"Are you talking about that adult?" Another heaven soldier grabbed the heaven soldier and asked.

"Of course, who else is there besides him?" asked the heavenly soldier who had come up with a solution.


Something seemed to be a problem. The two heavenly soldiers started quarreling about whether to find this person for help. Other heavenly soldiers joined later. After the argument, I was dizzy because of the noise, and finally I couldn't help but yelled: "I should be quiet!" The voice stopped abruptly, and a large group of heavenly soldiers looked at me in surprise. "Is it the time for a fight? You don't want to die?" The heavenly soldiers who were scolded by me so reacted, and they all knew that they could not have conflicts at this time, otherwise everyone would be finished together, but they still did not distinguish between them. . I simply pointed to the heavenly soldier who first said the idea of ​​a solution. "You, that's you. You talk about your method first."

The heavenly soldier first glanced at his opposing companion, and then said: "There is a Loose Immortal living on Sky Pillar Mountain. Because he is not on Investiture of the Gods, he does not have a heavenly position, but his mana is not under the authentic Divine Immortal of Celestial Court. This person has a soul-chasing incense in his hand, which can produce a kind of Purple Moon smoke after being ignited. Just hold the incense If the person thinks about someone with all his strength, the smoke will naturally drift towards where the person is. No matter where the person is or where it is hidden, as long as the person's soul is not dissipated, he will definitely be found."< /p>

I nodded, and then I pointed to the second heavenly soldier who spoke later. "His method sounds good, why do you want to stop it?"

"You don't know, Master Purple Moon, that Loose Immortal is named Yi Wen Dao Ren, which means that even if it is a penny, he will not Let it go, it can be said to be a land scraping expert. If you ask him to do something, people will definitely be able to find it, but the cost..."

"I rely on, there is this kind of Divine Immortal What does he want so much money for?"

"In fact, a scholar does not ask for money. It is just a way of saying that he cares about others for a penny. In fact, as long as he feels it is good, whether it is money or Treasure, and even a promise can be traded."

"Putting it that way, this guy is really different, but besides him, it seems that you can’t think of anyone who can help. We are here. There is no other way now. I will look for it first. If the price is right, it may not be impossible to trade."

"Then you must be careful!"

"Don't worry. Tell you how to find him."

With the map drawn by the heavenly soldiers, I first teleported to a small city near Sky Pillar Mountain, and replaced it directly when I got out of the city. Asuka flew into the mountains. Because the heavenly soldiers always go from high to high, they also draw aerial maps, which seem to be more intuitive. Soon I found a small Cave Mansion among the lofty mountains. From a distance, it is a mountain like a sky pillar. Although the location is the same, the height is much higher than that of the Sky Pillar Mountain in reality. The cylindrical mountain peaks extend upwards almost at a vertical angle, and there is no grass at all. The entire mountain peak is full of cliffs. Except for flying creatures, I don't think even monkeys can climb up.

On the peak full of cliffs, there is a place that is very conspicuous. It is a natural stone platform protruding from the cliff wall, but the stone platform is not natural. . There is a circle of stone railings on the edge of the stone platform, and the platform is not only artificially leveled, but also paved with floor tiles. A huge incense burner over three meters high stood in the center of the platform. Although there was no fire in the incense burner, it flashed red and yellow. Behind the incense burner, which is the inner side of the platform, is a flat stone wall, and in the center of the stone wall is a three-meter-high vermilion lacquered copper nail beast ring door. There is also an Eight Trigrams Mirror hanging on the door. Knowing that this is definitely not the place where the monsters live, it was almost as though a sign with Divine Immortal was nailed on the door.

"Is anyone there?" After the takeoff bird landed on the platform lightly, I started shouting from afar.

Before I walked to the door, the door creaked and opened by itself, and a Small Daoist Child who appeared to be only twelve or thirteen years old came out of it. When I was about to open my mouth to speak, the Dao Child didn't expect that Dao Child even said, "Didn't my Master say it? You only start sending tasks after 10 o'clock in the morning every day. Why are you running here so early in the morning?" Listen to that Dao Child said that, I knew he had made a mistake, and was about to explain. Who knew he asked and answered himself first: "Oh, I see, you want to bribe my Master to get a good job. Tell you , The tasks are marked by price. You can get the starting price if you want to reward the tasks that are generous and easy to do. Don’t expect my Master to open the back door for you alone."

Look at me again to explain Dao Child stretched out his hand again to speak first, only to find that I suddenly turned into black air and disappeared in place, and then suddenly appeared in front of him and covered his mouth. The startled Small Daoist Child stared at him. Eyes are average.

"Shhh..." I used my other hand to make a silent motion against my mouth. "Listen to me, okay?" Looking at Small Daoist Child's nodded eyes with horror, I continued: "I am Purple Moon, the 11th Temple King Yama in Celestial Court. I didn't come to take the task. Do you understand?" Seeing that little fellow was nodded again, I let him go and knocked on his head: "Hurry up and report?"

After being knocked by me, Small Daoist Child quickly turned his hands on his forehead and turned around. He ran into the gate, but waited for a long time for Heavenly God to come out, but a group of Taoists rushed out of the gate, none of them looked like Divine Immortal. The Small Daoist Child I knocked on before followed the Taoist priests and rushed out to the door, then pointed at me and shouted: "It's him, call me."

"Hey..." I As soon as I explained, the Taoist priest next to me started to move first, and immediately moved his hands without letting me speak. I originally planned to explain, but the other party made a very ruthless move, and almost wiped my face when I didn't take the initiative to fight back, and had already forced me to the edge of the platform, and then I would have to jump off the cliff. Although this time I am here to ask for help, it is not my habit to be popular. In anger, I violently pulled out the Eternal Sword, swung it fiercely, and flicked it before the line. The blood light flashing on the sword dyed the group of Taoist priests in panic and walked away. It is a pity that people would let the incense burner in the center of the platform, but would not let it, just listen to the bell ringing, that beautiful big incense burner was divided into two and fell to both sides.

"You, you...you dare to break the Master's incense burner!" One of the many Taoist priests besieging me, who was obviously like a leader, pointed at me and yelled angrily. "Bokin wire array." As the guy shouted, all the Taoist priests suddenly turned around me, and quickly forced me to the position where the incense burner was before, and they formed a circle outside. . After the formation was completed, the guy who first shouted suddenly moved, and the other Taoist priests followed suit. Soon a golden connection line was established between them, which looked like a big net. I was stuck in the middle. "Haha, let's see how you run."

"Who told you I was going to run?" I suddenly thrust the Eternal Sword into the ground. "The thunder shines." A heavenly thunder dropped from the sky to the hilt of the Eternal Sword and was guided into the ground by the sword body, followed by a circle of blue electric shock halo bursting along the ground, and the group of Taoist priests around me called out pitifully and fell backwards almost at the same time. Flying out and falling in all directions. "Who wants to come again?" I asked loudly, looking at the Taoist priests lying around.

"You, you...!" The Small Daoist Child pointed at me before moving back.

"It is said that the king is so hard to see the kid, didn't expect me, the living king, was really blocked by the kid." I said and walked to the Small Daoist Child who held him with one hand. The leader lifted him up and walked in the Cave Mansion.

We walked through a short passage at the entrance of Cave Mansion and entered a hall, but we hadn't walked two steps before we suddenly heard the Small Daoist Child yell. "Master, help me, this wicked man will kill Master and us!"

"Tongzi, don't talk nonsense, this is the president of the Frost Rose League, the general liaison officer of Celestial Court, the 11th mansion King Yama Purple Moon, I’m a Celestial Court subordinate, what do you do to kill me?"

"Huh?" The little boy fainted as soon as he heard the words of the Master, although he had a wicked complaint before. Meaning, but it was based on the premise that I was a liar. Now that he knew that I was really the 11th Temple King Yama, he immediately wilted. After all, Yama is a member of Celestial Court. He is just a Small Daoist Child received by the Master. Naturally it is not comparable to Hades.

I put the Small Daoist Child on the ground easily, and cupped the hands towards the scholar in front of me with a smile. "There were some misunderstandings outside just now, but I have no choice but to hurt Dao Child. Don’t be offended."

This is just a polite remark. Under normal circumstances, people will not bother me, but I Obviously, the shameless degree of a scholar is wrong. This guy immediately said with a smile when I said that, "No blame, no blame, anyway, it’s just injured, not killed, and it’s fine to cultivate for a period of time. You and I belong to Celestial Court, so how can I want you? But having said that, after all, my disciplines were injured by you. You must be responsible for the treatment, right? But don’t worry, I am good at medical treatment, so I can handle it by myself. It’s just the medicine ingredient for this treatment. It’s not easy. You need to spend some money to acquire it. You can just give me three to five million crystal coins. I will collect the medicine by myself, so you don’t need to bother."

I have seen shameless, no I've seen such shameless people, and they ask me for money so directly. I used to scrape the land with others, but there are still people scraping it on my head! Humph, scraping land is a technical job, not shameless alone.

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