Because there is only one minute left, the Tathagata is finally red eyes and is about to work hard. After the light and shadow in the sky merge with his original weight, the body of the Tathagata begins to swell and grow rapidly. It quickly became a height of tens of meters, and it was still the height he sat on the lotus platform. If he stood up, he didn't know how high it would be.

While the Tathagata keeps getting bigger, Dipankara next to him and another ancient Buddha are also performing the same actions. After a large number of Avatars gathered on them, these two guys also began to expand continuously. It grew bigger, and soon three ancient Buddhas about the same size as ours turned into three majestic golden colossus. Without attacking, the huge pressure alone almost made us all lie on the ground.

"Tathagata, do you really intend to bullied the weak to ravage a player's guild like us?" Although I know the probability is not great, I still try to persuade the Tathagata to give up, otherwise as long as he attacks us It's all over. The Contract City is absolutely unable to withstand the blow of the Tathagata.

"hmph, it's useless to beg for mercy now. I will let you know the true strength of Divine Race." As I said, I suddenly stretched out the big hand like a football field and patted it at me, watching I don’t even think about hiding the volume of that thing, because even if I can avoid it, Heavenspan Pagoda will definitely be shot down. When the time comes, we still lose. However, just as the hand was about to shoot the top of our heads, and everyone nearby sat on the ground in shock, a huge roar suddenly frightened the Tathagata palm.

"Bold Tathagata, dare to blatantly break the rules I am waiting for, do you not punish you as the rules for decoration?"

The roar was thunderous, Not only us, but even the Tathagata shuddered by the sound, but at this time, we couldn't see where the sound came from. It felt as if there were sound sources everywhere in all directions.

"hmph, do you think a louder voice can bluff me? Purple Moon, you are really naive!" Tathagata thought that I made the roar to scare him, although at first he was indeed I was taken aback, but now it was obviously slowing down, and the hand shot us again, but the sound rang again before he took the shot.

"It seems that you have decided to be stubborn to the end. It's no use waiting for a disobedient idiot to stay." The voice suddenly paused at this point, and then suddenly rose from the ground. An earth-yellow ball of light, after rising out of the ground, it flew straight towards me, scared me and hurried back to hide, but the speed of the thing suddenly accelerated, and it immediately hit my chest. However, it was expected However, the situation in the middle did not appear. After the ball of light hit me, it only made me disappear in a flash, and the voice continued to speak, but the object became me. "Purple Moon, now I will lend you the power of creation temporarily, and teach me a lesson about this Tathagata, give you a quarter of an hour, and then the divine force will automatically disappear, I will go first."

"Hey, who are you?" I hurriedly asked when the other party was about to leave, but the other party did not answer me, but I already guessed who it was. Since the other party doesn't take the Tathagata seriously, and even named me to teach the Tathagata, it means that the other party is stronger than the Tathagata, and even a little bit of power can let me easily handle the Tathagata. Considering this strength of strength, only High God can enter the ranks of candidates, and since the other party said that it is the power of creativity, then the identity of the other party does not need to be guessed anymore. "Great God Pangu, many thanks." Regardless of whether the other party heard it or not, I yelled first, but the people nearby were all taken aback.

Tathagata laughed heartily proudly. "Hahahaha...Purple Moon, you guy is better dressed up as God, playing the Devil than us, even Great God Pangu is out, you really know how to make up!"

"hmph, true or false. I’ll know if I hit false.” Suddenly, my wings rose to in midair. I stood face to face with the Tathagata, and then stretched out one hand to the side. Eternity automatically flew into my hand and began to grow gradually, and finally turned into a one. Handle one more than a hundred meters long strange giant sword, because only the blade has changed, but the width has not changed, so the current eternity looks like a long whip. After completing the process of getting longer, my wrist shook suddenly, and Eternity was automatically out of touch into the form of a whip sword and softened, but as my arm waved, the blade seemed to suddenly come alive and rolled towards Tathagata.

Seeing my hair-like whip sword that was "thin" to him, the Tathagata didn't mean any fear. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the blade, but then there was a scream, Tathagata Suddenly, his fingers were cut off all of a sudden, and Golden's blood sprayed out like a fountain crazily.

"How is it possible?" Tathagata cried out in surprise.

"There is nothing impossible." I said indifferently: "The one just now was simply not the trust I found, and that is the Great God Pangu himself. Now I control the power of creation, which means I can transform to nothingness into tangible, or tangible into nothingness. Now the law attached to my sword is the law of nothingness. Anything that touches it will become nothingness, so-get ready to die." I suddenly waved The eternal came up again, but this time Tathagata did not dare to pick it up, but turned into a lotus flower and threw it at me. Seeing the lotus flower approaching, I directly waved the eternal whip and whipped it up. There was no blast of fire or harsh sound, as if the tofu was slashed with a knife, the golden lotus instantly divided into two and fell to the ground.

Seeing his weapon being shot down, Tathagata screamed in grief: "My Grade 9 Golden Lotus! You bastard, I want you to pay for my life!"

"Not yet awake Is it? Then I will hit you until you are awake." I suddenly whipped Eternity, and then rushed forward with a violent acceleration.

Although the Tathagata saw me rushing over, he didn’t know what to do. Although he always claimed that the Pangu was a fake, he had witnessed the eternal sharpness with his own eyes, so he saw the eternal he rolled over again. simply dare not touch. But Tathagata is also an old world. Although he didn't participate in the war much after becoming the boss, his strength was there after all, and he still had basic experience. Knowing that he couldn't touch Eternity, he directly set the target on me, raised his hand and shot a golden light and rolled it towards me.

"It seems that you still don't understand!" I stretched forward with one hand, and an air shield suddenly appeared in front of my palm. The golden light shot on the shield as if it had penetrated a black hole. Usually disappeared in an instant. When the golden light disappeared, my hand was also put down, and the shield automatically disappeared. "Do you understand now? The power of creation generates all things, and the attacking power you manipulate is also among all things. Unless you can attack me with a presence beyond this world, everything is in vain." I said here by the way. After looking at the time, he said: "The last five seconds, get ready to die."

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