"Quickly, the Peacock Pluto, at the 24th section of No.19 Street. I will go first, and you will follow up immediately." After I notified the others with the communicator, I immediately asked Peacock Pluto ran to the place where he was. Since the contract city is circular, we built 18 streets that run through the city in the city. Each street leads to the city center, and the angle between the street and the street is fixed. Using these streets as the basic coordinates, plus the distance section number from the city center, you can accurately locate any point in the city. All cities in the guild have similar coordinate systems starting from Isinger. However, the compact city is distributed in a circle, and the other cities are all criss-crossed graticules.

When I arrived at the place where the Peacock Pluto was, she was standing on the street looking around like a tourist. She didn't seem to be nervous at all, as if she was not here to fight at all. . But then again, maybe she really didn't come to fight, after all, her behavior was really abnormal.

"Are you Purple Moon?" I was discovered before I got close to the Peacock Pluto. She is also a well-known expert in Buddhism, an iconic existence in equivalent to Buddhism. If you change it to a geographical name, then It is like a landmark building. The so-called "No Void" under the prestigious name, since the Peacock Pluto has such a reputation, it will naturally not be an ordinary existence.

"It's me." Now that it has been discovered, there is no point in hiding. Besides, this is our city. If I run into her and hide in hiding, it will be weaker by three points in the imposing manner, which is not good for our subsequent negotiations.

"Speak in another place?"

"Huh?" The sudden change of subject made me feel a little confused. When I contacted the Avatar of the Peacock Pluto, I didn’t find her weird. Your character? "Okay. Please come with me."

I did not stay with her in the city of contract, but took the Peacock Pluto all the way to the location of the transnational Transmission Formation, and then directly sent it back to Ai Singh. Of course, I encountered a large number of players who came for reinforcements on the way, but Hong Yue and Rose are both ghosts and ghosts. From a long distance, I walked side by side with the Peacock Pluto and knew that things must have changed, so the troops were stopped in time. Of course, such a large group of people must not have time to hide, so they also ordered everyone to relax and stand on both sides of the street and let us out. Although it seems strange that there are people on both sides of the road, it is not weak at all in the imposing manner, at least not showing excessive tension. Since the establishment of the Frost Rose League, I have always emphasized the establishment of quality associations. The members of the guild are recruited based on the principle of "Non-queness and non-indiscriminateness". Therefore, when encountering emergencies, the performance of members is much better than a group of mobs. .

"This is Isinger, right?" As soon as he came out of the transnational Transmission Formation, Peacock Pluto was fascinated by the sight in front of him. Since Isinger is the number one city city of our guild, the daily passenger and cargo throughput of the transnational Transmission Formation is quite amazing. In order to facilitate the flow of people and materials, a huge hoisting machine and a huge On the other side are gorgeous passenger passages and multiple diversion Transmission Formation, which can divert passengers to different destinations in advance to reduce the pressure on the transportation system.

"It feels very different from the architectural style of Buddhism, right?" Isinger’s buildings are mostly heavy Baroque and Rosette buildings, and compared to those ancient buildings in reality, Essien Almost every one of the grid's buildings is amazingly big. With its very majestic architectural style and its huge volume, people who see it for the first time will be forced to breathe out by the huge oppression force, just like the ordinary person who entered the court for the first time and he was still The defendant felt the same.

I am proud of Isinger's majesty and majesty, but the Peacock Pluto suddenly came out: "I am not talking about architecture, but people."


"That kind of atmosphere." The Peacock Pluto sucked his nose vigorously. "It feels like morning sun, so energetic. Unlike the headquarters of Buddhism, it feels so lifeless and dead!"

"Huh?..." I scratched my head with a weird expression! "This... Honestly speaking, Isengard has been built for so long, you are the first one to say it is vigorous!" Although our guild broke away from the alliance with Dark God Palace in the late stage of the guild and turned into the embrace of Celestial Court, As a result, Isinger failed to obtain the qualification for city finalization, but Isinger has been building according to the standards of the undead city anyway, and even the free NPCs in the city are almost all undead. Peacock Pluto actually said that there is vigor and vitality here, but I really don't know what she means. She wants to say that Isenger's ghost Qi is simmering, I can still accept some calmly, this vigor is really indifferent to us! Moreover! But there is a city in the sky above Isinger's head! The entire ground city is in the shadow of the Sky City, and with the evil cloud above it, Isengard can only ensure that ordinary people can walk normally with natural light sources even in the best weather. If the weather is a little worse , If you don’t light the lamp, only the undead can see the way. Is such a dark city still vigorous? I'm not surprised that there is biogas!

Seeing that I still don’t seem to understand, Peacock Pluto explained again: “I’m talking about the people here, not the environment. Everyone here is busy, and everyone is doing better Working hard tomorrow, this positive feeling is what Buddhism lacks most. To be honest, Buddhism has completely rotted away. No, not now, but since the resolution was passed to send the born-born Avatar to China to perform the mission. It was already rotten by the time. They don’t even remember the most basic truth that war is about to shed blood. Since they dared not go to China in person to compete for interests with Celestial Court, they have lost their enterprising spirit."

"Eh...I presume to ask. Since you did not agree to send the born-out Avatar at the beginning, why did you send the born-out Avatar together? As far as I know, Buddhism is actually someone who did not dispatch the Avatar. I came here in person. Of course, they are shrimp soldiers and crab generals, which are incomparable to your status, but why don’t you just not send Avatar?” I asked, reaching out and making a request. , And then took the Peacock Pluto and started to stroll around aimlessly on the road while communicating. Anyway, our purpose is not to let Buddhism people know about our conversation. When I reach Isengard, this problem will basically not happen, so there is no need to find any secret meeting place, just visit and talk on the street.

The Peacock Pluto followed me around the city and said: "The decision is made by the Hundred Gatherings. Unless I rebel against Buddhism, as long as the resolution is passed, I must implement it."

" Hundreds Gathering ?"

"It is a form of Buddhism meeting, which is similar to the parliament you are talking about. Participants include seven ancient Buddhas and fifty-three ancient Buddhas, plus 49 associate Buddhas, a total of one hundred The Zero Nine Buddhas, so it’s called Baiju."

"Buddhism has so many Buddhas?"

"Since you call it Buddhism, will there be only one or two Buddhas? "

"But there are more than one hundred, which is too scary, right?"

"No, there are actually not so many. First of all, 49 Associate Buddha is actually simply not a Buddha I am one of the Associate Buddhas, and according to your definition, I should be regarded as Monster Race. The Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, who is famous in China as the second only to Da Ri Tathagata, is also among the 49 Associate Buddhas. As for the fifty-three ancient Buddhas , If I say it, you will definitely be very surprised."

"Oh? Come and listen. See what can surprise me?"

"Actually, Buddhism The real big Buddhas are only those seven ancient Buddhas, and the fifty-three ancient Buddhas are all born Avatars of these seven Buddhas."

"Huh?" Suddenly I heard such a big crowd, even if they were I was ready but couldn't help but screamed out. "You mean that the fifty-three ancient Buddhas are all the same as the reborn Avatars squatting in Celestial Court?"

"Yes." The Peacock Pluto continued to break the news: "You weren't caught by the big sun before. Has the Tathagata chased and killed it once?"

I nodded that there is indeed such a thing. Thinking of that time, it was really dangerous. If Asuka was fast enough and finally saved by the Ring of Discipline, it might have been really killed by the Da Ni Tathagata.

When the Peacock Pluto saw my nodded, he continued: "Since you often work for Celestial Court, do you know what the expert battle strength in Celestial Court is?"

It appeared in my mind for an instant After thinking of the images of Vermilion Bird and Azure Dragon, then I thought of Hong Jun Sect Lord. I have seen the strength of Vermilion Bird and Azure Dragon with my own eyes. After all, Vermilion Bird destroyed Isinger before, and the shadow city that is now buckled above Isinger is thanks to her, if it weren’t for the predecessor Vermilion Bird If the Celestial Court of Isengard was destroyed and I was too sad to come forward to compensate, it is estimated that we would not have the money to repair such an exaggerated city.

“I’ve never seen Celestial Court’s strongest expert shot, but I have seen the power of Vermilion Bird. It’s really destroying heaven extinguishing earth. It’s a general reversal of the universe, and I can’t help but tremble when I think of it. !"

"Then who do you think that Vermilion Bird is stronger than the Dainichi Tathagata who chased you that day?"

In the first place, I didn’t even think that it was the Peacock Pluto As soon as I reminded me, I immediately realized the problem. That’s right, that day I was indeed chased by Da Ni Tathagata like chasing a dog, but now I think about it, when compared with the Vermilion Bird when Isengard was destroyed, the strength was a million miles apart. . If the Da Ni Tathagata who chased me that day was replaced by Vermilion Bird, how could it be used to chase me everywhere? A sword qi cut me thousands of kilometers away, and chased me behind? Besides, Vermilion Bird is not the strongest existence in Celestial Court. In fact, she is not the strongest even among the four Sacred Beasts. If it is replaced by Azure Dragon chasing me, he only needs to connect the segment of space I am about to advance to the space he is in, and I will hit him on the edge of the knife. He doesn't even need to shoot, I I knocked myself to death. In comparison, the Big Sun Tathagata followed me behind and chased after me that day, but in fact it had fallen behind. However, the strength comparison is not the key, the key lies in the identities of the two. Da Ri Tathagata is considered a first-class existence in Buddhism. If you want to make an analogy with Celestial Court, even if it can't be compared with Hong Jun's Sect Lord, it is at least at the primary Heavenly Venerable level. But such a strong person, his strength is not as good as that of a full-time thug like the four Sacred Beast, it doesn't make sense. If the inference just now is true, that is, the Tathagata is really not as good as the four Sacred Beast, then it can only be said that the overall strength of Buddhism is several orders of magnitude worse than Celestial Court. However, there is one point that does not need to be inferred, that is, the system forces the Divine Race forces of all countries to be basically at the same order of magnitude, at least for large countries. Buddhism is one of the main Divine Race forces in India, and India is considered a big country. It stands to reason that their Divine Race will not be much weaker than China's Divine Race, so the Tathagata mentioned before is not as good as the inference of the four Sacred Beasts. It just doesn't make sense. So what's the problem?

Born Avatar. This is the key. The Tathagata Avatar from Celestial Court once said that the Born Avatar was originally a skill for rapid cultivation, that is, to divide itself into multiple Avatars, and then wait for the Avatar to absorb the power before absorbing them back, so that as long as you Being able to separate enough Avatars in theory is equivalent to having the possibility of infinitely increasing the cultivation speed. Of course, this is theoretical. In fact, even the ancient giant Buddhas are impossible to perform Avatars infinitely, but in any case, their ability to improve will be much more than that of ordinary people. After all, such an existence in Japan must be able to maintain at least seven or eight Avatars at the same time. The existence of it is equivalent to seven or eight times the cultivation speed of a normal person. Even if the Tathagata is not talented, with this perverted cultivation method, the speed of improvement will exceed that of most innate talents.

At this point, the situation is basically clear. The Dainichi Tathagata who chased me that day simply didn’t use his full power, not because he didn’t want to use it, but because his power was evenly distributed by the Avatar, so his power dropped a lot, and he didn’t absorb the Avatar because he underestimated the enemy. As a result, I suffered a big loss in the City of Commandments. In this way, if he takes back all the Avatars...?

"Damn, the Tathagata guy will always play the pig to eat the tiger, right?"

"That's not it." The Peacock King said: "The reason why the Tathagata The splitting up of so many bodies is to speed up the cultivation speed, so in general, as long as he has enough strength to support one more split, he will split another Avatar out, so his body battle strength is often in a very low state, otherwise that day Even if your speed is ten times faster, it’s useless. The reason I tell you this is for you to know, don’t look at the ancient Buddhas of Buddhism too simple. Back then Buddhism, as an Indian Divine Race force, dared to challenge Celestial Court. China came to grab territory, it shows that Buddhism and Celestial Court have basically equal strength. Of course, the strength of Buddhism has indeed dropped a lot after China was cleared out of China by Celestial Court recently, but the foundation of Buddhism is still there. You are just injured. Just a few branches and leaves. Celestial Court and Buddhism are actually similar in overall strength, but Celestial Court has a huge advantage in the number of people. Buddhism is significantly less in number than Celestial Court, but its strength is not much worse. Think about it yourself. Isn’t it the key to this?"

Do you still have to think about it? It must be that the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism are all abnormal! Of course, Celestial Court has a lot of perversions, but the problem is that we are directly confronting Buddhism. Celestial Court can't really go shirtless to help us fight in India, so everything depends on us before the establishment of Contract City.

I frowned and said: "It seems that I made things simple!"

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