"What's going on?" When I entered the settlement of the half-blood flower demon, what I saw was the corpses of the half-blood flower demon all over the floor and a large group of people who were carrying the corpses. Know the players, and there are big pits caused by explosions everywhere on the field, it looks like they have just fought a war!

A player hurried over to report the current situation after seeing me appearing. It turned out that a large group of Indian players came here after I went to the Wisdom Grass mission, and this time they came. People are not a fighting group, but a whole guild. The other party did not use our guild’s Transmission Formation. It seemed to have used some other method we didn’t know to reach the territory of Germany, and then began to slaughter the half-blood flower monsters. Thanks to the people in our guild who are responsible for collecting powder. Did not leave, although the player was killed in the end, he notified the other people in the guild anyway, and then our guild player ran here to block the Indian guild personnel who had just completed the massacre and a melee broke out. , But because there were not many people from our guild, and there was no battle formation between them in a hurry, the people in our guild were defeated instead, but somehow they killed more than half of the opponent’s people. Now the players here are all It came to deal with the scene later, and heard from them that it seems to be fighting again in another mixed-blood flower monster gathering place, but this time our guild has a lot of people, and It shouldn't be another disadvantage.

After knowing the situation, I quickly switched to the next mixed-blood flower monster gathering place. Although our guild’s population advantage should not be at a loss, I am still not at ease, at least I will go Can reduce the possibility of accidents.

When I arrived at the next mixed-blood flower monster gathering place, there was a lively fight here. There were almost three hundred players from our guild, and the other party had over one hundred, basically Three-to-one. Under such an advantage, those Indian players simply have no chance to fight back. It is almost a one-to-one slaughter. However, two people in the opposing crowd are obviously much stronger than those around them. Basically our guild players If you can't go through three moves against the two of them, you will be forced to retreat. If it is not for the number of people on our side, they will kill them.

I have encountered so many Indian players in the past two days. I found a problem, that is, there seems to be a fault in the battle strength of the Indians. Their players are either particularly strong or particularly weak, as if the middle link is missing. Like the two most able to fight in this group of people, one person can still have the upper hand with seven or eight of us. Although the remaining people are surrounded by three people, in fact only one person really fights. , The other two are purely next to audiences, but that's how the Indians are still battered and exhausted by people in our guild.

The two sides who saw me appearing on the battlefield immediately reacted differently. Among them, the Indian side was killed because of nervousness and mistakes in action. Several of them were immediately killed. Our morale was high. The Indians were even more embarrassed. In less than five minutes after I appeared on the battlefield, only the two strongest Indian players were left. I stretched out my hand to signal that the players in the guild who had besieged them retired.

"You should have seen the situation now, you are impossible to beat us. However, if you are willing to cooperate, I will consider letting you go."

"hmph, do you think this is reality? At worst, Level 1 is dropped. Do you really think we will succumb to Level 1?"

"That may not be the case. After all, what I want to know Maybe it doesn't matter?"

The two people looked at each other after hearing what I said, and then one of them said: "You can ask first, we will speak as we think we can. "

"I want to know how did you get here in Germany?" This question does not seem to be important, but in fact it is of great significance. India and Germany are not close. Usually there are only two ways to choose from India to Germany. One is to use our guild’s Transmission Formation system to send to Germany. This is the fastest, but it also costs the most, and it also has to be affected. Our guilds are restricted and are not allowed to carry contraband, and guilds or individuals who have a hostile relationship with us cannot use it. Another way is to take a boat. This is the easiest and the cost is moderate, but the time is a bit long, it takes about a day or two. This has to be a very fast boat. It is possible for a normal passenger boat to run for a week. In addition to these two, there are two other methods. One is to walk on the road, but this is generally not a choice, because one is too slow, and the other is that the barrier zone on the border is not so easy to traverse. Otherwise, people coming and people going will be messed up between countries. Another method is to fly over directly. Of course, this condition is too harsh and not many people can do it. These Indians obviously came to prevent me from collecting the powder of the mixed-blood flower monsters, but I only received this task for two days. Then these Indians are absolutely impossible to come by boat, because even if this happened, they would If you pick up the task right away, you won't be able to keep up. The only means of transportation that can really catch up are Transmission Formation and flying, but because of the previous Indians, we have temporarily banned the service to Indian players, which means that they are impossible to take our Transmission Formation. They came here, but if they flew here, this seems even more unreliable. If all of the above plans are rejected, then it can only be said that they rushed to India in a short period of time using a method we don't know. This is not a trivial matter.

The two people who heard my question did not answer immediately, but whispered to me for a while, and then said to me: "We decided to tell you the answer, but you must promise to let us go Leave."

I am nodded, but at that moment I saw the tricky expression on the other side's face, so I did not hesitate to apply for a system guarantee agreement and dictate the contents of the agreement. The content of the agreement is very simple, that is, the other party promises to tell me the true method of arriving in Germany, and I am responsible for sending them back to India safely, during which time I shall not actively harm them in any way.

When I heard the agreement, the other party’s face was immediately wrong, and then they didn’t wait for me to open the agreement to them to take effect, and they took the initiative to rush towards me and launch a surprise attack. Obviously they didn’t plan at all. Tell me the truth, but the system protocol has lie detection and automatic fairness capabilities, so they couldn't pass the system protocol's approval and had to launch a surprise attack.

"Idiots!" The two Indians flew back at a faster speed than when they rushed over. Although they are not bad compared to the average players, they are far worse than me. . If they understand my fighting style, they should know that there is no benefit to being close to me.

After killing the last two Indian players, I hurriedly asked the players in the guild here to help collect the powder of the half-blood flower fairy. The Celestial Court is still waiting for this thing to help!

Due to the short period of time, the amount of powder collected is very low. I ran through all the mixed-blood flower fairy gathering places that had already distributed the collection device and only collected a melon as big as a melon. Xiaobao, it's simply pitiful, but now there is no other way, let's make do with how much you have!

When I returned to Celestial Court with the powder, it was a lot more chaotic than when I left. The Heavenly Soldier carried the Divine Immortal, who was unconscious due to overuse of mana, in and out. The fairies took various restorative supplements to replenish the strength of Divine Immortal who could still persist. As soon as Supreme Taoist saw me, he asked anxiously: "How much did you collect?"

I showed the small bag in my hand. "A few of these! Damn Buddhism sent a group of people to make trouble after I left, or the output can increase by at least 50%!" Supreme Taoist shook helplessly after listening to it. the head. "Forget it, I'll take these to dispense the medicine first, so I can save each one!"

After the Supreme Taoist went to dispense the medicine, I also left Celestial Court immediately, because the half-blood bantams don’t have collection devices. , So the output is so low, I have to send the newly built collection device in Steel City to the mixed-blood flower fairy gathering place in Germany and France. In fact, I didn't go there personally, but asked Qilin warrior to help deliver the goods. I only manage the dispatching, so the efficiency is much faster. After sending all the products from Gangcheng, I returned to Celestial Court with a ball of powder the size of table tennis I just collected.

As soon as I walked to the middle of Celestial Court, I saw Supreme Taoist hurriedly running from behind, still holding six dark green pills in his hand. "This is the medicine to break the connection between Avatar and Main Primordial Spirit?"

Supreme Taoist nodded ran past me. I knew I was in a hurry, so I didn’t call him, but ran. The past grabbed him and jumped up, the flying bird suddenly appeared under us, and then suddenly accelerated towards the sky blue palace.

The legendary Divine Immortal all set up colorful clouds for a long time, but the Divine Immortal in "Zero" seems to be not so good, at least without the teleport spell, they are in pure movement speed. It's still not as fast as me. We rode the flying bird for a few seconds and rushed into the Azure Palace. When I came here before, I didn't enter the core area, but now I found that the situation inside was much worse than the outside, but it was not Divine Immortal, but the Avatars of Buddhism. I saw that those guys were chained to the ground by chains made of divine iron with thick wrists, and the chains were covered with charms. There was really a circle of Divine Immortal beside them. Everyone took their own Magical Artifact and shot various rays of light and irradiated them on Buddhism people, but even so, those Buddhism people are still suffering from drug addiction. The drug addicts wailed and twisted desperately on the ground. Some people even arched their entire bodies back like a bridge because of violent convulsions. Looking at the high blood vessels on their bodies, you know how much pain they endure now. I now understand what the Arctic Star Monarch said. The power of the law is really strong terrifying. One is in China and the other is in India. There is such a strong effect after such a distance. If the general spell is estimated, even the signal will not be available.

As soon as Supreme Taoist jumped off Asuka and ran over with Immortal Pill, he just stopped in front of the crowd. Who do so many people want to eat first? Save the strongest first? But in that case, some people will definitely not be saved. Save the most dangerous first? What if something goes wrong with the strongest person?

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