"Come..." The guy who discovered us is just an ordinary Buddhist member, and he doesn't have much battle strength himself. Just like Celestial Court’s battle strength is not much stronger than the players, Buddhism is not that everyone is much stronger than the players. This guy is this kind of miscellaneous type of existence. After we rushed to the front, I pierced my throat with a sword without even having time to shout the second word.

Sun Wukong complained: "Why don't you save me some!"

"You and Zizhu Fairy have a limit on the number of kills. When I meet someone from Buddhism, I won't call you for help, so you don't want to take action."

"Ai, this restriction is really troublesome!" Sun Wukong reluctantly agreed with my opinion.

Zizhu Fairy added: "In fact, you don't need to be too economical. The method we experimented with before should be useful. As long as we don't cause too much damage to the enemy, we can attack multiple targets. Besides, it's already past nine o'clock, and it will be a new day in more than two hours. When the time comes, our number of kills can be cleared."

I am nodded. "Anyway, in line with the principle of rational use of resources, I still try my best to hold back and wait until the worthy goal is to start. The sacrifice must be protected by someone around, when the time comes, are you afraid that there is no chance to shoot?"

"That's what I said."

After dragging the body of the killed guy into the Phoenix Dragon space, we started to move forward again, and we ran into other groups of destruction groups in our guild on the road. . When we came in before, we launched attacks from many points at the same time. The main purpose was to prevent Buddhism from being caught in a pot. Many people are scattered, and even if certain groups are discovered, the remaining groups can still continue to disrupt.

After walking some distance, Sun Wukong, the anxious guy, couldn't hold back. "Hey, do you know where the sacrifice is?"

"According to the Buddhist Avatar, the sacrifice must be sacrificed on the altar, and the altar must be based on the geometry of the model At the center point. The contract city is a circle, and its center point is the Heavenspan Pagoda. This model is based on a one-to-one ratio of the contract city, and the location should be the same. Even if the sacrifice is not on the altar now, at least there is something wrong. It will be too far away, we just have to follow the Heavenspan Pagoda to find it."

"Will we split up?"

"Forget it!" I hurriedly stopped His thoughts. "According to your character, as long as we are separated, you will definitely fight with others within 3 minutes. If we are exposed, you will be useless if you run out of places."

" Restriction, my grandson is really frustrated!"

"Okay, you still have to be serious about shielding me from my breath so that the people of Buddhism will not discover it."

According to my guess The possible location of the goal we quickly touched not far below Heavenspan Pagoda. The Buddhism in this place is obviously much higher than other places. Sun Wukong and Zizhu Fairy and I can only lie in ambush far away, because there are so many people even if there are Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong. The masking technique is hard to guarantee that it will not be discovered.

"Hey, with so many people, how can we lean over?" Sun Wukong asked. "I and Zizhu only have one quota every day. There are at least a few hundred people here. We can't kill them?"

"You two think that if a certain of you appears here now, then you find the attack If they don't go in and run away, will they chase them out?"

"Good idea." Zizhu Fairy immediately pushed Sun Wukong. "You go and attack them, and then pretend you can't beat them to distract them."

"Why me?"

"Don't you want to have fun?"


Sun Wukong first moved to a location far away from us, and then rushed over from there pretending to be, but the result was not there yet We were spotted by Buddhism people around us, and the two sides immediately became a ball. Sun Wukong wounded one of them and turned around and ran away. Most of the Buddhist guards immediately chased them out. In the end, there were only three people left near the altar. This is the result of the Buddhism bandit-like superstructure. If it is the Celestial Court, where the duty is, it is impossible. So many people chase Sun Wukong, at least most people will be left to guard the altar. After all, their mission is to guard the altar. Altar instead of attacking the enemy.

After Sun Wukong successfully led away most of the enemies, Zizhu Fairy and I immediately began to move towards the center of the altar, and finally we could not get closer to a position more than a hundred meters away from the altar. This place is surrounded by a square, which is simply unobstructed. I want to lean in quietly unless I am invisible. However, the three Buddhists guarding the altar are all experts at first sight, and they may not hide away even if they use the Invisibility Technique.

"What should I do now?" Zizhu Fairy asked me.

I took a look at the situation and said: "There is no way to hide here anymore. We two will go up together. You are responsible for restraining them. I will take down the killer. Three people should be able to handle it."


Zizhu Fairy said with some worry: "These three are not ordinary goods. I am afraid that I may not be able to deal with the three alone. If the time delays, it will attract more Buddhists. "

"This...!" I looked around, and suddenly noticed that there was a tall building nearby, the size of which was just enough to block the tank. I quickly took out the communicator and asked: "How are the bombs installed?"

"One set has been completed."

"The second set is completed."


"Thirty-six sets are completed."

"That is all completed? Now you retreat outside the city and watch my signal later. I will Let the tank bombard a target, and you will start the bombs in order when you see the explosion. First detonate the first bomb of the first group, then the first bomb of the second group, and then the third group and the fourth group, one at a time Two seconds apart, each group detonates one, and then pauses for 15 seconds to detonate the second bomb of each group from the beginning. The pattern is the same until I stop or the bombs all detonate. Understand?"


"Well, now I'll give you one minute and get out of the city immediately. Then wait for my signal."

After one minute, I estimated the time When it was almost done, the tank summon was taken out. The huge body of the tank hides behind the building just so that the people on the altar can't see it, but the energy accumulation of the tank is impossible to be discovered. All I want is a buffer time.

As soon as the tank came out of summon, it entered the bombardment mode, and the magic crystal barrel on the back immediately began to light up. Almost at the same time when the tank began to gather energy, the three Buddhists on the stage immediately noticed the situation here. Three people turned to this side at the same time. Except for one of them standing next to the altar and not moving, the other two were together. He rushed towards the tank.

At this time, Zizhu Fairy and I were hiding in a stealth state beside the building in front of the tank. If we can’t find us with the impossible strength of these two guys, but now their attention is attracted by the high-energy gun barrel on the back of the tank, Zizhu Fairy and I seem to be standing next to the fire. The firefly was easily ignored in the past. However, just when the two guys rushed to the front of the building and planned to go around, Zizhu Fairy and I suddenly moved at the same time.

Because this model city itself is very important to Buddhism, these two guys did not dare to directly ram through the model of the building, but chose to go around, and when they went around, it was equivalent to It was delivered directly to us. When the guy circling from my side rushed to a place more than two meters away from me, he suddenly felt my breath, but it was a pity that the distance was too close. Almost as soon as he found me, I just jumped out of the shadow of the house. After we hugged him in the air, the two of us tumbled and fell out together, slammed through a model building with a boom, and then slid out a long way before stopping. The guy reacted very quickly. As soon as he landed on the ground, he rolled out with his inertia that hadn't been used up with one hand on the ground. However, when he stood firm, I found that I was lying on the ground with my arm facing him.

"Farewell." Whoosh. A golden arrow shot out and hit the guy's throat. He unbelievably grabbed the half of the arrow on his neck and scratched his other hand desperately, as if he wanted to grab me. But he just persisted for a few seconds before he fell down with a plop.

When this guy was killed, the remaining Buddhist middleman on the altar had seen him, but he did not come down. Seeing his reaction, I immediately looked at Zizhu Fairy, just in time to see her gesturing to me. It's no wonder that guy didn't rush down. Both were killed, he was alone, no matter which side he attacked, the people from the other side would definitely be able to drive straight in. However, he didn't know one situation, that is, Zizhu Fairy could no longer participate in the war. Just now, that guy was killed by Zizhu Fairy independently, which means that Zizhu Fairy's quota was used up. She was impossible before twelve o'clock. But the guy above obviously didn't know this situation.

I winked at Zizhu Fairy, then ran towards the altar, and when I was about to get to the top of the altar, a purple shell passed through me and hit the altar first. . I knew that it was a bombardment from a tank, so when I saw the shells, I already lay down first. The shock wave caused by the explosion blew all the muddy buildings on the altar away, leaving only some broken wooden shelves. Without the shelter of the building, I can clearly see the situation on the altar. At this time, there is a white jade stone lotus in the center of the altar, and a pretty and alluring woman is sitting cross-legged in the heart of the flower. Obviously, she is the'sacrifice'.

Although the shell just blasted off the outer wall of the altar, it didn’t hurt the lotus flower and the Buddhism insider. However, it was still very difficult to temporarily support such a large protective cover. Guys can't say that it is peak state at this time. I got up and yelled to Zizhu Fairy behind me: "Don't do anything, find a good opportunity before you start."

"Understand." Zizhu Fairy was not stupid, and immediately responded to my request. Although she was actually unable to fight now, the Buddhism person didn't know it. Our question and answer will naturally make him guard Zizhu Fairy in, so that when he fights with me for a while, he will not dare to do his best. After all, Zizhu Fairy was also held in Buddhism for a period of time. Most people in Buddhism know her strength. Now that there is such a powerful expert standing by, how could that buddhism person dare to attack me with all his strength?

I rushed up immediately after playing with Zizhu Fairy. Although that guy was afraid of Zizhu Fairy sneak attack, he was not worried about what I would do to him. Although I have caused heavy losses to Buddhism many times before, the old concept will not be so easy to change. In the eyes of Buddhism, I am just a mortal. Compared with the Divine Race of Zizhu Fairy, there is still a big difference. But... Today I will let him change his opinion.

Seeing that I had rushed to his side, this guy in a monk's robe immediately reached out a hand to me, watching the action is to pinch my face, but he is fast When I met me, there was a sudden explosion in the distance. A huge Fireball flew into the sky, and many small Fireballs flew out and landed around the city, igniting multiple fires. The explosion made the guy in front of him feel slightly different. Zizhu Fairy also cleverly took the opportunity to make a sneak attack look. As a result, the frightened guy temporarily changed his hand to retreat, but I was not so foolish. Now that it has rushed to the front, the long weapon is not as easy to use as the segment weapon. The claws of both hands instantly popped out, a beautiful diagonal cut, the guy retreated quickly, but the monk's robe on his chest was cut three times, and the robe was still burning. The guy hurriedly took off his monk robe and threw it out, revealing a rock-like muscle.

When I missed a hit, I immediately took a step to the side, and then suddenly threw my hand and hit three throwing knives. "Er dare." One of the monk's arm struck out diagonally, instantly blocking all three throwing knives. Seeing that the flying knife was stopped, I not only did not die but slightly smiled. It was just an experiment. The three throwing knives were launched at the "sacrifice" in order to test the value of the sacrifice. Now I see that this sacrifice is not only important, but also very important, otherwise the monk would never use his body to block the flying knife.

"All come out to help." With a wave of my hand, a large group of demons suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, and they did not appear in one direction, but appeared around the altar. "Use a long-range attack."

"Accept the verdict of fate." Victoria first made the move. Golden's arrow of fate was so powerful that it scared the monk very hard, but when he flew to block him But found that the arrow actually penetrated his body and still flew toward the sacrifice. Victoria’s Arrow of Destiny is the Arrow of Existence. Its goal is for everyone. Just like you cannot bear the fate of others, the Arrow of Destiny cannot be evaded and blocked at all. The beautiful sacrifice on the altar with her eyes closed finally opened her eyes at the moment she was hit, but after seeing us, she didn't panic at all, as if we were not here to kill her, but to save her. The same.

Victoria immediately said to me after playing the big move: "Master, what I got is the sad attribute."

This sacrifice is just a player. I originally hoped to get Death. Attribute felt her directly. Although the sorrow attribute will cause the target's total attribute to drop, it is not a powerful target in itself, and weakening an ant simply has no meaning for Ant Eating Beast. However, Victoria immediately started aiming at the monk after shooting the sacrifice. This time the monk found that the target was himself and began to dodge. He was embarrassed to block the arrows for the sacrifice. Since he shot him directly this time, of course he Going to hide. However, the arrow of destiny cannot be avoided at all. Others were hit while still in the air, but they became extremely angry after landing. The reason was that Victoria got the angry attribute. This anger will increase a person's attack power and decrease defense. The generally speaking attribute will make the target easier to hang up, but at the same time, since he has three times the attack power before he hangs up, the target will become extremely dangerous. After summarizing my battlefield experience, overall this angry attribute is actually quite beneficial. However, today is a little different.

That guy is responsible for defending the sacrifice, so when we attack the sacrifice, he must use his body to block those attacks. In other words, not only can he not dodge our attack, but he has to take the initiative to meet him. With only half of his defense and health left, this is actually about the same as courting death.

"Concentrate the fire." At my prompt, everyone took out their long-range attack skills and threw them at the sacrifice. The monk flew left and right to block the attack, although the attacks were all He was blocked, but he himself was acted like an African refugee who fell into the water. In addition to the burned wounds, there were injuries caused by explosions and corrosive fluids. In the end, he was also covered with frost and ice, which turned out to be his current virtue.

"Are you pretty good? So many attacks have been blocked." Seeing his eyes are looking around, I immediately attacked him and said: "Is it watching when the reinforcements will arrive? Don't be delusional. Did you hear the explosion? We have bombs in the city, and now your people are busy fighting fires! Of course there will be reinforcements here, but that will be a long time from now. As for now... …You can go to death.” After I finished speaking, Ling and Xiaochun immediately joined forces and threw a mixed magic. The collision of the two attributes of light and dark finally caused a big explosion, and the guy was completely solved in an instant.

Across the body of the guy, I walked over to the sacrifice on the stage. "Although we don't know each other, it's a pity that you stood in an inappropriate position at an inappropriate time, so I had to kill you."

The woman opened her eyes and looked at it. I glanced, and then stood up from the lotus. "Kill Guardian, do you think I'm the meat on your chopping board?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not." The woman suddenly jumped from the lotus flower Down. Before being blocked by lotus petals, I hadn't noticed. It turned out that her outfit was different from that of ordinary players. This woman is not wearing armor, but cloth clothes. It was a very ordinary white dress. The sleeves and trouser legs were relatively wide, but also not very fat. There were no shoes under the feet, only a string of bells tied around the ankles. The whole person looks like an ordinary person preparing to do morning exercises, not a combatant.

"I didn’t see it, your figure is pretty good. It’s a pity that seduction is useless. I won’t be fooled."

Because "Zero" has a female protection system. Female players often use this to entice male players to produce bad attempts, and then they use the protection system to defeat male players. Although the system has been improved many times later, there are still some loopholes that can be drilled. Of course, as long as you are not tempted, you will never cause a system misjudgment, but on the other hand, if a beauty tempts you, but you have no reaction at all, is that still a man? It's normal to take care of yourself and not to do it, and it's definitely a psychological problem that you don't even have the method.

The woman walked towards me step by step, but I was not at all deceived by her. Although this woman is very beautiful, she is still in such a way that it can make me lose my mind. Seeing that the distance was almost close, I suddenly swept across with a sword, but the woman leaned back weirdly, and the blade slid across her stomach without touching her at all. I didn’t stop when I missed a hit. I raised my leg and kicked the woman’s knee, but the woman’s legs and knee joints let out a bit of my foot, and followed her with the inertia of lowering the waist just now. The feet were off the ground and rolled back, but while both feet were off the ground, she straightened her feet and kicked my chin along the way. I hurriedly raised my head and stepped back halfway to pass this foot, but she also proudly turned over the somersault safely and stood up.

"Jiu-Jitsu? Yoga?"

"How do you think my kung fu is your business, you just need to know that I am not that easy to deal with."

"hmph. The Buddhism Divine Race is killed, I don't believe it, I can't make you a woman." I suddenly threw Eternity upwards, and then rushed towards her quickly. When I was approaching her, I squatted down violently, and one leg swept across her bottom plate. However, the woman just took a random step to the side and crossed my leg and successfully avoided this leg. . But I didn't just give up. I couldn't sweep my legs. I immediately continued to turn for a half circle with inertia and slammed into the ground with a single fist. With a bang, the ground was cracked by me. Since the ground is made of wood and mud, the vibration directly blasted the foundation, and the two of us fell together. But the woman tapped between the fallen logs, and returned to the level ground as if walking up a step.

"Did you make a mistake?" Ling Wei, who stood watching the battle, asked Xiaochun in surprise: "Is that woman too strong?"

"The ghost knows what's going on. !"

At this moment, I suddenly jumped out of a big hole on the ground, and people suddenly threw away a row of throwing knives when they were still in the air. The woman almost didn't move, she just turned her body slightly, and the flying knives were all shot into the air. I feel more and more that there is something wrong with this woman. She seemed to know all my actions in advance. Every action seemed to be planned in advance and demonstrated countless times. She felt that she could always find my blind spot in the attack, and then walked to me at a moderate pace. No matter how tired I was, I couldn’t attack her at all after hovered between life and death. If this is a battlefield reaction, my nerve reaction speed thousands of times faster than that of an ordinary person can't keep up with her reaction. Is she still a human being? If it were not for certain that India does not have a large company like our Longyuan, I would doubt that India is also developing human technology!

After she managed to get out of my throwing knife, I instantly landed on the ground in front of her, and I kicked my toes on the ground before the falling posture was finalized. With a bang, all the plank ground under my feet flew out, and my whole person flew at her at a terrifying speed. Just when we were about to bump into each other, I suddenly stretched my body and stretched out my arms, and my whole person spun in the air. The width of my arms extended and the cutting surface formed by the rotation, the damage area is not small, no matter how abnormal the woman reacts, her body speed cannot keep up, and she cannot retreat to the Safety Sector domain. However, the woman gave me another blow. She did not hide, but reached out with one hand and easily withstood my head. That's right. I do have high-speed rotation, but the center of rotation is almost stationary. And that is my head. She pressed one hand on my head and resisted my forward momentum, and then I felt a huge force pressing me to the ground. With a bang, I slammed directly into the ground and plowed a large ditch more than ten meters long before stopping.

"Fuck..." I am completely angry now. From birth to the first time I have encountered such a situation, even if I was defeated by the enemy, it was caused by people’s absolute strength being too much stronger than me. I thought that I did not lose anyone in terms of skills. The woman who thought it would be a lamb to be slaughtered lost her body completely, this stimulation is really too big. But my anger suddenly stopped as soon as it rose. As Dragon Clan, I have an advantage that no one else has, that is, my reason can fully control my emotions. I instantly realized that there seemed to be something wrong. "Fucking it!" I suddenly wondered what was wrong. The key to the problem lies in the woman's movements. Using the electronic modules in the brain to perform purely mechanical digital simulations will find that the woman's movements look right, but in fact it is impossible to do it unless her behavior is one step faster than me. , I had a reaction before I shot it, otherwise it would be too late. In fact, no one can Forecast Future simply, and there is a limit to guessing the opponent's actions. Impossible is so precise as this, and never uses a little bit of power. That simply cannot be done by humans. After excluding her superior probability, the only thing left is one possibility.

With my sudden awakening, the surrounding environment suddenly changed. I was standing next to the altar, and there was no big hole I had smashed and the ditch I swept out on the ground. My Familiars all lie down on the ground, the only exception is Princess. She was fighting on the ground with the white clothed woman I was fighting before, just because Princess itself is not a combat familiar, so now the fight between two people looks like a school girl fight, not a Life and Death Battle fight. The two people hugged each other and grabbed their hair and pulled their clothes. They didn't have any image at all.

If I can't figure out what happened after seeing the situation before me, then I might as well just buy a piece of tofu and shoot myself to death. Obviously, after I killed the monk, this woman used some kind of offensive skill similar to mental shock. Most of my familiars and I were recruited, and then we all fell into a dreamlike world. The reason why I couldn't beat that woman in the battle just now was not because of my skills, but because she was actually a character I created in my dreams. The previous mental shock obviously had a suggestive effect, which made us believe that she was invincible in that real dream, so her movements were always one step faster than me. It's not that she is really faster than me, but that the thinking created by my brain is to help her set the actions before starting to think about my own actions, so I can't catch up with her reaction no matter how fast. But fortunately, although most of us were recruited, there is still a Princess who is particularly good at spiritual charm among my familiars. That mental outburst brought down most of us, but failed to get Princess caught. Then Princess found that everyone had fallen, so she had to brace oneself to rush up to protect us. But the rest is more funny. When Princess rushed forward to protect everyone with her own life, she unexpectedly discovered that the woman was actually the same person as her. The mental skills are powerful enough to easily knock Divine Race down, but the physical combat is inferior to children. So there was a funny situation where all the powerful combatants near the altar were lying down, but two people who could not fight were PK.

"Skeet." The training space was summoned out by me, and Skeet and other ringtones Knight walked out of it one after another. Because they didn't come out before Summon, the Ringtone Knights escaped a catastrophe and were not brought down. Now it is time to let them out to help.

The other ringtones, Knight quickly separated and awakened the pet that was still in the dream, while Scot walked directly to Princess and the woman, grabbing the woman's back by the neck and lifting her up. . I don't know why, anyway, this woman's skills seem to be used only once, and it is also possible that the skills cool down for a long time and cannot be used continuously. In short, she did not use the skills again after being lifted up by Sgod. After the woman was caught, Princess was also helped by the ringtone Knight next to her. Princess, who has always been a support person, turned out to be a pioneer today, which is really a super reaction. But fortunately, apart from messing up the clothes and distribution, Princess didn't suffer much injury. It can be seen that the woman's battle strength also belongs to the kindergarten level.

Since the target has been captured, there is no need to stay here. After waking up the downed familiar, I started to prepare to evacuate, but when awakening the familiar, we also found an abnormal situation, that is, Zizhu Fairy also fainted. The skills of the woman just now are obviously indistinguishable, and the intensity is really terrifying. Zizhu Fairy is considered an expert even in Divine Race, and she will be overwhelmed by her mental shock. This discovery is really scary. But now is not the time to study this, I hurriedly withdrew the demon pet, holding the tied woman like rice dumplings in one hand and Zizhu Fairy in the other and left this dying model city through the tunnel.

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