"Really didn't expect to fold us so many experts in your hands." The man standing between us said. This guy is pretty much the same as the one who was hit hard by us before, except that he is thinner, looks dark and oily, and looks like a standard Indian Asan.

I stepped forward and cursed: "Dipankara, Tathagata, your door is shameless. In a battle for land between players, it’s okay for you sect master to take part in it, even the ancient Buddha. The gods of this level are all dispatched. Okay. No matter if they are dispatched, but you have to be more or less a face? I sacrificed an ancient Buddha before and tried to destroy my mobile fortress, and then sent this guy out to make trouble. Now even you two gods are shirtless, you can't shameless like this!"

"hmph! Are you just and honorable?" Dipankara stared at me and said angrily: "Don't think you are carrying We don’t know the nasty things we do, we are too lazy to take care of you."

"Who did the nasty things? Don’t spit people with blood!"

" Well, if you don’t admit it, you know it in your own mind. Anyway, we’re already here now, and you’ll just step aside and let us go up and destroy the core of the city anyway. It’s useless to block here anyway, you I know the strength of the two of us."

"That's not necessarily." I suddenly turned my head and shouted at the concealed place of the gun god: "Quickly shoot him with your special one."


I originally thought that Dipankara would be injured immediately by the spear god’s strength, so I also took out the weapon and prepared to take advantage of it. Who knew Dao Child didn’t see the bullet, but what I waited for was The gun god yelled: "I have no ammunition!"

With this yell, I almost threw my head on Dipankara’s feet. "Damn, what are you Americans doing? Looking at the fierceness, you have impotence at the critical moment, and you are really mad at me!"

"Hey, I don’t have bullets. Come on, that’s a special bullet, you think it’s a whiteboard with bows and arrows all over the street?"

"I rely on, I hired you to help me hit people, why are you running without bullets? You idiot, don’t get out of me!"

"Hey, Purple Moon you brat, speak to me politely, believing or not, I will break you now?" The gun god said while holding A gun is drawn towards me.

"Okay, I just stand here and let you fight. If you don't dare to shoot, you are not a man."

We were scolding, and Dipankara suddenly interrupted and said, "Don't you I thought that this wasted time could be delayed until the end of the time, telling you, it’s useless to me."

I pointed to Dipankara’s nose while walking towards him and cursed: "hmph, don’t be arrogant. , That fellow idiot, you are not much smarter. We quarrel and shut you down..." Just when I said this, a stream of light suddenly shot from the gunman, Dipankara ancient Buddha also reacted very quickly, although he had noticed before. Li was attracted by me, but at the last critical moment, he took a step back and avoided the bullet. However, he realized that it was not good as soon as he dodges the bullet. Since I was cursing while walking towards him just now, he did not think that I was deliberately approaching him, and now he immediately realized that he was not good when he was interfered with by the gun god bullet. In fact, just as he had guessed, I suddenly speeded up and rushed in front of him while he was avoiding the bullet. After getting out of the bullet, Dipankara's body has lost balance. If it is normal, take a step back to restore balance. However, now that I am in front of him, retreating means being taken the initiative by me, although he is not too worried about his strength. Will be suppressed by me, but instinctively he still thinks that I should not be allowed to take advantage of the slightest bit. Dipankara is not an ordinary person. In this case, the Buddha's power was suddenly concentrated under his feet, and his body suddenly flew upward, and then retreated sharply at a forty-degree angle. But just after he retreated not far, he suddenly felt a terrifying breath falling from the sky. After hurriedly raising his head, he only saw a black silhouette falling from the sky, with a palm printed on his chest. In a panic, Dipankara raised his hand to fend off the palm. Who knew that the other hand had changed his hand and pressed it down again after being pushed away. Due to the short distance, Dipankara didn't have time to lift the opponent's hand again this time, so he had to hold up the golden body and take the palm.

The Black Widow that fell from the sky successfully printed a palm on Dipankara's chest and suddenly light flashed on his hand. "Life is destroyed." A loud explosion sound, a big explosion occurred where Dipankara's chest and Black Widow's palm touched, and the Black Widow changed from a falling posture to a rebound in the air. After turning a few somersaults in the air, it stabilized. Dipankara fell on the ground, and Dipankara was blasted directly into the ground to form a large human-shaped pit. The blue smoke at the bottom of the pit did not see Dipankara crawl out for a long time.

About a few seconds later, Black Widow suddenly took two steps back and then staggered down. I quickly reached out and supported her. "Someone took me away. It was too much consumption just now. I can't move in a short time!" I nodded handed the Black Widow to the player behind me, and then checked the time. Now there are two minutes and thirty seconds left, it can be said that time is really running out, and Dipankara has been blasted into the ground for a long time without responding, it seems that the form is in great shape. However, I was very disturbed in my heart. The reason was the Tathagata who was slowly healing his companions. Dipankara is indeed very strong, but it is still a little bit behind the Tathagata. It is said that Tathagata is the leader of Buddhism, and now he should be the most anxious, but he is so calm, there must be weird in this, but I can't think of the reason for a while.

"Not good." Because the Tathagata was too calm, I began to think about what bad things he was planning to do, but the subsequent thinking made me think of another suspicious point, that is Dipankara. That guy is one of the Seven Ancient Buddhas of Buddhism anyway. Even if he wins a big move of Black Widow, he won't be killed without saying a word? Then think about it the other way around, since he's okay, what does he want to stay at the bottom of the pit?

The Contract City was built by us, and naturally I know the results best. Although the Heavenspan Pagoda behind us is the only way to the floating island, the entrance of Heavenspan Pagoda is not a must to enter through the door. Of course, most people may only think of the gate, but if the strength is strong enough, it is not impossible to go in from the underground. After thinking of this, Dipankara's behavior can be understood.

"Go and see if that guy is still there." I pointed to the big hole that Dipankara had smashed out, and a player immediately jumped over. Who knows that someone else is healed before they reach the top of the pit. Companion Tathagata suddenly turned around and shot out a bright light. The player didn't react slowly. He turned around in the air to avoid the light, but he couldn't see the situation in the pit. Seeing that he was about to rush again, I directly stopped him, and then suddenly turned around and flew out and jumped directly towards the entrance of Heavenspan Pagoda.

Before I entered Heavenspan Pagoda, I heard a loud explosion sound from the tower, and a large amount of rubble flew out of the tower along with the mud. There is no doubt now, Dipankara must have drilled in. However, when I speeded up and wanted to rush in, I suddenly felt something wrong, and when I turned around, I realized that the Tathagata had rushed over. But he couldn't rush to my front, because two silhouettes suddenly appeared in front of him to block him.

"Peacock, Guanyin, do you want to be against me?" Tathagai looked at the two women in front of him and roared angrily. He had lost the usual charity appearance beyond the topmost clouds and replaced them. It is hideous and crazy.

"Tathagata, what is the reason why I am in Buddhism, you know yourself. It is only natural for me to oppose you." Xinghuo's answer was clean and neat and did not give Tathagata any chance.

The Peacock Pluto also said: "hmph, I originally joined in Buddhism because there is still some future in it. Who knew that it was actually like this when I came in. I didn’t say anything before. Naturally, it’s a talented person chooses a patron of integrity."

"Well, it seems that you are determined to fight against me, so don’t blame me for being ruthless." For example, a golden circle was suddenly thrown out. As soon as the thing came out, it flew towards the Peacock Pluto. The speed was amazing. It was almost in front of the Peacock Pluto in an instant. However, the Peacock Pluto is not an ordinary person. With a wave, a seven-color color passed smoothly, and the golden circle fell to the ground with a clang as if it suddenly lost its power.

"hmph, have you forgotten that the magic weapon has no effect on me?" The Peacock Pluto looked at and said after he shot down the golden circle.

Hearing this, the Tathagata didn’t have any expression of disappointment. Instead, he said proudly: "Oh? Is that true?"

The instinctive frowned of the Peacock Pluto, followed by a sudden scream Falling down, she didn't know when she actually got a feather on her arm, because it looked like the feather on her armor, so she didn't find it before.

"You... actually used my feather!"

The feather that was inserted on the Peacock Pluto's body is simply the Peacock Pluto's own hair, but it was taken by the Tathagata to restore it It has been refined, and now equivalent to is the magic weapon of the Tathagata. Although Peacock Pluto is not very popular in Buddhism, her status is very high, relying on her special ability-breaking the law. It can be said that the Peacock Pluto is a complete existence of magic immunity, but it is different from Phoenix’s magic immunity. She is not immune to spell damage after being attacked, but can actively use special ability to resist spell damage, that is, she threw away before. The seven colors light that came. The basic ability of that thing is to break the spell. Any spell that touches it will be dispelled. If it is an attack, the spell will be invalid. If it is a magic weapon, it will drop due to the disappearance of its mana. The attribute on the magic weapon is washed away to make it a normal item. This ability can be said to be very abnormal. You must know that ordinary experts rarely rely on their own strength to fight. Whether it is a player or a member of NPC at all levels, or even Divine Race, it is the same. Equipment items are something that everyone will have. , And a person’s battle strength may have one third or even more proportions derived from the equipment he owns. In this case, the Peacock Pluto, who can erase the equipped attribute, is simply the nemesis of all personnel who rely on equipment to fight, and it is precisely because of this that everyone is so afraid of her.

Although the innate talent of Peacock Pluto is very good, she usually does not hurt herself, just like a poisonous snake is not poisoned to death by her own venom, Peacock Pluto I am not afraid of the ability to break the law, and because of this, the Tathagata can use a feather of the Peacock Pluto to refine the magic weapon that specifically restrains this ability to break the law.

Seeing that the Peacock Pluto fell down, Tathagata proudly said: "I knew you were unreliable, so I found a way to get a feather from you and made it a Magical for you. Artifact. How? It feels good to be killed by your own special ability, right?"

"You pu...!" The Peacock Pluto suddenly spit a mouthful of blood out of just a few words.

Tathagata continued proudly: "haha, I added True Qi to that feather. Now every trace of mana in your body will become a burden, and they will in turn burn your body. , Until the mana is exhausted or you die first."

"You... mean! I..." The Peacock Pluto suddenly stopped halfway, and the exaggerated laughter of Tathagata suddenly stopped. , Seeing that he was almost choked to death by himself. The reason why both parties were so shocked was that the feathers on the Peacock Pluto suddenly fell off, and the Peacock Pluto, who had just been severely injured, suddenly returned to normal. If it weren’t for the blood on the corners of the mouth, everyone would have thought what happened just now. Hallucinations.

It took a few seconds before a player suddenly realized: "Damn, forget that the whole city is now in the back of time. The Peacock Pluto is now on our side. This rule should also apply to her. . I was scared to death, thinking that the helper we just brought from the guild was going to be finished!"

Actually, Tathagata and Peacock Pluto both knew this time back, but they both thought it was right. Divine Race does not work, it can only protect players and general city defense NPCs. Didn't expect Peacock Pluto is also in the protection range.

"How could this be?" Tathagata's face instantly became extremely ugly, and this turning point was really too big a blow to him.

Xinghuo walked over and helped the Peacock Pluto up, and then said to the Tathagata together with the Peacock Pluto: "Now it depends on what you do. We now have the Immortal Body. As long as the two of us work together, I want to grind you to death with no difficulty."

As soon as Xinghuo finished speaking, I suddenly heard a loud noise erupted from the Heavenspan Pagoda behind, follow closely from behind is a burst of metal The sound of crashing and harsh friction, and finally accompanied by the screams of two people suddenly rolled out from the entrance of Heavenspan Pagoda. The first one was the ancient Buddha of Dipankara, who was beaten underground before, and then the person who rolled out was naturally the person.

Dipankara rolled all the way to the Tathagata and was blocked by the Tathagata to stabilize his figure, and I jumped up immediately after coming out. At this time, both of us are extremely embarrassed. The few pieces of cloth on the ancient Buddha of Dipankara have turned into rags, and the body is covered with a thick layer of white ash, which looks like a stevedore in a cement factory, except for the wounds all over his body. It looks more horrible to see than plaster. Although no one has carefully counted them, everyone can be sure that there are definitely no fewer than 200 wounds on the body of the ancient Buddha Dipankara. Of course, Dipankara was beaten so badly, and I was impossible to fight him. At this time, the Divine Dragon suit on my body no longer had the dazzling brilliance that I had before. Not to mention it was covered with a thick layer of ash, and it was pitted everywhere, and there was an obvious five-finger palm print on my chest.

"Wow, how did you make it like this?" Peacock Pluto couldn't help but ask in surprise when he saw us. I should be very strong in her consciousness, and shouldn't be so miserable.

I randomly compared to Dipankara. "The space inside is too small to dodge. We both didn't dodge each other's attacks. We all caught up." After answering, I asked the player next to him: "How long is there?"

The player quickly checked the time. "One minute and six seconds, zero five seconds, zero four seconds."

Dipankara and Tathagata looked at each other at this time, and then they looked at the man on the ground who was almost completely healed. Companions, in the end, it seems that they have made some determination to nodded each other. "Fight." Tathagata suddenly bent his legs into a meditation posture, but his body did not fall, but completed this movement in the air. Dipankara next to him and another ancient Buddha also did the same movement. . After completing the cross-legged movement, a huge lotus flower appeared under each of the Tathagatas, and then the lotus platform began to slowly rotate and emit a little starlight. Tathagata suddenly pinched a handprint on the lotus flower, and then made his signature gesture every day. "Heaven..." As soon as the Tathagata finished reciting the two words, a large group of people's voice suddenly appeared in the air, and along with the voice of the Tathagata, they said: "...the world, only I dominate."

Follow him After saying this, the Tathagata on the lotus platform suddenly shook his whole body, and a golden light radiated from his body and spread to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed. A few seconds later, a dozen golden Buddhas flew around between Heaven and Earth. As soon as these people appeared, they turned into golden rays of light and shot towards the Tathagata and disappeared into his body. Seeing this, I suddenly reacted, and quickly asked Xinghuo next to it. "Is he recovering the Avatar who is usually distributed?"

Xinghuo nodded. "Tathagata is going to work hard, you guys beware."

According to the previous information from Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo, although there are many ancient Buddhas of Buddhism, in fact, only the seven ancient Buddhas of them are the real ones. In this question, everything else is their Avatar. Tathagatas usually only use this method to increase the cultivation speed, but when they need to work hard, they will take all the Avatars back, and at this time their strength will be added together to restore the true strength of the Tathagata. At this time, what Tathagata is doing is obviously this recycling process. If it goes on like this, he will soon return to his full body state. When the time comes, let alone me, even Xinghuo and Peacock Pluto will have nothing to fight back. In other words, after all, a lot of Buddhism's strength is concentrated on the seven ancient Buddhas, and their power will be destroying heaven extinguishing earth. Not to mention that there is still nearly one minute of time. With the strength of the Tathagata's recovery, even one second is enough for him to blast the entire Contract City into ashes. Isn't it simply that humans can resist!

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