"Aiya, everyone is a subordinate of Celestial Court, do you want this small amount of money?" I deliberately pretended to be very indifferent while patted hard on a scholar Shoulders. In fact, this is not a simple slap, because I took the opportunity to read out the attributes of this guy. The character type of a scholar is Divine Immortal, which means that he has a divine force, but this is useless for me, but it will allow me to get twice the normal battle strength. In the latter aspect of the attribute, the strength of a scholar is much stronger than me, but considering that my attribute has to be doubled against Divine Race, then the actual battle strength of this guy may be comparable to mine. The only thing that needs attention is the baby. According to those heavenly soldiers, this guy is a typical cheapskate, stingy is light, and the geese go and leave the hair is the true description of him, so this guy has a lot of good things in his hands. Unlike the Divine Items of the European Divine Race, almost all of the high level Divine Items of the Eastern Divine Race are fully automatic, so most Divine Immortal can use multiple Magical Artifacts at the same time, but rarely see the European Divine Race Who will bring a lot of offensive Divine Item. But I'm not afraid of these things. Anyway, he has magic weapons and I have magic familiars, which are considered to have hidden power. Besides, if he doesn't have magic weapons, I won't come.

The literary man seemed a little angry when I was filmed like this, but he quickly held back, still politely saying, "Aiya, it’s really not big money for a great character like you. , But poor people like us can’t compare it. If you find it bothersome, I can pick it up. If you don’t want to count, you can just give me a whole number." On the contrary, it has increased the price for me! "Hahahaha, a Fellow Daoist Wen is really funny. Although we have not seen it before, I have heard of the name Fellow Daoist in Celestial Court! Everyone says you are the most family property in the Celestial Court. Rich, how can you be poor! If even you are considered poor, do we really poor people still have to live?" Seeing that he is about to speak again, I hurriedly said: "Aiya is right. I’ve forgotten the business!"

Seeing that I am proud of this and he almost poured it out of the same mold, and he also knew that this so-called "medical expenses" probably couldn’t be collected, so he didn’t take it back anymore. Hold it down. However, the main reason for him to give up so quickly was not my difficulty, but the "business" I said later. According to the understanding of a literary scholar, since I have a business deal with him, I naturally have to pay a little hard work. Even if I am a stingy person like him, the hard work cannot be rejected. It was precisely because he was worried about the hard cost in his heart that he took the initiative not to pay for the medical expenses in advance. Anyway, this hard cost would definitely not be lower than that of the medical expenses.

"I don't know if the President Purple Moon needs Poor Daoist's service?"

"In fact, it is not a major event, this can be said for a while, anyway, it is not in a hurry. "My words made a literary scholar's heart chuckle. I gave up medical expenses for nothing before, but now I hear that things are not important. Wouldn't the hard work be small? However, Yi Wen Taoist did not show it, because he later decided that even if the task was not important, he would have to pay a lot of hard work. I saw his expression change a while, as if he had made up his mind, and then said: "Actually, I have always heard people say that Fellow Daoist Wen's Taoism is very superb, and I am a martial artist, and I like to find someone to learn and improve. Strength, so I want Fellow Daoist to give pointers today.” Seeing the sudden turn of the Wen Daoist’s expression, I quickly said without saying: “Of course, the time of a Fellow Daoist Wen is also very precious. You can’t let Fellow Daoist work in vain. No?" As I said, I took out a huge celestial stone. "This is a little gift I brought to a Fellow Daoist Wen. It can be regarded as preventing Fellow Daoist from working hard for nothing?" It is cloudy to fine, and there is a tendency for the sun to shine. This thing is very rare, and one thing is very important. It can not only greatly increase the mana strength, but also directly increase the divine force. So for Divine Race, this thing is more useful than general supplements, and more importantly, this The gadget has no side effects at all. Unlike ordinary mana-enhancing medicines, they have to retreat and have a solid foundation. After absorbing this thing, it is just like the mana trained by oneself, and there will be no problem of unstable foundation at all. It is precisely because of this advantage that the Celestial Crystal is almost one of the most important mana boosting items of Divine Race, and the one I took out, its volume is considered to be large in the Celestial Crystal, so it is a master of art. There will be such exaggerated changes in expressions.

"Aiya, how is this embarrassing?" A scholar said sorry, but he almost grabbed the sky crystal in his hand, and his entire face was overflowing. With a smile from the heart, a normal reaction of a wealthy fan after seeing a pile of treasures.

"Since Fellow Daoist likes it, what should we discuss...?"

"No problem, no problem." Anyway, it's just a fight. Although a scholar of scholars is stingy and stingy, But he doesn't care about fighting with people. Anyway, it won't be terrible to learn from each other. If you get hurt, you can continue to blackmail medical expenses, so Yiwen Taoist has no plan to refuse this.

When I saw the other party’s plan, I immediately started to plan for the next step. The Divine Immortal in Celestial Court knows that I am also a scammer. Can I take the things I give? While Yiwen Taoist was still wiping the celestial stone the size of an ostrich egg in his arms, I suddenly took out another celestial stone the size of a basketball and threw it up and down. The eyes of Yiwen Taoist suddenly glanced over like a locating radar, and then his whole head continued to move up and down along with my throwing. After seeing that the attention of the Taoist priest has been completely attracted by this huge celestial crystal, I said again: "hehe, it’s boring to learn from each other. Besides, the celestial crystal just now is not enough to offset your hard work, just in case. If there is a bump or something, you still need some medical expenses, right?"

Listen to me, this giant celestial crystal seems to be the medical expenses. Naturally, a scholar will not refute me. Then, my head immediately followed the installation of a vibration switch. "Yes, yes."

"But, I also know that I will let you take you for nothing. After all, this thing is too valuable. Divine Immortal like you is naturally not. I took my Tianjing for nothing without my conscience." Seeing that he was about to interrupt again, I hurriedly said: "But if I don't give it to me, I'm sorry." Hearing this sentence, the scholar immediately laughed again, and said just now. Also swallowed back. But I went on to say: "Well then, if you take out some magic weapon or something, we will treat it as a block. You can rest assured, that is, take a form. Although it is a discussion, in fact, I want you to guide you. My fighting skills, you are a Divine Immortal, and I, a mortal, must not be able to beat you."

Of course a literati is not a fool. When I said this, I immediately realized that I was not going to give him away for nothing. Jing, it's just that he doesn't think I seem to be a baby who intends to lie to him. After all, from his point of view, I am a mortal who wants to beat him. Divine Immortal is indeed a bit of a fantasy story.

Seeing that he hasn't made up his mind yet, I immediately stimulated him: "A Fellow Daoist Wen is not worried that I will win the baby away, right?"

"How is it possible?" Yiwen Daoist naturally can’t be subdued because of his face, he immediately said forcefully: “I’m also Divine Immortal!”

“Oh, then, in that case, please ask Fellow Daoist to bring out a treasure too, and then Hurry up and teach me?"

"Okay, follow me to the Martial Practice Stage." After reaching the Martial Practice Stage, a scholar immediately took out a small velvet pocket from his body, but then he A golden washbasin was poured out of it. "I use this for gambling money."

"What is this?"

"Huh? You don't know?" A scholar looked at me in surprise, and then said:" This is the Treasure Gathering Pot. No matter what kind of gem it is, as long as you put it in the basin, the basin will automatically absorb the free mana between Heaven and Earth and condense a gem that is exactly the same."

Although it sounds pretty strong, I didn’t immediately agree. After all, a scholar is famous for his stinginess. I don’t believe that he would be so generous to take such a good thing with me, even if he thinks himself. Sure victory is also impossible, at least he won't take it out as soon as he comes up. "Is this all the attributes? Are there any restrictions? For example, how long can I use it only once, or the setting time?"

When I asked a scholar, I simply didn’t answer, I just changed I put the Treasure Gathering Pot away and took out another baby and said, "It seems that you don't like the Treasure Gathering Pot, then I'll change it." The look of him clearly made me right. That thing definitely has a huge flaw. , Maybe it takes a few months to synthesize a gem, that speed is almost the same as nothing. The treasure that the scholar who put away the Treasure Gathering Pot took out again was a whip. The handle of the whip was golden light and it seemed to be made of gold. There were also a lot of gems inlaid on it, which looked like a piece. artwork. Connected to the front of the handle is a red soft whip that is several meters long. It is not made of any material, but the obvious magical fluctuations on it prove that this thing is not ordinary. As if to prove that this is indeed a good thing, Yiwen Taoist took out this thing and was stunned for a while. I guess he probably touched something wrong, so that he was stunned for a while, but this guy is quite cheeky. Shameless, I stretched out my hand to push the thing back, thanks to my eye sickness, I quickly held it down.

"You don’t need to bother to change it. Fellow Daoist is definitely not a normal product. I'll take this whip and use it as a bet."

"But ......!"

"Aiya, it's just a formality, Fellow Daoist don't care." After I finished speaking, I grabbed the whip and placed it on the edge of the field with the sky crystal. , And then opened the posture and started to make moves, without giving a scholar of scholar any opportunity to refute. Hehe, this time I will let you know what scraping is.

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