As I left, the explosives installed at various detonation points in the model city no longer need to be detonated in sequence. After a bang, the entire model city almost bloomed everywhere. Civil-structured cities are indeed built much faster than our steel-rock structures, but they are also destroyed much faster. The shock wave of the explosion destroyed the houses near the bomb and the burning aids were thrown everywhere. Although the people in Buddhism were busy extinguishing the fire everywhere, they could not save the model city in distress. In the end, the whole city was still in trouble. Burned to a white ground.

Although the model city behind it was burnt to nothing, I didn’t mean to be happy at all, because I knew what to face next. According to our previous estimates, Buddhism should have been eager to launch an offensive when it arrived outside the city in the afternoon. The reason why it has been delayed until now is entirely because of the model city. Buddhism is the abacus of sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood, hoping that this model city can completely paralyze our urban defense, didn't expect it is now trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off , Not only failed to paralyze our city defense system, but wasted nearly six hours of precious time. You know, it's already the second day late at night, and it will be the 3rd day in more than two hours. In other words, the time left for Buddhism will not exceed 75 hours. If Buddhism fails to destroy the Contract City in the next 75 hours, then they must be prepared to fight Celestial Court. A decisive battle is over. Of course, surrender is also a good choice, but the people of Buddhism may not lose that person. Using shameless tactics for us and surrendering to Celestial Court are completely two concepts. Buddhism uses shameless tactics only to find a chance to fight, while surrender is a symbol of weakness and has different meanings.

Because I know the pressure that Buddhism will face next, even if I successfully destroy Buddhism's plot against, I still don't have any meaning to be happy. Although the pressure of Buddhism is on the body of Buddhism, this pressure will eventually push Buddhism to work hard with us, which means that the ultimate bearer of this pressure is us. Now Buddhism is the high-speed car, and we are the roadblocks that stop it from moving forward. The car is now in a hurry. For the car, it must accelerate desperately to reach the end before the time limit. As a roadblock, we also have to face the pressure of time, because the car will rush harder when it is in a hurry, and it has to stop the speeding. A car is much harder than blocking a slow-moving car.

"Chairman, you did a great job." The members of the guild around me were all excited to congratulate me when I came back, but I did not cheer with everyone.

"Be quiet." I suppressed the noisy atmosphere loudly. "The reason why Buddhism endures not attacking us all afternoon in such anxious situation is that it has pinned its hopes on the model city. Now that thing is reimbursed for us, how do you think Buddhism will react?"

The elite route of the guild showed good results at this time, without any hesitation, everyone reacted almost at the same time. The entire venue was quiet in an instant, there was no voice, only the sound of the crowd running to their posts. A few minutes later, the entire contract city entered a state of full-scale war. All the cannons were loaded with shells or full of energy, the air cavalry were all sitting on their mounts, and the ground defense troops were holding the dragon essence and tiger spirit pill ready to swallow it at any time. Then go desperately with Buddhism.

The speed of Buddhism is also quite fast under the pressure of this life-and-death time. Knowing that the model city was irretrievable, Buddhism decisively abandoned the plan, and the Myriad Buddha Sect troops gathered outside the contract city, and the battle might break out at any time.

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