Under the clamor of the daring, everyone in the surrounding Buddhism soon recovered. Although the death of Yaksha King made them feel very scared, after all, they are now crowded. And my people are all on the city wall, and there is only me nearby. These guys think I'm a mortal, and because they have a lot of people, they will surely kill me. In fact, I was scared before. In the past, I did not do anything less about taking the first level of the generals from the army of the army, but at that time it was a battle between players and did not involve Divine Race. Now if I want to take the head of the general in a Divine Race army, I will naturally be scared. However, since I just killed the Yaksha King, I am no longer afraid. The effect of the Divine Stone has been thoroughly verified. The facts show that as long as the Divine Stone is there, these Divine Race troops are not as good as the player troops in front of me.

"I’m really a bully, isn’t it?" looked towards the crowd who rushed over, and I decided to come and be ruthless, otherwise once I disable to subdue these people, the crowds who rushed over are really possible Flooded me. While speaking, the enemy has rushed to my neighborhood, but when the fastest person has raised his weapon and is about to hack down, I suddenly entered the werewolf state. The guy who grabbed the fastest and threw it backwards, with a scream, that guy flew directly onto the city wall, and was stabbed into a beehive by the people above. After throwing the guy away, I immediately took out a small bottle from my body, then squeezed the mouth of the bottle with one hand and poured the liquid into my mouth. As the liquid entered my mouth, my eyes flashed suddenly, and then quickly turned red, and my body grew tens of centimeters again, and my muscles exploded outwards. "Roar..." The intense stimulus made me let out an inhuman roar on my back, and a white heat spurted out of my mouth. After I entered the wild violent state, the Buddhism people around did not stop, but rushed faster, but I did not give them any chance. One-legged step forward, at the same time the eternity in the right hand waved horizontally without fancy. "The magic dragon thousand illusion cut." My silhouette suddenly disappeared from the front, and when everyone reacted, I realized that I actually passed through the entire Buddhist army battle formation and ran to the Buddhist army rear formation three kilometers away from the city wall. NS. But this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that when my figure is reappeared in that position, behind me, that is the distance I just passed through, there is a two hundred meters wide and three kilometers wide. A long rectangular area, and all the Buddhists in this area stopped their forward movement strangely. Because the army was charging all the time, it was very obvious that this person stopped suddenly, so everyone immediately noticed the changes in that area. But before everyone could react, those who were still moving suddenly started to move, but instead of continuing to rush forward, all of a sudden the heads of all people in this area at the same time rolled down at the same time, and followed The headless corpses also fell neatly together.

The noisy battlefield became deadly silent in an instant, and everyone was suppressed. Two hundred meters wide and three kilometers long, how big is this area? How many people can stand in this area in such a dense battle formation? It took less than three seconds from the time I disappeared to when I reappeared. The people in such a large area were all killed. What speed was this? To say that when I killed Yaksha King before, many Buddhism people thought it was a fluke. Now no one dares to doubt anything. You can kill the world fight champion with a fluke, but it is absolutely impossible. You can get tens of thousands of ordinary persons with a fluke, even if these people are weak and sick.

"Long live the president...!" After a few minutes, there was an earth-shattering cheer from the top of the city. The sound was louder than a cannon, and the Buddhism team was also at that moment. Suddenly collapsed. The army that was charging in the first moment all turned to the sides or the rear and began to flee. Although some of the diehards were still desperately clamoring to stop them, the form was irreversible. These people alone could not stop the frightened dozen Myriad Buddha. Sect army.

Seeing that the Buddhist army began to flee, Hong Yue and Ying decisively rushed out with the elite troops in the guild and started chasing and killing the scattered Buddhist army. The battle strength of a defeated army cannot be measured by normal standards. As long as you are fast enough to catch up, it is as easy to kill a defeated army as an unarmed ordinary person, even if it is a regular Buddhism army. . A male lion with a sheep thinking mode can never beat a scrawny hungry wolf, because a sheep simply doesn’t know what resistance is. When the hungry wolf pounces on it, he only remembers to run away, even if he can actually relax. The same goes for killing a wolf. The defeated army without the heart to resist is the sheep-like hero. Although their single battle strength is stronger, they are not as good as the aggressive goat without the intention to fight again.

"Boy, okay. I was so humble before, didn't expect you to be so violent?" Eagle and Hong Yue couldn't help teasing when they chased me.

Hong Yue also said with a laugh: "That's right! I haven't been on a mission with you for a long time, didn't expect you to become so strong? One trick scared the Buddhism army. The collective collapsed! Very awesome! Hey, everyone is running out, so don’t put the POSS there!" Hong Yue said that I was still showing the POSS after the skill ended, and couldn’t help but step forward and shoot me. For a moment, who knew that this shot shocked her herself. "Hey...what did you do?" After I was filmed, I fell straight to the side following the power of Hong Yue's slap. The scared Hong Yue and Ying quickly reached out to support me.

"Hey, Purple Moon, are you okay?" The eagle helped me and asked in surprise.

I endured for a long time and then said with difficulty: "Don't move, I'm collapsed, help me back, don't let anyone notice!"

"Damn, I I thought you were so awesome! You collapsed!" Hong Yue said fiercely, but his hands were not slow. He directly summoned four magic puppets from the Phoenix Dragon Space and carried a chair to let me sit unceremoniously. On the chair, it seemed that I was posing and supervising the army fighting. In fact, no one knew that I couldn't even lift my hand anymore. The skill used in the previous battle is a non-fixed skill, that is, after activation, the player can decide when to stop. Unless it is interrupted or the magic is insufficient, this skill will continue. Just now, in order to frighten those Buddhism troops, I had to keep on that skill until it drained my magic power and was forced to stop. Fortunately, I finally killed a lot of enemies before the magic power was exhausted. The army was scared away.

The pursuit battle lasted until four o'clock in the morning. It wasn't that we killed all the enemies, nor that we didn't want to continue chasing, but Buddhism had already reacted. The previously broken army was gathered back by powerful new personnel sent by Buddhism, and through our spies, we discovered that Buddhism had sent more high-level existences. Among them, there are many of the great gods that we are familiar with. .

"Didn't expect Buddhism sent so many high level Divine Races!" Hong Yue said, looking at the information sent back by the spy, frowned.

"Damn, why is this guy here?" Eagle took a copy of the document and handed it to me.

I glanced at the figures on the profile, and it was the famous Peacock Pluto. I didn't know that Buddhism in China was Avatar when I was in contact with the Peacock Mingwang. It feels different from ordinary little gods. Her battle strength basically can't reach the same standard as other Divine Prediction. It seems that Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird are part of Celestial Court, but their battle strength cannot be compared with celestial troops and generals. However, there is a problem in mind.


"What's the matter?"

"Do you think it is possible for us to instigate this Peacock Pluto?"

Rose was taken aback by what I said, and then immediately fell into thinking. The Buddhists we fought with in China before are indeed Avatars, but Avatars should be similar in their thinking mode and knowledge, except for their different strengths and ontology. In other words, if the Avatar makes a judgment after encountering something, the ontology will most likely make the same judgment when encountering the same problem, because their thinking mode is basically the same, so the ontology and the Avatar are judging It should be about the same. When we were fighting against Buddhism in China before, we encountered a problem, that is, the Peacock Pluto used to defect to Monster Race from Buddhism. So since Avatar and the real body are similar in judgment of right and wrong, does it mean that the current real body may also betray Buddhism?

Because of thinking of this question, Rose and I were both lost in thought. At first, the eagle didn't realize what we were talking about. Later, Hong Yue first responded and then explained to him. After that, all the people present were lost in thought. After thinking about it for a long time, we decided to send the information to the military god and let him simulate it. Military God's short-term thinking simulation hit rate is as high as 80% or more, it can be said that the accuracy is quite good. After the calculation of the military god, the final conclusion is that the Peacock Pluto has a 90% probability that he will defect.

"Why are you so sure?" Hong Yue asked the military god in surprise.

"First, since the Avatar of the Peacock Pluto has done this once before, the probability that the real body of the Peacock Pluto will do this is more than 50%. Second, since the Avatar of the Peacock Pluto Once rebelled, it is at least certain that the Peacock Pluto is not die-hard to Buddhism, and her ambitions are great. Third, normal people will have the idea of ​​seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and the Peacock Pluto is naturally no exception. Now Buddhism is obvious. The building is about to fall, and the Peacock Pluto himself has plans to leave. As long as the price we offer is appropriate, it is a matter of letting the Peacock Pluto judge from Buddhism as it should be by rights. The probability of giving it 80% is to consider A conservative number calculated based on possible unexpected factors."

"That means we have a great probability to persuade the Peacock Pluto to rebel against Buddhism?"

"It should be. ."

I thought about it for a while and said: "Military god, help me connect to the spy group that helped Buddhism."

"It's already connected."

I'm nodded, a player's voice suddenly came from the crystal communicator. "President. What's the matter?"

"Help me see where the Peacock Pluto is now?"

"Hmm..." After a short pause, the communication machine Suddenly, there was a sound of surprise and suspicion. "Huh?"

"What's the matter?"

"The Peacock Hades did not follow the new troops sent by Buddhism."

We heard this. Several people here immediately glanced at each other, and it was obvious that everyone understood. At such an important time as now, the Peacock Pluto didn't go with the troops, making it clear that he was not interested in this battle. If this still doesn't explain her unfaithfulness to Buddhism, what else can explain?

"Tell me where she is now?"


"What are you uh? Come on."



"She is in the city."

"In the city? Which city?" I As soon as I asked, I realized something, and it was confirmed by the member.

"It's the Contract City!"

The pan was fried in the small Conference Hall, and both Hong Yue and Ying jumped up. "Peacock Pluto has entered the city? Can you see where she is? Why didn't the alarm go off?" I stood up and said: "No matter, since the Peacock Pluto sneaked in, there must be a reason , You should first notify each city's defense points to strengthen the alert, but in case you see the Peacock Pluto, don’t attack first, we are not yet sure what she is here for."

"I see. I. Go to the city wall." Hong Yue ran out of the room after speaking.

"Then I will notify the city patrol!" Eagle left the room after speaking. Rose finally decided to go to the core area to guard the city core, and I went around the city to see if I could find the specific location of the Peacock Pluto.

Since our spy can know the location of the Buddhist personnel, but cannot determine the specific range, we can only know that the Peacock Pluto is in the southern part of the city of contract. As for the specific location, it is not clear. . However, it is much easier to search for an approximate coordinate. I summon a large number of Spirit Armor bugs and instantly cover a large area nearby. After getting the order, the beetles immediately began to search around, and quickly let me find a large area. The target was found on the road.

The Peacock Pluto simply didn't hide. When I found her, she was walking on the main road in the center of the city. The reason why the alarm has not been triggered is because of the inertia of people's thinking. Originally, we were worried about the buddhism expert sneaking in, so we sent a large number of defense troops in the city, and these teams are led by players, in order to prevent NPC from being deceived. The result is that the problem was caused by the player, because the player was impossible to remember the appearance of everyone in the city, and they all took it for granted that the people in Buddhism must have sneaked into the city, so when the patrol met the Peacock Pluto on the road I didn't care about her at all, because she did not destroy the city or hide, and she did not look like an intruder based on experience. So although the N team ran past her, there was no one to raise the alarm.

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