The Brahma had already been moved by the Tathagata, but I suddenly interjected them and immediately calmed them down. Of course, they don’t think I’m right. They just think about it. Now they don’t have any direct conflict with me, and Buddhism has to fight me anyway, so they can sit atop a mountain to watch the temporarily. Tigers fight, there is no need to participate in the war by yourself. The profit of sitting on the fisherman is more cost-effective than hunting by yourself. With such a plot against, Brahma immediately gave up his plan to besiege me.

"Sakyamuni, if you think that something will threaten your safety, just grab it yourself, at worst, we won’t bother you today." Although we didn’t directly participate in dealing with it. In my actions, Brahma is not a good thing either. He said that not playing Buddhism is equivalent to letting Buddhism free up to beat me. Originally, I planned to watch them and Buddhism play their lives, but in a blink of an eye they turned to look at me and Buddhism is dead! I'm not stupid, even if I want to fight Buddhism, it's definitely not now.

"Aiya, I don’t think you guys should be modest. I’ll leave first. What should you do? I’m not here to accompany you." After I said, suddenly there was a teleportation halo under me, Buddhism and The Hindu gang wanted to come up and intercept them when they saw it, but unfortunately they are now suppressed by my Spirit Bead, unable to exert their previous strength at all. Before they rushed out two steps, I had disappeared in place. My teleportation ring can not only be used as a Transmission Scroll with unlimited targets, but it also has a faster activation speed than a scroll. Basically, as long as it is not standing next to the enemy, it can easily run away.

Although I sent it away, I won’t let this matter go easily. Those slickers want to plot against me, why don't I want to plot against them? So although I was teleported to a nearby city, the rose vine was left in place by me. After lurking underground into the nearby vegetation, the rose vine quietly stretched out a tentacle with a crystal head to the ground to observe the situation, and I left the city to reach the Great Thunder Sound Temple outer circle area and found a secluded one. The place was hidden and concentrated on watching the live broadcast of Rose Vine. Although the rose vine is not very powerful in terms of battle strength, it is better than most of my familiars for some special tasks, especially for things like latent reconnaissance. Although the rose vine is my favorite, it is still a plant in the final analysis, as long as it is hidden in the plant pile, no one can find it. What can be safer than hiding a tree in the forest?

In fact, I left not only rose vines at the scene, but also a few ghost worms. The rose vine is responsible for video transmission, while the ghost worm is responsible for collecting sound signals. I can see the picture and hear the sound here.

"The troublemaker has gone, Gautama, shouldn't our business be forgotten?" Brahma found out that the consequences of my leaving, but he was thinking about the Tathagata again, if not interrupted by me After a while, they should have started fighting by now.

When I heard Brahma’s words, the Tathagata immediately went back without showing any weakness. The two sides almost broke up before, although I interrupted it, but now it’s back to that with swords drawn The atmosphere of and bows bent is also exceptionally fast. The two sides quickly upgraded to real guns and swords, and the two gangs quickly formed a ball. Because without my suppression, the battle strengths on both sides returned to normal values, and Spiritual God fights, the formidable power is absolutely terrifying. I saw the Tathagata casually pointing, a golden light shot out, Brahma's side light beam rubbed his body and flew past, and then swept away a high mountain behind Brahma. As a counterattack, Brahma also raised his hand and threw something that looked like a snake and a rope. After the thing flew over, the Tathagata only stretched out with one hand. A light curtain suddenly appeared to block the thing, but the thing was blocked. Bounced elsewhere and destroyed a large swath of low-level Spiritual God and players.

The familiars who were watching the live broadcast with me saw this battle scene and felt that Spiritual God’s attack formidable power was great, but Ling said from the side: “It seems that as long as the master holds the Spirit Spirit Bead, these so-called great gods are simply not a concern."

"Why?" Xiaochun asked inexplicably.

Ling said seriously: "Don't be frightened by the superficial phenomena. You just saw the attacks of Spiritual God's formidable power incomparable gigantic, have you noticed their actions? These guys are in addition to absolute power. In addition to being much stronger than us, it is almost zero in terms of fighting skills. As long as we have Feng Spirit Bead in hand, their power is only at the level of an ordinary person. Do you think that an ordinary person without fighting skills is our opponent Is it?"

When Ling said that Spiritual God was not a cause for concern, I actually thought of the weakness of Spiritual God, but now I understand it more thoroughly after Ling said that. "I said, why did they react so much after discovering the strength of Spirit Bead before? It turns out that the key problem is here!"

The battle strength of Spiritual Gods of various countries in "Zero" is not even, but The spiritual power of a powerful country is all on the same level, but this one is recognized. The Indian Spiritual God and the Chinese Spiritual God have similar battle strengths under normal circumstances. The Hong Jun Sect Lord of China may not be much stronger than Brahma or Tathagata, but there is a hidden attribute, that is, fighting skills. Although the battle strength of Tathagata may be similar to Hong Jun, once the divine force part is removed and the two fight together, Tathagata is definitely not Hong Jun’s opponent. This is the real difference between Spiritual Gods of various countries. The more the god of small fruit, the weaker its basic battle strength, and the more unbearable it will be without the divine force. Although India's land area is not small, its strength can still only be ranked among the ranks of second-tier countries. Its Spiritual God has a clear gap compared with the Spiritual God of powerful countries such as China, the United States, and Russia.

I was scared to leave before. Now that I found that those Spiritual Gods were far less terrifying than I thought, my heart started to figure it out. Anyway, they have already fought on both sides. If I show up again, I guess they won't be able to stop if I want to stop. If I can take the opportunity to kill one or two Indian Spiritual Gods... I don't know how much EXP can have? After thinking of killing a Spiritual God's possible EXP, I can't sit still. Even if it's dangerous, it's worth taking a risk for a Spiritual God's EXP.

When I ran back to the battlefield, those Spiritual Gods who were present immediately noticed my arrival. There is no way, although Spirit Bead can suppress the divine force, the energy characteristics of this thing itself are also extremely peculiar. I stood there like a beacon in the dark, even if I was invisible, it was useless. However, even though the Spiritual God present had noticed this situation, no one rushed over. Before the two sides had officially started their hands, they could of course attack me first. Now both sides have handed over. If anyone suddenly pulls hands in the middle, it is purely courting death, so even if they find out that I reappear, no one has time to take care of me. .

They don’t care if I happen to be in line with my ideas, so I swaggered to the vicinity of the battlefield. Not far in front of me, there were a few Hindu Spiritual Gods and a few Buddhist guardians. Fighting, two of them were even less than twenty meters away from me, and this distance was almost the same for me.

I saw the chance that a Buddhist Vajra Protector was hit by the Hindu Spiritual God on the opposite side. I suddenly jumped up from where I was just standing, and stabbed the Vajra Protector with a sword in the air. . Unlike the boss-level Spiritual Gods like Tathagata and Brahma, the individual combat skills of this Vajra Protector are actually better than those of the bosses. After discovering my sneak attack, he just twisted in the air and wanted to block with the Vajra Devil Subduing Pestle in his hand. My eternal sword, it’s a pity that although the Vajra Devil Subduing Pestle in his hand is a Divine Item, he ran into the eternal sword of the Divine Item destroying attribute, and only heard a ding. The Vajra Devil Subduing Pestle was broken by everything. Unabated, he cut directly to the neck of the Vajra Protector. Vajra Protector saw this situation and quickly picked up the protective body, but the Eternal Sword is not an ordinary soldier. The Dharma Protector’s gold body can block general swords and arrows. It can be slightly harder than the cowhide when it encounters Eternal Purity, even though the resistance is relatively high. It's big, but I still cut in with this sword, and instantly cut off the shoulder of the Vajra Protector.

The injured Vajra Protector lost an arm and did not shout. As soon as he landed, he rushed to the back of the crowd, but I did not catch up, but took two steps forward. I inserted the eternity in my hand into the trembling broken arm on the ground, and saw the golden light on the arm that had just been chopped off, disappearing in order at the speed visible by naked eye, when the whole arm changed. After the normal color, it immediately began to shrink, and soon there was only a broken arm that seemed to be cut from a thousand-year-old corpse, and my eternal sword now had an extra layer of golden rays of light.

"I really didn't expect Spiritual God's blood can be used to strengthen weapons!" I am looking at the Spiritual Gods present now. They are not gods anymore, but are walking pockets. It’s said that the corpse of giant dragon is very valuable. I think the corpse of Spiritual God is really valuable. For the average player, the blood that can strengthen the weapon is the thing of year for something even in dreams, as long as I can collect more and return it. Selling is definitely a big profit. Thinking of this, my eyes started to glow with a green light gradually, and my saliva almost flowed down. The Buddhism Vajra Protector, who saw my partner being chopped by me, originally wanted to come up and avenge my partner, but now I looked back in shock. Is this the way ordinary people look up to Spiritual God? Is this clearly the look in the eyes of the pervert who saw the flower girl! The Vajra Protector's original anger and courage after seeing this look were all frightened. His body was still numb from his back to his scalp, as if he had been electrified. If it weren’t for a large group of colleagues nearby, he would almost run away. NS. However, if he doesn't run, it doesn't mean that I can't chase him. When he was in a daze, I rushed up with green eyes, and while dripping saliva in my mouth, I shouted excitedly: "Wow hahahaha...Fat sheep don't run!"

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