"How do you feel? The formidable power of our Frost Rose League’s laser shotguns is okay?"

"You...!" The golden armor god will be I was vomiting blood out of anger, but I didn't dare to take a step forward, because the cannon was pointed at him right now. In fact, his worries are very correct, that thing does not only scatter, on the contrary, direct shooting is the correct use of laser weapons.

This special weapon is a product recently completed by the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute of our guild, and it is entirely made with money. Although the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute is a unit named by our guild, it is not something we hard-made. In fact, it is a kind of urban accessory building recognized by the system, just like the system store and the system transfer building. Complete functions guaranteed by the system. It's just that unlike the professional certification office and mercenary mission release office that are open to ordinary players, this magic crystal power research institute is dedicated to guilds, and ordinary players can't use this service at all.

The basic function of the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute is to provide equipment, funds, materials, personnel and research projects to it by its guild, and then it will produce research results according to the requirements. The research results of the institute are related to the research direction specified by the guild. The more direct the research target you specify, the faster it will be researched. The more complex the target, the more troublesome it will be to research. The method adopted by our guild is to directly equip the research institute with players who specialize in life and professions. These players can participate in the research and directly guide the research direction. This will not only speed up the research speed, but also ensure that the final results are consistent with the original goals. You don’t have to make some seeming right but actually isn’t successful research like other guilds. In addition, in addition to the players, the personnel of the research institute, also known as NPC researchers, are also very important. As everyone knows, free NPCs in the city also have levels, and the higher the level, the stronger the work ability of free NPCs. A group of free NPCs caught casually is definitely not as fast as a group of elite NPCs. In addition to personnel and research goals, there is also material. The materials refer to the list of materials required for the experiment provided by the institute after receiving the mission objectives. After receiving the list, the guilds to which they belong can obtain the materials through tasks such as purchasing, occupying, or publishing guild missions. A research project does not have to find all the materials in the list to produce results. Except for the few necessary materials specified on the list, other materials may or may not be available, but the more abundant the materials, the faster the research speed. If there are materials and personnel and projects, the rest is equipment and funds. The equipment is mainly researched and produced by the guild. Of course, since the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute is a unit equipped by the system, it naturally has a set of basic equipment, but the speed of that set of equipment is also the slowest, which can only be guaranteed to be used, and cannot be improved at all. Speed ​​and quality. The equipment used by our guild can basically be six to eight times faster than the original system equipment. This is why the technology of our guild has always been ahead of others. The requirement of the last remaining funds is the simplest and most troublesome of all the requirements, because if the guild has money, then the previous requirements can be easily met, and if there is no money, Don't think about anything then. Of course, the amount of funds directly invested in the end is the one that has the closest relationship with the research results. The more sufficient the research funds are, the faster the research progress will be. Our guild for this battle with Buddhism can be said to be Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth and do everything, anyway, we can use all the resources we can use, and this Magic Crystal Power Research Institute will naturally not release it. Over. When I just knew I was going to fight against Buddhism, I also issued two research tasks. One is the mobile angel used for Divine Race that I participated in before. Of course, that thing is not entirely from the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. Achievements, and other research departments are credited among them. But now this thing is an independent device completed by the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. The previous research project of this thing was given because the individual battle strength of Divine Race was too strong, and the damage of our guild’s ordinary artillery was too low, so there is an urgent need for a huge might that can damage Divine Race’s large weapon. Driven by this demand, the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute finally completed this laser shotgun.

The main body of the laser shotgun is a laser cannon, but it is not a laser cannon in reality. In fact, this thing emits not a laser, but a magic light. Its working principle is similar to the magic light cannon. It can be said that its core is the improved version of the magic light cannon that our guild got from Light God Palace, but we added it outside. There are a lot of new designs, so it looks very different from the Magic Light Cannon. Of course, the laser shotgun does not simply enhance the formidable power of the magic light cannon. In fact, apart from the magic crystal exciter borrowing the principle of the magic light cannon, there are not many magic light cannons on its body. The function of the magic light gun is actually very primordial. It simply activates the magic power in the magic crystal, and then shoots it out at one time to achieve destructive effect, and because the magic power is unstable, the hit object will explode. The core of the laser shotgun still uses an exciter similar to the magic light cannon to stimulate the magic crystal to release its magic power, but this magic power is not immediately launched after being released, but is first guided into a Level 2 pressurized room to be powerful The magical barrier restrains these magical powers and guides them into a rune crystal made of star crystal. The rune on the surface of this crystal and its own special structure can make the magical power gather into a linear emission. It is very similar to a laser, so we call it a laser shotgun instead of a magic light cannon. Due to the concentration of the formidable power, the concentrated magic beam formidable power is much larger than the general magic light, and due to the synchronization characteristics of the star crystal itself, the emitted magic light will be unified to one wavelength, so that it will not During the launch process, the formidable power is reduced due to natural attenuation and wavelength resistance, so that the beam can have a longer range and a more terrifying formidable power. When the magic beam is gathered into a linear shape by the star crystal, it will pass through a powerful magic array amplification channel, in which the magic power will be further strengthened and concentrated, and then it will enter the final step, which is the magic split. Since magic crystal emits pure magic without attributes, it is necessary to attribute such magic, because although magic without attributes will explode, the formidable power is actually very general. Drawing lessons from Ling and Xiaochun's explosion principle of mixed light and dark magic, we used a simple wave crystal to complete the split of magic. The wave crystal processed into a special shape will cause the magic beams that enter it to be emitted in two specific directions at a very fast speed, and the two directions are equipped with a dark magic array and a light magic array. , They will respectively make the non-attribute magic power passing through them have dark and light attributes, and then with the assistance of some magic mirrors, the two deflected magic lights will re-converge at a point, and the second point installed on this point The two wave crystals will perform the reverse operation of the first crystal to re-combine the two light beams into one beam. However, if you can pause the time, you will find that this light beam has now become a section of black and white, and the distribution is extremely uniform. Of course, with the propagation speed of light, such fast flickers are actually invisible at all, but they do exist. This kind of beam composed of two attributes with completely opposite magical powers will immediately accumulate magical power on the obstacle once it hits an opaque obstacle, and once the magical powers of the two attributes of light and dark are stacked together, fools know that it will happen. What's the matter, this is why the beams of laser shotguns explode, because they are simply a large group of alternating bombardment of light and dark energy.

The laser shotgun made according to the above principles is actually just a laser cannon, because it fires a straight line. Although the formidable power is very high, the actual killing speed is actually very low due to the concentrated attack power. After all, it takes time to constantly switch targets. Considering that the star crystal concentrator in the laser shotgun could not be mass-produced, the method of relying on a large number of laser shots to cover the attack was rejected. But then the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute came up with a good way, that is, the umbrella-shaped mirror we saw before. The structure of that thing is very simple, and it turned out to be very many, because it is made of white magic crystal that has run out of energy. It can be said that there are so many materials as garbage. The principle of this kind of shell is very simple. It is nothing more than a reflection or refraction mirror that can disperse incident light for attack. In addition, the constantly changing launch angle caused by its own physical movement creates the effect of large-area bombing. And because the reflector can be launched into the air, so we don’t have to mount the cannon itself into the air. After all, the beam emitted by the laser cannon will not turn by itself. If it is placed on the ground like a normal cannon, it can Attacked the heavenly target. With this kind of reflective shells, even if the main body is on the ground, it can be used for reflection attacks from the mirror shells in the air.

In fact, the reflective shells we produce are not limited to the one fired just now. In order to meet various needs, the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute has produced more than ten different shells for different purposes. Bombing on the occasion of, the one just now was specially used for the huge might high-density bombing of the medium-area area, so it produced such a terrifying effect. The Divine Race present was not planned to be within the target range except at first golden. Almost the entire army was wiped out beyond the armor. Such casualties have never occurred in the history of Buddhism or even the entire Divine Race. It is no wonder that the surviving golden armor god will scare the face deathly pale.

Taking advantage of the chance that the god general was angry and shocked not knowing how to react, I continued: "Seeing your strength is not bad, give you a chance. Surrender, I can spare your life."

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