After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly realized that basically all the creatures in this ghost place can be called insect, no matter it is my candle bee or the ghost Spirit Armor insect, they all belong to the insect. category. I guess the reason why the monster didn't attack them was because they regarded them as the aboriginals here, so they didn't attack them.

"Damn, I knew why it cost such a major event?" Under my command, the Spirit Armor and the candle bee worked closely together, and as expected, I got the one on the guy's head smoothly. The petals of the wisdom grass. That thing was extremely fierce when it dealt with me just now. Didn't expect it was exactly like a piece of wood when there were only candle bees and ghost worms, and it completed the task smoothly. "Let's go!" After collecting the petals of the wisdom grass, I greeted the demons and prepared to flash people. Who knows that the remaining Indian players are still planning to grab martial power. It's a pity that these guys are now powerless to defend himself, don't Say robbed, even chasing me is impossible to do. I'm rushing to hand in the task now, so I don't waste time with them, and I just put away the demon pet and replaced it with the flying bird at a high speed to escape from this terrifying swamp.

When I returned to Isengard, it was almost night, but I couldn’t control the time. I sent it directly to Celestial Court. Who knew that when I got out of the South Heaven Gate’s Transmission Formation, I found out A large group of heavenly soldiers ran around there, inside and outside, without knowing what they were doing.

"hey hey hey..." I grabbed a heavenly soldier who passed by me and asked: "What the hell is going on? You are all flying around like flies without heads?"


"Ah! It's President Purple Moon!" The heavenly soldier was also very happy after seeing me, and then quickly said: "We have a major event here. I can't tell a few sentences, you still Hurry up and go to the Azure Palace! The Jade Emperor and the Third Squad Great Immortal are there!"

I know I can’t ask anything if I hold a heavenly soldier, so I just let him go after listening to him. Run to the Azure Palace. Along the way, I wondered why the Divine Immortal gang in Celestial Court were not staying in the Lingxiao Hall, but they wanted to run to the Azure Hall? It is said that the Lingxiao Hall was the place where the Jade Emperor handled Celestial Court matters, and the Sky Blue Hall was actually more like a Celestial Court prison, but the name was more elegant.

I ran all the way to the Azure Palace and found that Divine Immortal was constantly on the road. Many of them were carried by the heavenly soldiers, but they didn’t find any wounds on their bodies. They looked good. It is caused by excessive use of mana. Regardless of these Divine Immortal, I continued to run forward and soon arrived at the Azure Palace. There is a large square outside the great hall that was originally used for military training, but now it looks like a battlefield hospital. Groups of Divine Immortal were carried out of the great hall and then placed in this square. There are a few who are good at it. The medical Divine Immortal examined these people one by one like a doctor, and then divided some of them out for the heavenly soldiers to carry away, and the rest was arranged to meditate on the futon in the square. I didn't know what they were doing, so I walked directly into the great hall. As long as you find the bosses of Celestial Court, you can ask anything.

After entering the great hall, I felt that the situation in front of me had changed tremendously. The Foundation Establishment of Celestial Court originally used the space type spell, so the volume of the general house has nothing to do with the apparent size of the outside. From the outside, the Tianqing Temple looked more than a thousand square meters, but after entering, what you saw was a huge complex of buildings, which could be said to be a small town.

"Purple Moon, why are you back?" A familiar voice suddenly rang next to me. I turned my head and saw that the North Pole Star Monarch was leaning against a pillar and meditating there. Woolen cloth. There are many futons beside him. On each futon is a Divine Immortal sitting there to meditate, but I only know the North Pole Star Monarch, so I only nodded to him.

"How did you do this?"

"Not all the Buddhism guys are causing trouble!"

"Buddhism? They come Offensive?"

"Offensive? Rely on them?" The Arctic Star Monarch said unconvincedly: "Even if the Celestial Court does not drive out Buddhism on the land of China, Buddhism can only be compatible with We are only in a tie. It is a dream to say that what hurts us is basically a dream. Besides, now the Celestial Court has driven Buddhism out of China. Without the help of the power of the veins here, their strength is declining. Very difficult to deal with , How could this make us like this?"

"Then you are...?"

"It is the Avatar of Buddhism!" Arctic Star Monarch said: "Also I don’t know how to do it, the buddhism’s real bodies suddenly used a secret method to forcefully integrate the reborn Avatar, but the Tathagata reborn Avatar is already quite powerful. As a result, the forceful fusion progresses slowly, and he insists on letting him support the run. Come to report to us, and then we dispatched all the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court to help suppress the force of forcible fusion, but this power of fusion uses Law Power. It is very difficult for us to suppress them by our mana alone. The result is what you see!"

"Can the born-born Avatar be forcibly integrated?"

"Yes, the born-born Avatar can not only be forcibly integrated, but also can assist in cultivation. In fact, this reborn Avatar of Buddhism is more similar to the Avatar cultivation method of our Taoism, but Buddhism has modified it in many places, and even the purpose is changed. Our Taoism has a kind of Avatar cultivation method, which is divided from our own Primordial Spirit Create one or several Avatars, and then let the Avatars go to battle or cultivation and absorb the energy of Heaven and Earth. Because they are individuals separated from the Main Primordial Spirit, these Avatars are exactly the same as the Main Primordial Spirit in terms of aptitude and innate talent. In other words, every Avatar has a Main Primord The cultivation speed of ial Spirit. "

"Damn! Isn’t that equal to how many times the cultivation speed can be achieved by dividing the number of Avatars? "

"It's not so exaggerated, but it's probably what it means. After the Avatar has been independently cultivated for a period of time, the Main Primordial Spirit can use the secret technique to forcibly recover it. Then, after the Avatar is fused with the Main Primordial Spirit, the Main Primordial Spirit can obtain the power from the Avatar cultivation, but this process has a certain loss, and It's not that the Avatar can get as much as the Main Primordial Spirit absorbed. However, this is finally much faster than independent cultivation alone, and if there are enough Avatars, it can even increase the cultivation speed hundreds of times. "

"Damn, this isn't this too ridiculous? "

"Exaggeration is not exaggeration. Because that is theoretical data, the real situation is that after the separation of the Primordial Spirit, whether it is the Main Primordial Spirit or the Avatar, its soul will become quite fragile, and sometimes a certain Avatar will completely inherit certain characteristics from the Main Primordial Spirit. , Which means that Avatar has taken away some of the characteristics of the Main Primordial Spirit. For example, a Fellow Daoist of mine, he used this method, and the Avatar brought out his feelings after being separated, and then the Avatar became particularly sentimental, and his Main Primordial Spirit was completely lost. Feelings, in the end he lost his survival goal because of his behavior too rational, and finally became a part of Heavenly Dao. So using this method of Avatar is actually quite dangerous, and it does not mean that you can continue to divide without limit. The Avatar must have a certain strength to drive the body, and the Main Primordial Spirit must surpass the Avatar if it is not subject to Avatar reverse devouring, so no matter how it is divided, the Main Primordial Spirit only needs to retain more than 50% of the Primordial Spirit. Because the Primordial Spirit will be strengthened by the Avatar during the cultivation process, for the sake of safety, the cultivator usually only dares to use less than 30% of the Primordial Spirit to make the Avatar, and this 30% is not used on an Avatar. However, the strength of a person’s Primordial Spirit is always limited. Even if it is strengthened after the cultivation, it is impossible to increase without limitation. Therefore, only 30% of the Primordial Spirit can be used to make the Avatar, and the minimum Primordial Spirit value of the Avatar must be guaranteed. The number of Avatars manufactured is actually quite limited. With the strength of Buddhism Primordial Spirit's strongest Tathagata, I estimate that at most three to five Avatars can be produced. "

"Oh, so that's how it is. Putting it that way Now if Tathagata absorbs this from our side, wouldn't his strength suddenly increase a lot? "

"Yes! That's why we tried so hard not to let him absorb success! "

"But why is Tathagata so good at absorbing Avatar?" Can't so many of you be suppressed? "

The Arctic Star Monarch paused and said: "Not all is the Tathagata. In fact, everyone in Buddhism is using secret methods to recover their Avatar at the same time, so we are so embarrassed. Moreover, Avatar and Main Primordial Spirit are originally one. Once the secret method is used to restore it, it is equivalent to conforming to Heavenly Dao. Therefore, the power of this fusion is extremely powerful. While suppressing the mana of Buddhist members, we are still At the same time fighting against Heavenly Dao, that's why it was so hard. But Buddhism should not be better. After all, absorbing Avatars and fusion should normally be done face-to-face within a relatively close distance. They are so far away to absorb themselves are very limited, otherwise we rely on people like us. I want to compete with Heavenly Dao, which is basically similar to courting death. "

After listening to the Arctic Star Monarch's explanation, I suddenly thought of my mission. "By the way, doesn't the Tathagata Avatar have a way to break this connection?" Have you all prepared the materials? "

"Yes! "The North Pole Star Monarch suddenly remembered something, jumped up and grabbed my arm and asked: "I heard that there were two things missing in the end, didn't you look for it?" Did you bring things back? "

"I brought the Wisdom Grass back. The powder that the mixed-blood flower fairy shed has already been collected, but for the time being, I am not sure how many. "

"Send us how many! We are all like this, you first send some points to unlink a few Avatars. At least we can spare more people to work on shifts! "

"That's what I said, I'll do it right away. "

Since the situation is so urgent, I can’t do it slowly. I rushed into the core area of ​​the Azure Palace and handed the Wisdom Grass to the Supreme Taoist. Before he could question, I just said the North Pole. Star Monarch's proposal, and then he hurriedly urged me to get the powder of the mixed-blood flower fairy. I had to go to Europe again to get the powder. Who knew that I was in trouble when I arrived at the first settlement of the mixed-blood flower fairy!

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