"The beauty of thinking." Didn't expect this guy is quite spine. Seeing such a huge might weapon instantly kills his companion, he still refuses to surrender.

"Yes, you are a man. Then you can go to death now." To the other party's decisive answer, I also unceremoniously gave him the result he deserved. The laser shotgun did not fire a launcher this time, but directly aimed at the guy and attacked. Originally, the golden armor god general planned to hide, but the speed of the light was so fast that there was no time to react. The guy was instantly bombarded into a big Fireball, and the burning corpse fragments fell out of oh la la. land. "Trash one." Looking at the fallen corpse, I finally gave the other party this definition.

"Who said I was a trash?" My voice was still dead, and a large amount of golden gas suddenly gushed out of the corpse on the ground in the air and regrouped into the appearance of the golden armor god. "hmph hum, do you think this kind of mortal weapon can hurt me?"

"Yeah, is it not bad. It can be resurrected if it is broken. But you can be there as much as you can Arrogantly posing POSS, but I suggest you better pay attention to the time."

My words instantly made the arrogant expression of that golden armor god general disappear without a trace. It is now 11:46, which means that if Buddhism can't destroy the city core located in the city hall within 14 minutes, then their end will come. Because once we reach twelve o’clock, our actual occupation will be confirmed. Even if Buddhism destroys the core of the city at 12:01, it will only destroy the contract city, and we want to turn this area into Indian territory again. It is necessary for Indian players to build a city here and defend it for five days like our guild, but Celestial Court obviously does not allow this to happen. With the efficiency of Celestial Court Buddhism probably cannot stand it for three days. Let alone five days.

The golden armor god who was reminded by my words immediately put away his arrogant posture and swooped towards the gate of Heavenspan Pagoda. Although the floating island on the top of the Heavenspan Pagoda is where the city core is located, because the floating island has absolute protection set by the system, if you want to enter, you must walk up from the bottom layer of the Heavenspan Pagoda, and want to seize every opportunity. impossible. This absolute protection is available in every city. The main purpose is to prevent someone from suddenly appearing in the city center to destroy the city core by using the ability of flying or teleporting. In that case, siege warfare would be a bit too trivial. So in order to avoid that kind of thing from happening, the system adds a cover to the urban core of each city, but this cover must leave a gap, but the attacker must walk into the gap by himself and destroy the core in a normal way. , It is absolutely impossible to cheat.

Seeing the guy rushing towards the gate, I also turned around and flew towards the gate without hesitation, and reached the gate one step earlier than the guy and turned around to block the way of the guy. But I don't know if that guy is arrogant. In short, he didn't mean to stop at all. He continued to rush over, probably intending to knock me down and fly in.

"Tai Chi Soul Locking Array." I suddenly pointed forward with one hand, while the dim-blue array suddenly appeared in front of my fingers, and the golden silhouette hit the array with one head. The array suddenly lit up, and at the same time it made a loud noise like a metal collision, and the golden armor god general was knocked back and flew back, rolling a long way on the ground before stopping. Seeing him embarrassed, I took back the Tai Chi Soul Locking Formation proudly, and then said: "Don't think that I can't help you if I become incorporeal. Do you really think I am a warrior if I am wearing a heavy armor? Tell you, don’t say you are an incorporeal soul, even if you are an existing entity, I can still smash you."

"hmph, a little trapping-Spirit Formation also wants to block me? Just now, but It's careless, see I broke your Formation." The Golden Armor God General suffered a loss but refused to accept it. He clamored that he was about to rush upwards, but he suddenly found something wrong as soon as he flew up. A huge golden bell suddenly fell from the sky to buckle the guy and then slammed on the ground with a thud. The huge golden bell sound was stronger than the big bell in the temple. The people around were surprised when they saw that giant bell suddenly flew up and became smaller and smaller, and then was pinched in her hand by a woman riding on a Nine Tailed White Fox. "Gold coin?" I was also taken aback when I saw the person coming.

"haha, really didn't expect it to be as simple as that." Gold coin smiled very proudly with the magic weapon in his hand that I don't know if it should be a bell or a bell.

"What is that thing you just used? It's so huge?"

"Hehe, how about it? Very difficult to deal with, right?" Gold coin held that one Magical Artifact shook proudly. "This is what I just broke from a Buddhist expert, named Soul Absorption Bell, specifically for Soul Body creatures. It can only play a little interference with general creatures, but it can completely restrain Soul Spirit Creature."

"I said why such a strong guy was taken in by you! By the way, what happens after that guy is loaded in?"

"From the moment he is loaded in, he will Keep getting weaker, and then my EXP will continue to rise, but how long it lasts depends on his strength. The stronger his strength, the slower he absorbs, but the total amount of experience will be more, so powerful creatures As soon as you enter, you may be sucked up directly, but it will fall faster, and the final total will be better. Just now this guy is quite strong, and it is estimated that he will not be able to digest it in three or five days."

"Then this thing can still be used during the digestion process?"

"It can still be used now, it can digest up to ten targets at the same time at a time, no more."

" p>

"That's not bad. Just don't run around. I'm here to hold this position. No matter how many enemies rush in, we will have to go over here. As long as we block this place, we are basically safe. "

gold coin nodded said: "Anyway, there are more than ten minutes left, it's the same everywhere."

In fact, the last ten minutes is not easy at all, the army of Buddhism Basically everyone knows that this is the last time, so now they have entered a crazy state. If they were fierce and unafraid of death before, now they are completely courting death by themselves. As long as our people raise the knife, there will be people in Buddhism hit the knife edge, and his purpose is to limit the range of the knife's attack. This did cause a lot of casualties in Buddhism, but it also brought about a problem, that is, our people died super fast. Although I used the power of the Wheel of Discipline to go back in time, there is a gap between resurrection after all. The crazy assault speed of Buddhism can't stop our undead army, although the resurgent players and NPCs are seriously hindered. With the advancement of the Buddhism army, more and more people rushed over. The hunting squad of our guild could have blocked the people who leaked behind the defense line, but as the Buddhism of the breakthrough defense line has more and more people, even the hunter squad has been rushed by a large group of Buddhism miscellaneous. Soldiers rushed everywhere. After all, the hunter squad was built to sniper hunting against a single powerful enemy, not to deal with this kind of large corps melee. The current situation is seriously beyond their ability to handle. Scope out.

With the last eight minutes left, Heavenspan Pagoda had already gathered a team of more than 300 players. These all are the elite power of our guild, any one of them can be put into the general guild to make those guild leaders break their heads. However, at this time these people are completing the task of a mixed soldier, because the outer line of defense has now been rushed like a rag. Although our people can continue to use time to go back and resurrect, they are charging like a flood on the other side. In the state, our people are completely pushed back by the crowd. Many players only realize what is called the flow of people at this time. It is really flowing like ordinary streams and rivers, and the people standing in it will Like pebbles in a turbulent flow, they are carried by the current to move downstream.

Because the perimeter defense line is almost in a state of semi-collapse, Buddhism is almost everywhere in the city, but their goal is very clear, that is, Heavenspan Pagoda. For the fact that we built the core of the city in midair, the people of Buddhism love and hate it. The reason for happiness is that at least the goal is clear. What is disgusting is that it is too easy to defend and difficult to attack. Not to mention that Heavenspan Pagoda, which connects the floating island to the ground, has only one entrance. Even if they rush in, the long spiral staircase will definitely become their nightmare. Since there is a forbidden area in the tower, the maximum allowable flying and jumping heights for creatures entering it is two meters. Because I can't fly, I can only climb the stairs obediently and honestly, but the stairs are still full of Divine Race mechanical angels. These guys have fast attack speed, plus the huge attack range brought by the oversized size, it is simply a door. In the open area, a few people can still get around with the advantage of speed, but in this narrow passage, it is simply a nightmare. In fact, even if you were lucky enough to cross the nightmare spiral ladder, it was not over, because there were still people waiting there, but Buddhism hadn't rushed to it yet, so they didn't know that there was still such a level.

"How long will it take?" After Yijian brought down a buddhism middleman who rushed forward, gold coin panted and turned his head and asked me. Throw it to beyond the topmost clouds. Had it not been for the amazing Heavenly Venerable sword in her hand, plus the infinite magic power that could be brought back in time, she would have been unable to withstand it a long time ago.

"Seven minutes and ten seconds." A player standing by the tower loudly shouted. He is an auxiliary professional, specializing in manipulating laser shotguns, and also in charge of helping us check the time. Since the laser shotgun needs to replace a magic crystal every time it is fired, it cannot continue to fire. However, due to the use of a turntable type magic crystal reloading system, the firing interval is not long, but it needs to be specially equipped to supplement the magic crystal next to it. . Now the combatants on the scene have already disrupted their suits, and all of them can't wait to learn the Avatar Technique, and only this loader who doesn't need to directly face the enemy has time to watch.

"The last seven minutes, everyone, wow...!" I originally wanted to encourage everyone, who knew I was knocked off by a sudden force in the middle of the call.

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