy to restore morale after it's lost.

"Well, don’t be too happy too early. Even if there is no trick, the strength of the Frost Rose Alliance cannot be underestimated. You immediately order the people below to pull yourself together, if anyone The defense section was the first to be breakthrough, I want him to look good when I go back."

"Yes." Nobunaga Guishou spoke directly, and the others naturally didn't dare to say anything, they promised to go on and deliver orders. NS. However, compared to the mood of these commanders, the first-line Japanese players are not very optimistic. They also noticed the changes in the opposing lineup. Standing on the city wall, it’s strange that Japanese players, who are obviously much better than before, can be happy, but now the battle is inevitable, and there is no other idea except for hoping that we can hold on for a while.

When everyone around had left to convey the order, Nobunaga Guishou took out a huge purple pearl from his body. This thing is not the same as ordinary Luminous Pearl, except that it is significantly larger, and its surface is not halo. The cratered surface looks like a meteorite burned by the atmosphere. But for Oniju Nobunaga, this thing is extremely precious, because this is where his confidence in this battle lies.

"As long as you are here, we will severely damage the Frost Rose League in this battle." Nobunaga Guishou said to himself as he stroked the pearl.

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