Nobunaga, who hesitated for a long time, finally failed to make up his mind to use the secret weapon. After all, it can only be used once, and the side effects are huge. The casualties were heavy, but the Japanese were definitely not getting better.

Because Nobunaga did not approve the use of the final weapon, the helpless Japanese players can only use the most common melee combat with our army, but this kind of battle is simply a one-sided war. There are a large number of high-level NPCs in front of the Chinese players, and there are mobile angels as the assault point in the front. The Japanese players who are rushed by the mobile angels simply have no formation at all, even if they are not hacked to death by the mobile angels. When encountering the NPCs and Chinese players behind, they can only fight hard against the Chinese players. However, in the one-to-many situation, the Japanese players will still suffer even if they are the best. In the end, they can only be helpless one by one. Knocked to the ground.

With the steady advancement of our team, the Japanese players’ defense line has become more and more chaotic. The helpless Guishou Nobunaga can only order step by step to shrink the defense line, and the team retreats and retreats. At last, he was forced to withdraw all the troops from the three Fortress City from the city and concentrate on the entrance of the national passage located in the center of the three fortresses.

This national channel is something similar to the Transmission Gate established by the system after the start of the national war, and its location is semi-random. The initial channel will be set by the system at the balance point of the national battle strength. Basically, this process can be imagined as converting all the battle strengths in the country into weight, and then finding its center of gravity. This center of gravity is the exit of the national channel. However, this exit does not mean that it will always be fixed here, but that it can be changed. The premise of the change is that a special mission issued by the system must be completed, and the player who completes the mission must be a player with the nationality of the country, and there must be a domestic bank with no less than one ten-thousandth of the total number of players in the country. The application will be provided, and the system will give the task scroll only after the guild applies. Otherwise, even if you want to do the task, you will not be able to get the task scroll by yourself.

The nature of the national channel is actually equivalent to a transmission tunnel, which is not the same as the Transmission Gate. Although the two ends of the tunnel are connected to two points, there is actually a transition area in the middle. Like the Transmission Gate, one step over and you are on the opposite side.

The national passage between China and Japan is a rocky tunnel about five kilometers long. It looks like a natural mountain tunnel that has not been rehabilitated, and the tunnel exits on both sides are indeed on the mountain. It's just that after crossing it, I didn't walk out from the other side of the mountain, but went to another country.

Because this passage connects two countries, it has become a battleground for soldiers after the beginning of the national war. Therefore, a city wall was built at each end of the passage. After the Japanese players withdrew from the fortress, they all concentrated in the passage behind the City Wall section, but our troops did not rush in. Siege is actually the battle method that most depends on the special ability. Special strategies or weapons are used. This kind of battle can achieve a very low casualty rate or even zero casualties. If it is not done well, it will cost a lot of life. A City Wall section can swallow thousands of troops. It can be said that this kind of place is a real dangerous place.

Previously, Nobunaga Guishou intended to use the city walls of the three fortresses and the layers of defense lines constructed within the city to consume our human resources step by step. According to his ideas, we continue to attack. They have plans. Step by step to give up the line of defense and retreat, always keep us in a state of siege, so that our casualties will inevitably rise. It’s just that he didn’t expect that we would use mobile angels for breakthroughs. As a result, the defensive battle turned into encounters. The casualties on our side and the casualties on the Japanese side were less than one to one. Our average loss is one. If you are a famous player or NPC, Japan will have to lose more than one player or NPC. It’s no wonder Guishou Nobunaga is depressed. However, now they have withdrawn to the national channel, so with the help of the external city wall, we have entered the siege warfare mode again. If we rush now, the casualties will be amazing. Chinese players who have tasted the benefits of the special attack method before. Naturally, they will not be stupid at this time and rush forward, without us having to stop them and stop by themselves.

In fact, Nobunaga Guishou has a headache. I also have a headache. Ordinary Chinese players don’t understand the situation. Seeing that we easily crossed the defense of the three Japanese fortresses, I thought it would be smooth sailing in the future. In fact, the situation is simply That's not the case.

There is indeed a city wall on both sides of the country passage, but that thing is simply not built by the player, but automatically generated by the system. However, it is not the same as the buildings in the NPC city automatically generated by the system. The city wall at both ends of the national passage is not only durable than a normal city wall, but also can be automatically repaired. Isinger’s city wall is scary enough for average players, but that’s mainly because Isinger’s city wall is so thick that it is almost as thick as a hill and the defensive power height is normal. However, the country’s city wall in front of us is different. The actual thickness of this kind of city wall blocking the national passage is only 50 meters, which is quite thick compared to the average city wall, but the total defense value of this 50-meter thick city wall is as high as 100 million. This value is more than three times the defense value of Isengard’s city wall. If you want to penetrate such a city wall, you must use a super weapon. And so far it seems that when most countries plan to fight through this channel, they choose to directly climb the city wall to attack. No one has ever thought of blowing this city wall down. After all, the defense value is really scary. Basically, as long as people with normal minds see the value, they won't think about it anymore.

Originally, the country’s city wall is one for each country on both sides, which mainly defends against attacks from the opposing country, but the system sets this city wall as a city wall that can adjust its direction, and the occupier only needs to pay a certain amount of money. You can turn the city wall and use it to defend the country originally protected by it. Now the Japanese have adjusted the city wall on this side of our country, and even if we break through this city wall, there are at least ten city walls built by the Japanese themselves in the back passage, and those city walls There is also a Japanese city wall behind it, which means that we have to continuously break through more than ten city walls to go through, and one of the two city walls is almost invincible.

In fact, in addition to the wall problem, the national channel itself is also a trouble. The biggest advantage of our guild is the air force and long-range firepower, and the national channel is a tunnel, and the surrounding rock walls and ceiling are invincible, which means that this place has height restrictions. Because of this cave roof, our air force simply cannot be deployed, and the formidable power will be greatly restricted, and the long-range cannons are mostly lobes. The shells must be hit to a certain height to fly out enough arc to reach the maximum range. , Now there is a cave top blocking, all the cannons are restricted by the elevation angle, and they can't reach the maximum range at all.

Because we understand that we are subject to relatively large restrictions in the national channel, we did not take advantage of the pursuit. Otherwise, although it can reduce the preparation time of the Japanese, it will also restrict our own battlefield performance. It is more cost-effective to reorganize the team below.

When the war progressed to the wee hours of the morning, both sides had adjusted their troops again, but now the mood and actual situation of both sides are exactly the opposite. The players on our side are generally more optimistic, because the previous battle can be said to be too smooth. The casualties of the offensive team in the siege were actually lower than the defending team. This is definitely a big victory, so our side The morale of the players can be described as high. However, although the players on our side are very excited, the actual situation is that the city wall defense in front of us is almost invincible. Coupled with the channel that restricts our expertise, our actual situation is not optimistic. At present, we have only two advantages, that is, the morale is high, and there are more family members than each other. The situation in Japan is just the opposite to ours. Because the three Fortress City cities were lost too quickly, many Japanese players were kicked out of the city without realizing what was going on. In addition, the casualties were many times higher than expected. The morale of Japanese players can be raised up to be ghosts. However, because the situation on both sides of our battle is opposite, our disadvantage is the advantage of the Japanese, so in fact the situation is not as bad as the Japanese players imagined, at least they have not yet reached the point of defeat. After all, the next terrain has obvious advantages for them, and the secret weapon in Nobunaga's hand hasn't been overworked yet.

"This is the situation now." The God of War analyzed our current strengths and weaknesses on the battlefield, while the heads of the guilds present were overheated by successive victories. It's cold.

"With more than a dozen city walls, how can the Japanese be so perverted?" A president couldn't help but said.

Military God corrected and said: "To be exact, it should be thirteen. The national city walls at both ends of the passage, plus the eleven city walls built by the Japanese themselves, can be said to be in this five-kilometer-long passage It’s wall after wall. Even if we have a tricky breakthrough or two, we still have to fill in the rest of the horror."

"Fill in." A larger guild leader He said: "Anyway, we have a lot of people. When we fought fortresses, we could have left so many people. We already made money. We can't count on undead people in war, right?"

"But that's 13 walls. A female president said: "Calculating the number of our people, we have to find ways to reduce casualties as much as possible! If the loss is really too great, we may not have the stamina to expand the results when we attack the exit from Japan. The Frost Rose League is an international large-scale guild. There may not be a chance to focus all attention on the Sino-Japanese battlefield like this time. If you don’t use this opportunity to expand the results, it will be difficult to expand in the future. That's it!"

"In fact, it is not impossible to want small casualties." Su Mei suddenly said such a sentence, and the eyes of a group of guild leaders at the scene instantly focused on her. Although everyone knows that this little loli is the chief military advisor of our Frost Rose League, most people think that it is just a position to coax a little child. Few people really believe that this little girl who is only a teenager can do anything good. Method. "You don't believe it, do you?" Probably after seeing everyone's thoughts, Su Mei suddenly said: "Then let's make a bet?"

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